Text of the Eucharistic adoration of April 13, 2014
Palm Sunday
Today, Palm Sunday, we celebrate your messianic coming, Jesus, in Jerusalem; a lot of excited people rushed with palms and olive branches in their hands and acclaimed shouting: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!" (Jn 12:13), showing to love and recognizing you as true King and Savior.
You, Jesus, surprise us and leave us stunned because your thinking and your actions are completely opposite to those of us men. Throughout history, kings and generals, when returning victorious, would ride triumphantly through the streets on wonderful chariots, flaunting the conquered wealth and showing the insignia of subdued peoples.
You, Jesus, instead of getting on the most beautiful and charming chariot of the world, went up on the cross. According to human mentality, this was the most awful punishment one could endure; historically, the Romans would punish bandits and rebel slaves with this execution. Instead, You Jesus have chosen it as your throne: "And I, When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself" (Jn 12:32). You, king without crown, come to meet our miseries, our meanness; You offered your suffering for the conversion of each and every one of us and, as it was explained many times by our Bishop, every man cost You all the suffering You endured during Your life and Your passion.
In September 1998, during the prayer vigil for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, You gave us a strong and moving message: "I am thirsty, my dear children, I thirst for love, peace, forgiveness; I thirst for suffering, I thirst for you, I thirst for you here before me. Jesus is on the cross, but it is a triumphant cross, a cross of joy, of love; for this I thirst for you. Give me to drink! I thirst for you, I thirst for my dear beloved priests who are afraid to come and worship me because they do not believe that I am present here. I thirst for my brides, I thirst for all the seers and not all of them answer my call; I thirst for committed lay people who say a lot of words just to speak, but do not know how to love and I Jesus thirst for love, I thirst for you."
Well, today each of us wants to shout a true and lasting Hosanna along with all the Heaven, especially to our Bishop and our sister Marisa, "Dressed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands" (Rev 7:9). To the two little children of yours You delivered the palm of martyrdom and today they are among the closest souls to your throne, because they loved You with a Eucharistic love so great as to reach dizzying heights. It is nice today to recall the wishes that our Bishop addressed to us all, on October 25, 2009, on the occasion of Marisa's mystical wedding: "I hope and I wish you all to meet again in Heaven, but closer to God than we might have thought because it is possible. And there is only one secret: love, love, love." We want to quench your thirst Jesus, giving you our soul, as You have been asking us since many years, with infinite love and feeding it, every day, with your Eucharistic love, so that You, triumphant, may always be within us, You who grows the true love and lead us spiritually always higher near You.
On March 16, 2008 on the occasion of Palm Sunday, our Bishop, enlightened by God, gave us a precious pearl on Jesus' triumphant entry in Jesus in Jerusalem:
My God, I thank you also because You let me see with the eyes of my soul, Jesus' triumphant entry in Jerusalem riding a donkey, cheered by the crowd waving palm branches. Jesus, the son of David, was hailed with joy as a King and celebrated with enthusiasm by children who, in turn, involved the adults too. Everyone was feasting, but, most of all, Your apostles. They were full of joy and legitimate human satisfaction.
Instead, a small group of people did not participate in this festive choir, for in their hearts they were already plotting to kill You, not knowing that in this way they would have unknowingly realized your plan. Your apostle Judas had already matured in his heart the decision to betray and forsake You.
I, staring at your eyes and in those of the Mother of the Eucharist, saw your face calm, but your eyes expressed a fierce and dreadful suffering because yYou, Jesus, the Son of God, saw all the many Judas who along the centuries would have betrayed and forsaken You. Here then the Mother of the Eucharist would encourage you saying: "Do not look at the many Judas only, but also at all the others like John, Peter, James, Andrew, Philip, who will be ready to jeopardize their wellbeing for You, to give up their legitimate fame and also to give their life". In fact, entering in Jerusalem, You had also enjoyed seeing all those who along the centuries would have loved You and would become your faithful disciples; among these You saw us too, a small and weak group, but so much loved by You. It is true, Lord, we are weak and frail, but our love for You is genuine.
We know, through the Gospel, the letters of God and the teachings of our Bishop that joy is always accompanied by sacrifice and suffering, in fact, the same crowd that on Sunday shouted: "Hosanna", five days later was shouting: "Crucifige" incited by the men in power at the time. Suffering will never lack in the life of a true follower of Christ, but it is the only way forward that our Lord showed us, giving us the redemption leading towards holiness. Let us ask Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, so that in times of distress she may console us as she did with her beloved Son.
On this day we entrust You, Lord, especially your Church that is changing thanks to your actions; There are many priests and lay people who are close to You, but within it there continue to be enemies who plot behind your back, who do not want any change, but think only about their own business as was the case with the authorities of your time.
We, small community in the eyes of the world, can only pray and render our testimony by singing hosannas for the great works You have shared with us, confident that if the appearances seem to crash all the labor of the two martyrs of the Eucharist, surely the human triumph will come for those who have believed and cooperated with your actions, with the certainty that this will happen at the right time and according to your will.
Rome, 1st April 2007 - h.10:40 a.m.
Letter of God
Jesus - Your Jesus is here in front of you and encourages you to go further, despite all difficulties, sufferings, adversities of life and the wickedness of men. I, Jesus, give you my advice to go on with this hard and harsh life. When I asked you: "I am thirsty, give me to drink", I was speaking to everybody, but not everyone has cooperated to give me something to drink.
The life that my two children are living is very hard and full of suffering, for this reason, I would like the young ones and adults to be closer to them with love, prayer and sacrifices. I know that you are waiting for the great day, you wait for the dawn and I, with plenty humility, say: "It will come". Regretfully I cannot tell you when, how and why. I would like you to help these two creatures to go over all difficulties of their life, to be near to those who are in need, and to snatch from me, Jesus, the graces. Snatch from me the graces the world is asking for, say again and again: "Save the world, save the souls, save everyone in need of your help". I know that you are waiting very hard for the great day, just as we all are waiting for it, and it will come, but don't hurry, go on with sweetness and love, even with suffering, because suffering embraces all. Love each other and I, Jesus, will be always with you. Realize that today, in this precise moment, the little donkey that is carrying me, Jesus, is entering Jerusalem, and the crowd is shouting: "Hosanna, Hosanna" but later they will shout: "Crucifige". Crucifixion will not happen to you, only Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to David's Son.
My dear children, sweet children of the Father, our Dad, children of Mary, hug each other, make a chain and let yourselves go to Daddy God, God the Son, Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit.
Thank you.
I want to give my blessing together with my holy Bishop.
Today he is celebrating an important anniversary, he wants no wishes, but do give him your wishes anyway. May the Almighty God bless you: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
Marisa - Bye-bye. Help us, Jesus, help us, we need it so much, we cannot stand up any longer. Bye-bye.