Social Year: 1998-99
You are Bishop ordained by God Bishop of the Eucharist
God's messages are translated by a member of the community, who is not a professional translator. H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti has recognized the supernatural origin of the apparitions (Decree of 9/14/2000), but he has given the ecclesiastical approval only to the messages in italian, because he is not responsible for errors involuntarily made by the translator.
September 1998 Messages
6th September 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. I am your Mother
and today too I come here bringing God’s message to you. First of all you should
prepare yourselves to observe a triduum in honour of the "Exaltation of the Holy
Cross". For you it’s a double and great feast as a memorial of the first Eucharistic
miracle: observe this triduum and I will be together with you.
I have listened to the catechesis of your priest with much joy. He has given a deeply-felt catechesis with love and charity to his neighbour and you really don’t know all that is happening behind his back: your priest spoke and he spoke well about this, above all with charity. Those who have known these apparitions since the beginning and the messages given to Me by God, they know that the messages are always full of charity and sweetness to everybody: your priest never spoke about other people or about their superiors. But now things have come to such a point that it’s impossible to keep on being silent. So God said: "Mary, bring these messages to my children". They are really strong messages, but man doesn’t convert his heart, he keeps on working under track, hiding his face and simple and humble people are sent forward. What am I asking you? What could the Mother ask her beloved sons? Try to pray, even if sometimes it’s difficult, try to pray for those people and if they don’t convert their hearts your prayers won’t be wasted, because they will be useful to those souls who suffer, who are alone. Never forget praying and I mean the Holy Mass, Holy Communion and Confession and live in a state of grace.
Just like every mother of the Earth, I repeat Myself and each time this happens I always say: "The Mother repeats Herself". Every mother of the Earth repeats herself with her children, so when you are grown up, when you reach holiness I won’t repeat anymore: I want you to become saints. When other people speak ill and sow discord you should not listen to them, but you have to pray for them. This also the Mother has told you because the messages are so many, many and many: reaching holiness means to be humble, docile, simple.
What have I told you yesterday? If you don’t become as little as children, you won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven and if there is someone who scandalizes one of my children, it’s better for him to take a millstone and jump into the sea. Yesterday I told you that it’s very serious to scandalize the creatures called by God. Believe Me: she who has been called by God and is here among you, she is suffering very much: she just has the joy of seeing Me, but God called her to give all her life and her suffering is very great.
Do you think that when apparitions are true my sons don’t suffer? Oh, yes, suffering is great and it increases every day, but God gives strength to face and accept it. For this reason I say to you that when there is discouragement and depression, when there is grumbling, long faces and things like that, God loves you more. God doesn’t abandon who is suffering and grumbling because I told you that complaining is normal.
When God chooses one soul, He takes it all for Himself and if that soul says "Yes", it belongs to God but it also belongs to the creatures who believe these apparitions and above all the Eucharistic apparitions. Last night Jesus told Me: "My Mother, go and bring Holy Communion to my children. Leave the Hosts on the little statue of the Holy Child and on your statue. It is to give them strength and courage and also to let them understand that I am together with them". This morning there was the scent (Note: it always reveals the presence of the Holy Hosts brought by Our Lady), but you were so engaged in your work that neither of you noticed it. Today this Eucharist is only for you (Note: Don Claudio and Marisa): adore It and pray. I want this prayer before Jesus the Eucharist to be for the ecclesiastical authority.
You shouldn’t fear to be Christians, to be believers and to believe the apparitions: I don’t mean my apparitions, because you don’t see me, but the apparitions of Jesus the Eucharist. Those people who saw them, they should believe thoroughly: when you listen to somebody who speaks ill about the Eucharistic apparitions, you have to say goodbye and go away, because in that moment Satan is entering him. Satan seems to be stupid, but he is not: he knows very well the moment when he can worm his way into a soul. Never let him come into you. Your heart should be the temple of the Holy Spirit, so you never have to let Satan come into you. And when you break down, raise your eyes to Heaven and with Me shout, opening your arms: "Our Father ....".
Now attend the Holy Mass with all your heart (Note: Don Claudio, beginning from today onwards, as requested by God, will celebrate the Holy Mass every). I know that this is not wanted by the Vicariate, it’s a Mass wanted by God and you can’t say "No" to God, the Saints always said "Yes" to God, so obedience to God is sacred and holy. As I already said, the celebration of the Mass can’t be forbidden for disobedience, like those people are saying. But it wasn’t removed for disobedience, it was removed because your priest didn’t deny my Son Jesus and because he didn’t tell you that he had deceived you. Should he have said: "Yes, I don’t believe, it isn’t true that Jesus the Eucharist and also the blood-stained Jesus the Eucharist appeared", when all of you saw It?
