Social Year: 1995-96
Before you learn to love, then pray
God's messages are translated by a member of the community, who is not a professional translator. H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti has recognized the supernatural origin of the apparitions (Decree of 9/14/2000), but he has given the ecclesiastical approval only to the messages in italian, because he is not responsible for errors involuntarily made by the translator.
November 1996 Messages
1st November 1996, h.10:30 a.m. – All Saints’ Day (message of Our Lady)
According to Marisa’ s words, a large number of singing Angels, Saints and holy
Souls were thronging round Our Lady. Jesus has also appeared for just a few moments.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, best wishes to you all, wishes of holiness! You
can’ t see them, but here there are many Saints around Me and many holy Souls:
we are giving glory to God. You are yet on this planet Earth which is rather troubled
for many reasons and for all those things which aren’ t going well. Keep in mind
the latest message given by my son Jesus and meditate upon it! There is much to
take and put into practice: Jesus has taught you how to forgive, to pray and to
love. I know that it is not easy but you, who are in the grace of God, must do
it. And for those people who aren’ t in the grace of God, there is Holy Confession.
Every sacrament you receive, increases the grace of God inside of you so that you feel stronger and more fearless to go on and to accept so much of man’s wickedness. God forgives those people who don’ t know and aren’ t conscious, but could He forgive also those people who are voluntarily giving rise to suffering and who are voluntarily slandering and defaming?
I am here among you with all the Saints and with the holy Souls and now you, Marisa, are seeing how many souls are around Me. Jesus has requested that you go in procession carrying the statue of the Mother of the Eucharist, but He has realized that it is not possible for you in this moment, so don’ t worry: I am well here as well, because I am seeing you, I am observing your glance and your attention, I am reading inside your hearts. Put fear aside, it doesn’ t make you strong and you must be strong and courageous, because you are with my son Jesus and with Me. What are you afraid of? The true Christian fears nothing, the true Christian is open to everybody and he is truthful.
The Mother thanks you because you are here, in spite of many bad things against you and because now you are praying without seeing Me. Maybe God will also satisfy you with that one day, but now I am seeing you all and you aren’ t seeing Me. If your heart is clear and clean, in the grace of God, you will feel my voice inside your hearts and you will become aware that the Mother is looking at you and She is covering you with her mantle, one by one, little and grown up, sick people and not: my mantle is also reaching as far as the sick children.
Today your sister will receive the Eucharist, invisible to you but visible to her: and you, make a spiritual Communion and speak to Jesus!
My beloved sons, you have felt Jesus inside your hearts, you have made a spiritual Communion: "Jesus, come inside of me!", that’ s all. Pray, my beloved sons, with much perseverance and never get tired of praying. Offer your day to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and offer everything you are going to do during the day!
The suffering of these two sons of mine (Note: Don Claudio and Marisa) is very strong and very great, so you have to help them by means of prayer.
My beloved sons, your dear ones are around Me now, singing and praying: you have to pray for your intentions which are also my intentions.
My child (Note: Marisa), now I bring you to Paradise but afterwards I will bring you back here, because your pains have not yet come to an end. You will keep on suffering until God brings you to Paradise and it will be for ever! (Note: Now Marisa, as she told us, has enjoyed the mystical experience of Paradise during one day and a half, corresponding to a few minutes for us.)
My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother together with the Angels, the Saints and the holy Souls, wishes love, forgiveness, prayer and holiness to you all. With the priest, I bless you and your dear ones, the sick people and the children, I bless your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
7th November 1996, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
" My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. You all have noted how God’ s things are repeatedly attacked and fought against: people want to destroy this man (Note: Don Claudio) thinking that they are destroying God. But they can destroy a man and can’ t destroy God! Have you realized how evil is spreading like an oil slick and how sometimes good is concealed because of respect for public opinion or for fear of the answers? People are speaking just a little about God’ s beautiful things or about the Eucharistic miracles but are rather more speaking ill about it. They are also repeatedly afflicting these my dear children: but Almighty God is always giving them the strength to go on. And He is giving the strength and the courage to you too for speaking or demonstrating that you have seen the Eucharistic miracle and for loving and defending it with all your heart.
Men are not yet understanding that the times are approaching: they are very busy acquiring, in receiving without giving, without giving to God and to men! They keep on running and taking, they are feeling powerful and great, so they crush the little and the poor and the children.
But when something great happens, then you will have to pray and to cling to Jesus the Eucharist and to Me the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of the Eucharist. Keep on giving to God as much as possible and to men who need help as much as possible!
It is easier for an atheist, an unbeliever or a prostitute to precede you into the Kingdom of Heaven; but for those people who have received and who haven’ t given, times will be very difficult and very hard. So you must have the strength and the courage to go on, to speak about my son Jesus: why are the sons of the light afraid of speaking? Don’ t be concerned about the answers! It is important to give and to sow for receiving later.
Pray for my and your Pope, he needs much strength and courage to accept God’ s will: the Pope and also your sister (Note: Marisa) needs them.
If Almighty God decides to do something to chastise this planet Earth, He can do it now, within one or two hours, tomorrow or within one month: THE TIMES ARE CLOSEST! Anyway I will keep on beseeching Almighty God and I ask you to pray, to pray and to call for God’ s help for those poor people who don’t love Him! And not because they don’ t know God, on the contrary they know God, but they don’ t love Him: those people are trying to kill by means of subterfuges and by slanders and defamations.
The Mother has nothing else to say: you have seen and heard many people speaking ill! Pray for those people who keep on slandering and defaming and who can kill their sons to avenge themselves, to show off or to make money! How long will this life last? You have to store as much as possible and go to Jesus the Eucharist and receive Jesus the Eucharist.
Oh, my beloved sons, you can’ t imagine how many Holy Hosts are profaned! How many, how many there are! Today too I have saved one of them and I have brought It to your sister: but there are many and they are increasing. Profanations are increasing, but those people can’ t kill Jesus, Jesus is alive, they can’ t kill Jesus, the King of the Kings!
And you, who love Jesus, love Jesus’ sons and brothers too. If men don’ t ask for help, pray for them. Today it could seem that you are defeated, but tomorrow it will be a new dawn, a new day, a new glory for all the people who have loved Jesus.
Love those people who are suffering, the sick children, love your dear ones: it is easier for one of your dear ones, who do not know Jesus, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven than one of those people who do know Jesus. I would like to repeat endlessly: "It is easier for an atheist to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, than a Christian, a creature who says he knows Jesus, but does not love Him!". He can’ t love Jesus if he doesn’ t love the brother he sees and who is near to him. And if he does not love his brother, how could he love my son Jesus? And how could he love Me? He is not seeing us!
Cheer up my beloved sons, the Mother is with you, She is always with you. Once again I invite you to pray for the Holy Father and for your sister.
Thank you for your presence and for listening to Jesus’ word now. This biblical cathechesis is very important (Note: Don Claudio for some years every thursday afternoon has been carrying out a biblical cathechesis and Our Lady frequently appears before it, as on this day), it is more important than the apparition itself! Love Jesus, know Jesus and let Him be known.
With the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I kiss the children, the sick people, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
10th November 1996, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
In the morning at about 9 o’clock in the chapel, while people were praying, three Holy Hosts have appeared on the little statue of the Holy Child, placed on the altar. Then, before the apparition, people have gone in procession in the garden and in ecstasy Marisa has carried the statue with the Hosts. The statue has been placed on the little altar before the Crucifix in the garden and people have prayed the Rosary and sung. Finally this message has been given.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for your prayers. God the Father wants Holy Communion to be given by Don Claudio to the priests and to the sisters present here now. I have carried these three Hosts away from profanation: for this reason, I invite you to pray. You must not be worried so much for that, pray for those men of the Church who keep on profaning the Hosts: but I am keeping on taking them away too!
Oh, if I had to take all the profaned Hosts away, this place wouldn’ t be enough!
So you must pray with much love and simpleness. You must not be amazed if God has chosen this place, because my son Jesus has said: "MY TABERNACLE IS HERE".
Here some very beautiful and great events have taken place, that can’ t be understood by everybody: the simple and humble people, those people who are living in the grace of God and who are receiving my son Jesus in a state of grace, they can understand it. Since here Jesus the Eucharist is present, I invite you to pray and to sing again: then priests and sisters, you are very few, receive my son Jesus! I invite you, the priests, try to understand this moment which is so unhappy for you and for the Church! I invite you to pray for my and your Pope. (Note: Now again people have begun to pray and sing while the priests and the sisters were receiving Holy Communion)
The Mother wants to give a kiss to the children and to the sick people and wants you to enjoy this moment: but, as I have already said, it shouldn’ t be only the emotion of this moment so always live in the grace of God! God the Father always asks you to pray to the Mother of the Eucharist.
My beloved sons, I urge you again to live in the grace of God. GET READY FOR THE GREAT MOMENT! Live in the grace of God, today, tomorrow and for ever: begin by saying: "My God, your will be done, I want to live in a state of grace".
With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, the children and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
21st November 1996, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
– Jesus: " Don’ t worry, my child, I am your Jesus. Always love Jesus the Eucharist, at any price. Let at least some of you remember the martyrdom of love and the martyrdom in loving Jesus the Eucharist and the Mother of the Eucharist. Today I am present here, because you have first to store up and then to bring this great love to Jesus the Eucharist to those who don’ t know Him. Now I come back to God the Father and you, my child, sit down and listen to what my and your Mother has to say to everybody ".
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for your love to my son Jesus, to Jesus the Eucharist. Today too I have taken away a profaned Host and It is not the only one: I have brought one of them, so that you could pray but They are many, many! I invite you to pray so that these ugly things can’ t happen anymore in the world.
Unfortunately those men who know and who are aware of God, they profane the Hosts very easily: they also kill their father very easily and their brother, their son, without fear and without considering that tomorrow there will be God’ s judgement.
Oh, my beloved sons, what are your little pains compared to what will happen when God will judge man? Once again I repeat to you: don’ t stop at the words "God is merciful", yes, He is merciful with those people who have done all they could to love Him. But with those people who know Him and don’ t love Him, at the end, just at the end, because God will give more space and time for conversion, God will be just and God’ s judgement will take place.
For this reason the Mother invites you to pray, to live in the grace of God and to accept those little crosses of the day. In a message I have spoken to you: "You are living in a vale of tears"; this planet Earth isn’ t beautiful and the men keep on making it dirty, very easily. So you, who have realized and are trying to love my son Jesus, you have to pray and to love also for other people, for your relatives and friends. Help the priests for their own conversion, help the great politicians for their own conversion and love men: man is God’ s son, God’ s creature. How can they trample down a son of God and a creature of God? Nevertheless these people kill creatures very easily.
I am saying all these things to you, so that you can correct and change yourselves and you can love. Do this walk with joy and love: accept the little crosses of the day. These two children of mine (Note: Don Claudio and Marisa) have a much heavier cross! Haven’ t you realized how they are trying to overcome the difficulties anyway and to carry this big cross? But you have only a very, very little cross, so accept it, suffer a little and offer it to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
During this apparition your sister, in a mystic way, has just seen when my daddy and my mother were leading Me to the Temple to pray and to love God: I, the little Mary, was between my parents and with joy we were going towards the Temple to glorify God. So, when you come into a church, don’ t look at those things which are surrounding you, otherwise you will not be able to pray. You have to think that in the church there is Jesus the Eucharist, that He is alone and He is waiting for you! Say a little prayer and make a little act of love to Jesus the Eucharist and then go on. Cheer up, my beloved sons, never let yourselves go and don’ t look at your brother’ s behaviour, if it is better or worse than yours, look at yourselves, look at Jesus and Me, little creature, Mary the Mother of the Eucharist: don’ t look at any other and learn how to look at only Jesus, to love Jesus and through Him, you will be able to love everybody.
My dear little apostles, cheer up! The Mother is helping you: She is giving you her hand, She is taking you by the hand and She is helping you to walk. But your day shouldn’ t only be engaged in material things: yes, you have to do your duty, but you must not be engaged all the day in material things. Retire, make silence inside your hearts and pray Jesus, my Jesus.
And with the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles and I kiss the children. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus. Enjoy and pray before Jesus the Eucharist! ".
24th November 1996, h.10:30 a.m. Feast day of Christ the King (message of Our Lady)
While people were praying in the chapel, three Holy Hosts have appeared: a big Host on the statue of the Holy Child and two small Hosts inside two red roses placed by the side of the altar. They have been brought in procession and placed in the altar in the garden. Marisa was very sick, so she has stayed in her bedroom and people listened to the message given by Our Lady through a microphone.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. These Eucharistic apparitions of Hosts, profaned or taken away from profanation, should lead you to love Jesus the Eucharist, now and for ever. There are so many profaned Hosts, so many Hosts which have been consecrated by the priests. But there are so many people too, who are suffering to help those poor people who don’ t realize or who realize and know that they are doing wrong and they are offending my son Jesus. Even if they think that they are offending men, they are always really offending my son Jesus. For this reason the Mother invites you to pray, because Jesus has said: "My tabernacle is here in this place". Have you ever asked yourselves why? Because here there are people praying, here the Eucharist has been removed: in the chapel, in the tabernacle, there is no Eucharist, but this place is the tabernacle of my son Jesus.
Today is the feast of Christ the King, the King of the World, but it is the feast day of your daddy, of your son, of your brother: Jesus doesn’t feel to be a king just as the kings of this world, but He feels to be a father, a son, a brother, a friend!
Go to my son Jesus and ask for all those graces you are needing: if they are according to God’ s will, you will receive them.
Your sister (Note: Marisa) too is a temple, she is a living tabernacle and Jesus the Eucharist, kindly and with love, has settled on her body, so that everyone can realize that when somebody is suffering, Jesus Himself is suffering and He settles on the body of sick people. When sick people are in the grace of God, wherever they are, at home or in the hospital, Jesus can come and rest on their body. In this moment your sister is not suffering, she is feeling well, very well, but Jesus the Eucharist has settled on her body, because it is a tired and all tortured body ".
In this moment, the people who were in Marisa’ s bedroom, have seen Marisa taking a Holy Host that was on her, just inside her nightgown. Then she has consumed the Host.
– Our Lady: " The Mother invites you to pray, so that your sister could have the strength to accept everything, even if she is shouting and crying in pain: it is normal and natural, don’ t forget that the visionaries are human creatures. The true visionaries should set foot on the earth and go on simply and humbly, doing the mission that God the Father has entrusted them. You shouldn’ t be amazed at that: it should rather lead you to love and to convert yourselves. So remember to make a good confession and then receive Jesus the Eucharist in the grace of God.
All that doesn’ t seem to be so difficult: keep silence inside your hearts and try to speak only to Jesus and you will realize how everything becomes easier for everybody, because Jesus will give you the strength to accept and to go on!
In a message I have said to you: "Make just little, very little steps but always going ahead and never come back!". Now the Mother thanks you for the procession you have made with my son Jesus the Eucharist. Never get tired praying to Him and loving Him, or praying for your neighbour or distant brothers. Pray also for the Church and for the men of the Church. In this place there is Jesus the Eucharist before you: look at Him, speak to Him, adore Him!
Those people who can’ t kneel down, let them stand up: Jesus hasn’ t said to pray kneeling or seated or standing. Jesus is only inviting us to love, so you must pray comfortably so that you can pray better. Today your sister is suffering so much that she couldn’ t come out and pray with you in the garden. The Mother has said to her: "No, you can’ t come out so you must stay in your bed". She has obeyed, even if it has cost her, because she is always alone and she likes to be with you. This is her mission, her course and this is also her martyrdom, her martyrdon of love, of peace, a martyrdom which leads to holiness! But before she must suffer very much.
Once again I invite you to love for her: collect your thoughts in prayer and make a spiritual Communion. Invite Jesus to come inside your hearts, spiritually as well and speak to Him, asking for all those things you are needing: cheer up, without fear, this is valid for everybody, grown up and young men.
My beloved sons, keep singing and praying, but above all learn how to love everybody and to pray for those people who are giving rise to your pain.
I thank you because you are beginning to learn not to listen to the ill words, said by those people who don’ t love you, nor my son Jesus. My wishes to all the sick people, sick in body and soul and to all the sick children.
With the priests I bless you and your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. I cover you all, one by one. And also during all this day and during all the next days the Mother is always covering you with her mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
8th December 1996, h.10:30 a.m. – Feast of the Virgin (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. It is I, your Jesus!
Don’ t worry: here there are now both the Virgin Who opens history and the Mother
of the Eucharist, Who closes it (Note: in fact Marisa said she was seeing two
Madonnas). In this moment your sister is seeing both the Virgin and the Mother
of the Eucharist, so that she can understand. Your Jesus thanks you because you
are here to pray with Us. Today I invite you to pray for the peace of your beautiful
Italy and for the peace of Rome. Everyone in Rome is anxious to embellish the
city of Rome materially, but none is anxious to embellish souls or to help souls
to convert themselves, to teach them how to love and how to understand their brother
who is suffering!
This morning
Jesus wants to tell you something: when somebody approaches you to speak about a
third person or about a person who is not present, I invite you not to hear him.
When two or three people meet to speak, I am close to them, but if they meet to
speak about other people, I am not close to them.
I love you, my beloved sons
and the Mother loves you. If you believe in Me and if you believe in my Mother,
you must change yourselves, because it is not difficult to change. It is only
enough to receive the Sacrament of Holy Confession: any Sacrament you are
receiving is an increase of grace and strength and love towards your
Today altogether, you are celebrating my Mother, your Mother: you
have to celebrate Her by means of chants and prayers, with joy and love, because
She acts as an intermediary to God and She flies to God, asking for those graces
you are needing, if they are according His will. And now, my beloved Mother, come
and speak! ".
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, I am the Mother of Heaven and
Earth, I am the Mother of each of you, the Mother of the children, of the young
people and of the grown ups. Today I want to spend with you this great feast,
to pray, to sing and to give glory to God the Father, to God the Son and to God
the Holy Spirit. Live this day in a state of grace and help your brother who is
suffering and also your brother who has not yet gone a certain way, in the
spiritual field.
Help your priests, help them and don’ t censure them, help
them! So you will always feel the Mother close to you, also in your
sufferings: when suffering comes I am with you, God the Father is sending
Me among you. Love Jesus the Eucharist: the table is ready and the Eucharist is
all! Eat the Eucharist, with a pure and a clear heart and speak ever to Jesus. I
would like very much that all the young people on the Earth realize how important
it is to receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace. You must not
receive Jesus for respect of the public opinion: you must not receive Holy
Communion if, for shame, you have not received Holy Confession! No, my beloved
sons, in this condition you must not receive Jesus the Eucharist! Don’ t
receive Him if you are not in the grace of God!
How much I have prayed for
you, how much I have prayed for all the men of the Earth, how much I have prayed
for the great men of the Church and for the great politicians! Those people rely
on their own power, on their own command: so they want people to obey because
they are claiming to be the Authority or to be God! No, no, obedience only to
God and to the Bishops, if they are united with the Pope.
And you, my two
beloved priests (Note: at the apparition there was a group of pilgrims led by a
priest), now you are going through hard times, but never go off Jesus, off Jesus
the Eucharist. Speak to the people and let Jesus be known. Sacrifice your life
for souls and let souls consume you: but always with respect, because
respect is very important and when something is going wrong it is necessary to
correct, to correct and at the end the rotten apple will be thrown out of the
If any of you get tired kneeling, let him stand up or sit down:
it is only important to love Jesus the Eucharist and your neighbour and to
respect him. When you are bending your head or your shoulders and your back,
because everything seems to collapse around you, don’ t let yourselves go, look
at the sky, open your arms and shout with Me the Paternoster.
And now my
beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Keep praying while I am leading
your sister into Paradise, so that she can enjoy a little and remove a bit of
her suffering which is great! (Note: lately, Marisa has been very
sick and so Our Lady has given her the mystical experience of Paradise).
With the priests, I bless you and your dear ones, I kiss all the children, I
bless all your sacred articles: I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you
with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God
the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
15th December 1996, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your
presence here. Thank you for the penitential procession you have made waiting
for the coming of my son Jesus, of the Infant Jesus. Prepare the way to Jesus
with love and generosity and then with humility, leave room for the Infant
Jesus. I am here among you as a Mother: I had promised to come to make the
penitential procession with you for the conversion of many, many people who don’
t love Jesus. I invite you to pray for those people who don’ t love Jesus, it is
a Christian’ s duty to pray for other people. Come here and adore Jesus, so
today I invite you to start the novena to the Infant Jesus and I, the Mother with
the Infant Jesus, will be here in this thaumaturgical place on the vigil of Holy Christmas, on Tuesday 24 at 11 p.m.
Many times the Mother has invited
you to ask those graces you need, but you forget something, you forget to say:
"My God, your will be done!", I invite you to ask graces, but I have also invited
you to do God’ s will. I know it is very difficult for you men, God can do
everything you ask, but only if it is His will; I, being his servant, have always
done his will, also in the most difficult moments, also when my beloved spouse
Joseph was sick and for many years I took care of him and then he went up to the
Father: in that moment too I bent my head and said: "My God, My All, your will be
done!". The Mother would like that you reach this level: "My God, I ask you this
grace, but your will be always done!", I know it is difficult from the human
point of view, don’ t think that the Mother doesn’ t note it, but if you cling
with all your strength to Jesus the Eucharist you will find a smoothed way, as
John did when he smoothed the roads for the coming of Jesus: "Who am I, John,
before who has to come?".
I invite you to make this novena well, don’ t
think about material things only, ever! Everything is beautiful, everything
must be celebrated, but the greatest feast is in union with Jesus the Eucharist.
I tell you what you have to do: make the novena invoking the Holy Spirit to
come upon each of you and then the prayer vigil on Tuesday at 11 p.m.
beloved sons, it is my great bitterness, that the Holy Mass can’ t be celebrated
in this place, but the Holy Mass will arrive, but when it arrives it will be a
very difficult moment for the Church. Pray, pray a lot, these times are very
difficult, you don’ t know God’ s times, how many times I have said: "The times
are closest" and I added also: "Who lives in the grace of God, he must fear
nothing", but cheer up and pray! More than ever in this moment the Mother asks
you to pray for the Holy Father, whose name today is John Paul II, Karol
My beloved child (Note: Marisa), I am happy when you ask me
something with your simplicity and ingenuousness and you make Me smile and you,
my beloved sons, sing, give glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy
Spirit! The Mother wants you not to look at yourselves, but look at all the
people around you, learn to pray also for the other people, don’ t think only
about your small back garden, pray also for the people who are next to you and
afar and for those people who give rise to suffering. If you think only about
yourselves, you can’ t walk, you can’ t go on, my beloved sons, you have to think
about everybody and then you have to enjoy the Eucharist too. Today there is no
Eucharist because your sister is abstaining. I appear for you, because she
is abstaining during all these days and this is very hard for her; when
abstinence arrives it is a very big sacrifice, but she accepts it, even if she is
the one who needs much more help than you all present here.
Now my beloved
sons, collect your thoughts in prayer, open the door of your
heart and ask Jesus all those graces you need. Open your arms, raise your eyes
towards the sky and shout with me the Paternoster. Let your heart be clear and
always in the grace of God. Have a good novena and a joyous feast, you always
have to rejoice, even if there is suffering. Rejoice! Time passes on the
Earth, then there is eternal enjoyment. This is my wish: you all with Me in
With the priest I bless you all, your dear ones, I kiss baby Jacopo
and all the sick children, I bless your sacred articles, I bring you all inside
my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
22nd December 1996, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My
beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for having faced the journey
with courage (Note: a group of pilgrims coming form outside Rome was at the
apparition). Look for the Holy Child, always try to find the Holy Child and you
will find Him and also Jesus the Eucharist. Those people who love the Eucharist
and live in the grace of God, they have ensured Paradise for themselves.
