Saint Joseph: Caretaker of the Eucharist
In the letter of God of March 2, 2002 the Mother of the Eucharist told us something that has never been known for two thousand years in the history of the Church: "When Jesus died my beloved spouse was next to me in spirit and he helped me with his sweet words as he had always done during his life. When Jesus resurrected my beloved spouse was always next to me". And on March 3, she added: "Yesterday I began to speak about my beloved spouse Joseph and I told you that during the passion, the death and the resurrection of Jesus, he was next to me, helping and sustaining me in spirit".
With this revelation the character of St. Joseph grows and places itself in a higher and more important position than the one we had assigned to him in the past.
The Mother of the Eucharist made the wish her beloved spouse to triumph in the Church.
This is God's will and our bishop welcame with joy this new mission:
"My beloved spouse is not much acclaimed, called upon and prayed. Men remember him only in his feast day; actually he is a very important person in the history of the Church, just as he is in Heaven.
He accomplished many graces; whatever has been asked through his intercession has been granted. My beloved spouse lived his earthly life in a silent way, humble and hidden and keeps on living in the same way in Heaven too, where he prays for all the people who are in need. I would very much like you to do something to make a triumph for my beloved spouse Joseph, for after Jesus and me, he comes, although I would wish to place him before me, and then all the angels and saints" (Letter of God of March 3, 2002).
The bishop explained that for many centuries St. Joseph has been honoured as "spouse of the blessed virgin Mary". Pious IX decleared him "protector of the Church", Pious XII wanted him to be celebrated and invoked as "St. Joseph the worker" and John XXIII put his name in the Roman Canon. Now, after Our Lady's announcement, we can assign to her spouse a new title, the greatest one: "Holy Caretaker of the Eucharist", because he was particularly solicitous and alert in taking care of Jesus during his life on the Earth.
Since the first moment of her conception Mary has known that she would become the Mother of God, on the contrary Joseph did not know the mission reserved for him by God, but He prepared him for it in the years of his youth through the prayer, the silence, the reading and meditation of the holy scripture. God shaped this creature according to his style, He called him to Himself dipping him in a particular familiarity and intimacy and led him along the way to holiness.
The meeting with Mary was followed by their chaste marriage, as they both had desired. After the announciation, in the first months of the marriage, Joseph did not either imagine that a son, the Son of God, was present in his bride's womb and when in Mary manifested clearly the signs of maternity, Joseph had a comprehensible reaction. He could not understand what he was seeing because it was incompatible with his bride's choice of chastity and he abstained from any judgement. When the angel, in the name of God, revealed to him who was the One in Mary's womb, then for the two spouses and Jesus began that prayer we say before the Eucharist, they adored God, present in Mary with his body, blood, soul and divinity.
The journey from Nazareth to Ain-Karim, town of Elizabeth, was defined the first eucharistic procession, even if Joseph was still unaware of Jesus' presence in his bride's womb. On the contrary, he was fully aware of it in the following journey when they went to Bethlem, because Christ had to be born there, by God's will. The tracks they ran along were inundated by their unceasing prayers to God and many times Joseph manifested his love for Jesus caressing his bride's womb.
After the virginal birth of Christ, the holy caretaker of the Eucharist clasped his hands with Mary's ones and they rised Jesus together offering Him to the Father. Joseph took care of the Son of God, he saw Him growing up and defended Him from the wickedness of men, from the danger of the earthly life and from the bad weather, as Our Lady herself revealed to us on March 19:
"I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle, as my beloved spouse used to do when the sand of the desert was blowing high and with his mantle he used to cover me and little Jesus" (Letter of God of March 19, 2002).
When Jesus at the age of twelve stopped in the temple without the knowledge of his parents, the caretaker of the Eucharist shared with Mary the anxiety and the suffering of losing the most precious of their goods.
Even in the years of his decline, Joseph has always been united with his Jesus, it was enough to rise his eyes in the only room of his house to see and adore Jesus. The bishop explained that the greatest moment in which the love of Joseph for the Eucharist manifests itself is at the foot of the cross. He was present in spirit next to his bride and he told her comforting words. In those terrible moments Mary and Joseph recited psalms and prayed the Father as they had done during the married life. From the Gethsemane up to the moment he was nailed to the cross, Jesus saw next to Himself those who he had loved so much during the earthly life: the one who had generated Him and the one who had protected and taken care of Him, the one who was her mother by rights and the one who was his father by choice of God.