This is not obedience, this is blackmail: obedience is love, it is not blackmail. It’s necessary that things change. For what should people reach the third millennium? For power? For money? Or rather for converting their hearts? You all should convert your hearts and love the Gospel. This is what God wants. For this reason your priest must obey God and those people who exact obedience with love.
With the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
8th September 1998, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "Marisa, lift your eyes to Me, I am here and I know your suffering, look at Me".
- Marisa: "If You, from Heaven, don’t help us, we will fail to do our duty because we are all alone and we are only two".
- Our Lady: "I know that you are in very low spirits because the wickedness of man keeps on persecuting you, also through anonymous phone calls and anonymous letters. When you receive such calls you should immediately cut them off. Would you like to throw in the sponge just now? Don Claudio, would you like to throw in the sponge? I informed you that your sufferings would not have yet come to an end, but you have Jesus and Me. Come on, my dear children, you should have much courage and strength: you also have, close to you, this group of laymen who love you and who pray much for you".
- Marisa: "Everybody is against us, also those people who see You, those who have apparitions, they speak ill about us".
- Our Lady: "No, my child, those people who speak ill about you, they really don’t see Me. I never spoke about other apparitions. When somebody asked Me, I never answered, just like I said to you: "Who are you to ask this?". Those people who speak ill about apparitions and who speak ill about Me, after all they only speak ill about Me, because either they don’t have apparitions or apparitions for some time have come to an end. I also told you that when you die these apparitions will end".
- Marisa: "Why do your favourite sons (Note: the priests) treat us badly? When did we do wrong? Because we taught how to love Jesus and You? They don’t know us, but why do they speak ill about us? Look, this is the latest letter written by Don Claudio".
- Our Lady: "Marisa, I know the letter. It will do good, if those people who receive the letter are in a state of grace and are humble and simple. But if they are not like that, the letter will have the same destiny of the previous one. Read this letter, because the flock must know why the shepherd was beaten. Look, Marisa, now I give you the Little Girl Mary".
- Marisa: "Oh, you are two Mary: there is Our Lady Who carries in her arms the Little Girl Mary. How beautiful you are!".
- Our Lady: "Today it’s my feast, but I see that many people don’t answer, though I come here for everybody; and you, my dear favourite priest, you should not close this place for this reason. No, don’t do it, it would be as if you shut the door in Jesus’ face and in the face of Me. Always leave the door open and let everybody, who wants it, come in. Even if there is only one person or two or three. Even if there are ten, twenty or thirthy persons: I already told you that a large number of people is not necessary. You led very well this little flock, but you would’t have been able to lead a great flock, otherwise people would have lost themselves: you don’t want this, do you?".
- Marisa: "Don Claudio, what do you answer?".
- Don Claudio: "I will answer during the Holy Mass".
- Marisa: "Have you brought us the message, today?".
- Our Lady: "No, I haven’t, I want to talk this way with you. If somebody wishes to tell Me something, let him speak in a loud voice and I shall answer".
- Marisa: "Don Claudio, speak up!".
- Don Claudio: "No, I don’t want".
- Our Lady: "Then you could write a beautiful letter".
- Don Claudio: "To whom?".
- Our Lady: "To Me".
- Don Claudio: "What should I write?".
- Our Lady: "All what you have inside your heart".
- Don Claudio: "It would need to be an encyclopedia".
- Marisa: "If you want Don Claudio to write You, why don’t You send somebody to help us? We are alone and we have so many letters to write, documents to examine and many things to do".
- Our Lady: "There are people who don’t work: why don’t they come to help you? Certainly, from the human point of view, your priest all alone can’t do everything. So, those of you who can, let them help him! Prepare everything when there is the Holy Mass or a feast day and when there is the apparition. You too, my dear young people, those of you who are free, they have to help. Today, I saw your priest running up and down, backwards and forwards and there was no one to help him. Why do such things happen? Instead, why do so many people compete to help in some places where I am not appearing?".