Now the Holy Novena is coming to an end and those people who have made
it, they have prepared their own heart for the Holy Child. Don’ t be discouraged,
keep looking for Him and then put Him inside your heart and cradle Him inside
your heart: be happy and rejoice, my beloved sons, because peace must arrive,
the Eucharist must triumph and the truth must triumph! Certainly, there are
people who are paying a great debt, but the Mother has taught you how to
walk: She has brought you so many messages of God, beginning from the cathechesis
of God and from the Sign of the Cross.
I always have led you ahead: how
many times I have said: "Make a little step ahead and never come back"
because those people who come back, they know what they are finding.
On next
December 24 at 11 p.m., I will be here with you and with the Holy Child: He will
be here with you, for those people who have always looked for Him and have found
Him. He will carry Jesus the Eucharist: Jesus, the Holy Child, carrying Jesus the
So your heart must be beautiful, clean and limpid: though your
Mother is always repeating the same things, just as a mother is always doing with
her child, your heart must be a true jewel, a pearl, where the Holy Child can
rest. For this reason, during the next two days of the Novena, you have to keep
looking for the Holy Child with all your heart, living in the grace of God and
receiving Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace.
My beloved sons, as I have
already said to you, when around you everything seems to collapse, open your
arms, raise your eyes towards the sky, towards God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit and shout with Me the Paternoster and look for the Holy
Child! Thank you, my beloved sons, if you keep announcing the Mother of the
Eucharist, so that She can be known by everybody: She leads you to Jesus the
Eucharist. And thank you for your love to the Holy Child and to my spouse
With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, I kiss the children
and baby Jacopo, I bless your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart
and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God
the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
24th December 1996, h.11:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you
for your presence here and best wishes to you all. Have you found the Holy Child?
Some of you have not found Him yet! God became a child because of his love
for men: God is love, a great, an immense love. I would like to lead you to
realize the meaning of the word "love". Today people are speaking about love
everywhere, but they use this word with many negative meanings and with many
implicit meanings which are very bad. So I would like to lead you to use this
word "love" which is the same as sacrifice, suffering, joy and harmony as I
already told you.
But on this Holy Night I don’ t like to afflict
you, speaking about those things which could give rise to your pain. No, I have
brought the Holy Child in this little place, in this little chapel which is a
true jewel: how many things have happened here! Beautiful and less beautiful
things, great and also little things, crushed by men.
Inside this jewel of
mine, there is always Jesus the Eucharist, both visible and invisible: look, this
is not a big church or a big basilica, this is only a very little chapel, but it
is a true jewel! Notwithstanding, God knew very well what He was going to do when
He declared this place thaumaturgical.
Here in this moment, the Holy Child is
in my arms, "il Pupo", just like your sister calls Him: He has come to give you
those particular graces you are needing, but remember, only if they are according
to God’ s will. And now, my dear child, you must kneel down and adore the Holy
Trinity ".
Marisa said she wasn’ t seeing the Holy Child any more, but the
Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. At the end of this extraordinary mystical
experience, Our Lady gave Marisa the Holy Child and Marisa spoke to Him and for
some minutes she cradled Him in her arms. Then Our Lady asked Marisa to stand up
from her wheel chair to remove the white veil which was covering the small statue
of the Holy Child in the Holy Crib: Marisa removed it and a big Holy Host was on
the Holy Child.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, the Mother invites you to pray
for the children and for peace in the world and in the Church: pray for my and
your Pope! And now keep saying the Rosary and singing to Jesus the Eucharist and
to the Holy Child ".
People began praying and singing and Marisa said that
Our Lady was praying and singing with them. Finally Our Lady went away and then
Don Claudio gave the blessing of the Most Holy Sacrament.
25th December 1996, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
At the beginning of the
apparition, Our Lady told Marisa to go upstairs and bring back into the
chapel the big Holy Host Which had appeared on the statue of the Holy Child
during the previous apparition at 11 p.m. Marisa stood up from her wheelchair and
went to take the Host and then she placed it on that statue again.
– Our
Lady: " My beloved sons, perhaps you can understand the great grace, the
great miracle that God has decided to do in this little place, in this place He
declared thaumaturgical. Very great things are involved, which no church in the
world has ever received. Yesterday evening everybody was celebrating the Holy
Mass and you, my little flock, were here to give glory to my son Jesus, to Jesus
the Eucharist and to the Holy Child. How could you suppose that the Mother is
indifferent to that, to what you have done and to your sacrifice? You can’ t
imagine how many people had the possibility to come here yesterday evening: but
for indolence or because they were busy, playing the role of Martha, they haven’
t come.
But here the Eucharistic miracle has happened again: for this reason
I said in a message: "Look for the Holy Child and find Him" because until you have found Him inside your heart, you won’ t be in the right place. Put God in
the first place and put all the rest after Him, even if it is important: life on
the Earth is important, to work for God’s love is important, to express
everything to God, all your difficulties in work, in studies is important.
Notwithstanding, you must put God in the first place!
Since Jesus the
Eucharist is here, the Mother would like to be silent, but God has allowed Me to
speak and I am repeating what He said to Me. Maybe the translation isn’ t
perfect, anyway the content of the message is clear. God wants you to love each
other, God wants you to do good works, charity for the sick people: remember that
charity isn’ t only to make an offering, it also means to help the sick and
poor people and to help them with moral and spiritual support.
Today here in
Paradise, there is a great feast, the Holy Child and I, we are both dressed in
our Sunday best and the Angels keep singing and giving glory to the Holy Child:
everybody makes merry and you too have to spend this day making merry, even if
there is sickness or some little cloud or some little domestic dispute. Put them
away saying: "I have Jesus, I want to live with Jesus, I don’ t want disputes, I
want peace and harmony". You must exact them from your dear ones and friends. You
should be able to say that every day, when somebody is saying something bad to
you: "I have Jesus inside my heart and I want to live in harmony, even if I am
suffering". The suffering of the priest (Note: Don Claudio) is great because
here he can’ t celebrate the Holy Mass, but those people who have forbidden it,
they have abused their power and have done an injustice, saying: "I am great and
powerful and you are little, so I crush you!".
For this reason God is
carrying out so many miracles and is continually sending His Son Jesus with
His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. God has become the Holy Child for love, for
love towards you, towards your brothers, your friends and everybody. Now I am no
more saying: "Love those people who are giving rise to your suffering", but I
say: "Pray for those people".
Enjoy this day, enjoy Jesus the Eucharist, Who
is always present here in this holy place. You see, some consecrated hosts have
arrived (Note: in the afternoon of the 24th, eighteen Hosts have appeared inside
Marisa’ s bedroom) and they have not been taken away from profanation, nor have
they been profaned: God the Father wanted Me to bring Them to you. You have
to pray without saying: "This place is is impossible for me...", no, be
silent, don’ t speak to your brother always with negative criticism. No, you have
to encourage the brother to make something greater than you, something which
would be stronger and greater. And love! God is love, God taught you how to
I would like that everything could be just like in this moment, but
life on the Earth is taking you in its whirl and sometimes it scares you! Walk
with Jesus inside your heart and with the Mother beside you: when you will be
able to do this, then you will realize how everything is becoming easier.
Now, as last night, I want you to pray Jesus the Eucharist and to sing. Then
give a kiss to the little statue of the Holy Child, but not to the consecrated
Host, Which is on it.
I cover you with my maternal mantle, I bless you all
and I bring you inside my heart and especially the sick people. Go in the peace
of God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Child and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be
Jesus ".
1st January 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, best wishes to you all and also to those people
who are now busy in playing the role of Martha and to the sick people. I had said:
"Try to look for the Holy Child and find Him" and today I am asking you: have
you truly found Him? Have you felt Him inside your heart? Have you prayed?
I invite you to begin this new year with much love, with love in praying, in sacrifice, in giving to other people, in helping your neighbour. This year should really be a year of love for you who went a way. I would like to wish everybody a year of joy and peace, even if the cross will always be with you, while you are on this planet Earth. But when you are strengthened by Jesus the Eucharist, everything becomes easier! For this reason Jesus said: "Here in this place, is my Tabernacle" and here in this thaumaturgical place, Jesus the Eucharist both visible or invisible is always present.
Make an examination of your conscience and begin this new year with much love. Around Me, there are now a lot of saved souls, there are the Saints: it is not necessary to do a lot of things or any great things, to become a saint. No, you only have to live correctly the daily life and to live every day with Jesus the Eucharist! This will involve some sacrifices, but afterwards there will be eternal enjoyment. Keep eternal enjoyment in your mind.
I invite you to think every day how many times I have said to you: "Don’ t think of the past, because it is in God’ s hands and don’ t think of tomorrow, which is another day". Today you have to begin your day with the Sign of the Cross: read "The Cathechesis of God" (Note: this is the title of the first book of messages given to Marisa) and this time read it calmly and meditate upon what God has taught you. How many beautiful things! They are all humble and simple: there are not great things because God is speaking in a simple manner to man, if he is humble and simple. But if he is proud, if there is always that "I" first, he never will be able to understand the Cathechesis of God!
So once I have said: "A child too, reading these messages, can understand". God is not difficult, even if for some people He is difficult to be understood, but they can also realize that God is love. God will never ask you for great things and if sometimes He asked for some little sacrifices or an act of mortification, that has always been for you, for your dear ones, for your friends, for your beautiful city of Rome and for the unity of families.
The world isn’ t going right! Families keep on separating and the young people are going away from their parents. God has helped you to pray for all these intentions, which are also your own intentions. To love: people are saying this word by every means, but to love means to love your neighbour, to love the poor man and the sick people. How many times there are sick people that we don’ t want to see, because we think we are wasting our time! No, my beloved sons, it is not wasted time, it is precious time: when you meet an elderly person, help him because it is not wasted time, it is precious time.
You keep on running, running and running and also labouring, but finally you get tired and you are no more able to pray and you are heavy with sleep. Give more to God! Look around yourselves! God has given his messages to all the people, but today people are busy in playing the role of Martha and tomorrow, if there is time, it will be for God.
Now, my child, you are going to see the circumcision of Jesus (Note: Marisa had this mystical experience, as she referred later). My beloved sons, the Mother is here with you and with Me there are Joseph, my beloved spouse, the holy Child, the saved souls and the Saints, the Angels and Paradise. Receive Jesus the Eucharist and you will have Paradise!
Begin this new year with joy and peace. If some of you must ask the brother’ s or Jesus’ forgiveness, let him do it today. Keep on living with joy and receive Jesus the Eucharist with joy and love: this little word "love" embraces everything! Pay attention, you have to love also those people whom you don’ t know. Don’ t be afraid and pray too for those people who are giving rise to your suffering. And you my child, keep on carrying the cross with love.
My beloved sons, best wishes to you all. Bring my wishes to your dear ones and bring a kiss and a caress to the children and pray, pray for peace in the world! Always love and begin this day with love with prayer and sacrifice. And you my priests, love and sacrifice yourselves for souls.
With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus. Don’ t forget that Jesus the Eucharist is always present here ".
5th January 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Our Lady: " My beloved sons, adore Jesus the Eucharist, Whom I have brought here (Note: a big Holy Host had appeared on the statue of the Holy Child). Yesterday I have given a message to the young people (Note: a group of young people had come from outside Rome) and today, as a mother and a spouse, I give the message to you, mothers, to you, grown ups. Prize all these things highly and don’ t fear speaking about them to all the people.
The Eucharist isn’ t easy to understand by the children, while the grown ups don’ t like understanding It. People are frequently running to see bombastic things, but here in this place people are coming with difficulty! To how many people has the Mother spoken and how many Eucharistic miracles have happened? But how many people have answered? It is raining, it is cold, it is hot, it is too far, central heating is operating or it is not..., they said. And God is always waiting for each of you!
It would be easy to believe when there is Ecclesiastical approval. But the Ecclesiastical Authority doesn’ t come here either to examine: how can the Authority give the approval? They have been insistently called, my two sons (Note: Don Claudio and Marisa) have even asked for an exorcism, but they haven’ t come!
Jesus, my beloved Jesus, has said: "It is necessary to exorcize the Hosts", but the Ecclesiastical Authority hasn’ t come! (Note: for this reason on June 1996, Don Claudio and some other priests during an apparition and after an Eucharistic miracle, have exorcized the Hosts) And your sister, for the peace of her mind, went to a bishop and was exorcized. In that moment, my son Jesus and I, were beside her and the bishop, the exorcist and it has been a very beautiful moment. But why didn’ t the Ecclesiastical Authority come here to exorcize?
Meditate upon these things! When the Ecclesiastical Authority has been invited to examine and to exorcize once, twice, three, four and five times, they have said "No". But how would it be possible to give the approval? UNLESS GOD INTERVENES IN A VERY STRONG WAY, THUNDERING EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD AND SAYING: "I AM GOD, I AM JESUS, I AM THE HOLY SPIRIT, GOD IN THREE PERSONS!".
All these things should prompt you to speak, to talk to your brothers without arguing, because it isn’ t right to argue. But remember that your witnessing is more important, your example, your love of Jesus the Eucharist than a lot of words. Only say what is necessary and then go your own way and pray! You can’ t imagine how many, how many souls are aware of these Eucharistic apparitions, there are a lot, a lot! But where are they? If elsewhere a very beautiful flower bloomed, everybody would go and see because there is no sacrifice: all those things that Jesus has asked, are not involved, that is, love, simplicity, sincerity, frankness for everybody and charity. It is only a flower, a very beautiful flower, but there is not Jesus the Eucharist: Jesus the Eucharist is difficult?.
These messages are for all the people and not only for you, or for some of you! When I am giving the message of God, each of you should take what he is feeling inside his heart. And then don’ t say: "I am not like that...", no, you have to pray, to pray! And love and shake this torpor from yourselves!
Your sister (Note: Marisa) has been living the passion for some days and from a human point of view it has not begun a new year for her, but a year of suffering and sacrifice. This morning she was feeling so ill that she wouldn’ t come downstairs for the apparition, but she has said: "No, the gift I have received by God is not for me but for other people, so I must go downstairs". So you have to learn too that what you have received from God, isn’ t only for you but it is for all the people you are meeting, for your dear ones, for your friends and relatives.
Now I thank you all present here, as a mother. I am your Mother and I have spoken to you with all my heart and with all the love that a mother can have for her children. I love you all, my beloved sons, one by one and I would like to see you so happy from a spiritual point of view. In fact, from a human point of view, for many times I have said to you that you are living on this planet Earth which is difficult, full of fights and sufferings: but God is not responsible, man has to be held responsible, because he doesn’t love!
I want to give a kiss to the children, love the children and protect them from everything: teach them how to know the Holy Child and later Jesus grown up and Jesus the Eucharist! Thank you for your presence here, in spite of the bad weather: may God help you all! And with the priests I bless you and your dear ones, I kiss the children, I bless your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Sing and pray calmly, in the presence of Jesus the Eucharist and carry inside your heart these words that God the Father has said to you, by means of Me and carry Jesus inside your heart. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
9th January 1997, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. You see by yourselves that the biblical catechesis is not attended, because it requires sacrifice, attention and some study; instead, as I already said in a message, if a beautiful flower bore, but not in its season, everybody would rush and see it. Attending the biblical catechesis leaves much to be desired yet.
Times get closer and man doesn’ t convert, but you must keep praying, also for those people who don’ t love Jesus, how many times I have said to pray also for those people who don’ t love Jesus, for those who betray Jesus: your prayers are not wasted, but they go to other souls who need them, keep in mind what Lucifer did, keep in mind Judas and when a soul loves, he suffers, he suffers for another creature who doesn’ t convert himself and who always runs towards the angel Lucifer; this must give you strength to pray and to live in a state of grace. Your priest (Note: Don Claudio) is living the great passion, always with his sister (Note: Marisa), he has been betrayed, he has been disappointed, he has been teased by small and great men, but the Mother invites you to pray for his meeting with the bishop which will take place on next Monday, pray for him, so that he has strength, courage and love to speak with people who are in a big place and who feel great. The great man can drive the small man away, but God loves the small man; do pray! You have seen how your prayers have helped the Pope, or many people to come back into their families, and especially they have helped them in their spiritual life. In these days pray for your priest, it is not easy to speak with people who have power in their hands and you know it, because it happens at work, at school, everywhere who has power feels sure and powerful. You, as small apostles, as small disciples, make a crown around your priest and stay with him with your prayers, God will know what will be best for everybody.
Don’ t abandon those people who don’ t love Jesus the Eucharist, but for those who want to die, who wants to ruin themselves, what can you do for them? Pray and suffer! I am very sad, because many men yet keep making fun of My Son, but not of Him directly, they make fun of those creatures who truly love my son Jesus and Jesus the Eucharist. I am sad because the world goes wrong, men keep killing each other by means of everything, look at the sons, the parents, the great men of the Church, the great politicians, just look around yourselves and see what is happening on this planet Earth, this planet Earth so much loved by God, but destroyed by men. Once in a message I said: "WHEN SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS, EVERYBODY WILL RUN TOWARDS MY SON JESUS, WEARING OUT THEIR KNEES". I HOPE VERY MUCH THAT IT WON’ T BE TOO LATE FOR THEM.
Keep walking, because I want you to be like saints, pray and love each other! How many times I have said: "Smile and cheer up, sing and be joyous", I know it is difficult, but you have to do it, everybody must support each other: I support you and you must support each other. You don’ t have to fall down, if a creature is in low spirits, get closer to him with a smile and joy, help him, help your brother. You see very few of what we see from the sky and it is sad, very sad and sometimes I woud like to say: "Blessed are those who don’ t believe and who don’ t know my son Jesus, because it is easier for them to save themselves!". When Jesus said: "The prostitutes will precede you in the Kingdom of Heaven", it is the truth, my beloved sons, it is the truth!
I am sorry that this message of God is listened by few people on the Earth, because other visionaries don’ t say everything I tell them, instead here your sister risks much, saying all the message, without omitting one word and for fear of not doing the traslation well, sometimes she says something more to move these hardened hearts.
How can a mother leave you alone and not love you? No! I am always next to you, like a mother is next to her creature, to protect him by any danger. Cheer up, my beloved sons, cheer up everybody, draw close to each other, make a chain and give glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Cheer up, my beloved priest! You don’ t want Me to speak and the others to hear, but now the community must hear what the Mother says. Cheer up! And from Heaven We all say: "Thank you, Don Claudio! Thank you for the love you have towards Jesus the Eucharist and the souls! Thank you!".
And for this reason with the priest I bless you all, you dear ones, I give a kiss to Jacopo and to the children, I bless your sacred articles, I carry you into my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
12th January 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (messages of Our Lady and Jesus)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother invites you to keep praying for the priest (Note: Don Claudio) who, tomorrow, has a particularly difficult meeting (Note: with the Ecclesiastical Authority), so you have to pray for this meeting and in Paradise we are doing the same.
You know how difficult it is for a little priest to meet a great priest. I would like very much that all the priests read the message I have given last Thursday (Note: 9th January) because there is everything in it! You have to help the priest, make a crown around him praying and respecting God’ s will, just as he has said, be in touch with your wings. This is not easy but the Mother has taught you how to pray and say: "My God, your will be done!". Those people prefer to strike the priest because they can’ t hurl themselves upon Jesus the Eucharist, but they would like just to take away Jesus the Eucharist. On this planet Earth, God can do everything if you open your heart and your arms. Pray, so that your faith, hope and charity can increase inside of yourselves! Pray, God is love, God is great and holy! But men are fighting because they are feeling strong with their power and God will never outrage the men!
Men don’ t convert their hearts and I am not speaking about the little, humble and simple men, but about the great men, all those people who can give orders: the teachers who give orders to their pupils or, at work, the boss who gives orders to the workers and sometimes he exploits them, or the politicians, the Church and the men of the Church. Pray for all these intentions, pray for the reunion of families.
Haven’ t you realized that when you are praying with all your heart, something beautiful is happening? Things are not always at their worst. Jesus has chosen these two persons to pray and suffer to help the other people.
Times are closest, but today I want you to meditate upon Jesus the Eucharist! I Myself have brought Jesus the Eucharist and put It in the hostensory and when God decides to consume It, then It will be consumed: for the moment It is in a room, in a little chapel and everybody can go there for praying (Note: this Eucharistic miracle happened on last 7th December during a prayer vigil for young people only), last night I have also given the Eucharist to your sister, who can receive It every time, there is no problem. But what happens? Why do people want to destroy such great and beautiful things?
Sure, they let a statue sheding tears and blood to tower (Note: maybe Our Lady is speaking about the little statue of the Madonnina of Civitavecchia, which is now much venerated), but it is too easy if everybody can see tears and blood! And you, my beloved sons, haven’ t you seen the Eucharist? How many times the Eucharistic miracle has happened? How many among you, have taken advantage from it, increasing your own spirituality and holiness?
My best wishes to those of you who have to take an exam, at school, at University and also due to sickness. I pray for them and you also have to pray for them (Note: then Our Lady showed Marisa many saved souls and as a particular gift, Marisa’ s father and grandmother).
Now my child and you all, together with the Mother, collect your minds and pray the Almighty God so that He carries out what He has decided to do today (Note: all the people said the Paternoster with Our Lady). My child, stand up and come with Me: all the people too have to go in procession towards the chapel ".
So Marisa stood up and entered into the chapel with all the people, then Our Lady asked Marisa to open the Tabernacle, she opened it and a big Holy Host was there! Don Claudio showed the Host to everybody who knelt down and then he reminded them that in December 1994 the Ecclesiastical Authority had taken away the Eucharist from that Tabernacle and had forbidden the celebration of the mass in the chapel; but in that moment God, on his own initiative, had put again the Eucharist in the Tabernacle. Finally the Holy Host was put on the statue of the Holy Child and brought in procession by Marisa in the garden, where Jesus appeared to her giving the following message.
– Jesus: " My dear children, thank you for all what you have done for Me, Jesus the Eucharist. Keep always loving Jesus the Eucharist, also when you are in difficulties or people are besieging you and aren’ t telling you beautiful things. Always love Jesus the Eucharist: pray and adore! Look, my child, how the Angels, the Saints and the saved souls are in deep adoration! But now, sit down, because you have done a lot: all the night you have prayed and suffered. And you all, my beloved sons, give glory to God, singing ".
After this message Marisa asked Jesus his particular help for her, Don Claudio and all the people. Finally, the Host was carried again in procession in the garden and then replaced in the Tabernacle of the chapel.
16th January 1997, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the prayers you have said for my priest (Note: Don Claudio): once again the situation turned over and once again powerful people tried to destroy this little man (Note: during the latest meeting of Don Claudio with the Ecclesiastical Authority, which took place on last 13th of January). But I was close to him and I was helping him to speak! Believe Me, my beloved sons, it is not easy to speak about such great things of God, nor to speak about the Eucharist. Once again for the moment your prayers triumphed because there will be another meeting which will be more difficult. So you have to keep on praying for your priest: you know that he is in the truth and at the same time he is a very uneasy priest.
The Mother asks you to keep on praying and never get tired of praying. Look, when somebody has authority, he can do everything and he can also destroy everything. God too could do the same, but He doesn’ t do it because He is merciful. BUT HIS ARM IS COMING DOWN AND THEN THERE WILL BE VERY SAD MOMENTS FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN’ T LOVED, WHO HAVEN’ T FORGIVEN AND HAVE USED THEIR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY.
