Text of the Eucharistic adoration of May 13, 2018
Feast of consecrated souls
Dear Jesus the Eucharist, we are gathered here to love You, to praise You and to thank You for the great works you have done in this thaumaturgic place and in our lives.
Today, as a Church and as a community, we celebrate three major events that have changed the Church history and each of us: Your ascension to Heaven, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima and the vows of our beloved little Marisa.
In the silence of one's heart, each of us wants to address You, our God, with prayers, petitions and questions that nobody can answer but You alone. Many "whys" are crowding our mind and, even if we have been taught that it would be better not to ask ourselves and not to ask You too many questions, sometimes we just cannot do without it. Sometimes it seems that everything goes wrong in this world that You have created that seems to disavow You more and more, it seems that darkness is triumphing over light and uncertainty is enveloping our lives. But it is not so, because You, Lord, are saying to us: "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33). We have only one certainty that it is Your presence in our life, Jesus the Eucharist, because, as our beloved Bishop taught us, we only are the architects of this aspect of our existence: the spiritual reality. We have no power, except for a small part, over our health, or the economic side of it or the working aspect of our life, but we are the only ones to decide whether to live with You in our hearts. And we want just that and together with Peter we say: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have words of eternal life; we have believed and known that you are the Holy One of God" (Jn 6:68-69).
Ascension of our Lord
"I came out of the Father and came into the world; now I leave the world and go to the Father "(Jn 16:28).
Jesus the Eucharist, You ascended to Heaven so that we too could come to You at the end of our earthly journey. This is why You sent the apostles to every corner of the earth, so that every human being could know you and follow Your example of love during his life and later come to You in Heaven. Then the Ascension becomes for us a cause of joy, comfort and hope by being able to come to You, assured that you are waiting us for us and welcoming us in Your glory. It is necessary to look more and more often to Heaven and say: "My God, I love You", but this does not imply total detachment from the Earth. You too, glorified Jesus, have not forgotten humanity and you have not forgotten us.
The apostles were still scared after Your death, probably they did not know what to do, but You, Jesus, before you ascended to Heaven instructed them on what they should do and promised that You would not abandon them, You promised them the Holy Spirit. They no longer saw You with their eyes, they no longer heard Your voice, they no longer touched You, but you were present among them as before, indeed, more than before. If, in fact, until then You were present in a specific place, from that moment on You were wherever your disciples were.
Each of us is called to give testimony of You, not so much in words, but with facts in our family, at work and in every place we visit. Jesus, when you ascended to Heaven, surely You also thought about all of us and of the difficulties of the earthly life. As you have helped the apostles to give testimony of You, so keep on giving us Your help, Your strength and all of Yourself through the Eucharist. "Behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world" (Mt 28:20). Thus, with You in our heart, we can accomplish, in the best possible way, all that we are called to do in our small way, in our daily life.
Private revelation
No one has to accept and believe in private revelations, but they convey additional events that have not been written in the Gospel.
One of the criteria for recognizing the supernatural origin of messages is the consistency of private revelation with the Word of God. The teachings present in public and private revelations complement one another and both enrich the knowledge of God, helping us to grow spiritually. "You cannot make a journey of Christian growth and holiness if you do not put into practice the teachings that I have imparted to you, they are the same ones that my Son Jesus preached and that are contained in the Gospel" (Letter of God, February 5, 1989).
Today, Dear Jesus, is the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, we wish to thank You for the great gift You have given to humanity with private revelations. Your Mom appeared in the course of history several times, in different ways and with different names, but always choosing, as interlocutors, simple people unknown to the world and with a modest social role. You, Lord, choose the purity of heart, choose humility, modesty. Your gaze crosses the soul of people, does not stop at appearance, as we humans do.
Through the Marian apparitions, especially those of the Mother of the Eucharist, You allowed us to know You better, to know your Mother and to receive teachings for a lifestyle based on love. We have been taught that to get to You, Jesus, we have to go through Mary. She is the one showings us the way to salvation, the way to the Eucharist. She is our Mediatrix and, as our Bishop explained to us, man is sanctified by God if he is united with Mary and accepts her presence in his own life because she makes the Lord present.
Anniversary of Marisa's vows
Marisa consecrated herself to You, God, pronouncing the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty and, on the occasion of this anniversary, our community celebrates the feast of consecrated souls. Our sister has always remained faithful to her vows and has embraced the cross for the realization of God's plan: "Jesus took in His heart your consecration and your vows and accepted them and you know how many trials, how many tribulations you endured" (Letter of God, May 12, 1999).
We will never thank you enough, Lord, for letting us meet a marvelous creature like Marisa. A creature closer to Heaven than to Earth, because of her way of loving, free from selfishness and possession, peculiarity of the human being. She never asked for herself, her prayers were always for the others, especially for her brother Bishop. She had to give up everything she loved, even the smallest joys were denied to her, an unspeakable suffering accompanied her throughout her life, yet, she was always ready to give herself completely to You, Jesus, to always pronounce her Yes, a Yes as big as the world. She was always willing to love and pray for everyone, even for those who made her suffer. She is a great example of love and humility for all of us who knew and loved her. The sweet smile that appeared on Marisa's face, despite the pain, may be our strength in moments of discouragement, our joy at the moment of remembrance and our hope when we want to be better every day. We miss Marisa a lot, together with the Bishop, even if we are sure that she is praying for us, especially for the children. We are sure that from Heaven she is looking at us: sometimes she smiles with pleasure, but sometimes she would pull our ears just like the mother she has always been and always will be for all of us.
We love you, little Marisa.