- Marisa: "You speak well but today I am so upset".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, you listen to all the complaints of your sister but it’s really like this. She is right, it’s hard, it’s very hard! Those who say that also other people suffered, oh, no, my beloved sons, you can’t imagine to what a point my two dear children suffer, you never could imagine it. The cross is heavy, but the cross laid by those people who voluntarily cause suffering, that cross is very, very heavy. For example, consider this way of acting: you know how the catholic radio recently spoke (Note: the italian radio station called "Radio Maria"). How can catholic radio, how can some priests speak ill about one brother, without knowing him, how can they? Hell really exists, it exists also for them, it’s open and how many, how many priests, and sisters.......
Don’t listen to those people who say that Hell doesn’t exist: it exists and Satan exists.
My child, you ask why those people misbehave: because they don’t love, first of all they don’t love God and don’t love Jesus the Eucharist, the Mother of the Eucharist, so they can’t love you who love Us.
Thank you my beloved sons, my little flock. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. Best wishes to all the people born today. The Mother covers you with her maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
- Marisa: "Our Lady isn’t going away, She is trying to say something else".
- Don Claudio: "It’s beacuse we will have another talk now".
- Marisa: "Call Jesus!".
- Jesus: "My child, I am here".
- Marisa: "Jesus, Don Claudio would like to tell You something ".
- Jesus: "Come on, Don Claudio, open your heart!".
- Don Claudio: "The cause of my greatest suffering is to be charged that I am against the Church, that I disobey the authority, that I throw into disorder and scandalize souls. What should I do and when will this come to an end? Apparently it seems that those people are right. They don’t know of what I am acquainted about some people. I can’t use this knowledge, therefore I am always in the situation, that I am pointed at as a rebel of the Church, like the instigator. What should I say to these dear brothers, who have black, violet and red buttons?".
- Jesus: "Love them and pray for them, because the judgement will be very severe: they know where the truth is. Don’t let yourself go. From the human point of view, yes, from the human point of view you lost. Therefore have I lost too?".
- Don Claudio: "Jesus, will you let us meet one good priest who, during this year, will come to help me?".
- Jesus: "It’s difficult in Rome, because those people made a very strong campaign against you. These people who are here, down on their knees around you, know who you are but also those people know who you are. They know that you are an honest man, that you love, that you are in the truth: they also know that I Myself came here and poured my blood. But they don’t want to accept this. Victory will arrive, though it seems that everything is lost now, but then victory must be, otherwise I would have failed, just like you, my child".
- Marisa: "I also would have failed. You know, Jesus, that those people used to send here spies who report everything".
- Jesus: "Yes, they know everything, so you should always speak in a loud voice because there is nothing to be concealed, except for the secrets given you by God".
- Marisa: "Tell me one beautiful secret: we know the year but we don’t know the month or the day (Note: the day of the triumph of the Eucharist). Please, Jesus, would you mind telling us at least the month?
- Jesus: "Marisa, you know that when I don’t speak it’s because I can’t speak. But now We have to go away, We have to come back to God the Father".
12th September 1998, h.7:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "God told Me: "Mary, go and pray with my sons, who are in the thaumaturgical place". But I have come here also to ask you, just like I did some time ago, if you are really glad that the Mother comes here to pray with you. Are you glad that there is the apparition? Because, if coming here for the apparition involves too much sacrifice, if you prefer, I won’t come any more, but I would be sorry for not coming among you and for leaving you.
Your sister told Me that if there are only few people it’s, above all, because of those people who made a great campaign against you and against this thaumaturgical place.
So, I am waiting for your reply and the Mother also tells you how to do it: each of you has to write a note and put it on the altar. Write if you want Jesus and Me to come here among you.
Up to now you haven’t seen Me because the time hasn’t yet arrived, but I promised you that when God decides it, I will fly among you. But remember that first your priest will see Me and then all of you. Write this note: there is no need for many words, only yes or not. I only consider if your heart accepts Me among you.
Thank you, my beloved sons and now attend the Holy Mass. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ.
Remember that in the Eucharist there are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit".
13th September 1998, h.10:30 p.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "I am present here before my Son Jesus, Who poured out his Blood and I adore Him. You also should adore my son Jesus. You have listened to the catechesis of your priest and in particular St. Paul’s letter: you have listened to many beautiful things, so you should put them into practice. But now the Mother collects deeply her thoughts and prays".