There is no harm if the priest is speaking about the Eucharist with love and strength, where is evil? How difficult it is to let Jesus be known just like the Gospel taught! For men everything is too superficial and everything is done with simplicity but with that simplicity which doesn’ t ask for labour and which doesn’ t involve any difficulty. Jesus is allowed to be known in such a superficial way and rarely can you find a priest who is able to let Jesus be known as He truly is. How many times you have heard that Rome is a dechristianized city or that it is a pagan city! If the great men are saying that, people take their word for it, but if a little man is saying the same, then he is not considered.
I am always close to the priest, especially when he has to meet somebody in a such a superficial way for those people, but in such a difficult way for him. Sometimes those people are able to tell lies too and to forget. You have to keep on walking: our way, my sons’ way (Note: Don Claudio and Marisa) isn’ t easy! It is very difficult, but your way is easier, because they are opening the way for you towards Jesus the Eucharist.
This night your sister had a vision, but she was believing it was a dream: she saw three big circles and inside of them there were Jesus the Eucharist, the Mother of the Eucharist and the Pope, John Paul II with the priest and all the men of the Eucharist. All that was so marvellous! It would be so beautiful and easy to live altogether embraced in good harmony! Let’ s love Jesus the Eucharist altogether! On the contrary, they keep on only attending to their affairs, they keep on crushing the little man and easily relying on the great men of the Earth: but you have to rely on Jesus the Eucharist!
Pray Jesus the Eucharist and when you are receiving Him inside your heart, keep on praying and being in harmony and in union with Jesus: speak to Jesus and strongly hold Him inside your heart. Don’ t let Him go out, because of a nonsense or of a little misfortune and above all, don’ t be touchy! Keep on holding Jesus inside your heart and keep on loving Him and above all, adore Him!
My beloved sons, some of you have seen the great miracle which happened last Sunday: after two years, when those people have taken away the Eucharist from this place and have forbidden the celebration of the mass, Jesus has let Himself again be found inside of the Tabernacle! Some time ago I Myself have taken the hostensory and I have put inside the Holy Host. We in Heaven, can do everything We want, but men don’ t accept it and don’ t understand it: they are even mocking Our way of acting. Those people have mocked God’ s way of acting. But if God has created the man in His own image and likeness and spiritually beautiful, why couldn’ t He make a Tabernacle for Himself even on a leaf or on the flowers, why not?
Who are you, man, who can say: "God cannot..., God is not..., God doesn’ t do..."? Who are you, man? God created you, God created you in His own image and likeness but you, who are you?
After you receive Jesus inside your heart, ask Him: "Jesus, who am I, so that You are loving me so much and are coming inside of me? Who am I and why have You lowered Yourself to me?". God, the Great, the Good, the Just, the Saint! My beloved sons, you have frequently to ask yourselves: "Who am I?". If the great men too asked this question themselves: "Who am I?", everything would be easier.
You should live as much as possible in harmony, in charity, simpleness and humility: it would be so beautiful to live and to die in sweet harmony with everybody and in the grace of God, to reach God Whom now you are tasting in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Jesus the Eucharist is there, but men don’ t want Him.
Those people are forcing the priest to be against God: or obey God, or obey men. St. Peter obeyed God, St. Paul obeyed God and many other Saints obeyed God, just because they realized that people were abusing their power. Obedience yes and blackmail no! And now it is truly the moment of the hard battle: it is a hard battle!
It is a battle which keeps on driving the blades into the body to give rise to sufferings: but you have Jesus! You have to remember the early Christian Martyrs who were eaten by wild beasts because they loved Jesus. Today you are not living like that, nevertheless the way is the same almost for two persons, the way is the same! They are eaten up and blades are driven into their body so that they are very troubled: but you must not fear because this is not for you.
The Mother is only asking you to pray and to live in harmony with Jesus the Eucharist. My beloved sons, the Mother thanks you for your presence here. Consider that those people didn’ t want this biblical catechesis to take place: they didn’ t want either the meeting for praying to take place! But I was close to your priest and he fought and said: "No, the Code of Canon Law doesn’ t allow you to forbid all that! You are going against the Code of Canon Law!". This is the life of your priest and it is very difficult and very hard. But he loves very much souls and he is also ready to die for them.
And the Mother, with the priest, is blessing you and your dear ones, your sacred articles and She brings you all inside her heart and She covers you with her maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
19th January 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the love you always have for my son Jesus, for Jesus the Eucharist. Pray: I told you many beautiful but also not beautiful things and for this reason the Mother invites you to pray for peace in the world. Peace in the world means peace among the men of the Church, peace among the great politicians and peace in families. Pray!
IF YOU READ AGAIN THE LATEST MESSAGES, YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING THERE! READ THEM AGAIN, live them and pray for all men, above all for those people who are feeling to be great. Little, simple and humble people are ready: even if they have some little imperfections, anyway I want to lead them to holiness. Are you thinking that I am only speaking in this little place? No, the Mother is appearing in many, many places in the world and She is speaking and asking everybody for the conversion of their heart.
The Mother also taught you that it is not necessary to fall into sin for confessing: every time you feel the need, you can confess because Confession is a sacrament. Every time you receive this sacrament, it increases your state of grace and your strength, your love towards your neighbour and the prayers for those people who are giving rise to your suffering. Do you consider it a matter of no importance to receive always the sacrament of Confession and of Communion? Don’ t wait for the feast day to receive Jesus the Eucharist.
You are eating every day, twice, three or four times and why shouldn’ t you eat also Jesus once a day? Your sister has stated that only the Holy Eucharist can give the strength to reach the following day! Everybody should do this! In the Eucharist there is the Trinity, there is Jesus in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Maybe the great men will try again to destroy this place, so you have to be solid and to play the right part. Sometimes truth frightens and people fear to compromise themselves so they draw back because of respect for public opinion. But I said and taught you so many things that God the Father wanted Me to tell you and I want to lead you to holiness. It is not necessary to do great things to become saints: just little, simple and humble things! No, a saint isn’ t doing great things, because he is always humble and simple, loving God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The Ecclesiastical Authority has forbidden either the celebration of the mass in this place or to keep the Eucharist, but what is God doing? God is sending Jesus the Eucharist! I Myself have carried here the Eucharist and Jesus and the Angels have also come! And God is continuing, He is continuing! Now here you have Jesus the Eucharist (Note: on last Sunday a Holy Host has been found inside of the Tabernacle of the chapel) and the Mother is demanding respect and silence: total silence where Jesus the Eucharist is! I also ask you for prayers and above all to pray with all your heart: some of you said that praying with all his heart is something enervating. No, my beloved sons, it only means to live in the grace of God and to pray Jesus in a state of grace. If you are not in this state, go and receive the sacrament of Confession and don’ t consider the priest as a man, but as Jesus being inside of him! It is so beautiful to see Jesus inside of the priest. So I repeat once again, if you can speak good about the priest, you have to speak, otherwise you must be silent. Sure, you can exchange your opinions and you can also speak, trying to understand some words or some attitudes, but that’ s all!
Receive Jesus the Eucharist, love Jesus the Eucharist. love the Mother of the Eucharist, love the Pope, priest of the Eucharist and love your priest who loves very much the Eucharist!
For this reason I come here among you, to pray with you because I love you, my beloved sons. The Mother is loving all her sons, great and little, far and near, but those sons who are afar, when will they convert their hearts?
I HAVE SAID: "I ALLOW GOD’ S ARM TO FALL DOWN" AND IT IS COMING DOWN IN A GENTLE MANNER. Pray. Love, help your neighbour and everybody. Love sick people: how many sick people are alone in the hospitals and alone at home! Also help the missionaries: you can’ t realize how difficult is the missionaries’ work, but if it is done with charity and love, how great it is in the eyes of God.
Cheer up, cheer up, look at the Crucifix! He died for each of you: He didn’ t give one hand or one foot, He gave Himself in His entirety, for each of you, so you have to love Him for ever.
And now get ready to go in procession, in the same way you have already done it. It is not an act of adoration, because the Holy Host didn’ t arrive on the hands of your sister: I Myself brought the Holy Host into the Tabernacle. So you have to pray and adore, though the men of the Church don’ t want it: but God wants it! You must put God in the first place, only God! (Note: in this moment Our Lady gave Marisa a Holy Host which suddenly appeared on her hands and she consumed it at once).
I have given Communion to your sister to help her, so that she could feel a little better, otherwise her sufferings would have overwhelmed her. For this reason God the Father said to Me to bring the Holy Communion to her, so that she could be stronger to carry her heavy cross. And this is not an act of adoration, because she has consumed at once the Holy Host and because the Bishop said: "When the Host arrives in Marisa’ s hands, she must consume It at once" (Note: this statement is in Cardinal Camillo Ruini’ s decree issued in March 1996).
My beloved sons, you are realizing how difficult is for you to enjoy, also the beautiful things. Your sister obeyed and she consumed at once the Host, but the blood entered her body because in that Host there was some blood and also a sublime and heavenly scent inside of It! When God wants something, He does it independently of everything and everybody.
Sometimes men abuse their power a little and I said: "a little", but I should have said "much": but first of all there is God. And now, those who can, let them keep on praying in the chapel with Jesus the Eucharist!
With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
26th January 1997, h. 10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here: you know I rejoice very much seeing you gathered here to pray. Some time ago I Myself brought a Holy Host and placed It on the statue of the Holy Child: it was a very great miracle and you can’ t understand how many miracles God did for you! How many Eucharistic apparitions! God loves you with an endless love, just like He is loving everybody with an endless love!
Once again, pay attention, my beloved sons: frequently I said to you that God’ s mercy is great and how a lot of times I heard people saying: "God is merciful!". Yes, God is very merciful and good, but at the end, He will carry out justice to everybody. It will be easier for those people who don’ t know God, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those people who are knowing Him!
Now you could say: "The Mother is repeating Herself!". Yes, it is true, but why shouldn’ t I repeat Myself? Why haven’ t you changed yourselves? Why shouldn’ t I repeat Myself if the world isn’ t yet changing itself? Men aren’ t changing themselves and they keep on devoting themselves to their own power: so the Mother can’ t get tired repeating Herself and while God is sending Me to you, I will keep repeating Myself and giving you sweet warnings and sweet caresses! I must do it, otherwise I would not be your Mother!
When you are going in penitential procession, you have to be concentrated, without speaking or turning yourselves, looking here and there: silence, prayer and sing! My Son Jesus and I, His Mother, the Mother of the Eucharist, are pleased with all that. Is it so difficult to pray, to sing and to be silent? Listen to Jesus’ voice: my beloved sons, when you are in the grace of God, even if you are not seeing anything, Jesus is speaking to your heart, Jesus is helping you if you are asking for help! He is fulfilling you if it is according to God’ s will.
I would like very much to put inside of your hearts everything God taught. Do you remember "The catechesis of God"? (Note: the title of the first book of messages) Have you read it again? So put it into practice. It is not difficult: once I said it is right for young people too, as young as the twelve year–old Jesus. When Jesus was inside my womb, He could speak with Me and to John, in a spiritual way and those talks were only meant to give glory to God.
My beloved sons, I love you and if I didn’ t love you, I wouldn’ t be saying these things to you. And I urge you to put away your touchiness, your pride and your ego, which is always put in front! Humility and simpleness are leading you to holiness, but pay attention, my beloved sons: humility just means truth! You aren’ t humble bending your head and always being silent! No, humility is to speak, to speak with charity (Note: now Our Lady asked people to sing and Marisa said She was singing with all them).
My beloved sons, Jesus wants you to sing and so I asked you to sing, even if some of you are out of time. Now it is time to confess your sins and then go in penitential procession in the grace of God. God gave you this great gift: He put Jesus the Eucharist inside of the Tabernacle (Note: of the chapel), so you have to pray and adore! Then God will decide everything.
With the priests I bless you all, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all into my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
2nd February 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Due to Marisa’s very bad health, she couldn’t go into the garden, so the apparition
took place in her bedroom and people could listen to the message through a microphone.
Our Lady appeared with St. Joseph and with the Holy Child in Her arms and after
a brief talk with Marisa, Our Lady gave her the Holy Child and Marisa cradled
Him in her arms. Finally, Marisa gave Him again to Our Lady, Who put Him in
St. Joseph’s arms and finally She gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Today it is
a very important day for life (Note: feast day of the Purification of the Virgin
Mary). But what is very close to the Mother’s heart is your help to those people
who would like to throw their children away: you have to help them to save children
and also to understand that it mustn’t be done. When somebody gives birth to
a child, he must keep and help him: there are so many people who could give
their own help!
I am here to pray with you and I have to say that on February 11th there will
be a great feast. I also wish that you will go in penitential procession, whether
in reparation for all the sins committed during the Carnival, or for my feast
day. The Virgin opens history and the Mother of the Eucharist closes it.
Today, together with my beloved spouse, we are carrying the Holy Child into
the Temple: though God declared Me the Virgin, I will go into the Temple for
purification. It is an act of humiliation, but also an example and a witnessing
for all the mothers! Married life must go on together: one can’t go on while
the other one is left behind. They are not reaching holiness: either they are
walking together, or they are coming back!
But those people who have gone back in their spiritual life, they must not leave
God. You have to fight and pray, you must be strong: you must fear nothing and
not be discouraged by anything. If you are living in the grace of God, what
are you afraid of? If a man isn’t following a woman, or if a woman isn’t following
a man, it is not God’s fault, it is man’s fault.
For this reason those people who would like to marry and set up a house, they
should be ready for everything, above all for the difficulties of life which
always occur. You have to go on together and when God will give you a child
as a gift, help and love him: he is your great love which has joined you together
and God has consented to his birth to give you joy, courage and love. You, who
have been called, you always must bear witness in everything you do. Love your
spouse, love your children and even if they are ill or suffering, don’t desert
them! Keep them, go on and ask for help from everybody: you must be very humble,
because humility leads you to holiness, humility is truth!
Now the Holy Child is in the strong arms of my beloved spouse and He is listening
to what His Mother is saying: though He is so young, He is approving and by
means of his little head, He is saying: "Yes Mother, it is just so". Those women
who are carrying a child in their womb, let them caress and kiss him and speak
to him with all their love. And carry him with all the love that God gave you
and that you must give to a child. God is joining you together, God is helping
you, but those people who don’t make steps following God’s call, that’s because
they are not living in the grace of God. Live in a state of grace and I will
never get tired of repeating to you, my beloved sons, that you must live in
the grace of God!
The Mother is here also for a very important thing which was asked by Almighty
God, by My All: do you remember when the Mother brought the Eucharist into the
Hostensory, after having taken It away from the Tabernacle of a church? Now
a little procession will take place here, in this little place, in the bedroom
of your sister who is very ill, though she doesn’ t look like that.
Then I will tell her in a gentle way, what she has to do. Help her with love
and obedience. I want the statue of the Holy Child to be carried into this bedroom
and some of you, come upstairs with the statue, without making any muddle and
being silent, keeping deep silence. We are making a very important and beautiful
thing which is not yet aknowledged by the men of the Church, who don’t want
to understand it! Sure, they know very well where truth is, they know very well
that here the Eucharist triumphed. So the Eucharist doesn’t have to triumph
here yet, because here It has already triumphed many times and in many ways.
Last night the Eucharist triumphed too. You couldn’t see these beautiful things:
when your sister was suffering very much, being tried in all her body, then
I came and put Jesus the Eucharist on her bosom, obeying God, because I am doing
everything God wants. You don’t have to think that these joys are not payed
for by your sister: yes, she pays very very much. I want on next February 11th
for you to adore for one hour and to go in penitential procession for the feast
of the Virgin Mary ".
Well, Our Lady began giving directions to Marisa, while Don Claudio with the
young people of the community carried the statue of the Holy Child upstairs
into her bedroom. Marisa went and took the Holy Host from within the Hostensory,
she opened the window of her bedroom and showed It to the people gathered in
the garden, who knelt down in adoration. After about ten minutes, Marisa removed
the big Holy Host from the Hostensory and put It on the statue of the Holy Child,
They were carried in procession into the garden and placed on the altar for
After about half an hour people in the garden noted that Marisa was at the window
of her bedroom and she was holding something in her hands: at first glance people
thought she had white flowers, but after a few seconds they understood they
could be Holy Hosts. So Don Claudio went upstairs again and he found nine Hosts
on Marisa’s hands, then he added to them five Hosts Which had been carried by
Our Lady a few days before. They were carried in procession downstairs into
the garden, Don Claudio broke them into many parts and everybody (about 150
people) could receive communion. Finally, the big Holy Host was carried again
upstairs and placed in the Hostensory again.
6th February 1997, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence
here. God the Father gave Me many messages for you and I gave you them all:
they are rather long and strong. It is not my style to be strong, because the
Mother has always been a mother, who tried to give you maternal caresses. But the
world is continuing to become bad: the men of the Church and the politicians
are continuing to become bad. For this reason, I invite you to read again all
the latest messages.
What do I have to tell you more? Celebrate the Carnival
now on the Earth with joy, simpleness and love, being tranquil in your body and
soul. My beloved sons, have a good time, enjoy and cheer up in a sound and holy
During the biblical catechesis, try to store up as much as possible:
get ready to adore Jesus the Eucharist, also on next Sunday and on next February
11th, because I didn’t give the Holy Host to your sister between her hands, but I
Myself put It in the Hostensory! So you have to pray in the presence of Jesus the
Eucharist without being troubled by anything, just as you, Marisa, are doing
because you are always troubled, wondering if it is worship or
not (Note: Cardinal Ruini’s decree, issued on March 1996, forbids adoration
of those hosts which would have appeared between Marisa’s hands). For God it is
not worship, but if men want to charge you also with this,
bow your head as much as possible, but defend Jesus the Eucharist, defend the
Mother of the Eucharist, defend the priest and yourselves!
How many
apparitions are first allowed to be known all over the world and when all the
people know about them, then they ask for Church’s approval! But they abuse their
authority because first they let the apparitions be known and then they achieve
what they want! Jesus is not satisified with this. How many times I said
that I am appearing in many places, that I am weeping, I AM WEEPING TEARS OF
BLOOD: but only those people who received a miracle convert their heart, though a
lot of people knew the events.
And you, my beloved sons, who followed the
simplest, holiest, best and most beautiful way, now you are attacked but God
is with you. This hard and long battle will soon achieve victory. You must be
strong and especially you, the young people, who are witnessing to the
Eucharist, you are witnessing to Jesus the Eucharist and the Mother of the
Eucharist, so you must be strong and go on, even if there are the worries of
everyday life. Cheer up! God hasn’t given you such great sufferings and
remember that the death of your dear ones is not a great suffering, because they
are coming to God the Father and they enjoy Paradise. Certainly, for those
people who die in a state of grace, after the moment of parting, after the loss
of human affections, there is eternal delight!
What more may I tell
you? I urge you strongly, to read again the messages and above all the latest
messages, when I was almost forced to be strong and hard: I don’t like to be like
Unfortunately, men forced Me to be like that and if God was obliged
to give such strong and hard messages, it means that really things aren’t going
Today, though your sister is much worse than you can imagine, I have
given her the possibility of speaking a little: you know how she enjoys singing,
but God also took that from her. Cheer up! She shows much courage, even if
sometimes she is feeling depressed, when she is alone, especially in the night,
when tears stream down her face, because of suffering and exhaustion. But she has
much strength, so she can fight a good and big fight for God, for Me, for the
priest, for you and for all the people. Pray God the Father, call Him by this so
great a name: "God, my God, help all of us, we love You so much, so
help us!". (Note: Now Marisa received a blood–stained Holy Host and at once she
consumed It).
My beloved sons, thank you again for your presence here:
remember as much as possible during the biblical catechesis and with your and
My priest, I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I kiss the sick
children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Praise be Jesus ".
9th February 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady and Jesus)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here.
The great Eucharistic miracle happened again and on last Thursday: you saw My Son
Jesus’ blood on the Holy Host (Note: during the apparition Marisa received a Holy
Host with blood on it). This is a demonstration for all men and above all for
priests, that My Son Jesus is just inside the little Host, with His Body, Blood,
Soul and Divinity.
As usual, I invite you to enjoy not only this event,
but every day and for ever, because every day Jesus the Eucharist goes into the
hearts of those people who want Him, in a gentle and silent manner, if those
hearts are in a state of grace. For this reason the Mother is frequently saying:
"Live in a state of grace and receive My Son Jesus in a state of grace!".
Now Holy Lent is beginning: get ready by means of little sacrifices and acts of
mortification and those people who can do it, let them observe fast and
abstinence. Believe Me, fasting doesn’t hurt anybody, but you my child,
because of all the medicines you are taking, you can’t fast (Note: Marisa has
been very ill for more than two weeks). For this reason I invite you to go the
Way of the Cross, on every Friday and this time the Mother doesn’t like to
suggest the time schedule for you. So you have to choose it, just like you
choose almost everything you are doing on Earth and especially the most
important things. Creatures must choose, but without quarreling or only thinking
of themselves: you have to keep others in mind, thinking of satisfying
On the contrary the Mother indicates to you the time schedule for
next Tuesday (Note: 11th is the feast day of Lourdes apparition): at eight
o’clock in the evening, prayer will begin. Then you will go in procession with
candles and you will adore in atonement for all the sins committed
during the Carnival. Now a little caress: when you are going in procession, you
must be concentrated, without looking around or speaking. You must pray, my
beloved sons, because this is the most difficult moment! Pray and live in a state
of grace and receive Jesus in a state of grace. You will get tired hearing Me
saying: "Live in a state of grace and receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of
Today your sister is very ill and I allowed her to come
downstairs or not. She came downstairs and said: "This gift is not for me, but
for all the people, so I have to go". For this reason the Mother invites you to
pray for her, but also for priests, for my beloved priests: they are my dearest
sons indeed, but not all of them are answering God’s call! MY BELOVED PRIESTS,
you must become an apostle of the Mother of the Eucharist!
When you are
attending Holy Mass, you have to listen carefully to the readings because
they are very important, the Gospel is very important. So, you don’t have to say:
"They are only reading texts, let’s listen so so". No, you must listen carefully
and try to meditate and remember for what you need ".
Now Marisa had the
mystical experience of the lance stroke (Transverberatio), then Jesus appeared
and gave her a Holy Host, which became visible to everybody between Marisa’s
hands. She consumed It immediately and finally Jesus gave the following
– Jesus: " I am your Jesus and I brought Holy Communion to your
sister, because God the Father allowed the lance stroke. I gave Myself to your
sister, so that you can understand how important it is to receive Jesus the
Eucharist inside your heart. Always prepare for It, always live in a state of
grace and don’t let Satan come in! Don’t leave him any glimmer! If your neighbour
is treading on your toes, that’s enough for Satan to come in.
My beloved
sons, I bless you with your priest and with My and your Mother, I bless your
sacred articles: bring my blessing to your dear ones, to sick people, to
prisoners and to suffering people, to everybody ".
– Our Lady: " And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be
Jesus ".
16th February 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
The apparition began with an Eucharistic miracle: Jesus appeared
and gave Marisa a Holy Host which was visible to everybody and she consumed It at
– Jesus: " I am your Jesus and I have come in the place of my and your
Mother, because Lent has begun and I wanted to come here to wish you all a
good and holy Lent: Jesus thanks you for your presence here and for your
sacrifice. I had to give the Holy Communion to your sister, otherwise she
wouldn’t have been able to go on. Since tonight she has received the Holy
Communion three times and she has received strength to go on. I give you my
blessing and my and your Mother is coming now ".
– Our Lady: " My beloved
sons, thank you for your presence here. As I already said to you, I am appearing
in many places and in every place people gave Me a name: they are all beautiful,
but the most beautiful name, the greatest and the most fought against is "Mother
of the Eucharist".
Here the Eucharistic miracle happened and is often
repeated and not only when your sister was receiving Holy Communion, both visible
or invisible. The greatest Eucharistic miracle happened when the Holy Host came
out of Jesus’ chest (Note: on 14th September 1995, from Jesus’ chest on a
Crucifix): that was a very great miracle, because inside Jesus’ chest there is
everything, there is the Church!
