Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Anniversary of Marisa's vows

13th may 2023

Anniversary of Marisa's vows

On the anniversary of Marisa's consecration to God by issuing the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty, our community celebrates the feast of consecrated souls. Marisa has always remained faithful to his vows and embraced the cross for the realization of God's plans, as Our Lady said: “Jesus took in his heart your dedication and your votes and has accepted them and you know how many trials, how many tribulations you endured. Despite your grumbling, you never said no to Jesus the Eucharist and even today, decades after the issuance of the votes, you don't say no to Him. Live your votes with simplicity and humility. In the eyes of the other people you may be a little person, but they do not know that by the consecration and vows to Jesus you have become great in his eyes and of those who know how to love “(Letter of God, May 12, 1999).

Marisa, who was beloved by God with a special love, has always demonstrated joy and a deep desire to give her life to her All in a simple and humble way, as only a beautiful and pure soul like her could do; the total fidelity to the votes accounted for Marisa a deep union with her All; she gave to God everything that belonged to her and she could, because the only good she felt being in need was God. “God has loved her since she was in her mother's womb, chose her and made her his. When a soul belongs to God belongs to Him only, she is all his and doesn't belong to any man on Earth; she owes obedience only to her spiritual director. Your sister offers all her suffering every day and night for the conversion of men of the Earth, for the conversion of all those who feel big and powerful and for your resurrection “. (Letter of God, January 15, 2004)

Marisa is a great and authentic example for all consecrated souls, because the more a consecrated soul lives an intimate and deep union with God, stripping herself of the things of the world and growing in grace through the sacraments, charity, sacrifice and prayer , the more she becomes in the eyes of the Lord a docile instrument of salvation in His hands.