Letters of God
Rome, 3rd December 1989, h.5:30 p.m.
Our Lady My beloved children, I have awaited this day to come among you. You must have more charity and have less pietism. Charity is truth, sincerity, purity.
You have begun Advent by preparing your hearts for the coming of My Son Jesus. Prepare them with love and with little acts of charity.
Believe Me, my little children, I am not asking great things of you. I have asked you to examine your conscience, to go to Confession and to love.
I have taught you to make the sign of the Cross, not throwing your hand like you are brushing away a gnat, make it well and calmly. Do everything calmly.
Now I will tell you a beautiful thing that later your priest will explain to you: learn how to create silence within yourselves, interior silence.
Now pray with Me and say: "Mother of the Eucharist, pray with us".
Together with the priest I bless you and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ.
Rome, 9th December 2007 - h. 10:30 a.m. (Letter of God)
Our Lady - Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children. Today there is no Jesus. Today, as you are aware, is the second Sunday Advent. This year I did not say to prepare the layettes for little Jesus who is to be born. When a mummy is expecting a baby, she prepares all the supplies in such a way that when he is born he will find everything. Unfortunately when little Jesus was born I didn’t have much, I had only a little cloth I used as a little blanket to protect him from the cold. That’s why they say the ox and the little donkey warmed him up. I had to hold Jesus tight to my heart to keep him warm.
You, as every year, are preparing the layettes for little Jesus, with big sacrifices, little sacrifices and prayers. The greatest and most important prayer is the H. Mass and the H. Communion. It is useless to go to Mass without approaching Jesus the Eucharist, or worse still to approach him not in a state of grace, this makes Jesus and me suffer. I am not talking about you, but about the whole world, about the priests and when I say priests I mean from the highest to the smallest of them, about nuns and laymen. How many people out of human respect approach the H. Communion in sin thus committing sacrilege! And then do you want peace to come? Who makes the child suffer? Who makes the poor suffer? The big ones; not those big of age, of course, but those who feel they have everything, who have the power. When someone suffers or is not properly dressed, he is kept at a distance. Do you know something about it, little Marisa?
Marisa - Shut up. You shouldn’t have said that.
Our Lady - I am telling you, my little flock, which Jesus and I love so much and on which we have placed our eyes, to prepare the layettes for baby Jesus. I have a suggestion to make: all must pass through the Bishop. None of you must feel to be in the first row or take some initiatives the Bishop doesn’t know about: this is respect. You are all equals, from little Marisa downward. No one has to take up responsibilities that do not belong to him, to say something the Bishop has not said, or to change what he has already settled on. Be stronger, more determined. When someone changes arbitrarily the received directions, you have to be ready to say: No, the Bishop did not say that! Or: does the Bishop know about it? Every corner of a stone is to be rounded off so it becomes smoother, you round off your corners, try to be humble. The year of Hope has begun.
There are still some little corners to round off in the preparation of the church and the basilica. It is easy to be in harmony when there is humility and trust toward the person. You may make a mistake because you are men, however you can correct yourselves at once.
Christmas is near, baby Jesus is going be born, prepare his layettes. Let your children pray. A little girl may not put her little finger in her mouth: this is a little sacrifice for baby Jesus.
Marisa - Be cautious, she is listening to you, for she is clever.
Our Lady - Little Sara, will you remove the little finger from your mouth? Show how beautiful you are.
Marisa - We need patience.
Our Lady - Well, my dear children, I won’t say anything more. Small ones and adults, prepare the layettes for Jesus, the small ones in the little things, the adults in the big things. A little girl may not be able to say a rosary, cannot do penance, however she may be able to say a little prayer.
My dear children, it is always with great joy that I come in your midst and if there is something to say, to rebuke you, I have to do it. I repeat what your Bishop says: I must rebuke you, for I do not want to go to hell because of you. As I am in Heaven and I am not going to hell, and I do not want to see it either, do as I have said to you to do: rebuke the people with love and charity and have hope that things may change.