God chose this simple and humble place
because he doesn’t like either pompous things or fanaticism. This is a place
for praying and loving only: from the human point of view here there are no
pompous things, but here there is Jesus the Eucharist and here the greatest
Eucharistic miracle of all Church’s history happened!
For this reason I
invite you to pray for this thaumaturgical place, to pray with all your heart and
to live always in a state of grace. As you note, the Mother keeps repeating
Herself and giving you maternal caresses and warnings, because I want to lead you
to holiness. For this purpose it is necessary for you to have faith, humility,
charity, hope and simplicity of life, also fasting.
There are people who are
fasting because the Gospel and the Church are asking it: that’s beautiful, but
everybody must do it in accordance with his own strength, because God isn’t
asking great things. He is only asking to fast and everybody must do it in
accordance with his conscience: everybody is responsible for himself and up to
now, you learnt so much. It was a long school and your priest taught you so much
because my son Jesus was speaking through him! Store up what the Mother said to
you. All the messages come from God and everywhere I am appearing, I am speaking
Anyway you must love also those people belonging to other
religions, you must help them and pray for them. How many times I said that
you never have to consider the religion, the colour, the race of other people,
because they all are your brothers and God’s creatures, so love them! Remember to
do some little acts of mortification, because it is Lent now: I asked you to
go in penitential procession and it is a very short procession because this place
is so small! You see that God on this occasion too, didn’t ask to do great
things, but only to go in a short penitential procession, so you have to go with
love, strength and courage, without speaking, and being concentrated.
Penitential procession is prayer, silence inside your heart: it is also an
occasion of speaking to God. How could you listen to God, if there is some
confusion inside your heart? Cheer up, God is not asking so much! Be silent and
listen to Jesus, Who speaks to your heart: Jesus doesn’t speak to one or two
people, Jesus speaks to everybody for a variety of reasons. But it is necessary
for you to have a beautiful, pure and clean heart: your soul always must be in a
state of grace, so that you all will hear Jesus speaking.
Be listening, make
silence inside your heart and don’t criticize anyone: I was much slandered but I
never criticized anyone! So you have to do the same and you will understand that
I want to lead you to holiness and it is my hope that you are becoming aware of
it. For this reason God chose this very small place, this place of love and
peace, for this reason I am asking for silence: love God, because God
loves you all, without any distinction. God hasn’t preferences for anybody,
so listen to my son Jesus, receive my son Jesus in a state of grace.
The Mother thanks you again for your presence here. With the priests I bless you and
your dear ones, the sick children and your sacred articles. I bring you all
inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God
the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
20th February 1997, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. I said many words and I spoke so much
about the Eucharistic miracle, but I am not yet seeing your answer. The Mother
told you: "Don’t listen to those people who are speaking ill, live and enjoy the
Eucharistic miracle!". Those people who saw, they must freely believe, if they
want it. I also said: "Enjoy and cheer up!" and it is not indeed a tease,
because you don’t know God’s times. When God promises something, He always
fullfills it, but God’s times aren’t like yours on the Earth. You can’t
thoroughly understand and it isn’t easy to understand God’s times.
Once I said: "Don’t ask so many why: why is God doing..., or why is God allowing...?".
Who are you, to ask about God’s why? God knows when and how to intervene, so
there is no need for you to tell God to tell Jesus or Me what to do! We know when
God’s time is arriving.
If I said: "Enjoy and cheer up!", it means that God
knows what is coming. But you must not be troubled and you must fear nothing,
because, as I said many times, if you are in a state of grace, you must fear
nothing. Live in a state of grace, love, love Jesus, love your brother, pray for
your brother who is giving rise to your sufferings and remember that also those
creatures who are not in a state of grace, they are always God’s creatures. You
should pray for them so much that you become consumed: each of you has to take
for himself what I am saying. You all aren’t able to be consumed for souls,
but when God calls someone, it means that he is able to do it.
Pray for all
the people who are not Christians: they need and are waiting for their brother’s
help. Those people who are not Christians, they are not guilty before God: they
don’t know, they are not conscious. WHY IS GOD SENDING ME TO SO MANY PLACES ON
Love all men, of any race: skin colour doesn’t matter, because you
don’t know the colour of God’s skin! Every creature, whatever his colour, is
God’s creature. And those people who are not Christians, they need your help.
I am appearing here until your sister’s death: when she is called by God, I will
retire, but I could also appear to someone else. Anyway it is up to God to decide
when an apparition has to begin or to end: BUT MY APPARITION IS NOT SO IMPORTANT,
many and many times: they are so beautiful and great that it would be enough for
your conversion to see only one Eucharistic apparition! But you, have you
truly converted your hearts? Are you truly believing in the Gospel and in
God’s word? Do you believe in Jesus the Eucharist?
You don’t know that your
sister is living by means of the Eucharist and she goes on by means of It: if
Jesus didn’t bring Himself to her, she would not be able to go on! So she keeps
on receiving the Eucharist night and day, day and night: in this period of Lent
she is observing abstinence (Note: Marisa is seeing Our Lady only when a public
apparition is scheduled and not privately too, as usual) and it is harder and
more difficult, because she hasn’t the Mother beside her, Who is helping and
leading her and Who is saying: "You can do it, or you can’t". Now she is alone,
but she has Jesus the Eucharist in her heart.
She lives moments of weakness
and also of disappointment with respect to Me, but not for this reason I could
love her less! On the contrary, I am loving her more because she shows herself
to be normal. So I invite you, my beloved sons, to pray for these two children
of mine and to pray for those people who are not Christians: pray for the young
people and especially for those who take drugs or who amuse themselves killing
men, pray for the prisoners. How many times I said: "Don’t think only of
yourselves! Look around, because there are so many people who need prayers,
help and support!".
Today it is a great joy for my son Jesus seeing you
gathered here for the biblical catechesis. It is my hope that finally you have
understood that it is more important than the apparition itself: God’s word and
the biblical catechesis are more important than an apparition of Our Lady, Who
you can’t see. Cheer up, my beloved sons, I would like to see you more smiling
and younger: also the grown ups must be younger, your heart must be
always young, even if you are experiencing suffering. Then raise your eyes
towards the sky, open your arms and with Me shout the Paternoster!
My beloved
sons, thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you and your dear
ones, the children and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and
I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the
Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
23rd February 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for
your presence here. Today your Mother’s soul is sad, because those people made a
strong campaign against this thaumaturgical place, not to allow priests, sisters
and people to come here. Yesterday evening the Eucharistic miracle was
repeated here in a very great way. I didn’t come because your sister is observing
abstinence, but I sent one of your saints, St. John Bosco, to bring the
blood–stained Eucharist which was divided into two parts, so that the priests can
understand that when they celebrate Mass and consecrate the Holy Host, there is
Jesus inside of It, with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. For this reason I
sent St. John Bosco, a young Saint, who lived next to your time: he was dressed
like a priest, with alb and chasuble and he was as beautiful as the one (Note:
Marisa) who was listening to what he was saying.
Why aren’t priests and
sisters coming here? Because the Eucharist scares them! Some of them do not
believe that Jesus is really present inside that little Host, with His Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity. Those people made a very strong campaign against this
place: it is really impossible that today too, after two thousand years, some
priests are forbidding people to come here, while it is they who perhaps run
and are running towards those places of some presumed apparitions, which have
received a sort of approval.
God gave this great gift, but not for them, not
indeed! God is calling priests and sisters in this little and thaumaturgical
place: here the blood–stained Eucharist appeared, here in that moment Jesus the
Eucharist was present! For this reason the Mother is sad and She invites you to
pray for all the priests, beginning from the greatest priests and then for
Cardinals, for Bishops and for all priests. You must also pray for those priests
who are forbidding people to come to this place today too: today the Mother has
noticed a creature weeping because of this. Yes, my beloved sons, if you have
understood the importance of this place, weep over yourselves and your sons, over
your priests, over your sisters! You are wondering why the Mother is sad: because
my son Jesus is not loved, He is not yet loved after two thousand years! You are
waiting for some bombastic things, or seeing me weeping tears of blood, or for
many great things: but the greatest thing already took place, not once but many
and many times.
But where are people? Look around here, where are priests and
sisters? They don’t come here from spite for your priest and they don’t
understand they are offending my son Jesus. They aren’t always obliged to come
here, but to bear witness to these little, humble and simple creatures. As
long as some priests feel powerful and know that they can do everything
by means of their power, nothing good will come!
Times are nearest, the hard
times are approaching and God’s arm keeps on coming down, yet gently. Now weep,
yes weep, so that priests truly convert their heart and believe that in the
little Holy Host there is my son Jesus with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Pray also this Holy Lent, keep on going The Way of the Cross: not all of you
are answering, I see you are engaged in many things, but The Way of the Cross
doesn’t happen every day, but only in Lent. Then there will be the Resurrection,
glory and joy. So you have to pray to God, so that joy will come for
everybody and above all for you, present here, for you my little, humble and
simple sons who are coming here every Sunday to pray: the joy for you, for your
dear ones, for your sons, your nephews, for the sick people, for those people who
take drugs, for prisoners, but especially pray for the priests and for my son
Jesus’ spouses!
It is easy to go to church to attend Mass, wearing good
clothes and something else more important and then to come back home, satisfied
and tranquil for having done your duty: but Jesus is dying on the Cross for
everybody and He gave all Himself! Live the Holy Mass, today those people who
have yet to attend it and the others, who have already heard it, let them live it
truly with all their heart: the most beautiful thing, the greatest miracle is
the Holy Mass and the Eucharist!
So if you go to attend Mass without
receiving Jesus the Eucharist, it is quite useless. As once I told you, it is
like to go to a dinner–party where you can see so many beautiful things, a
beautiful table–cloth and dinner service, but then empty dishes! It is just
the same thing, if you attend the Holy Mass without receiving my son Jesus in a
state of grace. Live in a state of grace, love each other in a state of grace and
once again I repeat: pray for my beloved sons who don’t answer the call! ".
Well, Our Lady ended her message inviting Marisa to stand up from her wheel–chair
and go upstairs to take the blood–stained Host which had been brought by St. John
Bosco. So the Host, which had been placed in a Hostensory, was carried in
procession by Marisa in the garden and finally, after some adoration, was divided
into ten parts and consumed by ten very sick people who were present at the
2nd March 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, I have come here just for the blessing of the Holy
Cross (Note: a wooden Cross brought in penitential procession by the people before
the apparition began): bless the Holy Cross, enjoy for the Cross and live for
the Cross! Hurrah to the Cross! I died on the Cross for all of you present here
and for all the people in the world, to open Paradise for you and to allow you
to go to the Father. I didn’t look upon those people who were loving Me or not,
I didn’t look upon those people who wanted to kill Me: no, I died for eveybody,
for everybody!
For this reason I invite you to love the Cross, to appreciate the Cross and to die for the Cross! Jesus invites you to prepare your heart to let it be like a temple for receiving Me. Your heart should be clear and beautiful: you have to prepare it by means of sacrifices, acts of mortification and also, I would say, by means of some very little crosses. This way you can receive Jesus inside yourselves, inside your temple and when you receive Jesus the Eucharist, you receive the Trinity.
Always live in a state of grace, loving and correcting each other. You all can make a mistake, so you have to accept your brother’s reproach: each reproach must be done with charity and love and you have to accept it with charity and love. My and your Mother prepared for you the way to holiness, just regarding these little things: love your brother, pray for your brother who is giving rise to your suffering, help the elderly and the sick people. All these things are normal things of the day and I am not asking of you great sacrifices: the word "great" has to be removed from your dictionary. These are little, little things, but many and many little drops of water made the sea: like this, many and many little sacrifices and acts of mortification are making a circle of love and peace around all the people.
Live for the cross, you must not fear the cross: no, the cross shouldn’t frighten you, but only sins must frighten you! You must worry if you are not in a state of grace, so always live in a state of grace! Just as My and your Mother says: "Live in a state of grace and receive my son Jesus in a state of grace!".
I WANT TO COME INTO YOUR HEART, BUT IT MUST BE CLEAN, LIMPID AND BEAUTIFUL: IT IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Don’t worry, only look at yourselves: put yourselves before Jesus the Eucharist and then let each of you ask Jesus’ forgiveness. You know Holy Lent is very long, whereas Advent is soon over, but Lent is long especially for those souls who have been chosen by God. He knows who to choose and take and those souls are of use to help everybody: to help the Pope, bishops and priests, to help sisters but also many people who are suffering both in their body or in their soul and to help children. These souls are chosen by God Who can do and allow everything, while He is asking you only little, very little sacrifices, crosses and acts of mortification.
So you have to be delighted and to rejoice over everything here around you. In this place everything is beautiful, pure and holy: store up as much as possible and when you are leaving this place, pray and greet also those people who gave rise to your suffering. Come back home with joy, because if you aren’t going with joy into your family, how could you say that you have been in a thaumaturgical place and you have prayed and have been at the apparition?
I am your Jesus and I love you: if I died on the Cross for each of you, it was because I love you all! I also want you to be in a state of grace by means of Holy Confession: keep this Holy Lent and take more opportunities for making sacrifices and acts of mortification and those people who can, let them fast, because fasting is very important. You should know by yourselves if you can fast or not: for example, your sister can’t fast, she must not do it, because she has to undergo other severe and sorrowful privations.
Love your brothers, love each other, like I loved you all and spread all the good news at home, in your district and in your parishes: you must fear nothing, because the true Christian must fear nothing! I would like to infuse into you much joy and peace, because when I am coming into your hearts, it is just to give you peace and joy, to give strength to fight and love everybody. Ciao, my beloved sons, I come back to the Father and I leave you the Mother ".
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. I will be present together with you during the blessing of the Holy Cross. And with the priests I bless you and your dear ones, all the sick people and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
9th March 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady and Jesus)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the love to your priest (Note: today it is the feast day of Don Claudio’s ordination and some other priests were present). He prefers that you celebrate priesthood, so today we are celebrating priesthood. As usual I invite you to pray for the great priest, Pope John Paul II and also for all priests. There are so many difficulties inside the Church! Things are going on, but the Church’s things are going wrong. Everybody keeps on fighting: the Church’s men are fighting, politicians are fighting and little men are seeing and asking themselves: "What will happen and why isn’t God intervening?".
BUT GOD IS INTERVENING AND HIS ARM IS FALLING DOWN SLOWLY: so you have to pray for everybody and not only for yourselves, but for all the men of the Earth. THESE EUCHARISTIC APPARITIONS MUST REUNITE ALL RELIGIONS AND ALL THE RACES. It is difficult to love with all your heart and especially to love those people who are giving rise to your suffering, but the Mother said to you that if you can’t love them, so pray for them! It isn’t easy, just like the next meeting between your priest and the bishop isn’t easy (Note: Don Claudio’s meeting with the Ecclesiastical Authority at the Vicariate on March 14th). What more could your Mother say to you? Pray, because the only thing you can do is to pray.
Times are closest and they are hard, but as long as they don’t touch you, you won’t believe. But I am looking at all the world and I am seeing how things are going downhill, so the Mother says to you: my beloved sons, wake up from your deep sleep, wake up and pray for those people who are saying that they believe, but who truely don’t believe and don’t love! There are neither sacrifices, nor acts of mortification. They are doing nothing for their brother who is suffering, on the contrary sometimes they are saying: "Good, he is suffering, but I am well!".
No, you have to do this meeting of love for your brother and also for my son Jesus today and every day. People have not yet understood the importance of the Eucharist! They still keep on running here and there, without arriving at this place which has been chosen by God and not by men. God has chosen this holy and thaumaturgical place and this little place is the center of the triumph of the Eucharist. When you are able to understand that, then everything will become easier for you and for your brother you are approaching.
My beloved young people, the Church is waiting for you and after all, you, the laymen will put in front the Church’s work, because you will be ready and prepared because you are truely loving! IN THE END THE LAYMEN WILL TRIUMPH! For Me, the Mother, it is an unhappy occasion to speak like that, because all priests are my favourite sons and I am very fond of them, but are they truely loving my son Jesus?
Once again I invite you to pray for all sick people, for prisoners, for people who are taking drugs and for all young people who don’t know my son Jesus, so that they can’t love Him: but who is teaching them the Gospel and Jesus? Who? They are running toward amusement because they don’t know Jesus, but sound, legitimate and holy amusement is necessary. Everywhere you are, you have to try to become apostles, perhaps only setting a good example or bearing witness, because there is no need of so many words. And you, the sisters, bear witness and set a good example, loving your Superiors while the Superiors have to love the subordinates, because everything must be done with love and justice, without blackmailing and not out of spite. When you are able to do everything with love, then you will understand that you are on the way to holiness. But also the cross is necessary to reach holiness: don’t avoid the cross, love the cross, love the Eucharist and the Mother of the Eucharist.
My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and especially for those people who have come from afar. And if today God is giving some particular graces, you have to thank Him, anyway bending your head and saying: My God, your will be done, if you want, You can do it, but I want to do your will ".
Jesus too appeared and gave the following message.
– Jesus: " My beloved priests, today too I tell you: "I live inside of you and you live inside of Me, always". Haven’t you seen the blood–stained Eucharist? (Note: the previous Sunday’s Eucharistic miracle) I am present and with Me there is the Holy Trinity: Mary is the root of the Eucharist and the Eucharist is the Trinity, God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Me, God the Son.
I love you, my beloved priests! Try to persuade some other priests, so that they understand how important is to love the Eucharist, to love the priest of the Eucharist and to love the Pope of the Eucharist. I want obedience to God, obedience to God! It is not a question of a relation between a priest and another priest: it is a question of a relation between God and the priest. For the believers obedience has to be done to God: anyone with ears in his head can hear that!
I always taught obedience to the Ecclesiastical Authority, but if this Authority is acting by means of blackmail and without love, first of all there is God. If you put God in the first place, you have to obey God: you are understanding Me, my beloved priests.
Pray for the meeting scheduled on March 14th at 12 o’clock, pray and God’s will be done! You have plenty of fight. These are the most fought against, the greatest, the most important and beautiful apparitions, but there is a lot of fighting on behalf of my sons, the priests, the sisters and the laymen: these are saying to be committed, but if they aren’t loving their brother, how could they love Me? If they don’t love their brother, who they see, they can’t love Me because it will be impossible to love somebody who we don’t see. First love your brother and then I am persuaded that you will love Me too and also my and your Mother and the Paradise. My dear Don Claudio, best wishes from all Paradise to you, to your priesthood and to all the priests!
And with the priests and my Mother, I bless you all and your dear ones, I bless the sick people and the young people, I kiss the children, I bless your sacred articles".
– Our Lady: " And Me, your Mother, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Celebrate the Holy Mass just as it were the last and live the Holy Mass just as if it were the last. Praise be Jesus ".
16th March 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. This is the most intense moment of Lent: you have gone in penitential procession and you have collected your thoughts because in a little while the crowd will shout to my son Jesus: "Hosanna to the Son of David!", but then He will be crucified. For this reason the Mother invites you to love the Cross: It should not frighten you, but you have to love and live it! Without the cross and without sufffering nobody can reach holiness. God is asking you in accordance with your strength: so, He is not asking for great suffering if your strength is little, but if it is greater, He is not giving you a little suffering.
Don’t be troubled. The Mother asked you to pray for the meeting (Note: Don Claudio’s meeting with the Ecclesiastical Authority on 14th March) and the meeting turned out against expectations! I invite you to pray for these great men of the Church, so that they too understand the importance of loving Jesus the Eucharist, any way He appears. Pray! You have just seen that all the difficulties straighten out if you pray with all your heart.
How long will it take again? Not long, even if God’s times aren’t like your times: to pray with all your heart is a powerful weapon. Sometimes God allows sufferings. There are so many people to be helped and saved! For this reason I invite you to pray for the Church’s men, for the great politicians and also for sick people, for children, for young people. How many times I said: "Pray for those young people, who don’t know my son Jesus, because no one spoke to them about Him!" This is a task of their parents and teachers, but it is also a priests’ work.
The priest must never draw back when someone is knocking at his door, when someone is asking for help, saying: "Father, I must confess". How could you truely know how long he has been wanting to approach a priest for confession? Maybe he hasn’t the nerve to do it, but when he takes his courage into his hands and when he is asking for help, then where is the priest? Where are they? For this reason you have to pray, because the situation is very serious and difficult and if souls are asking for help, you must give it at the cost of any sacrifice! There is need, I would say, there is hunger for priests and and help. Try to go among the young people, especially on Saturday evening and you will find so much misery and emptiness, because no one is speaking to them, no one is close to them perhaps for fear or from laziness or because of tiredness.
My son Jesus was tired too, but He always, He always was on the go, He was in the midst of people and He kept on speaking about the Father. So you have to do the same! You are few in number now, my little priests and even if you are tired out, don’t let yourselves go, but go on. (Note: there were only three priests at the apparition and they heard confessions at the end).
Now I come back to the first point: love and live the cross, because it leads you to holiness and to enjoy God for ever. Jesus rose from the dead and you too will rise from the dead with Him. Why are you afraid? Are people afraid of Jesus the Eucharist? Are people afraid of the bleeding Jesus? Is it easier to go and see a very little statue weeping tears of blood, being troubled about it while people are not worried about a blood–stained Eucharist?
During Lent your sister is observing abstinence and this is very hard for her, who is always accustomed to see and to be together with the Mother. Sometimes she accepts it, but sometimes she lets herself go and collapses: but We aren’t loving her less for this reason and the same thing with you.
Always go on with good will! And if you are discouraged, if you are collapsing, if there is much disappointment and indifference, then don’t stop and keep going on, calling: "Our Father, help us, because only You can do it!".
After all don’t you have your guardian Angel close to you? Why are you troubled? You must not be too troubled: everybody has his own cross and for everybody it is enough. Someone is carrying the cross of other people too, but they are very, very few! But there is also a need for some people to carry the cross of others.
You never should get tired. Even if I said to you that times are closest, you must have strength to go on, to truely convert yourselves, to believe in the Holy Gospel and, those people who can, to believe in the apparitions, because it is not a sin not to believe in the apparitions. The Mother already said to you that it is not a sin if people don’t believe in the apparitions. On the contrary, it is a sin to speak ill, to say something behind your brother’s back, to slander and defame. I am frequently repeating that, so you have to get it into your head: to speak ill of somebody, to slander and defame is a deadly sin!
God loves you even if you don’t believe in the apparitions, because it is not a sin. Pray, pray for all and for your dear ones, for sick people, for prisoners, for people who are taking drugs, there are so many people who need your prayers. Don’t give up, there is yet one week of Lent and then there will be the entry of my son Jesus by popular acclamation: "Hosanna to the Son of David!". Finally there will be one week of great suffering and of passion and you have to understand by yourselves what to do, going on with love, hope, faith and humility, simpleness and sincerity. My beloved sons, you should be loyal and sincere to everybody and first of all to yourselves.
Now God the Father wants to make thaumaturgical, that is miraculous, this cross (Note: a wooden cross brought in penitential procession). So you have to pray before it. Though it is not a beautiful cross, it was made with much love and, as you can understand, God prefers simpleness for everything and today He wants to make this simple cross thaumaturgical, which was made with love and has no greatness, nothing at all!
Once again, thank my son Jesus for the success of the latest meeting between your priest and the Ecclesiastical Authority. Those people keep on speaking ill, but you should not be discouraged and pray for them, because externally they are saying they don’t believe, but inside their hearts they are believing and are afraid! Pray for them without any fear ".
According to a request from Our Lady, Don Claudio blessed the thaumaturgical cross and the people prayed and sang. Finally, Our Lady gave her blessing to everybody.