The bishop explained that when Our Lady or the saints who are in Paradise appear to someone on the Earth, they enter again to be part of the Mysic Body of Christ and according to the principle of soldarity, that is if a member suffers the other members suffer as well, those who are in Paradise suffer more deeply than the men, because they are nearer to Jesus. We have to be greateful and debtors to the great and taciturn Joseph because he suffered with Mary during the passion of his Son and he shared with her the deep sorrow.
From the sorrowful scene of the Golgotha the bishop passed to describe the joyous one of the resurrection: "Jesus waited for Jesus' resurrection and he rejoyced with his bride when the Son of God manifested Himself to them in the brightness of his divinity. Now we know that not only Mary was waiting for Christ's resurrection, but also the holy caretaker of the Eucharist and they adored together Christ resurrected. Imagine the joy of Jesus when He went and embraced her mother and the one whom He called father.
The Eucharist is actualization of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ and Joseph lived this great eucharistic moment that has begun and kept on being present for these twenty centuries of the history and it will keep on being present for the next ones.
The triumph of the Eucharist and of the Mother of the Eucharist will be and will have to include the triumph of Joseph, this is God's will, because he suffered and immolated himself during the passion and death of Jesus and he rejoyced immensely in the moment of the resurrection.
When we speak about the Eucharist we evoke the silence because It is silent presence of God in the tabernacle; who lived the virtue of the inner silence more than Joseph?".
The bishop reminded to us that many times St. Joseph brought the Eucharist into the thaumaturgical place; moreover, when the Mother of the Eucharist appeared with her spouse, before starting to tell us the letter of God she gave the Eucharist to Joseph who welcame it in his hands as he had embraced Jesus during his life on the Earth.
The bishop described what happens before the tabernacle:
"Thinking about the Eucharist, now it is impossible not to think also about the caretaker and protector of the Eucharist. I widen the glance and see the tabernacle, the Mother of the Eucharist is kneeling down before it and just a little behind her there is the humble St. Joseph who has always recognized the greatness of his beloved bride. Every time he is invited by his wife to go forward and place himself next to her and both the Mother and the protector recommend the Church, that has to be born again, to Jesus, who is its head and founder. As all the creatures who are coming into the world it is suffering the pains of the labour, but after the birth it will not remember the pains of the birth anymore, but will rejoyce, because the pain will be forgotten".
Moreover the bishop announced that in the basilica that will be built in Rome and dedicated to the Mother of the Eucharist, there will be only two statues: the one of the Mother of the Eucharist and the one of the caretaker of the Eucharist. They will be placed at the sides of the Eucharist that will be placed in a central position. Jesus, really present with his body, blood, soul and divinity, will have beside Himself those who have been nearest to Him during his earthly life, the passion, death and resurrection.
Our bishop never spared himself in manifesting his great love for St. Joseph, who turned to him this way:
"My beloved bishop, I am your Joseph. I have been entrusted to tell you that you give much joy to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit through the love and your suffering. Sometimes it is difficult to let people understand what you say, but they know that Jesus speaks through you. Knowing that you love me makes me rejoyce; I help you from Heaven just as I can. Like you, I feel to be last, but God put me on high, after Jesus and Mary" (Letter of God of March 10, 2002).
In the day of his feast St. Joseph told us that the converted souls are 3,250,000,000, but he also revealed to us that the devil tried to do something very bad against the bishop and the visionary and he induced people in a state of sin to speak ill of them.
"It is my great joy, first of all, to see your bishop full of love, even if he is crushed by many sufferings; you cannot understand at what degree he is suffering and loving. I too suffered and loved much, however, when one loves, the suffering is felt to a lesser degree.
God said to me: "Joseph, go to my dear children, go to the bishop and infuse him with plenty of strength, courage and love, even if he has so much of that to give and sell to everybody"" (Letter of God of March 19, 2002).