Letters of God
This section contains all the messages that the Mother of the Eucharist brought via the seer Marisa Rossi. The Bishop Claudio Gatti used to call the messages "letters of God", as Our lady liked to call herself "God’s little postwoman" for it is God the source, the author of the letters brought by Our Lady for all mankind. The letters of God have been brought to us not only by Our Lady, but also by Jesus, God the Holy Spirit, St. Joseph and, in some instances, from God the Father himself and they would show to Marisa during the apparition.
During the apparitions we did not see or hear Our Lady, but we would hear through Marisa’s voice what Our Lady was saying. The letters of God have been faithfully transcribed from the recorder, making only those corrections required to remove repetitions due to the spoken, instead of a written language. The simplicity of the words fully corresponds, in our opinion, to the desire to make the concepts perfectly clear to all and often repeated to highlight, among other things, this or that problem to have to heart.
God's messages are translated by a member of the community, who is not a professional translator. H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti has recognized the supernatural origin of the apparitions (Decree of 9/14/2000), but he has given the ecclesiastical approval only to the messages in italian, because he is not responsible for errors involuntarily made by the translator.