23rd March 1997, h.10:30 a.m. – Palm Sunday (message of Jesus)
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, I am your Jesus, coming in triumph also in this little and thaumaturgical place: all the people today are shouting "Hosanna!" to Me, but later they will shout "Crucify!". Every day history repeats itself: how many people say that they love Me and then they deny Me for a mere trifle or for fear, because they pretend not to know me and refuse to commit themselves.
God the Father sent Me to this place and just like you, I have a big palm in my hand. My favourite priest (Note: Don Claudio), raise your eyes to the sky and lift up your palm because today it is for you too "Hosanna!" and later "Crucify!": God clasped you strongly in his arms! All of you present here, should sing "Hosanna!" also in the difficuties of your life. As you know, every day is enough for its sufferings, so you have to embrace the cross with serenity and love and also I would say with joy, because you know that your embrace of the cross is for souls’ salvation.
My child, you are seeing Me in triumph and glory, but how many, how many souls and beloved priests are performing the service only out of habit, that they truely don’t believe that in the little Host there is Jesus the Eucharist. Now if I came down on the Earth, walking along the streets, many people would cry "Hosanna!" and many other people "Crucify!", though they are seeing Me while I am great, I am man and God! How could they say "Hosanna!" and "Crucify!" and then love Me in the Eucharist? You have understood by yourselves how difficult is to understand the Eucharistic miracle: it is difficult for those people who don’t know, but for those who know that I am present in the little Host, with My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, it is not difficult.
My beloved sons, who are believing and loving, you have to pray. For this reason God sent the Mother of the Eucharist, my and your Mother, among you.
I would like that you could shout every day "Hosanna, hosanna to the Son of David!". Don’t betray Me, at least you my children present here, old, young and very young, never betray Jesus the Eucharist and receive Me in a state of grace: I will come into you in triumph, to give you courage and strength in each difficulty of your life. If there are some sufferings, it is not because I want that, but as long as you are on this planet Earth, sufferings are here! Sufferings are here because there was Adam’s and Eve’s original sin: so there are sufferings and people keep on sinning. But you, my children, you have only small faults, only some little outburst or discouragement, which do not offend God: but I want you to be stronger and braver. Your Jesus wants this in particular: don’t criticize anyone and if you are speaking about somebody, you must speak with charity and never criticize! If you can help somebody, help him but don’t criticize him.
TODAY ALL OVER THE WORLD PEOPLE ARE SHOUTING "HOSANNA!", BUT TOMORROW IT WILL BE AN OTHER DAY ALSO FOR YOUR JESUS AND IN PARTICULAR FOR JESUS THE EUCHARIST. Love Jesus the Eucharist! On next Thursday, the great feast of the Eucharist’s and the priesthood’s institution, I will be with you: the Eucharistic miracle will take place again. I know that it will involve a sacrifice, but you have to act with love: accept what my Mother and my Father said to you. You are seeing how everything has an end: continue so that beautiful things will remain inside of your heart.
My beloved sons, you must be patient so that you can accept Me every time I am coming among you: I know that things seem to be taking a long time, but you did everything which God the Father asked. God the Father has neither long nor short times and no one knows when things will come to an end: if you say a great and beautiful prayer in a church, you know when it has begun, but you really don’t know when it will come to an end. It depends on God the Father, on the Holy Spirit and on Me, God the Son and it depends also on the Mother of Heaven and Earth, Who is here today close to Me, together with all the saved and saintly souls.
Pray, never, never get tired praying! Be apostles, let this place be known to all the people, but you must speak not only to the believers, it is very easy, you must speak to the non–believers because I am coming just as much for the non–believers as for those people who don’t know Me. If you don’t speak to them, they never could know Me as Jesus the Eucharist.
Hosanna to the Son of David! Enjoy you also, this day of glory, peace and love. Pray for your priest because today he can shout Hosanna, but then.... Cheer up, cheer up! Jesus is coming among you on the day in which the Eucharist and priesthood were instituted: I will stay with you and I will help you according to God the Father’s will.
Just like the Mother, Jesus kisses the children who naturally are running, singing, weeping, laughing and playing now: this way they are giving glory to God. All the way you can give glory to God also being in a hospital’s bed. And you, my child, now you will carry the cross, going back into the chapel in penitential procession: there you will pray and sing "Hosanna to the Son of David!". In addition, my child, you will fast, if you want, on next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: my child, do this for the Church! My sons, those who can, let them fast and do abstinence on next Friday and I also beg you all to meditate and put into practice the Way of the Cross, listening to what your priest is telling you with much love about it. I know that it is a sacrifice to come here at 9 p.m., but when you are together with God, everything becomes easier. Thanks to you all if you will be here.
With the priest and with my and your Mother, I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bless the children and the sick people ".
– Our Lady: " I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
30th March 1997, h.10:30 a.m. – Easter Sunday (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
In the early morning, before the people arrived, Don Claudio found in the chapel a big Holy Host on the chalice of the statue of the Mother of the Eucharist and three small Hosts on the statue of the Holy Child, placed on the altar. So later the Hosts were carried in procession into the garden where the apparition took place.
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. I am your Jesus, risen from the dead, now here among you. But first God the Father wanted to send you some Holy Hosts, that is Jesus the Eucharist with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. In particular He wanted to send a big Host Which concerns the priests and three smaller Hosts concerning you, my beloved sons. I am really present inside all the Hosts, also in a little fragment of Them. Oh, if you could know how many people only took care of eating, drinking and enjoying themselves, while you, my little flock, are here to pray even if it is rather cold. But I am warming you with my love, with my and your Mother’s love and with the love of the Angels, the Saints and the saved Souls, who are present here.
My love for you is great! Oh, if you loved Me, just as I am loving you: my beloved sons, always love each other! I loved very much and you recognized that I gave all of Myself to open for you, Paradise, to lead you to enjoy God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and Me, God the Son for ever. When you receive the Holy Host, even though a little fragment, call Me strongly inside your heart and say: "Jesus, Jesus, come inside of my heart, this heart which I have prepared with so much love and with Holy Confession". I ask you, my beloved sons, those of you who didn’t confess, let them keep their place without receiving Me, because at this point there are so many, many and many people who don’t receive Me in a state of grace and I mean also the priests, the great and the little priests, who don’t receive Me in a state of grace! At least you, my little flock, receive Me in a state of grace.
My Mother, in the name of God, gave you many teachings and She taught you so many beautiful things, so many words of love and grace. Cheer up, enjoy and shout: "Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is risen from the dead!". Yes, I rose from the dead! I could defeat in a moment all those people who were accusing Me, but I had to save you and to open for you Paradise and I wanted to lead you to enjoy God for ever. This is my joy: to see you all saved in Paradise, singing and shouting: "Glory to God, hallelujah!" for ever!
My dear Mother, come here and speak to these sons who are present here with so much love ".
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, I am your Mother and I am really glad to see you being happy with my son Jesus and with Me. Even if you aren’t so many, it doesn’t matter: if you pray in a state of grace, you can do much also for those people who are away. You are considering this a justified absence and so do We. Now We’d like the priests to consume the blood–stained Holy Host, Jesus’ blood–stained Host (Note: carried by Our Lady on Thursday before Easter in the evening) while you will consume the other Hosts ".
Don Claudio went upstairs and came back carrying the blood–stained Host which was consumed by him and another priest. Then all the people received a little fragment of the other Hosts: Jesus wanted Jacopo to give Communion and he did it correctly. Finally people sang and prayed and they received the following blessing.
– Jesus: " Now you all have received Me inside your heart, so you have to pray for all the men of the Church and for peace in the world. Your Jesus with the priests and with the Mother, blesses you and your dear ones, kisses the children and blesses your sacred articles. Best wishes to you all ".
– Our Lady: " And I, your Mother, cover you all with my maternal mantle and I bring you all inside my heart. As a mother, I embrace all the sick people and I kiss all the chidren and best wishes to you all. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
6th April 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Now listen to
the message that God wanted to give you. When I give the message it is addressed
not only to the people who are present here, but also to all the people who are
I am satisfied with you, but just like every mother on the Earth, I have to give you some warnings: sometimes God gives Me this chance, because it is God’s will and I have to be a maternal and tender Mother but also a firm Mother.
So I must tell you with love what I have to say and I must give you those sweet warnings because you are suffering and the Mother is suffering too, seeing so many things which are going wrong. Believe Me, it is sad to keep on seeing that people don’t love my son Jesus and when I come to the Earth or when I am appearing in so many places on the Earth I would like that people recognize Jesus the Eucharist and also the Mother of the Eucharist.
But if you spread the messages repeating: "...prayer and fast, fast and prayer..." without speaking about Jesus the Eucharist, if you don’t let Jesus the Eucharist be known and if you don’t eat Jesus the Eucharist, it is useless to pray and to say so many Rosaries: if inside your hearts there is not the grace of God, if inside your hearts there is not Jesus the Eucharist, it is useless.
You could say that the Mother is always repeating these words about Jesus the Eucharist: yes, it is so! Many people are saying that they are in the right place, because they say the Rosary at home and they don’t hurt anybody: no, my beloved sons, it is not like that! I REPEAT TO YOU THAT IF YOU SAY ONLY THE ROSARY AND MANY AND MANY OTHER PRAYERS, BUT YOU DON’T RECEIVE JESUS THE EUHCHARIST, YOU HAVE TAKEN NOTHING, BECUASE THE EUCHARIST IS ALL AND GIVES YOU THE STRENGTH, THE COURAGE FOR LIVING, FIGHTING AND GOING ON. For those people who know how to live in the grace of God, the Eucharist also gives joy.
Last night your sister asked Me if the chalice of my son Jesus was holed, because she is saying that her chalice is holed: no, it wasn’t holed, but it was difficult to fill it! On the contrary, her chalice is probably holed. You see, when suffering is great, such questions are asked and she asked the Mother such a question. And I almost had to answer with tears in my eyes: "Cheer up, my child, your chalice is not yet filled". So you are experiencing your own sufferings and troubles, not always are you enjoying good health and the job is worrying you: God knows all this.
But is it God, or instead men who don’t behave well? My beloved sons. You have to remember that in the world there are people who live only to do evil and to steal: so the Mafia is going on, Freemansonry is going on and everything seems to be difficult, for those people who want to go the way of my son Jesus. But suffering makes you grown up and strong: it also helps you to help your neighbour.
Today too Jesus, with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity wanted to come among you. I myself brought Him onto the statue of the Holy Child and, behind closed doors, I entered into the chapel carrying Jesus the Eucharist. During your procession (Note: the penitential Eucharistic procession made before the apparition, as usual) the Holy Child, by means of his little hand, gave a Host to your sister, so that she could take communion: SHE IS FEEDING ON COMMUNION, OTHERWISE SHE WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO GO ON!
For this reason, when she was singing and giving glory to God during the procession, the Holy Child by means of his little hand, gave her the Eucharist: she was seeing the Holy Child as a living creature.
Oh, if you could understand how many beautiful things you received and lived in this place, where you will live more experiences, because Jesus will be always with you until the rite of celebrating the mass here is restored: but this will be a very difficult matter.
You always have to prepare your heart as a beautiful, clean, clear and little throne. Receive Him in a state of grace and speak, telling Him all your troubles, also in strong language, just like a creature to his father or mother. You don’t have to fear thinking: "Oh, what am I saying!". Speak to Him, speak to Jesus with all your heart: put in His heart all your troubles, anxieties and tribulations. There are people who are suffering more, so the Mother invites you to pray for them: also pray for the Church and for the politicians, above all for the great politicians. The great men always have power, while the little men are thrown down: Jesus is great, but He is our and your servant. Jesus served, Jesus washed his apostles’ feet! So you always have to consider Jesus as your help, your servant.
Now, consume the Holy Host and don’t worry because Jesus will come again. There are some days also for your priest, when everything seems to collapse: he seems to be alone in the fight, so that many times you are saying: "God, my God, are you on my side too? Look at me, also I am your creature!" You see, God is not like men, Jesus is not like men, They don’t take offence and you can say anything you want, They don’t take offence because They understand in which times you are living: so, if you are speaking to Them in some way, God forgives you and He always loves you.
Now collect your thoughts in prayer because there is Jesus the Eucharist, raise your eyes to the sky, open your arms and together let’s shout the Paternoster... I will give you my blessing after you have received my son Jesus: those people who need confession, let them ask for a priest and then receive Jesus the Eucharist and enjoy Him. For Me it is very easy to open a Tabernacle, to take the Eucharist and to carry It here for you: so you have to enjoy and taste Jesus inside your heart. Now sing while your priest is preparing the Holy Communion. Pray in silence and those people who can’t keep kneeling, let them stand up and be silent, with the greatest attention ".
Marisa was asked by Our Lady to go upstairs and take the other Hosts carried by Her in the previous days. Don Claudio divided them into many little fragments so that everyone could receive communion. Finally, Our Lady gave the following blessing.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, I have adored my son Jesus together with you. Keep loving and adoring Him, also when you are back home: go in joy and with the priest I bless you and your dear ones, all the sick people and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. I love you all! Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
13th April 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
The Mother of the Eucharist’s feast, delayed from March 25th due to Holy Week, was celebrated today. At the beginning of the apparition Our Lady gave three Holy Hosts to Marisa and then Jesus appeared too.
– Jesus: " My child, I know that you are rather upset when the Eucharist comes. But I, Jesus, am Master here and everywhere and I allowed these Hosts to be taken away from a church and to be brought here, into this place, decorated for my Mother’s feast. I wanted to be present here under the appearances of the Eucharist with my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Now I want you to go in procession with Me with the Eucharist in the chalice. Cheer up, go in procession: be silent and sing and those people who need confession, let them confess! Then attend Mass ".
The Mass was celebrated by Don Claudio with two other priests, in a chapel outside Via delle Benedettine (where all the apparitions usually take place). But first, all the people went in procession through the garden around the chapel, according to Jesus’ will. Finally, Marisa had the mystical experience of Paradise and then Our Lady gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My child, you must stay again on the Earth, because you have to sacrifice yourself and to suffer for the Church: it is your martyrdom of love! My beloved sons, you are satisfied with this great miracle, aren’t you? It happened in this almost concealed place: God wanted to send Jesus here with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, so you have prayed, giving glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
I know, Marisa, it is your wish that everybody can see Me, just as you are seeing Me: yet God doesn’t allow that you all can see Me, but I am truely here with you! And now live the Holy Mass, either those who celebrate, or those who attend it: collect your thoughts, pray and adore my son Jesus. If the children are speaking, let them shout and sing, because this is their way to give glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Today you wanted to celebrate the Mother of the Eucharist in particular, but you are always celebrating Me, because I am always with you. Enjoy this feast and you, Don Claudio, my favourite priest, cheer up and go on, you received much strength up to now! Let’s pray altogether, beseeching the Almighty God to help you all: say with Me the Paternoster.
My beloved sons, remember that also these masses celebrated outside your seat, are God’s signs, so that you can do good everywhere you go. Think of the souls! Now I am saying something great, but it is right for you, the priests: let souls consume you, love them and don’t let them suffer! Best wishes to the priests and to you all. And with the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I kiss the children and I cover you all with my maternal mantle, hugging you strongly onto my heart. During the Holy Mass I will be present and I am present too every time you are praying together. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
20th April 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Before the apparition a Big Holy Host appeared on a Crucifix inside Marisa’s home and was carried in procession into the garden for adoration. Then Our Lady gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother has come, bringing the message of God, but God is already present among you. So you have to adore and pray to Him, just as you have done till now. I know that you are going through very difficult times: pray for this hard and long battle, pray for the conversion of those people who have authority and rely on their authority. As a mother, I have to pray and to help them too, so you have to do the same.
On last Thursday I said that your priest was going towards Calvary and I also said that, from the human point of view, those people won. But only from the human point of view, because before Jesus the Eucharist, before the apostles and the disciples, God is calling you, you have won! (Note: After last Friday meeting at the Vicariate the relations between the Ecclesiastical Authority and Don Claudio with all the "Movimento" are very strained).
I know that it is hard and very difficult: your sister beseeched Me neither to outrage their will nor your will. I called you apostles and disciples, so the Mother is asking you for solidarity with the priest: and also you, the priests here present, whatever happens, don’t desert your priest, your brother!
It is not easy, believe Me, if the Mother of Heaven too is saying that it is a very hard battle. Those people are not speaking with charity, love and respect: no, there is much strain, blackmail and fear for losing power. SOON YOU WILL HEAR THROUGH THE CHURCHES’ MICROPHONES, THAT PEOPLE ARE SPEAKING ILL ABOUT THIS PLACE: once again history repeats itself and just like in the Sanhedrin Jesus is alone. But your priest will not be alone, because he will have the apostles and the disciples close to him.
Those people will speak against this thaumaturgical place, made thaumaturgical by God and not by men. God is keeping on sending His Son among you, with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Eucharistic miracles are repeated and today too God said: "Receive Jesus the Eucharist, Who came among you as a gift!". Enjoy these so great things and just as your priest is recommending, so I recommend to attend Mass. Here there is no Mass, because the men of the Church forbid it. Go into the churches and attend Mass with love, praying for this place and praying for your brothers.
For this reason I thank you for your presence here. If the same Jesus’ situation had repeated itself, I should say that God failed! This will not happen, but you have to pray very much for your priest, so that he has strength, love and charity to keep on fighting. I can’t dwell on this matter, because here there is Jesus the Eucharist, Who you all are going to receive. Get ready to receive Jesus, Who God sent among you: God is sending Jesus wherever He wants, as and when He wants. How many times I said to you that God doesn’t have to ask permission of anybody, to appear on a beautiful and embroidered leaf, or on a Crucifix, or on the statues that He made thaumaturgical.
So I don’t like to see you sad: you must be strong, as strong as my spouse Joseph and Jesus were and also as strong as the Apostles and the Disciples were finally! You don’t have to cry around the priest, you should give him joy, strength and courage to go on, because here the great Eucharistic miracle happened, the greatest miracle in the history of the Church! Thank you!
Now those of you who need confession, let them confess, because there are some priests here. While Don Claudio is preparing the Hosts for Communion and little Jacopo is distributing It, you, my child, write ".
Marisa wrote some personal messages and little Jacopo, the one and a half year–old Marisa’s nephew distributed to everybody a fragment of the Hosts carried by Our Lady during latest days. Finally, She gave her blessing, but first Don Claudio spoke to the people: he summarized the difficult situation and let everybody go free in the future.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, now you have Jesus inside your hearts, so you have to keep praying also coming back home. Pray for my intentions as I said to you and go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Enjoy these great gifts! I cover you with my maternal mantle, even if you have Jesus inside your heart and I clasp you all strongly on my heart. Praise be Jesus ".
27th April 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Today it is a great feast for you, a feast of thanksgiving to God: even if the celebration of the Holy Mass and the Eucharist have been taken away from this place, even if you lost from the human point of view, on the spiritual point of view you won. For this reason, together with the Angels I put the Eucharist on a so beautiful flowering plant (Note: in Marisa’s bedroom): a big Holy Host consecrated by a priest and some other smaller Hosts. One of them, according to God’s will, was put on the chalice of the little white statue of the Mother of the Eucharist (Note: this Eucharistic miracle happened the previous night). Enjoy this and thank God: in addition the Mother asks you to spend a day in prayer on next Sunday, when you’ll be free from duty.
Consider that today too the Devil tried to strangle your sister, so the priest took one of the Hosts from the flowering plant and gave It to your sister, because the Devil can’t do anything against the Eucharist. Then God sent again an Angel who brought another Host, Which was put on that plant in that same place.
Thank God for all this. Men can always destroy but once again God wanted the Eucharist to triumph in this thaumaturgical place. History repeats itself and the decrees change (Note: on Saturday 26th Don Claudio received a decree from the Ecclesiastical Authority which, contrary to what he thought, only confirmed Cardinal Ruini’s previous decree, issued on March 1996). Oh, how man becomes little, very little, mean and paltry! But remember that in the churches those people will speak to the believers, saying that they shouldn’t come here, to this thaumaturgical place. Make your choice. You received so many miracles, Eucharistic miracles and you don’t have to quarrel with people who don’t believe because the Mother didn’t teach you this. So you shouldn’t quarrel or raise your voice. I told you: "A greeting, ciao! And then go your way together with Jesus, with all the Saints, the Paradise and Jesus the Eucharist".
Think this over: the Devil is tempting but God intervenes! Jesus the Eucharist won, as usual. Sure, the moment is always difficult. It would be beautiful, if the Cardinal (Note: Cardinal Ruini) restored the celebration of the Mass in this place: but it isn’t easy. So you have to pray, did you note that through your prayers and without so many sacrifices, you succeeded in helping your priest and in helping Jesus, so that He can triumph and reign over your hearts, always being in a state of grace?
For this reason the Mother thanks you for your presence here. I said together with you the Rosary and I sang with you, giving glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Now it is God’s will that the little white statue of the Mother of the Eucharist be brought in penitential procession. I know that there are some difficulties, but you, the priests, don’t move and your sister will go into the house and take the statue with the Holy Host ".
Marisa stood up, went home and came back bringing the statue, so all the people went in penitential procession. Then Marisa was invited by Our Lady to receive communion with the Host which was on the chalice of the statue and finally Our Lady continued giving the message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, once again the Mother invites you to pray and to thank God, especially next Sunday, because the situation once more changed. Keep on praying: during the next month of May every evening at 7 p.m., God is sending Me to this place. I know that for some of you it will be difficult to come here because you are busy at home or at work, but remember that whenever you did these sacrifices, God gave you back much more. So I am waiting for you with anxiety and love. Don’t forget that on the beautiful flowering plant there are five consecrated Hosts. Today God decided like that, maybe on another day He will give you all Holy Communion. With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, the children and the sick people, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
4th May 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Early in the morning, Don Claudio, entering into the chapel, found the Tabernacle
open and a big Host leant against the inside wall and he found also three Hosts
on the chalice of the Mother of the Eucharist’s statue. Moreover, during the latest
days, about forty Hosts appeared on two flowering plants, placed in Marisa’s bedroom.
Before the apparition all the people went in procession, carrying the statue of
the Mother of the Eucharist with the three Hosts. At the beginning of the apparition
Our Lady asked Marisa to go upstairs and take the forty Hosts in her bedroom so
that everybody could receive Communion Which was given to everybody by Jacopo,
the 20 month–old nephew of Marisa. Finally Our Lady gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for this thanksgiving day to God (Note: a thanksgiving day had been asked by Our Lady on last Sunday, in fact on Saturday 26th April, Don Claudio had received a decree from the Ecclesiastical Authority which, contrary to what he thought, only confirmed the previous decree of Cardinal Ruini, issued on March 1996). I took the Eucharist, consecrated by a priest in a church. I took up in my arms My Son Jesus and I brought Him into my chapel, into my jewel. When I arrived there, the doors opened. Sure, the Angels opened the Tabernacle and with all the love of a mother, I set Him down. But God intervened saying: "Raise Him, so that everybody can see Him: He must stay there!". Jesus stays in the Tabernacle, because I brought Him by God’s leave. Whenever you can, come here to pray. The Mother urges you silence: don’t speak, but pray before Jesus and if you can’t pray, look at Him: Jesus will read inside your heart and He will help you all. Thank you, thank you for having answered God’s call.
With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I kiss the children and the sick people. I urge you, my beloved sons, to attend Mass, because prayer is beautiful, but the Mass is more important, so don’t leave out attending Mass. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
11th May 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
At the beginning of the apparition Jesus gave Marisa a Holy Host Which became visible to everybody in her hands and It was consumed at once by her.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for your love to My Son Jesus, to Jesus the Eucharist. Today, early in the morning, I brought into your sister’s bedroom a Holy Host, taken away from profanation. Just now, Jesus gave the Eucharist to your sister who was obliged to consume It at once because It arrived into her hands and you know that the Ecclesiastical Authority decided that all the Hosts arriving into Marisa’s hands must be consumed immediately. Obedience is a great and a very beautiful virtue which also leads you to holiness. Charity, humility and above all chastity are the virtues leading souls to holiness.
Today too, God wanted Marisa’s passion to become evident for everybody and she suffered indeed very much. But Jesus intervened and gave Himself to her. Now you are asking: "Why today also was Marisa suffering so much?". Yes, it happened today too for helping the Holy Father (Note: who was visiting Lebanon), for helping the Church and the whole world. God needs nothing, but He makes use of little souls to help the world and this planet Earth, which is not going properly.
When you come to this place for the apparition, come here with the intention of storing up something, of always taking something beautiful to be brought away with you. If you are coming here from afar, during your journey you have to pray and to speak in a wise way about Our Lady and the apparitions: above all you have to speak about Jesus the Eucharist. Receive Him every day! You’ll feel inside your hearts strength and courage always to go on. This is the love given by My Son Jesus: to die on the Cross for you all. But then He ascended into Heaven and He returned to the Father (Note: this day is Ascension Day). Your sister asked God to change a person’s will once, but God changed many of your wills, otherwise today planet Earth wouldn’t exist anymore. For this reason all the Angels, the Saints and the saved souls are praying for you and now there are a lot of them here with Me. And you, my child, look at My Son Jesus, look how beautiful your spouse is! Enjoy this moment together with your spouse Jesus!
My beloved sons, the Mother invites you to pray for each other, for the priests present here, for the seminarians, for the elderly persons and above all for sick people. Today, here the Eucharistic miracle happened once again and it happened in a concealed way. Finally there will be your triumph. Yes, I know that you would like to know when, but God’s times are not like yours. You all would like to know so many things: I am coming here as a messenger and a servant of God, but also as your servant and I give you God’s messages. But there is no answer to what you would like to know now: there will be your triumph! When? Maybe tomorrow or in one or two years. Don’t turn over and over in your mind: "When? Why? How?". Pray, pray all of you! And while I am carrying your sister to enjoy a corner of Paradise, open your arms, look at Heaven and shout the Paternoster ".
Marisa had the mystical experience of Paradise: she saw Padre Pio too and she asked him for help. In the meanwhile, Our Lady said to her: "My child, the whole of Paradise wishes you well: you gave your life for the Church, for the priests and for the souls. Look, they are all around you and the saved souls wish you well. You don’t know how many of these souls where saved by means of your sufferings!" Then Our Lady kept on giving the message to all the people.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, pray for your sister and for all your dear ones: I do pray for you all, together with Paradise. The Mother thanks you again for your presence here and for your love to My Son Jesus, to Jesus the Eucharist: always receive Him in a state of grace. With the priests I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I kiss all the children and the sick people. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
18th May 1997, h.10:30 a.m. – Whitsunday (message of Our Lady)
Eucharistc miracles are continually repeated. In the night Don Claudio found many Hosts on a bonsai in his bedroom. Before the apparition all the people went in procession in the garden, bringing the statue of the Mother of the Eucharist with one Host in the chalice. After prayers and songs, Our Lady gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, I want you to be silent and invoke the Holy Spirit inside your hearts. Come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit...pray altogether, come Holy Spirit...
When Jesus is here with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, the Mother stays with the greatest silence, Today too God wants you all to receive Communion in a state of grace and you, my child, come with Me ".
Marisa stood up from her wheelchair and went into the house to take the Hosts Which were divided into many fragments and everybody could receive Communion. Finally Our Lady continued her message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, now after having received My Son Jesus, thank God for this great gift, for this miracle. God always wants to perform this miracle until the Holy Mass, until the Eucharist is restored in this place. And when God decides, you’ll have to read a very important message given in 1994 to your sister. This message is beautiful for Don Claudio and Marisa, but not for the Ecclesiastical Authority. Anyway the Mother invites you to pray for the Ecclesiastical Authority. Pray for my and your Pope: today it is his birthday and just as I already told you, pray so that he can do God’s will. When Jesus the Eucharist is here, you must be in the greatest silence, but you have to speak to Him inside your hearts, asking for help.
My beloved sons, I wish a good descent of the Holy Spirit inside each one of you. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle and together with these my favourite sons, I bless you all and I kiss the children. Keep on praying to the Holy Spirit, not only today but also every day. Praise be Jesus ".
24th May 1997, h.7:00 p.m. (MESSAGE OF THE HOLY CHILD)
Our Lady appeared with St. Joseph and with the Holy Child, as during other apparitions, but for the first time the message was given by the Holy Child.
– The Holy Child: " My beloved sons, I am the Holy Child and together with my and your Mother I am here to give you a message. I am Jesus when I was yet a child, Jesus playing with children and Angels, Jesus, God. So I am bringing a message from God to you: it is our great wish that all families reunite, but if it isn’t possible, you have to accept God’s will. I know how difficult it is! But if you are living in a state of grace, together with Jesus the Eucharist, you have the strength to bear and to accept everything. When I was a child, I was running after little birds and especially after sick little birds: together with my Mother We cured them and finally We let them fly away. I am asking of you just the same thing: cure yourselves, threat those little or great faults and then fly like birds, like flowers budding before Jesus the Eucharist.
I wished to let my Mother give you the message, but I obeyed my Mother, so that you could understand how important obedience is and I said: "I will speak to my beloved little brothers of the Earth". I want you to walk gently towards humanity. You, the grown ups and you the young men, fly in touch with wings, just as somebody says (Note: Don Claudio). Don’t think only of yourselves!
I am praying for you and especially for disunited families. If you could know how many families are disunited: in spite of the Sacrament of the Matrimony, even if one of the spouses falls ill, sometimes he is abandoned! And you Marisa, you know that you have been abandoned because of your sickness.
Perhaps today you won’t understand the message of the Holy Child: I invite you to pray for the reunion of families and for the reunion of religions. Believe Me, currently your religion is the most wavering!
Now I am on a little cloud but before I was in my Mother’s arms and I was caressing Her saying: "Mother of Heaven and Earth, how much you gave to the Earth’s sons, how many graces you brought, but the Earth’s sons neither answerd, nor thanked God". There is no enthusiasm inside their heart: Jesus the Eucharist came here so many times and in so many ways, because it was God’s will. But I saw only the joy of that moment and the enthusiasm of that day and it seems like everything is due to you. If the Mother is not speaking, you ask: "Why isn’t She speaking?" And if the Eucharist didn’t arrive anymore, you would ask: "Why isn’t It arriving anymore?".
Why haven’t you grown up yet, just as I was growing up in wisdom and grace? Now some of you will say: "How many things this Holy Child is asking!". But I am asking because I know that I can count on you and because I love you. Don’t live only the enthusiasm of the moment and don’t always expect your priest to sound the charge. Didn’t you personally taste Jesus the Eucharist? Didn’t you see Jesus the Eucharist? It would be enough to see Him once!
Don’t cool your heart, stir yourselves, wake up my little brothers! And always work in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. If you could taste everything that happened here, you would always jump for joy and love.
Listen, my child, how the Angels are giving glory to God, singing unceasingly. When the Mother announced that HERE JESUS WILL APPEAR EVERY DAY ON THE NEXT JUNE FOR YOU, just in this little and concealed place, in this little slandered and defamed place, I haven’t seen joy in your heart. Immediately you began to weigh the pros and cons: I am not an accountant, but when I was in my Mother’s arms, I saw you valueing. You thought only upon the planet Earth! How many perplexities and thoughts! Haven’t you aksed yourselves how much this sacrifice should cost to you?
Look in the depth of your heart, examine your conscience and just like Me, together with my Mother and beloved daddy, examine your conscience every evening. Until you are able to understand God’s great gift, you won’t be able to walk with enthusiasm, joy and serenity. Well, the Holy Child has spoken to you and now you have to answer to yourselves, in your heart: especially when you receive Jesus the Eucharist, answer Him! There is no need to inform the priest of you, you and you... God will thank you for what you are doing. If you keep on saying: "I...,I... and I", you already have thanked yourselves and there is no joy.
You, my young people, always go forward with courage and strength because now I am coming back into my Mother’s arms and I leave you with Her ".
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, you listened to the Holy Child. Put into practice what He told you and together with Me let’s say the great prayer that Jesus taught: Paternoster...
My beloved sons, after having listened to the Holy Child’s message, take joy with you and bring it to yourselves and to other people and love. I want to see you enthusiastic of everything and just like Jesus told you, don’t expect your priest to sound the charge for you. All of you have received and seen, all of you have listened! And with the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
1st June 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Before the apparition, when people were in penitential procession in the garden
and Marisa was carrying a blood–stained Holy Host brought by Our Lady the previous
evening, someone who was there for the first time, complained to Don Claudio about
the Eucharistic procession. But after Don Claudio’s explanations, Our Lady also
wanted the situation to be cleared up and so She gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for
your presence here. Today too, Jesus the Eucharist came among you. Pay
attention, my beloved sons, because those people who are scandalized for what is
happening in this holy place, haven’t a clear conscience and they haven’t
come here for a ceremony which is powerful for Heaven and Earth. People come
here only to pray: who comes here only for investigation isn’t in the right
place. You must come here only to pray and to go on with love, humility and
simplicity because you have seen and believed that Jesus the Eucharist was sent
here by God with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Above all remember: never
judge! If you judge, criticize and defame, you seriously sin against God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus didn’t come here among
you for fun! He came here to pray with you. He didn’t come here because this is
a great or bombastic place: there is nothing here, there is no fanaticism, there
is only a great prayer for those people who want to go the way of holiness.
The great men of the Church took the Eucharist away from this place, but God
brought the Eucharist back here in many ways, when, where and how He wanted. As
things are at present, while wars are going on, while Italy is trying to divide
itself into two parts, while Rome is a dechristianized city, how is it possible
that you are dwelling upon such little things, only because you feel you
are learned men? Who can be superior to God or to those priests who obey
The Mother invites you to pray for your beautiful Italy: Italy is
dividing itself into two parts and families too keep on dividing themselves, a
lot of people take drugs, a lot of people are prisoners, children are raped,
sons kill their parents or parents kill their sons. But today too you are
dwelling upon the great and beautiful things in the eyes of God and of those
people who have seen and believed and you are criticizing! Who are you to
judge? Let God judge: God is the only judge. He sent his son Jesus to help you
to convert and finally He will be the judge.
My brothers, love each other
because only by loving each other can you go very far and love Jesus
with all your heart, not only by means of words. When Jesus is present here with
His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, the Mother doesn’t like to speak much. She
likes better to step aside, to pray and adore her son Jesus. But God the Father
wanted Me to speak to you, giving you this message. God is good and generous: He
is yet trying to help you. So you haven’t to dwell upon such little things,
pray for all the intentions I indicated before, pray, love, convert you heart
and believe the Gospel!
And now who is in a state of grace and who is
feeling right, let him receive Jesus the Eucharist, otherwise there is
confession. Receive Jesus with love, reflecting that in each little fragment
of a Holy Host there is Jesus. Let Him come into your heart, speak to Him and if
someone must ask forgiveness, let him ask it of Jesus. Here is what the
Mother wants in particular: in the name of God, respect the priest, respect who
is loving Jesus and souls, don’t judge and you won’t be judged! Amen ".
8th June 1997, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
For some days Marisa
was hospitalized at St. Raphael hospital in Rome, but it wasn’t possible to
operate on her for the moment. Anyway Jesus kept on appearing to her every
evening and for the first time in the morning an Eucharistic miracle happened in
a secular place. Two Hosts appeared in Marisa’s hospital bedroom on the
chalice of the Mother of the Eucharist’s little statue.
– Jesus: " Now you
have Jesus the Eucharist before you and I am Jesus. The Mother has come too so
you have to pray together with my and your Mother ".
– Our Lady: " My
beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Jesus with His Body, Blood, Soul
and Divinity came here to give strength and courage not only to your sister but
also to this hospital institution. (Note: St. Raphael hospital is a recent
hospital institution, founded in Milan and Rome on the initiative of a priest.
Its purpose is the care of the sick but with a particular attention to the
patient, who has to be considered as Christ’s image).
These two Hosts were
taken away from profanation by Archangel Raphael, indicated by Archangel
Gabriel and through the help and strength of Archangel Michael, because this
hospital’s name is St. Raphael, so God sent his Archangels to save this
Eucharist: one is saved, the other is profaned and the Archangel Michael
placed Them on the chalice of the Mother of the Eucharist’s statue.
You haven’t yet understood fully this great gift given you by God. You haven’t
yet understood the importance of these Eucharistic apparitions and the
importance of the Mother of the Eucharist. I would like very much to help you
all, because you are yet keeping on wavering. Now you are accustomed to see
Eucharistc miracles and to listen to the messages, which are repeating
themselves, but you haven’t understood that, if the messages are repeating
themselves, it is because you have to walk yet! My beloved sons, the gifts and
the graces you have received are great and immense and God chose you: remember
that it is not granted for everybody to live these days of glory. You should
remember this until your death, resurrection and meeting with God.
Here in
this hospital the doctors are trying in every way to put in the centre the
sick people because they are Jesus. So you have to help them because these good
doctors are trying to lead sick people to serenity, love and strength, but also
to meet Jesus: in fact not everyone recovers his health. But here those people
who recover, they have to rejoice because they have found a friend, a
brother! All of you understood that life is a grace: live your own life together
with the Eucharist, because without the Eucharist your life is nothing and you
are just like little trees, bent by a puff of wind. Without the Eucharist you
have nothing, you haven’t Jesus with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, you
haven’t the Mother of the Eucharist, you haven’t God the Father inside your
heart. Love the Eucharist and the place chosen by God. Up to now this is not yet
understood! Love the Eucharist, love the Mother of the Eucharist, love the Pope,
love your priest and your sister, love yourselves, love those people who are
close to you, but above all, love those people who are suffering!
Don’t look
for the first places, don’t want to be in the first places: "...I know,...I
can do...,I understand...", try to let that "I" die! YOU ALL ARE UNNECESSARY
SERVANTS, JUST LIKE ME. Before God I am a servant, I am your servant. This
message that God gave to Me, is to shake your heart, so that you can love
everybody without looking for the first place: always look for the last place!
To be pre–eminent is not for the Kingdom of Heaven and it makes you proud,
jealous and envious. You must not be like that! If Jesus chose you, it is
because you should be as simple and prudent as doves. You must love.
Now Jesus the Eucharist is present here and I invite little Jacopo to give the two
Holy Hosts to Don Claudio and Marisa, while you all will make a spiritual
Communion. Call Jesus inside your heart, be silent and collect your thoughts in
prayer: "Come Jesus, come spiritually into my heart!". And then attend Mass,
live the Holy Mass and receive Communion in a state of grace. If you aren’t
feeling to be right, you have to confess: it is so beautiful the sacrament of
confession because you are coming back to God (Note: after the apparition Don
Claudio celebrated Mass in the hospital).
My beloved sons, the Mother thanks
you for your presence here and likes to remind you that during the
celebration of the Mass, She stands at the side of the priest, She prays
with you and lives the moment of the consecration with the priest and with you.
My son Jesus told Me to bless you, to cover you with my maternal mantle, to kiss
the children, the sick people and the grandmothers who are at home, to bless
this hospital together with those people who work to lead sick people to joy and
recovery. In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Amen ".
10th June 1997, h.9:00 p.m. (message of Jesus)
– Jesus: " My
beloved sons, I am your Jesus and I am reading inside your hearts. You can’t
understand thoroughly how difficult is the situation of the world and, above
all, of Italy. You could never imagine how everything is leading to ruin. I,
Jesus, thank you little flock, who are loving Jesus the Eucharist and the Mother
of the Eucharist and for everything you are doing to help these two children of
Your sister is in serious danger and the doctors haven’t
understood either, but through your prayers you escaped an operation for
her, which would have been very dangerous. Don’t you see, my beloved sons, how
easy it is to move Jesus’ heart and how Jesus answers your requests?
How many times I said to you, together with my Mother: "Pray with all your
heart, pray in a state of grace!". So you succeeded in helping the Holy
Father, you succeeded in escaping an operation for your sister, even if
the risk for her keeps on being very great: keep on praying!
I tell you, my
beloved sons, that Marisa’s mission is very great and, just like someone said,
the world needs this great gift given by God and she is trying to let this gift
bear fruit in every way. But it isn’t easy for her, who doesn’t feel
at ease on the Earth: to live on the Earth is troublesome for
her, just as for her spiritual director.
My beloved sons, have you
understood how much Jesus loves you? Have you understood how great is my
love for everybody? Keep on praying and reaping those graces you all need.
Above all I invite you to pray for the Ecclesiastical Authority and for the
great men of the Church, who yet don’t want to accept this great gift of God and
also for the great politicians, who don’t understand the little and simple
creatures, who don’t understand the needs of the sick and poor people and of the
children too.
Do you think
it is strange that Jesus is asking you to pray for so many intentions? But this
message is for everybody and you have to say: "Jesus asked everybody for
many prayers".
You don’t see Me, but my heart is bleeding because of
everything that is happening in the world. And you, my little and simple
creatures, cheer up and ask for graces from God the Father,
from God the Holy Spirit and from Me, God the Son.
I am not here
alone, because together with Me there is My and your Mother. She is praying with
you and her heart too is bleeding. It is not necessary to see bleeding or
weeping statues to understand how dangerous the situation is, but it isn’t
because of you, my little flock, it is because of the great men of the Church
and the great politicians, those people who have power and leadership, who
hurt this planet Earth a great deal, created by God with love. One day when
you enjoy God, you’ll understand that God is love. My beloved sons, thank
you for your presence here. With the priest, Jesus blesses you all and all the
sick people too ".
– Our Lady: " And I, your Mother, cover you all with my
maternal mantle, I hug you strongly. Praise be Jesus ".
15th June 1997, h.8:00 p.m. (message of Jesus)
– Jesus: " I love you, my beloved sons. You
prayed and offered to God your prayers for all the world. BELIEVE ME, MY BELOVED
SONS, THERE IS NO PEACE! Nevertheless you can achieve it by means of prayer
and by loving each other. When there is something which is not going right,
don’t let it be a burden to your brother: speak to him, but you have to be as
peaceful as possible. Are you thinking that I can’t understand how difficult
life is on this planet Earth? But together with Me and with the Mother of
the Eucharist everything becomes easy, if you abandon yourselves to God!
How many times the Mother said to you: "Repeat this sentence: my God, your will
be done!". Sometimes it is difficult because man is not loving himself, but
you have to love yourselves and each other: throw away that long face! It is no
use for you or for the others. And love!
This morning I just came
bringing Myself with my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity (Note: a Holy Host was
found on the chalice of the Mother of the Eucharist’s little statue in Marisa’s
hospital bedroom) and at the same time, I brought the Eucharist into the chapel
of the Mother of the Eucharist, that is my Mother’s jewel. It is my joy to stay
among you with my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Now you don’t see Me,
but you all can see Jesus the Eucharist: this is driving you to do something
great, even though humbly, isn’t it? My beloved sons, live humbly and with
simplicity. I also know that now, heat makes you let yourselves go a little
and sometimes it is the same because of cold. You see, on this planet Earth
there is always something which is not going right, so I, Jesus, understand all
this and all the same, I am loving you and even if some of you are limping,
because to limp is useful sometimes. Look at your sister who walks, but she
Try to understand what I said to you: I can’t continue any more,
because here there is Jesus the Eucharist and you have
to conclude the celebration of the Holy Mass (Note: this apparition happened
while Don Claudio was celebrating the Mass in the hospital), but also because,
just as I am reading inside your eyes, it is so hot! But the Earth also
needs the heat, cold, the Sun, rain and all of them were created by God.
Cheer up, my beloved sons, pray and truely convert your hearts. Go in the peace
of God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and of Me, God the Son. With the priest I
bless you. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
21st June 1997, h.7:00 p.m. (message of Jesus)
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, IT WOULD BE NECESSARY
for ruin by itself and men yet keep on running towards something which is
not God. I said: "My Heart loved man much, all the men of different
religions and of different races, because they all are God’s creatures, they are
My creatures".
But if men keep on killing one
another, especially by means of words, of power and money, they never will
be able to love God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Me, Jesus.
Yes, my beloved sons, my heart is sad because it is as if
to acknowledge that I have failed, but I haven’t truely failed. I HAVEN’T
For this reason God the Father keeps
on sending Me among you and you received this gift, that is my presence here
with My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, because God loves you.
But you are giving up: a trifle is enough to let you collapse. It is enough that
one of you is doing something beautiful for Me or for my Mother and
either jealousy or envy spring up. This is not beautiful, because though it
seems to be a trifle, beginning from a trifle, then you can tell a falsehood,
you can slander and defame, because of jealousy. If one of you is telling
something for the good of everybody, someone else takes offense and suffers
because of jealousy, he stamps his feet and is offended: and then he says so
many Rosaries and so many prayers, but it is no use if he doesn’t love his
brother nearby.
My heart is loving you all, without distinction and I accept
you all just as you are. Unfortunately, this happens not only in this little and
simple place, but jealousy and envy are also in all those other places where my
Mother is appearing or I am appearing. People pray and say many Rosaries, they
are running from one apparition to another, from one shrine to
another and from one parish to another, but then they don’t love.
This is not beautiful. First love, love each other and then pray!
This evening I leave you only this sentence: FIRST LEARN HOW TO LOVE EACH OTHER AND
THEN PRAY. Pray to God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and Me, God the Son
and pray to the Mother of the Eucharist, but first learn how to love each
Thank you for your presence here. I bless you all together with your
priest, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Praise be Jesus Christ ".
22nd June 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
While people were saying the Rosary in the garden, Jesus appeared twice to Marisa
at the beginning of the second and of the third glorious Mystery and gave the
following messages. Likewise Our Lady appeared at the beginning of the fourth
and of the fifth glorious Mystery.
– Jesus (second glorious Mystery): " My beloved sons, I ascended to the Father
for you, but I didn’t leave you alone: I left My Body, Soul, Blood and Humanity.
I also took care so that my Mother would come to the Earth, bringing God’s messages.
The Angels, the Saints and I Myself, with My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity,
We are always coming among you: what a joy! Oh, you always should rejoice over
this every day and not only in this moment. Look at Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven:
it happened for you and for all the men of the Earth. For this reason now you
have to say this Mystery of the Rosary for all the men of the Earth, for their
conversion: convert your hearts and believe the Holy Gospel ".
– Jesus (third glorious Mystery): " My beloved sons, God the Father sent the
Holy Spirit not only over the Apostles, but also over each of you, to make you
docile, humble and simple, to make you apostles in the world, in your families
and parishes, to make you apostles in every place of work, but being wise, docile,
simple and humble. All that is very important when you are travelling a spiritual
path and for this reason now I, Jesus, am among you. OH, HOW MUCH I WANT THESE
People are answering very well abroad, but Italy leaves much to be desired,
Rome leaves much to be desired. For this reason now you have to say these Hail
Marys for these intentions. Let the Holy Spirit come into your hearts, so that
He can give you strength, wisdom, humility, docility and semplicity, not only
in this moment, but always. Cheer up! ".
– Our Lady (fourth glorious Mystery): " Yes, I was taken up into Heaven, but
as you understand, I am always on the Earth, to help you to truely convert yourselves.
My beloved sons, the Mother is loving you with all her heart: if I didn’t love
you, I wouldn’t be always here with you and I wouldn’t be always appearing in
some other places. I am appearing in so many places and people call Me with
so many names and they are all beautiful, but the most beautiful name, the name
which God the Father is mostly exalting, is Mother of the Eucharist, Mother
of Jesus the Eucharist.
Men can’t love: for this reason I invite you to say these Hail Marys for man’s
change, for the change of men’s way of thinking. I am praying with you ".
– Our Lady (fifth glorious Mystery): " Yes, my beloved sons, I am the Queen
of Heaven and Earth, but without the crown: I am the Queen of Hearts and I am
always giving glory to God. For this reason He made Me the Queen of all men,
the Queen of Heaven, but remember, without the crown! You all should wish to
become great, but without claiming the crown, being as simple as you are. Go
on my beloved sons, above all, go on! ".
Before the Rosary people went in penitential procession in the garden, bringing
two Jesus statues: one, Jesus Sweet Master with a Host placed on his heart and
the other, the Holy Child, with a big Host placed in his arms. Both these Holy
Hosts were found in the morning, placed over the statues in the chapel. Finally,
at the end of the Rosary, Jesus appeared again and gave the following message
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, I am coming among you until in this place the celebration
of the Holy Mass is restored: but you shouldn’t get accustomed and take advantage
of my coming among you. If God the Father wished, also in this moment He could
restore the celebration of the Holy Mass, but just as I said to you many times,
We can’t do violence to man’s will. UNLESS GOD THE FATHER GETS TIRED OF ALL
so that the conversion of the great men can arrive!
Are you tired, my beloved sons? Don’t keep kneeling down and those who can,
let them take a seat: speak to Me, talk with Me! My message is the same as yesterday,
first learn how to love each other and then pray. If you aren’t loving each
other, how can you pray to Me and my Mother? You can’t pray because first you
have to love each other.
To love doesn’t mean only to love your husband, wife, sons... yes, that’s right
to love first the family, but you have to love also your brother who you don’t
know and your brother who gives rise to your sufferings. Pay attention! There
are people who give rise to their brother’s sufferings because of jealousy and
envy: no, this shouldn’t happen. I, Jesus, can accept your weaknesses and shortcomings,
but I can’t accept those people who are giving rise to their brother’s sufferings
because of jealousy or envy. This is not love, this doesn’t mean to love his
brother. Consequently, keep well in your mind and remember this sentence: learn
how to love everybody, then pray!
If you say so many Rosaries, if you attend two or three Masses a day and run
here and there but you don’t love your brother, don’t pray, my beloved sons:
what could you ask for? This is just a sweet warning, because I want to lead
you all to holiness. And you, my child, don’t forget to put your hands upon
sick people, you have to obey Me!
My beloved sons, when the priests have finished confession, you all will receive
Holy Communion. This is the gift that God the Father wanted to give you, also
to give Marisa a hearty welcome after her stay in the hospital, though Marisa’s
state of health is precarious: but she is like that, though she can show no
sign of being so sick.
Therefore God the Father gave you this great gift and you all can receive Jesus
the Eucharist, Myself, but remember also to attend Mass, if you haven’t yet
attended it. And now collect your thoughts in prayer and receive Holy Communion
because my and your Mother took some Hosts away from profanation: She saved
twenty Hosts and placed Them in your sister’s bedroom, on the statue of the
Mother of the Eucharist and on some flowered plants. This morning you found
also the Eucharist on Jesus’ heart on the statues of Jesus Sweet Master and
of the Holy Child. Cheer up! Get ready to receive Jesus the Eucharist and you,
my child, go upstairs together with the Mother and take the saved Holy Hosts
26th June 1997, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Jesus)
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, I am your Jesus and I have come here
among you because it is yet the month of June and God sent Me, His Son, every
day during June.
I would like to tell you how much I love you, one by
one and also how great my love is for each of you and it led Me to the Cross,
for each of you and for all the men of the Earth.
As you see men yet
don’t convert their hearts: as far as men aren’t tried, they don’t
believe! There is something about which I am very, very sorry and it gives rise
to my suffering and to my bleeding: there are people who ask their priest with
much simplicity: "Can we go to pray to Via delle Benedettine?" and those priests
strongly answer: "No". But who are they to say "No"? Each good priest should
say: "Go and see, observe and examine, don’t slander or defame, you have to see
by yourselves". Before speaking, men should know and when they are speaking
to other people, they should speak with respect. On the contrary, after two
thousand years, such a rude and offensive way of acting is used again and it is
so insulting to my heart! Those people are thinking they offend the priest
or the visionary, but they are truely offending Me! BOTH THE PRIESTS AND THE
But who are they to say: "No"? Why don’t they leave man free, just like God left
man free for doing good or evil? It is their duty to say: "Yes, go and see: the
Church hasn’t yet recognized these apparitions, but go and see, if it is a place
for prayer, where people are speaking about love and charity". But those people
keep on saying strongly: "No".
Look at this place, where people should have burst with joy and many and many
conversions should have happened, though many of them truely happened: on the
contrary those people incited a fierce and destructive opposition. I regret
speaking like that, but it is necessary for you to understand that if things
aren’t going right, it is because the men of the Church, my favourite priests,
don’t answer to my call! They are sinning with great ease aganist the Holy
Spirit and these are priests and sisters, my spouses!
Could some of you ever
say that your priest (Note: Don Claudio) hasn’t spoken about Me or that he
hasn’t let Jesus be known? You see how he teaches the Gospel: that’s wonderful!
But those people keep on speaking ill about your priest, they don’t name him
either and call him: "That one there", or: "That one up there!". Where is the
respect for the man? God always respected the man, either a wicked or a good
person. And who are you, man, not to respect another of God’s
Those people hurt one of my creatures, they hurt a person who
is loving Me, my and your Mother and you, my beloved sons. Sometimes your priest
is also compelled to be strong, otherwise he would be crushed. WHEN EVERYTHING
They consider your sister as a non–person, who doesn’t exist on the Earth, but this
is a matter of no importance for her. So if any of you ask a priest if
you can come to this place and when he answers as I said before, then you will
say: "No, dear Father, I regret: I asked for advice but I act on my own
account, I am free to decide myself". The good Christian must fear
What did my Mother tell you so many times? "Not to believe in the
apparitions, though they are a God’s gift, is not a sin. On the contrary, to
slander or defame is a deadly sin". Cheer up! Help the priest in this hard
battle: you can’t really understand thoroughly how hard is his battle.
And now I would like you to remember a very beautiful thing. On August 15th
1992, the Mother told your sister how She died: She told her about "Dormitio
Mariae". Your sister wrote it in her diary, but Don Claudio knew nothing about
it. Then your priest too spoke about "Dormitio Mariae": some of you remember
very well what he said. But yesterday the Pope also spoke about this event and I
would say that finally my Pope spoke about "Dormitio Mariae", though in a tired
and choked way. At last the Pope spoke in public: the
Mother of the Eucharist, Marisa, Don Claudio and the Pope spoke about "Dormitio
Mariae". Today your priest will explain again to you everything (Note: Don
Claudio is going to write how Our Lady died).
My beloved sons, I want you to
become saints: there is no place for half–measures, because the world is full of
DOESN’T LIKE HALF–MEASURES: there is such a lot of half–measures, so many
priests and so many sisters who don’t go right and so many believers who are
saying that they are doing right, but sometimes they are doing so much
So you are wondering why Jesus is weeping and why the Mother is
weeping tears of blood and why your sister saw My Heart bleeding. Oh, how many,
how many sins are voluntarily committed! It is easier for an atheist or for the
non–believers to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for those people who say
they believe!
Thank you for your presence here and together with your priest I bless you and
your dear ones, your sacred articles ".
– Our Lady: " And I, your Mother,
bring you all inside my heart and cover you with my maternal mantle ".
– Jesus " Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and Me, God the
Son. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
28th June 1997, h.7:00 p.m. (MESSAGE OF ST. PAUL)
– Jesus: "My child, I am here with the Mother, but I want to
fulfill a wish of your priest: here are St. Peter and St. Paul.
– St. Paul:
" My beloved sons, I am Paul and I have come here bringing God’s message to you.
I also fought a great battle to bring souls to God, but previously I was
against Him, then everything changed inside of me and I wholly became of
Christ, through tribulations, sufferings and persecutions: it is the same
experience you, my two brothers, are living. Who is with Christ, he has to
suffer for Him and for the souls and you are with Christ.
It is a matter of
no importance the style or the way of speaking, if it is strong or gentle:
you have to be strong, my beloved sons, through trials, tribulations,
persecution and death. I wanted to go to God the Father, but I understood that
my presence on the Earth was very important. You too, Marisa, when you had that
sweet conversation with Jesus, you wanted to stay with Him and you didn’t want
to come back down on the Earth, but it is your duty to stay among men.
God is saying to all of you: "First love each other and then pray!". This
sentence has been repeated many times by Jesus and his Mother and I also repeat
to you: "Love each other, learn how to love, then pray!". A man is speaking, who
fought against God at the beginning, but then he converted his heart. My beloved
sons, nothing is needed to convert your heart and to be wholly of God, to be
God through man, through the family, through the parish through priests and
sister and to be just like Jesus.
What else could I say after so many and
many messages given by the Mother of the Eucharist and Jesus? Now I am here
together with Them and I am feeling so little, very little. I love. I
caused people to suffer, but finally I loved, I loved very much
and I fought: haven’t you noticed that you suffer much more if you love too?
My beloved sons, God urges you to use your strength when you are among your
brothers. I know that if someone went a particular way and if you are in a state
of grace it is difficult to live together with your brother who isn’t behaving
well, but for this reason you have to fight and help as far as possible. I
behaved like that.
I would like to tell you something which maybe you
have already read: I travelled with Barnabas, but we didn’t
get on well together because neither of us had a beautiful character, so we
decided to part and go separate ways, but both for Christ! But now we are
enjoying Paradise and I wish Paradise on all of you, through
work, school and the parishes.
When someone is good, it is difficult
to be next to people who don’t love and aren’t in a state of grace. Everything
becomes difficult, but in that moment you should show your strength and courage,
saying: "I am with Christ and I must fear nothing!". I know that it is
difficult, because I also went the same way.
Ciao and best wishes to you all! ".
– Our Lady: " I am your Mother, so I have come here to bless you all
and your dear ones and together with the priest, to bless all your sacred
articles, even those in your handbags, because my blessing reaches
everywhere. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Praise be Jesus ".
29th June 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (messages of Jesus, Our Lady, St. Peter and St. Paul)
In the morning many Holy Hosts were found
in Marisa’s bedroom. They were brought by her in penitential procession and
placed on the altar in the garden , where the Crucifix of the first Eucharistic
miracle is placed. And while Marisa was standing before the altar, after having
placed the Hosts on it, another extraordinary Eucharistic miracle took place
and it was viewed directly by many people: once again a Host came out from
Jesus’ chest, the Host went through the crystal box of the Crucifix and Marisa
received It on her hands. Marisa said that she was also seeing the "Three
Jesus", that is the apparition of the Holy Trinity. Jesus, The Holy Trinity, Our
Lady and also St. Peter and St. Paul appeared to Marisa and the following
messages were given.
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, this day in which you are
celebrating the conclusion of the social year, I want you to have everything:
the Trinity, the Eucharist and the Mother of the Eucharist. Now let your priest
divide the Holy Hosts so that all of you can receive Communion. Then I will give
the message, but remember, Marisa, to put your hands upon everybody after
Communion. And now, my child, enjoy this wonder.
– Our Lady: " Be silent,
collect your thoughts in prayer, forget all your worries and anxieties and adore
my son Jesus ".
– Jesus: " The Sacraments and the Church came out of my
chest (Note: this is the moment in which the miracle described above took
place). Yes, my child, once again the Eucharist came out of my chest: love the
Eucharist, convert your hearts and believe the Gospel. Cheer up, my child, give
the Eucharistic blessing to all the people present here with the Host Who came
out of my chest! The priest is over everybody, the priest is something great: he
is God’s gift that you can never understand, but I gave this Eucharist to
you, my child, so bless everybody! (Note: in that moment Marisa was seeing the
"Three Jesus").
Even if you aren’t a Bishop, Archbishop or Cardinal or Pope,
you, my son, are the great man of the Church: accept with humility these my
words. Maybe people won’t understand who you are, but tomorrow they will
understand. Your suffering is great, the fight is difficult, but I am with you ".
In that moment Marisa gave the Eucharist to Don Claudio who consumed It,
then everybody received Communion and finally Marisa put her hands upon
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, I am your Jesus. I don’t know how
much you can understand of what happened in this thaumaturgical place. The
Holy Trinity has come down over you, Jesus the Eucharist, the Church and the
Sacraments too have come out from the chest of the Crucifix. I would like very
much for you to enjoy this day. For this reason Our Mother was keen on being
present here today and God blessed you all and let Jesus the Eucharist come out
of the chest of the Crucifix. It was an emotion for you all, but it was the
greatest emotion for your sister: while she was adoring Jesus, God the Father,
God the Holy Spirit and Me, God the Son, We were present and once again the
Eucharist came out of the chest. How many gifts, how many graces God is
granting to you! But don’t live only the enthusiasm of this moment: always bring
this joy along your way, keep on praying because this place is thaumaturgical,
so you have to ask for those graces you need. At the end of your prayer you
should always add: "My God, your will be done" because you always have to do
God’s will, even if sometimes it is rather hard, isn’t it, Marisa?
I want you to keep on praying, but first you have to love each other and you, the young
people, love each other: if something isn’t going right, don’t accuse your
brother to defend yourselves. And you, the grown–ups, if something isn’t going
right, accept who is reproving you and never accuse your brother to defend
yourselves, because this is not beautiful.
The Mother of the Eucharist and
I, Jesus the Eucharist, have not come here only to take a walk but because we
love you and We want your full conversion. Don’t stop over some little trifles.
Love, because you have understood how this planet Earth is sick, very sick:
Roman Catholics continually become fewer, while the other religions go
on, but I want the reunion of all religions and of all races: for this reason
God is coming among you, though secretly, because this place is little and
concealed and because it is slandered, defamed and fought against! He chose this
little place.
When you go out from this thaumaturgical place, let the other
people see that Jesus entered your heart: don’t see the mote in your brother’s
eye when you have a beam in your own and if something isn’t going right,
speak about it, with charity, without being pre–eminent, without being haughty
or thinking to be somebody. All of you are equal, all of you are servants and
unecessary servants! When your sister brings her task to an end, she also
will become an unecessary servant, but she is great in the eyes of God. Just the
same thing is for you. You are servants of each other, but unecessary servants:
if you aren’t present or if some of you are failing, there are always other
people who are ready. So there is not the first, the second or the last: all of
you are first and last. Learn it and say to yourselves: "I am neither first, nor
last, I am the equal of everybody".
I became your servant and I died on
the Cross for each one of you, you are not dying on the Cross, but you
have to learn how to be servants of everybody, especially of sick people and of
the elderly people and of those people who are suffering. Help them, but as a
favour and charity and not thinking you are somebody. Don’t think you
are successful because you have a rank or a job: if your brother has not a
rank or a job, you should not think you are successful, because all of you
are unecessary servants.
This day is very beautiful, unless inside your
heart there is a storm: you offered this day to God and I, Jesus, thank you also
for yesterday when you were few, but good and saintly. I heard you praying
with much love, sweetness and harmony, just like My Mother asks: keep on! Do you
understand that prayer doesn’t tire you out and isn’t so boring, do you?
It’s your duty to make your prayer cordial, harmonious and sweet.
I wish a
good holiday to those of you who can go on holiday, but remember: also during
your holiday don’t offend My Heart and Jesus the Eucharist. Attend Mass also
during your holiday and receive the Eucharist in a state of grace. You won’t
listen to the Biblical catechism anymore and you will feel how much you miss
it, but you have the Holy Mass, Communion, the Rosary and Confession ".
– St. Paul: " I am your Paul and yesterday I brought to you God’s message. Fight,
my beloved brothers, fight and you’ll gain victory, because you are together
with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ".
– St. Peter: "
And I, Peter, the first Pope, I had so much responsibility in the Church, but I
was a nobody, I was a useless servant, but God chose me and I gave everything to
God. God didn’t look at my own character or Paul’s character, oh no, He didn’t!
God looked at my heart, my charity for my neighbour and my disposition to serve
my neighbour, whoever he was. I also helped Judas not to betray Jesus, but he
didn’t listen to me! But you should take care that no Judas would be among you
and that nobody would need to be helped ".
– Our Lady: " Tomorrow evening,
Jesus and I, your Mother, will be here again with you in this thaumaturgical
place: tomorrow is the 30th of June, though we haven’t calendar or time–table,
but tomorrow it is the last day of June and we’ll come. Today it is the
greatest joy for you, because you are in a state of grace and your heart is
clean: the beauty of a creature is to live in a state of grace! My beloved sons,
the Mother wishes you well, cheer up and go on and when everything seems to
collapse around you, open your arms with Me and shout the Paternoster ".
– Jesus: " And now I, Jesus, want you to repeat that embrace and that drawing
close to each other: stand up hand in hand and draw close to each other, to
Me, just like I am doing with the Mother, the Angels and the Saints, draw
close to each other as much as possible and together with Me, Jesus, Who taught
you the Paternoster, shout and wrench from God the graces you need; cheer up:
"Paternoster...". Though you aren’t living close to each other, you should be
strongly united in an invisible way through this contact and help each other: as
your sister has seen, here We also were hand in hand, praying together with
Thank you for your presence here and thank you if you put into practice what I have
told you and what my Mother, St. Peter and St. Paul have told you. How many
graces you are receiving and how many beautiful and great things, which have
happened in no other place on the Earth: continually Eucharistic miracles!
And in order to spare your sister trouble, because she must consume
immediately the Holy Communion received on her hands, today together with the
Angles and the Saints, with St. Peter and St. Paul, We came down on the Earth
and We all brought the Eucharist for you. So you could pray and adore, because
My beloved sons, try to live this so great and beautiful day:
once again I repeat that here came Jesus the Eucharist, the Holy Trinity, the
Mother of the Eucharist and that the Eucharist came out of My chest. How many
great things! Note that they happened in simplicity and humility: here there are
no journalists, no mass–media, because I didn’t look for them. I have just come
here among you. Always live this day and don’t forget it and don’t quarrel for
trifles as much as possible, love each other, learn how to love each other and
then pray as you like. Best wishes to you all. And together with the priest I
bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, all the children and little
Jacopo, the extraordinary minister of the Eucharist ".
– Our Lady: " And I,
your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Praise be Jesus Christ ".
Note: These messages were given by Our Lady to Marisa during her and Don Claudio’ s temporary stay in a little seaside resort in Liguria (Northern Italy).
6th July 1997, h.8:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, after you received Jesus the Eucharist in your
heart, I remain here with you. Have you considered how much Jesus loves you,
because He is present here with only a few people, in silence just like during
his birth, death and resurrection? He didn’t look for a crowd, He didn’t look
for many people, He looked for few, humble and simple people who truly love
Him with all their heart. One year has passed (Note: during summer 1996 apparitions
had also taken place in Liguria) and it flew by together with its difficulties,
sufferings and joys too.
Some of you went to the thaumaturgical place to pray (Note: on a pilgrimage
to the place of the apparitions in Rome), but today I am yet here with you:
so I didn’t look for many people, but I prayed together with a few people and
also my son Jesus, with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, Who came among you.
He didn’t sound the trumpets, He didn’t give any warning, but He came in silence
on the tips of his toes and He layed down on the statue of the Mother of the
This coming of Jesus among you is very important: you should understand how
much Jesus is loving you, even if you aren’t always answering his call, because
you are only little creatures and some incomprehensions can happen. But Jesus
and I didn’t consider such things: we only read in your hearts the love for
Jesus the Eucharist and for the Mother of the Eucharist.
Oh, if you could understand how the life of these my two children (Note: Don
Claudio and Marisa) hasn’t a moment of peace on this planet Earth and how the
men of the Church are pelting and fighting against them and how those people
would also like to kill them! So they are suffering and during their stay among
you I am with you, Jesus is with you and I encourage you to go on.
It is true that sometimes we feel dejected, when we are alone. When I was fighting
and running away to Egypt, I felt alone with Jesus and Joseph: I had no friends
and no relatives around Me, but I went on, because Almighty God was with Me.
God is with you too and it doesn’t matter if you are great or little men. If
you love Him, God is with you and just like my son Jesus said and also many
times I said, remember this sentence: "Learn how to love, then pray". It is
very important first to learn how to love and then pray: my beloved sons, it
isn’t truly useful to say many Rosaries and prayers if you don’t love!
Cheer up, I am with you and God is with you, so you never should feel alone.
Otherwise what am I doing here with you? And what is Jesus the Eucharist doing
here with you? Never feel alone, also during a storm and gale, remember that
there is Jesus, there is Mary and that together with Me there are the Angels
and the Saints. Thank you because you are present here, just like a little flock:
in silence and secretly, you, humble and simple creatures.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I kiss
the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal
mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Praise be Jesus Christ ".
20th July 1997, h. 8:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The love of your Mother is now speaking to you and it is yet asking prayers: during my apparitions in the latest days I always asked prayers from your sister and I said to her: "Pray, pray, pray very much for all the world".
Many times I gave you some explanations and intentions: when I mean "all the world" it is because the world isn’t going right. There is no need of great things for the world go right: also a trifle is enough for man to become shaky and man easily becomes shaky, when he is taken by pride, envy, jealousy and by his own power.
What did Jesus say? "Learn how to love and then pray", so if you don’t pray but you are loving before God, it is a great grace. On the contrary, if you pray but you aren’t loving, you lose everything. I urge you to say Rosaries and the other prayers, but first you must love your neighbour.
To love your family, your dear ones, your friends and everybody who isn’t giving rise to your suffering, isn’t difficult. Learn how to love also those people who are giving rise to your suffering even when they know you are suffering due to them and the Mother, in the depth of her heart says to you: "Love, remove the pride and the presumption of being somebody". God rewards the humble and simple people: a rich man too can be humble and simple and he can love, but woe betide him, if he doesn’t love and if he isn’t humble and simple.
Some of you don’t know all God’s messages, but how many times I taught you and said to you that humility and simplicity bring you all to holiness!
What does the Gospel say? "Make an offering, but don’t trumpet it and love your brother in silence and in secret, especially love your brother who needs it and is in difficulties". Oh, love embraces everything: it embraces all the virtues of the Earth, because love is the virtue which will stay with you for ever, also in Paradise.
Learn how to love and then pray. It seems to be a very simple sentence and just for this reason Jesus told it to you: for the same reason Jesus and I are repeating: "Learn how to love and then pray".
Thank you if you respond to what I have told you. The Mother invites you to read the messages and not only to read and see what I am saying or God is saying to you: you have to live them and put them into practice. Do your best in living them: never forget, write it in your home, shout to everbody "Learn how to love and then pray". Prayer is truly accepted by God when there is love.
I kiss all the children, my little apostles and all the people, especially my beloved sick people. With the priest I bless you all, I bring you inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
27th July 1997, h.8:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for your love for my son Jesus and for Jesus the Eucharist: always keep this love inside your hearts. Jesus came into your heart and brought to you grace, strength, courage and love for your borthers.
I am present not only when you are praying, but also when the priest is speaking or when he is speaking about my son Jesus. Put into practice what God is telling you by means of the messages and what the priest and the Mother are telling you: bring it into your heart and never forget what you should do, placing yourselves at the disposal of God, the Church and your brothers.
You all could give more to God and to your brothers. You all are God’s creatures and for this reason I invite you to love for ever. What could I tell you more after the priest’s words (Note: Don Claudio’s words)? After my son Jesus has come into your heart, never let Him go, always keep Him inside your heart, always staying in a state of grace. Live in a state of grace and never fear witnessing your faith: I also am a creature of God and I didn’t fear, I saw and believed, always respecting other people.
