Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Letter of God

Rome, 8th January 2006 - h. 10:30 a.m.

Marisa - I see a large crowd along the Jordan River and John is baptizing. Here Jesus is coming, beautiful, radiant, and He is baptized by the Baptist.

Jesus - What does it remind you, little Marisa, the Jordan?

Marisa - Oh, many very nice moments!

Jesus - My dear children, it is your Jesus speaking to you and loving you immensely. I too have received the holy baptism to be as you are, even if I am the Son of God.

Always remember what I am saying to you today: the children who die without baptism go to Heaven, for I died and rose again for everybody. After my death and resurrection who did come in Heaven? My beloved daddy St. Joseph and all the others who died before me. Until I was dead, risen again and ascended to Heaven, nobody was able to get in, but my Mama. When men assert that the babies who died without baptism do not go to Heaven, they are not in good faith, they are interested to write in order to sell books and pretend they are prophets. No, all babies, even those who did not receive the baptism, after my death and resurrection are in Heaven with me; you have to be happy about this. Once the priests used to talk about the existence of the limbo. But what limbo? What is the limbo? I say it again: all the babies are in Heaven with God the Father, with God the Holy Spirit, with Me, God the Son, with the Mother of the Eucharist and all the angels and the saints. Pray and enjoy this, for your babies pray for you and your families. Do not listen to anyone teaching a doctrine distinct from the one I have taught. In this moment all the babies are singing in Heaven "Glory to God in the highest of Heaven" with child’s voice. All the babies who died because of war, for lack of food and medicines, according to them, where are they? Remember, never forget it and talk about it with everybody: these babies, white, black, yellow, are all in Heaven even without baptism, for when they come to Heaven, I can hug them and baptize them whenever I want.

Courage, offer this day for the babies who died because of abortion, of illness or because of other sufferings and now they are in Heaven with Me.

Renew together with Me the promises of your baptism. I thank you if you have understood my talk, which is very important.

Marisa - Jesus has gone away with all the children.

Our Lady - And I, your Mama, together with my dear son, my holy Bishop, I bless you, your dear ones and your children. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. My greetings again to everybody for the New Year. Today pray my little angels in Heaven.

Marisa - What are we going to do now?