Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe
Sunday, 24th November 2024
"I wish all men to be uncrowned kings, without power or wealth to enjoy the real life. It's good to be king, but you must live in honesty, sincerity, humility. I wish you to be all kings like me, because the love you have for the Eucharist is great and that's what counts " (Letter of God, 26th November 2000).
On Sunday, November 24, 2024, we celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Jesus Sweet Master is the Good Shepherd who sacrificed Himself to save all men. He did not come to Earth to be served, but to serve the people and free them from the bondage of sin. Jesus chose the glorious throne of the Cross as a sign of his kingship and we should be infinitely grateful to Him, because he gave all of Himself to us and we should try to imitate Him by placing ourselves at the service of our brothers.
In the letter of God of November 20, 2005, Jesus told us: "My dear children, what your sister said is the truth. I wore the crown of thorns, I bled from all sides and then went to the Father, who proclaimed me Christ the King, but I didn’t want to wear the crown, as do many people, especially the kings, who care a lot to the crown. I didn’t want to put the crown, I tried in every way to give my heart, my heart. To me it is much more important to take off the crown and give my heart to everyone".
Christ is the eternal leader of the whole Church. He is the King of the militant Church made up of the community of the baptized who live in a state of grace on Earth; the Lord gives them assistance helping in the fight against sin to the point that He will destroy all human authorities and evil that oppose Him.
Christ is the King of the Purging Church, made up of those who died in the grace of God, but they still have a debt to atone for committed sins.
Finally, Christ is the King of the Triumphant Church, the only one that will remain even after the final judgment. With the judgment of God and the resurrection of the body, even the last enemy, death, will have been destroyed, and those who died in a state of grace will rise again in all their beauty. The resurrection of the body will concern everyone, even the damned, but they will be horrifyingly ugly. At that point the Militant Church will no longer exist and therefore there will be no reason that Christ is the fighting Messiah. Jesus will hand over the kingdom to the Father and will be placed at his right hand, as the Son of God, before whom all Paradise, in its reality of community and Triumphant Church, will bow.
In this view attributing to Christ the common regal insignia, the throne, the scepter and the crown, means diminishing his greatness of King
Jesus surprises us because his mode of acting is completely opposite to that of men. They love emerging and throughout history imposed themselves on the others. Sometimes even by force they proclaimed themselves kings and emperors, claiming all the regalia typical of those who reign over the people. "Jesus, however, does not feel to be king like the kings of Earth, but feels like a father, son, brother" (Letter of God, November 24, 1996). He does not want the regal insignia: being God since eternity, He sits on an infinitely glorious throne; through his incarnation He chose thrones which are not approved by men; the last and most important over time, is the throne of the cross, in fact, He said: "When I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw all men to me". This throne, which according to the mentality of men was the most humiliating that could be offered to the condemned, exalts God, because it indicates his sovereignty.
Christ the King comes to us showing the signs of his passion, these are the signs of his kingship, glorious trophies and signs of victory. If we are going to bow before him saying as St. Thomas: "My Lord and my God", then we will be confirmed in the dignity of being children of God and members of the Mystical Body.
If we grow in grace, we will be more and more like Jesus, and then we also will be kings, as Our Lady said: "Do you remember when Jesus said: "I am the King, but without a crown"? We are not used to wear the crown. It's not the crown that makes us kings, but the heart and soul; all that is right, that is chaste, that is pure makes us kings and queens; so you too can achieve the kingship. Be perfect before God. You will say that only God is perfect. True, but the man can become, not at the level of God, perfect for his charity, for his goodness, for his patience, if he has a clean soul and always lives in a state of grace" (Letter of God, November 12, 2006).