Everybody should respect other people and for this reason the Mother is here with you, it isn’t a great wrench to stay here and pray with you. I didn’t choose a great place, a great valley or a great church, but I chose this little place and this little flock to stay with you and to give you strength and courage to go on.
God wants you all for Himself: get away half measures and waverings! How many times I said to you: "Either with God, or without God"? My beloved sons, half measures are useless and there are a lot of them in the world! Today I said to your sister to pray for this planet Earth which is sick, but who is choosing God? He didn’t choose great or powerful men; no, He didn’t! He chose you, simple and humble creatures because God chooses those people who are humble and simple and those people who open their heart to Jesus the Eucharist.
I don’t like to bother you when you are speaking to Jesus the Eucharist: when you come back home, let the other people see that there is Jesus inside of you, there is joy and love. Don’t hide this joy, show it to your dear ones to your friends and relatives and above all to the sick people: don’t neglect the sick people, the elderly people and the children.
Oh, how many creatures need your love! And today my blessing, together with the priest, is for the man who brought here some water for my blessing. It is very important. How many times did the Mother say to you: "Bring water for blessing and give it to your dear ones"? But a little time later nobody brings water anymore and it almost seems that you are ashamed of bringing something for blessing and today I rewarded this person.
Thank you for your presence here and also if you always will keep on loving my son Jesus and your brothers. Love the priests and pray for those priests who behave badly. Today the Mother asks you to pray especially for those creatures chosen by God to promote such a difficult and great mission. When a creature is chosen by God, she needs your prayer and help more than any other creature in the world.
And with the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, the water and everything you have inside your handbags. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
Note: These messages were given by Our Lady to Marisa during her and Don Claudio’ s temporary stay in a little seaside resort in Liguria (Northern Italy).
3rd August 1997, h.8:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: "My beloved sons. Thank you for your presence here: not withstanding
it is so hot, you are here to pray and give joy to my son Jesus and to Me.
Your presence here helps Me to understand that you are trying to love Jesus
the Eucharist. Today I haven’t brought the Eucharist because I don’t want you
to become accustomed always to receiving everything, just as your sister said
to some of you.
Not all of you have understood and felt the absence of Jesus the Eucharist:
you have to love Him because He is the miracle of every day. Every day when
the priest celebrates the mass, Jesus is present with His Body, Blood, Soul
and Divinity and He is waiting for your hearts.
Once I said: "How many times do you eat a day?". Receive every day my son Jesus
if you can do it without causing troubles in your family and without any disunion:
nobody can forbid you to receive the Eucharist every day. You will feel more
strength and courage in your heart, to accept the little crosses of every day.
God is sending Me among you even if you aren’t seeing Me: it is only important
that I am seeing you and that I am reading in your hearts the anxieties, the
troubles and the doubts, they are also part of a day, but you have to overcome
everything and you will be able to do it by means of Jesus the Eucharist. My
beloved sons, this miracle is repeating itself every day, but men don’t believe
and they are only running toward power and ease.
Oh, you can’t imagine how many times I have been hearing people blaspheme my
son Jesus and I: I have especially been hearing young people blaspheme Jesus
and I, because they were not educated. There are no educators, beginning with
priests, parents and schools. Who is educating the young people to walk and
to understand the importance of living in a state of grace, the importance of
staying together with Jesus everywhere, even when they have a good time or they
are going in for a sport? And now my beloved sons, a short pause: those of you
who are tired, let them stand up without fear, because my son Jesus and I aren’t
offended, but those of you who can kneel down, let them do penance in atonement
for all those curses which are said every day.
I am with you also during the day, but do you wish for my presence? I am always
bringing you the joys necessary to give you the strength to accept sufferings.
While you are on this planet Earth you have sufferings of earthly life, but
not great sufferings.
How many times I have been hearing: "God doesn’t help, God does nothing...".
Oh! How could you understand what God is doing or not doing? You will feel it
in your heart. But I like to repeat that there is much suffering on the Earth.
Don’t believe those people who say they don’t suffer and enjoy life: since Adam
and Eve’s sin there always have been great and little sufferings. You have to
accept them by means of your prayers, of Jesus the Eucharist, of the love for
the Mother of Jesus the Eucharist and for your neighbour.
Educate your sons and your nephews to love Jesus, let them understand that also
a little lie can offend Jesus. Don’t let anything pass, when a child is not
sincere, immediately attract his attention and let him change, otherwise when
he is a grown up, everything will be more difficult.
I like to see here so many grown ups and see them praying: I also see and read
their hearts, because never forget that I am Jesus’ Mother. God chose Me and
I accepted, I said: "Yes!" to God, to My All, because God is My All and God
should be the same for you too and for those people who have a family, because
they could receive everything from God.
My beloved sons, the Mother yet invites you to pray for the priests and especially
for those priests who have power, pray so that they can love the little priests
who can’t do anything, but who have so much love for Jesus and for souls.
With the priest I bless you and your dear ones, I kiss the children, I bless
the water you have brought here with so much love and I bless your sacred articles.
I bring you all into my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Together
with the Holy Child, Who is blessing all the children, go in the peace of God
the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
15th August 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Today it is a great feast in Paradise and I wish you to celebrate this feast, through what the day affords to you: prayer and love for your brothers.
I love you, my beloved sons, I love the grown ups, the elderly people and the children: around Me there are so many souls of children and they are saved or sainted children. There are also many other saved souls who are waiting to come into Paradise and many Saints and Popes who you knew, Marisa: you are noticing how beautiful they all are, because their soul is saintly and beautiful.
You are busying yourselves too much for earthly things, but you should busy yourselves much more for God’s things: learn how to play Mary’s role, together with Martha’s role and not only Martha’s role. I played Mary and Martha’s roles, I attended to my spouse Joseph for eight years of his sickness, I brought up the child Jesus and sometimes I was helped by the Angels, but sometimes you too, Marisa and you, Don Claudio, were helped by the Angels. And sometimes I remained alone, I hadn’t friends or relatives, except for my cousin Elizabeth and for Zacharias, who died very soon after St. John the Baptist’s birth. I fought alone and I knew that my son Jesus would die on the cross for everybody, I suffered in silence, but I rejoiced too, because I knew that He would open again the doors of Paradise for all the men of the Earth.
How many times I said to you that you are busying yourselves too much with earthly things: you should run and busy yourselves as much as possible for God’s things. God is love, harmony and grace, He is All and you, his sons, should imitate God and become similar to God, but not so much, please.
Try to love each other and today too I repeat, because I am repeating the messages especially when new people are present: "Learn how to love, then pray". I beg you not to be only busy in playing Martha’s role, but play also Mary’s role.
Follow the priest, who is loving you one by one: he wants you to become saints, but you have to help him too to become a saint. So each of you should help his own priest to become a saint and the priest, at the same time, will help you to become a saint. Oh, what a beautiful fusion, what a beautiful union: of everybody to holiness!
Now your sister is seeing so many saved and sainted souls and also the souls of your dear ones who died. These are truely souls who fought to be saved and they are not graduates or learned men, they are just simple creatures, who tried to love God how they liked and now they are saved".
– Marisa: " What can we do for them?".
– Our Lady: "To pray: am I maybe asking you for great things? I am always asking you to pray, to pray for peace in the world, above all to pray for peace in Italy, your beautiful Italy, pray, wrench all this grace from God and then you will notice how things will become quiet and how God will intervene to help you and all the Italians.
Celebrate my name and my Assumption into Heaven, because I died just like each creature, but at once, in an instant, I was transfigured and then the Angels brought Me into Heaven: so I became the Queen of Heaven and Earth, without a crown, a simple queen without a crown, just like you see Me in your simple statues, just a veil over my head without a crown. With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I kiss the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, together with your guardian Angel. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
17th August 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the sacrifice made by some of you to come as far as this place, to pray together with your brothers: thank you if you are truly loving each other, just as Jesus wants and for this reason the Mother is frequently repeating Jesus’ sentence "Learn how to love, then pray". It is easy to love friendy or nice people, on the contrary it is difficult to love people who are giving rise to your suffering. But God wants you first to learn how to love and then pray: pray how much you like, how and when you like, kneeling down, being seated or resting, but only if you are united with my son Jesus.
In a meassage I said: "Don’t look at the Mother, at your Mother of the Heaven, don’t look at the Saints, because the Mother wants you to go to Jesus and to Jesus the Eucharist, the Bread of Heaven, Who gives you strength and courage to go on, notwithstanding all the difficuties of this planet Earth".
Those of you who need help and grace, let them go to Jesus the Eucharist, receive Him in a state of grace and don’t worry about what you will eat or dress, keep God in mind, always put God in the first place and you will get rest. If you don’t put God in the first place, your life becomes very difficult: put God in the first place and love Jesus the Eucharist.
God said that there are so many names given to Me, but the greatest and the most important name, the name which closes the history, is "Mother of the Eucharist", the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of Jesus the Eucharist.
When you are receiving Jesus the Eucharist in your heart, in a state of grace, when you are speaking to Him and when He is coming into your hearts, it is already a spot of Paradise: you have to speak to Jesus and ask Him everything you need and you will feel the answer in your heart. Why not? Jesus can answer in so many ways, He can answer your needs, your love. God is love, God is All and for this reason when I was speaking about God, I said "My All", because He was giving Me everything.
Live in a state of grace and if you need to confess, there are priests for this purpose. They should give all of themselves to souls and help souls: each priest is a victim, so he should let souls come to himself when they need to truely convert their heart, to be in a state of grace and receive Jesus in a state of grace.
Cheer up, my beloved sons, the Mother is with you, I said the Rosary with you and now I have given you God’s message: you have not only to listen to it, but also try to put it into practice, meditate and love it, learn how to love, then pray.
I am not asking you for great prayers, those who get tired, they can only cast a glance to God, smile at God, saying: "Hi, I also am on the Earth, my God I love you". You often should repeat these prayers: "My God, remember me, I am here in this spot of the Earth which you created, I love you my God, I love you much".
And now the Mother kisses all the children present here. Jesus said: "Let the children come to Me: if you don’t become as little as a child, you won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven" and you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, don’t you? So you all have to cling to my mantle, to reach Paradise and enjoy God for ever: cling without fear. In a message I said that my mantle doesn’t tear, so you can cling: I also said to live the Holy Mass, just as if it were the last in your life and to receive Jesus in a state of grace, just like if it were the last time you receive Jesus the Eucharist. Love the Mother of the Eucharist.
With the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles and I kiss the children again. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
24th August 1997, h.8:00 p.m. (messaage of Our Lady)
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, the Mother invites you all to keep deep silence and to ask God for those graces you need. Ask for them if they are according to God’s will.
You are not seeing Me, but I am seeing you in the depth of your hearts and I know your anxieties and troubles: collect your thoughts, ask, knock and you’ll be granted if it is God’s will.
My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the love you are trying to have for my son Jesus: you have just tasted the Eucharist, the bread descended from Heaven. God told Me: "Mary, go and take the Eucharist from the Tabernacle, bring It into that house to help my sons to accept all the sufferings continually caused by man". So I went to the Tabernacle, I took the Hosts and I brought Them here. You are right, Marisa, I should have brought more to give Them to all of you, but I did what God the Father told Me.
Those of you who haven’t received Jesus with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, but they wished to receive Him, don’t worry, because Jesus has come into your hearts too, if they are clean and in a state of grace. Jesus has come in behind closed doors, He keeps on coming in behind closed doors: if somebody is in a state of grace, Jesus comes into his heart and you just have always to accept Him.
Sometimes sufferings of life are great and you are thinking that Jesus isn’t coming to your assistance or that He isn’t giving you the strength to accept and to bear them. How many times I heard you saying: "Why did God do this?", but you should say: "Why is man giving rise to our sufferings?", or: "Why are so many men of the Church or so many catholic politicians giving rise to our sufferings, when they know they do this?". So the Mother invites you to pray for them and now keep in your mind also those creatures who are around you. You asked for yourselves and now ask for the creatures around you, for your friends and relatives: pray also for those people, pay attention for those people who are giving rise to your sufferings, pray also for them, because God is merciful up to the end, but then He will be just for everybody.
God’s mercy is great. In a message I said: "Death is life", yes, my beloved sons, death gives you life, the eternal life, life for ever with God and with all your dear ones. For this reason I brought here, together with Me, some saved souls who loved Jesus through the sufferings and the difficulties of life.
Jesus isn’t concerned if you are muttering, if you are depressed or if you are grieving: no, Jesus understands because He is a man too, so He can understand. Jesus understands man, but man can’t understand.
My child, when for some time you came with Me into Paradise, you saw how beautiful it is and how people enjoy it: there is peace, serenity and love. You have to invite all the men of the Earth to pray so that everybody can enjoy God in Paradise.
My beloved sons, live in a state of grace, receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace and your joy will be for ever. Earthly life goes by, it is a journey for everybody, either great or little men, either good or bad men, death too is for everybody, but eternal life will never end and you will enjoy for ever. Cling to my mantle, just as I said in a message, cling to my mantle, because it doesn’t tear, so you must not fear: I bring you into Paradise and you want to come with Me, don’t you? But don’t worry, because I am not taking you now!
My beloved sons, the Mother invites you always to pray, also through the sufferings and the difficuties of life, never abandon prayer: when everything seems to collapse, open your arms with Me, look at the Heaven and shout the Paternoster.
Love the priest, who is teaching you how to know Jesus, pray for the priest who is following Jesus’ path, which is bristling and thorny, help him by means of your prayers.
Thank you if you put into practice what the Mother told you and remember that I am God’s servant and your servant.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I kiss all the children and the sick people. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ ".
7th September 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
The previous night on three different occasions, several Holy Hosts were found:
first on a flowered plant and on a statue of the Mother of the Eucharist in Marisa’s
bedroom and then on the little statue of the Holy Child in the chapel. Marisa
took and carried all then in penitential procession. Finally, after some adoration,
they were divided into many parts and everybody received Communion.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. From where could the Mother of the Eucharist have taken the Eucharist Which I brought here in three waves? From a church: from a church where the Eucharist is not loved. As usual, I obeyed God the Father and I went into that church to take the Eucharist and to bring It to this thaumaturgical place, this place from where with so much impudence the Eucharist and the Holy Mass were taken away: this happened because people were praying here and were speaking about the Eucharist!
It wasn’t enough for those people to forbid the celebration of the Mass, but they took away the Eucharist too, so that the Tabernacle was left empty. My son Jesus is no more visibly present here, but He is always invisibly present, so He was present last night when pious women did the prayer vigil. But some of you didn’t like that vigil, done with so much love. Nevertheless, believe Me, my beloved sons, these my two children (Note: Don Claudio and Marisa) are here with you now only because of your prayers which helped them to face all the difficulties during the two last months (Note: in July and August they have been outside Rome, trying to take a rest). The difficulties were truely great, but all of you and particularly you, the young people, helped these, my two children to come back here. The Devil, whenever he wants, tries his best to pierce or to kill somebody, but he couldn’t succeed, because of your prayers and sacrifices: this was a very great gift, given by you to my son Jesus, to Me and to your brothers.
You suppose that God is turning a deaf ear to your requests, but it isn’t true! God is paying attention to every prayer if it is said with love and with all your heart, that is, in a state of grace. So God accepted your sacrifices and each of you should remember what individually he made.
Last night I could have taken all the Holy Hosts from the tabernacle of the church nearby and carried them to you here, but God said: "NO, THEY HAVE TO BE TAKEN LITTLE BY LITTLE, UNTIL THE HOLY MASS AND THE EUCHARIST ARE RESTORED IN THIS PLACE". And now the Mother invites you to pray always for this intention, so that Cardinal Ruini will mend his ways and restore the Holy Mass.
You have to pray for the Cardinal whether this happens soon, thanks be to God, or if it happens later. And when the Holy Mass is restored you will have to rejoice, but don’t exaggerate. Rejoice in your heart and thank God! The great men of the Church, before being Cardinals or Bishops, are men: so they have their own failings, faults and imperfections....
Tomorrow evening (Note: 8th September, birthday feast of Our Lady) I am appearing here as usual, after your Holy Rosary. Pay attention, there are yet some of you who are noticeably lacking in firmness, because they haven’t yet understood the importance of receiving Jesus the Eucharist and the great Eucharistic miracle which is frequently repating itself: so you have to pray for these people.
Sometimes I asked you to pray for elderly people who live closed in the hospices and God said: "They are truely little precious pearls for the Church". Notice that God is calling everybody "little precious pearls", either the grown ups or the young people and also the elderly and the sick people are all "little precious pearls". You all should be like martyrs for the Church.
My beloved sons, I would like to say so many things to you because my heart is full of sweet words for you. But I just thank you for your presence here notwithstanding the very hot weather. Pray and intercede with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for the restoration of the Holy Mass, each of you should pray and the little babies present here, let them give a kiss to Jesus. The children and also the little babies know how to give a kiss to Jesus, whereas you don’t know how.
I kiss all the children and the little babies, I kiss their patience because you can’t imagine, poor babies, how much patience they have. I kiss the grandmothers and my young people. And now join hands as the Mother taught you, so that you can receive strength from one another and accept all the crosses and sufferings of life and ask with Me to God the Father for the restoration of the Holy Mass: "Paternoster...".
My beloved sons, when you fall, you have to rise at once and ask forgiveness to God and start again to go on. If you get discouraged, pay attention it could be your pride: that the "I" who is within you, is very strong! When something isn’t going right, ask God’s forgiveness and start again: this is valid for everybody. With the priests I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus ".
14th September 1997, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
This is the feast day of the second anniversary of the first Eucharistic miracle and many people arrived from outside Rome to be present at the apparition. Yet on the previous night, before a scheduled prayer vigil, several Hosts were found on a flowered plant in Marisa’s bedroom and they were consumed only by those people who had come from outside Rome during the vigil.
Early in the morning when the chapel was opened, it had a very delicate scent. The door of the Tabernacle was found open and a big Host was standing inside of It: several other Hosts were on the chalice of the Mother of the Eucharist’s statue and on the little statue of the Holy Child placed on the altar. Later all the Hosts were brought in procession in the garden and after confession everybody received Communion. Finally Our Lady appeared and gave the following message.
– Our Lady: " My beloved sons, I have seen what you did for Jesus the Eucharist: songs, prayers, intentions..., so I want to thank you for them and also for all the sacrifice made in the name of the whole Paradise.
Today I can’t give you the message after you have received Jesus the Eucharist, because I want you to go out with Jesus’ joy in your heart. God told me to give best wishes to little Jacopo who was born two years ago, when the first Eucharistic miracle happened and I repeat to you what was said last night: learn how to look at the Cross and Jesus on It, but as a triumphing Jesus and not like a suffering or dead Jesus. Anyway I am always with you, also when a storm draws nearby, just like in this moment (Note: a rain storm burst out just a few minutes after the apparition).
For this reason the Mother blesses all your sacred articles, statues, Rosaries, all here present, together with the priests and your dear ones and I kiss all the children. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Rejoice and keep on rejoicing in the joy of Jesus the Eucharist! Praise be Jesus".
28th September 1997, h.1:00 p.m. (message of Jesus)
This message was given to Marisa during a ten–day stay in Castel Sant’Angelo sul Nera, a very small town in middle Italy. On the previous evening Marisa found a big Host on a small plant in her bedroom. At this apparition only five people were present.
Two days before this apparition, there had been a very strong earthquake, which caused much damage to the church of Assisi. In this message Jesus spoke about that earthquake.
– Jesus: "I Myself came here, Marisa, it is a pity that there are so few young people today, but they will bear witness about what I am going to say and let you do. It is time to give a good shock, because people have to wake up from this long sleep.
Jesus is saying to you these words: "When somebody makes a mistake, even if he is a priest, a Bishop, Cardinal, great or little, it is necessary to reprove him with charity and love: it is necessary to attract his attention to the mistake, whoever he is". I know it is difficult because the same happened to Me too: while I was speaking about beautiful things, while I was giving to eat, all the people were with Me, but then they all ran away and during my death there were only my Mother and John. This is man.
My dear sons, man isn’t ready to suffer and endure and for him everything is going right while you say "All right". But when you start to reprove someone, then everything is crushed and criticism after criticism, slander and defamations begin. Truth hurts and causes suffering if somebody isn’t full of Jesus the Eucharist: he suffers because he doesn’t want to accept what you say and this is not beautiful for a true Christian.
The Earth is a valley of tears, so you are suffering for a variety of motives. But when man causes your sufferings out of spite or revenge, or when he almost feels joy in giving sufferings to his brother, then this is a big sin and God can’t accept it.
How many, many souls stop at a "Merciful God"! God is merciful and gives all those graces you need if you are in a state of grace, but in the end he will be just too. God’s judgement will be strong, because He always helped man, but man keeps on doing evil to his brother. Should God still help that man? It would be almost unfair to you, even if you should not be interested in it, because you are living in a state of grace, you are in the grace of God and you will go to Heaven in grace.
But God can do whatever He wants. People shouldn’t just stop at a "Merciful God", because God can do whatever He wants, so He can also destroy. Believe Me, my beloved sons, at the end God will be just for everybody, from the great man of the Church to the little man of the Church, from the sisters to those people who say they are Christians and practising Catholics: these should mostly have fear, because God will pass judgement on everybody.
Yesterday evening I Myself came here in these mountains, and I brought the Eucharist, Which I took away from a Tabernacle. How many beautiful things you saw, Marisa (Note: during a private apparition): the Eucharist was in the sky, a big cross behind it and Gethsemane under It. Don’t hate Gethsemane, love it, because it makes you great in the eyes of God and of man, though man doesn’t understand now. And now, my child, stand up and take the Eucharist ".
Marisa took the big Host on the plant in her bedroom and begun to break It so that the few people present could receive Communion. But before doing that she was asked by Jesus to make a small break at the border of the Host and suddenly she noted that at the breaking point of the Host some serum was coming out (Note: the serum is the non–corpuscolar part of blood): the five people could see it: at the breaking point the Host looked to be a little darker, because it was made wet by the serum.
– Jesus: " My beloved sons, are you happy for having received Jesus the Eucharist, Which I Myself brought? Love It as much as possible and when difficulties arise, don’t be discouraged and don’t lose heart, because I am with you and the Mother of the Eucharist is with you. These are precious pearls that God wanted to give you: We never forget you, also when you were alone, We were always with you ".
– Marisa: " Did you feel the earthquake? ".
– Jesus: " THIS EARTHQUAKE IS A SIGN. JESUS, GOD, SAVED MANY AND MANY PEOPLE, because the earthquake was so strong that it could have destroyed everything and many people should have died: but once again God was moved with pity. SOME PEOPLE HAVE DIED, BUT ONLY THOSE WHO COULD SAVE THEIR SOUL HAVE DIED, OTHERWISE HOW MANY, HOW MANY PEOPLE WOULD HAVE DIED NOT IN A STATE OF GRACE!
GOD IS NOT PUNISHING, GOD IS SENDING THE PURIFICATION AND HE HAS BEEN SENDING IT FOR MANY YEARS. BUT HAVE YOU NOTED IF ANYTHING HAS CHANGED IN THE WORLD? And now, thank God: you always should thank Him, also in sufferings. You’ll keep seeing so many sad and unfair things and people doing things only to be noted and to be seen. So the great men will rise and the little men will always remain in the last place, but before God they will be always in the first place. Thank you for your presence here and for the love to your priest: I say to you, my two young people and witnesses, when the priest will remain alone, don’t abandon him, I beg you. Keep on helping him the more you can and don’t leave the priest alone, even if you are busy with your job and your family. Your priest can’t find any other priest who helps him, just as you noted! Don’t leave him alone. And with the priest, I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. Praise be Jesus Christ ".