Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles


First learn how to love, then pray

Hail Mary, sweet Mother of the Eucharist. With sorrow and much love, You have given us your son Jesus while hanging from the Cross.

This prayer was dictated to Marisa by Jesus. (9th March 1990)

Jesus, my sweet Master, I love you so much,help me to be like you want me to be. I am so small and poor,but You, Jesus, who are my Master, can help me, you must help me to convert.

This prayer was dictated to Marisa by Our Lady (13th May 19899).

O Almighty God,accept this servant of yours, let him be always yours, let him always offer a powerful witness

This prayer was dictated to Marisa by Our Lady. (9th March 1993)

Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, precious gem of God, shining pearl of the sky and the earth, co-redemptrix of mankind,...

Marisa Rossi

Angel Gabriel announces to Virgin Mary, bride full of grace, what she already knew: God had chosen her since eternity to become the Mother of the Word. ...

Text elaborated by the bishop Claudio Gatti and the visionary Marisa Rossi

Favourite daughter of God the Father. - Pray with us. Ever virgin Mother of God the Son. Mother by action of the Holy Spirit.

Formulated by the Bishop Claudio Gatti.

This Via Crucis was preached by Don Claudio in Lourdes on October 12, 1991 during a pilgrimage made by some members of the community. In the same circumstance and exactly on October 14, 1991 Marisa began to write "from dictation" the life of the Mother of the Eucharist.

Formulated by the Bishop Claudio Gatti

This novena has been composed in a particularly sorrowful moment of our life. We have always had a great love and a particular predilection towards St. Joseph; both of them have been trasmitted to us by Our Lady. The purest bride expressed her thanks for this novena in his chastest spouse’s honour and she manifested the wish that it was published before the book of her life, in order to allow us to know and love the one who had the privilege and the responsibility of being called "father" by the Son of God. St. Joseph himself manifested his thanks in the message he gave on March 19, 1994.

Formulated by the Bishop Claudio Gatti

Prayer to St. Joseph St. Joseph, we invoke you because you are the Caretaker of the Eucharist, the Protector of the Church and the Patron of the world...

This prayer was composed by the extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist of the community and was approved by H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti.

God Daddy, God Brother, God Friend, God One and Three, we recommend to you your Church, scourged by dangerous storms. We know that it will never collapse, because You support it, as You promised, by your grace, you power and love. Unfortunately, before our eyes is present a sad reality: the ship that You entrusted to the apostles and to their successors has leaks in the hold and the sails lacerated by opposite winds.

Formulated by the Bishop Claudio Gatti

My God,I believe you are One in nature, Equal in divinity, Three Persons, present in the Eucharist. In front of You, God One and Three, I bow down in adoration and acknowledge you as my Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier...

(1) To undertake to respect the Commandments of God and the precepts of the Church.
(2) To attend Holy Mass every day, if possible, and receive Holy Communion or visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament or make a spiritual Communion at home.
(3) To go to Holy Confession regularly and immediately if there is need.
(4) To read and get to know the Word of God, at least the Gospels.

This novena has been drafted by Bishop Claudio Gatti, in preparation for the feast of the Immaculate Conception in 2000, as a study, meditation and prayer. For this reason, our Bishop has guided us in the reading of Chapter VIII of the Lumen Gentium Constitution of the II Vatican Council, explaining Our Lady’s stature and mission. In this way, the Bishop wanted us to add to the Word and the letters of God, a knowledge, albeit partial, of the main documents of the Church

"…I have come for the closing of the novena and I have heard the whole words the priest pronounced. He gave you the knowledge and made you love more Mary, Joseph and the little Jesus. He also made emerge the profiles of Elisabeth and Zachary, the characters who, in these days, are the most appearing ones in the Gospel story. The Mother thanks you for that all you have done during this Holy Novena: prayers, sacrifices, small privations and food abstinence…" (Letter of God, 23rd December 1998).

God, Father of all men, You, who are infinite love and supreme truth, welcome our prayer. The poor faithfully addresses You, the widow and the orphan address You to have justice.

This prayer was approved by H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti.