On June 29, 2002 in the Basilica Mother of the Eucharist the Triumph of Jesus the Eucharist will be celebrated
During the human History God intervened entrusting missions to some souls to save and help mankind; each mission is important because God is the author. He decides ways and times, choosing and guiding some children of his.
The Lord entrusted to Our Lady and St. Joseph the greatest mission: they both had to protect, take care and follow Jesus, Son of God.
Almost every mission entrusted by God met the opposition and wickedness of his enemies; so the more important, delicate and great the mission, the more suffer the souls called by God due to the men, going over again behind Jesus the way to the Golgotha.
"The works of God are hit, fought against, slandered and defamed. They want to destroy also this work of God" (Letter of God of September 11, 1998).
The victory and success of a mission is guaranteed if those called by God stand firm to hope and faith, abandoning themselves completely to God. As a matter of fact, the Lord never abandons his children, but He wants them to do his will thoroughly even if, from the human point of view, they seem defeated and crushed.
The mission entrusted by God to the bishop and Marisa is to let the Eucharist be known and loved. It is source and top of all the christian life. Jesus is really present in the Eucharist with his body, blood, soul and divinity and every eucharistic celebration is not only memory of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also real presence and actualization of the sacrifice of redemption.
The announcement of this mission was given in August 1972. In the grotto of the shrine of Lourdes, Our Lady announced to the bishop and Marisa that the Lord had called them for an important mission: "It is a mission that involves all the Church and the world you are free of accepting or refusing, but remember: you will suffer a lot" (Letter of God of August 6, 1972).
In fact the Eucharist was not loved, but refused, forgotten, undervalued, opposed and even fought against. A diabolic-masonic plan existed, carried out by very influent people of the ecclesiastical hierarchy (bishops of many dioceses between them), which consisted basically in the gradual elimination of the Eucharist, confining it to an empty commemoration of an event happened many centuries ago. This plan wanted to abolish the eucharistic adoration, it wanted to remove the tabernacle from the central position in the churches and it induced not to celebrate the Holy Mass in the case few people were present.
After thirty years of battles and sufferings, first during an apparition reserved to the bishop and the visionary and then publicly, Our Lady announced the success of their mission: "The victory is great and embraces all the Church. You know that the rock of this victory is our bishop, and I want to add, also your sister who asked to suffer in silence and in concealment. Best wishes to the great bishop, best wishes to you, my daughter, best wishes to all of you present here; Our Lady thanks you" (Letter of God of January 17, 2002).
The Lord has won. From the thaumaturgical place a so great strength has issued that in the Church a great love towards the Eucharist has risen again. Now many priests do more rich and deepened catecheses about the importance and centrality of the Eucharist and prayer vigils, eucharistic processions, congresses, debates and seminars about the Eucharist were organized with greater and greater participation of the faithful.
Many souls have come back to the faith, on May 13, 2002, Our Lady has communicated to us that the converted souls have reached the number of 3,350,000,000.
The bishop and Marisa, during their long and difficult mission faced many difficulties and incomprehensions; they suffered together due to envy, jealousy, slander and fear of the supernatural on behalf of men. For decades they have lived in the Gethsemane, in the loneliness and incomprehension of the other people, they went over the painful way that led them to be condemned without proofs, witnesses and respect of the laws. They climbed the Calvary together, sometimes the weigth of the mission was too heavy for their shoulders and they did not want to continue, but as Mary invited Jesus to rise again to continue on the painful way, the Mother of the Eucharist always encouraged her two dear children to go on.
The grace of God saved them from the failure, they, little, weak, poor creatures, without human supports, by God's will, lent their voice, mind and heart to Our Lady to let the divine will be known.
The bishop allowed the souls to eat him: in all his catecheses and homilies he always affirmed the centrality of the Eucharist in the christian life, source of grace, light and strength for all men and completion of all the sacraments. Marisa lived heroically her consecration to God, she immolated herself in the concealment and suffered the passion for the conversion of priests and laymen: "Many, many and many priests don't believe in Jesus the Eucharist and today God allowed again the blood to come out of your sister's stigmata and her to suffer again for the conversion of sinners, but especially of my beloved priests" (Letter of God of November 19, 1998).
The apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist and her teachings prepared and opened the way to the Triumph of the Eucharist. Our Lady invites all the men to come back to God through the confession, to have a pure and clear heart to welcome Jesus the Eucharist, to live in a state of grace and to attend the Holy Mass every day.
The letters of God, notwithstanding the little means at disposal of the community, spread all over the world and many souls received many spiritual benefits.
An other extraordinary God's gift was Don Claudio's episcopal ordination that happened on June 20, 1999. The Lord wanted to give him the fullness of priesthood to help him to carry on the difficult and hard mission: "My beloved bishop, I want to give you the strength and courage to carry on the long and hard mission. God has given you the episcopate to help the Church. You must listen to Him only and not the men who are not able to love" (Letter of God of July 3, 1999).
This episcopal ordination, happened by direct God's intervention, gave strength, love and grace to reach the Triumph of the Eucharist.
The eucharistic miracles happened in thaumaturgical place are the guarantee of the supernatural origin of their mission. Through the one happened on June 11, 2000, when the Eucharist bled during the Holy Mass celebrated by the bishop, just after saying the formula of the consecration of bread, God put the seal on all the previous eucharistic miracles and on Don Claudio's ordination.
On June 29, 2002, third anniversary of H.E. Mons. Claudio's episcopal ordination, all the community wants to celebrate in a solemn way the victory and Triumph of Christ.
On this day all the souls who love Jesus the Eucharist are invited to rejoyce, thank and praise God participating in the Praise and Thanksgiving Holy Mass presided by H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti in the Basilica Mother of the Eucharist.
Also the Mother of the Eucharist expressed her joy and trepidation for this important day: "Oh, like you, I also am waiting, like a child I am waiting for June 29, because if you succed in realizing what you have in your mind, it will be a great joy for us in the Paradise. On that day we will be all with you; you won't see us, but we will be with you. You will see a simple and humble basilica, we will see a great, infinite valley, without beginning nor end, because we will be all with you, together with the angels, the saints and the saved souls" (Letter of God of May 3, 2002).
In that day we are waiting with joy, our hearts will sing hymns of joy in unison:
"Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth;
sing the glory of his name;
give to him glorious praise!
Say to God, "How terrible are thy deeds!
So great is thy power
that thy enemies cringe before thee.
All the earth worships thee;
they sing praises to thee, sing praises to thy name".
(Psalm 66)
The Lord never disappoints and even if new trials and sufferings, the last stroke of Satan included, hit the bishop, Marisa and the community, our heart will stand firm waiting for God's intervention: "I have overcome the world" (John 16,33).