Someone is thinking: Our Lady is getting as lengthy as the Bishop! Yes, and I want to still say something: there is someone that during the mass, or while waiting for the Bishop for the Mass, is turning around to look back; this is not nice. What’s your interest in anyone getting in or getting out? Always looks at the altar. When you were in the little chapel there was a never ending head turning. As the door opened, you were turning all together; no, this is not nice, it means you were not in prayer. Pray, love each other and always have hope in God the Father Almighty.
Together with my and your Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, all the children, grown-ups and small ones, the sickly, the elderly and the missionaries. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, god the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
Sara, are you going to blow a little kiss to the little Madonna? Well done! Emanuele, the great philosopher, blow a little kiss to the little Madonna.
Rome, 17th December 2006 h. 10:30 a.m.
Our Lady Praised be Jesus Christ, my dear children.
Today is the third Sunday of Advent that may be defined as the Sunday of joy, of love for everybody. Four people are not in the joy, but in the suffering; even those people suffering have to live in joy. For this I say to you: plunge in the joy, be smiling, for pain and suffering won’t go away without joy, which has to be always present in your hearts. The people you approach must see that you are in joy. This little cenacle, very close to the thaumaturgical place, has to live with joy; always there will be pains, sufferings, clashes with people as long as you are on Earth. I, your Mama, what can I tell you? Live in joy and you will be happy. I say this especially for Paolo, the big Paolo, coming in this thaumaturgical place. Sing chants of joy and love, for those people who are in hospital, for those who have to work, for those who are sick at home; convey joy, always. Joy will bring you directly to my Son Jesus, to the Mother of the Eucharist and to all the angels and saints. Thank you.
Together with my and your holy Bishop I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles. I hold all of you tight in my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.
Marisa They have gone away singing, they were cheerful.
20th December 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Today it’s the sixth day of the novena and I asked you to prepare the baby’s outfit for the Holy Child: where have you got to? I would like that my message of the 13th December which has been explaned today very well by your priest, to be put into practice by everybody. Take the Eucharist as you like, you are free, but receive my son Jesus in a state of grace! How many times have I told you this? Nevertheless people are wasting time, but also I am wasting time and your priest and you too who listen, because I am always repeating Myself: this message is addressed to everybody, to all the people who waste time speaking about things which no one said, because God never told Me to say to any visionary how to receive the Holy Communion. I just said to receive my son Jesus in a state of grace. Why is it so difficult to understand it? Abandon yourselves to God and don’t use my image to say what I never said.
My beloved sons, I am also preparing together with you, the baby’s outfit to help you. The coming of the Holy Child should give strength and courage to go on. So wait for this so great and beautiful day, because the Holy Child will come to the Earth among all men. I love all of you and I repeat Myself because it’s right that the Mother repeats Herself, I love all of you: so I ask you to love my son Jesus just like I love you, but above all just like Jesus loves you. Sometimes you fall asleep, sometimes you give weight to something of no importance, sometimes you wake up and go on. You should wake up and always be awake, always ready, always in a state of grace.
The Holy Child will come here for the children, to give them a hearty welcome, He is very little and some of you will cradle Him and will hold Him tight to his heart. So you should cradle my son Jesus and pray to Him: "My Jesus, help all the men of the Earth and especially the great men, because little men are simple and humble, so help all of us here present...". My beloved sons, I am doing the prayer for you! Tell Jesus to help your priest, who works very well in the Church and with simplicity talk to the Holy Child, don’t look at the grown-up Jesus, look at the little child Jesus, how would you behave with a child? The mothers know it very well, even if children require much, they are always Jesus’ little brothers.
Oh, when God wants this, you will see this very beautiful scene: children who are around Me, caress my womb because they talk to the Holy Child. So you should speak to the Holy Child, Who loves all of you. Continue this novena, I am with you.
See you on next 23rd and the night of the 24th. Those of you who can, let them come here that night, they will stay together with the Family of Nazareth, with the Holy Child.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".