Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Anniversary of the departure of His Excellency Monsignor Claudio Gatti

On December 6, 2024 we recall the anniversary of the departure of His Excellency Monsignor Claudio Gatti, Bishop ordained by God. All those who had the good fortune to know him and be close to him, were able to see, taste and realize his particular and very strong love for the Eucharist. His entire life was an incessant prayer to make souls grow in the life of grace and in the love for Jesus the Eucharist and for the Mother of the Eucharist.

Spiritual father, confessor, doctor, nurse, counselor, friend, teacher of life, example of courage and total dedication. These are just some of the expressions that come to mind to describe that part of his magnificent existence to which we have been fortunate to participate. From that day we feel a great void without his physical presence, but at the same time we also feel his spiritual presence.

Our Bishop, His Excellency Monsignor Claudio Gatti, from Paradise together with our sister Marisa intercede for the Church, for our community and for the world. Through the grace of God we do not feel abandoned, but we try to put into practice all the teachings received and to continue to carry on a testimony of faith, of unwavering love for the Eucharist and for the Mother of the Eucharist.

Here are some thoughts of our beloved Bishop: "You know how to walk with Christ towards Heaven, dear ones, you are children of light, you are of the day, therefore you do not belong to darkness, to evil and to sin, which lead to detachment from God. We belong to the light and then we continue to do good works, which always increase grace, because the more we have grace, the more we can have light for ourselves and for others. (...) Each of you must be light, a lighthouse within this community and your families; just a little light is enough to light up a room and all those who occupy it. If you keep the commitment to be light, sooner or later those who are close to you will recognize the good examples and the testimony you give and so they too will follow Christ". (From the homily of H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti of November 16, 2008)