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, I am thirsty, I am thirsty for love, peace, forgiveness, I am thirsty for sufferings, for you who are present here before Me, Jesus, Jesus the Eucharist and Jesus on the Cross, but it is a triumphing Cross, a Cross of joy, of love and for this reason I am thirsty for you. Give Me to drink. I am thirsty for my favourite priests, who either for fear don’t come to adore Me or because they don’t believe that I am present here. I am thirsty for my spouses and for the visionaries who do not always answer, I am thirsty for the busy laymen who speak so many words just to say them, but who don’t know how to love: I, Jesus, am thirsty for love and for you.
Attend the Holy Mass with all your heart and in a state of grace. It’s a deeply-felt Mass, but it’s a Mass of love. I am thirsty, I am very thirsty, give Me to drink".
- Marisa: "Today I see You, Jesus, so beautiful on the Cross. When I look at the Cross, the red, beautiful and flaming Cross I know that You did all this for us: first, I am not worthy to receive You, to have You, but You are thirsty, Jesus, so I will give You to drink. Accept this my water which is not as good as You would like".
- Jesus: "Don’t worry my child, I am thirsty. Thank you for your presence here and thanks to one grandmother who is suffering very much in her bed (Note: Marisa’s old mother). With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
14th September 1998, h.11:00 p.m. (Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and third anniversary of the first Eucharistic miracle - message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, you have prayed so much and I, triumphing, have descended from the cross and I am here. The cross shouldn’t frighten you, on the contrary it should give you joy. Yesterday I told you: "I am thirsty, give Me to drink". Some answered Me and gave Me to drink because I was thirsty. In this moment I am here, among you and it’s to let you understand that the cross isn’t nasty, but it is joy and salvation. I am with those people who take their own cross, embrace and kiss it, I am with them to carry it because, in this vale of tears, you all carry your own cross, but I carried it before you, with suffering and also with much love because I have loved everybody since the very beginning.
Look, Marisa, the cross is behind Me so I am not on the cross like yesterday, but I am before it, I stretch out my hands to you and today too I tell you: "Give Me to drink, I am thirsty". How many beautiful words your priest has said about St. Paul’s letter and about the hymn to the cross. It would be enough, if you just were able always to put into practice one word of it.
The cross is love. Only for love for you I died on the cross, because I love you. Learn how to love the cross also when it is very, very heavy, isn’t it, my beloved priest? The cross is bending you. The more you love, the more you experience the cross, but sometimes those people who are close to you don’t understand this, and they wait for your smile. You have experienced how heavy it is to carry my cross, but I haven’t left the cross only on your shoulders, I have left also my love. I love and you love!
Remember that those people who love, they suffer and that those people who don’t love, they don’t suffer. And also that those people who love, they become aware of their brother who is in difficulties with a heavy cross, but those people who don’t love, they don’t become aware and don’t experience the cross.
Remember that only if you accept your own cross will you be true Christians, so you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, without crown. I received only a crown of thorns.
I am the king, the king of hearts, the king of love, of joy and of suffering. For this reason I told you that I am thirsty. Marisa, you are seeing the Mother here close to Me, She is on her knees, adoring Jesus the Eucharist and praying for you. Don’t you see how collected She is? This place is a temple, it is the temple of Jesus the Eucharist, people come here only to pray and love, to love and pray: here there are prayer and silence.
Look, Marisa, in this moment the cross is lightening, it is all a flame of love, it’s a love which gives peace and joy, which warms your hearts. So you should always love it, always!".
- Marisa: "Here is another Jesus and another one. Yes, now I am understanding that this is the Holy Trinity".
- Jesus: "Just in this moment, Marisa, you see my stigmata so that you can recognize that I am Jesus the Crucified, you can also recognize the Holy Spirit because He has a dove. You see that my and your Mother is always on her knees, praying and adoring. When there is Jesus the Eucharist, there is the Trinity, so you should adore It always. The cross is death, but above all, it is resurrection to enjoy God for ever".
- Marisa: "I know that I should ask your forgiveness because I am not as good as You would like and I also need to convert my heart. But I love you very much, we all love you with our own limits and imperfections: You know that we are poor creatures.... Well, now the other Jesus has gone away and also the other one. Only Jesus the Crucified has remained, but He isn’t on the cross".
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, best wishes to all of you. Don’t avoid the cross, but embrace it! With the priest and with my Mother I bless you all. I bless your dear ones and your sacred articles. Above all I bless those parents who aren’t practising Catholic. You should love each other and they should notice that inside your hearts there is Jesus the Eucharist".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Up to the cross, kiss the cross, love the cross!".
20th September 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, you shouldn’t be just like other people, you should love, you should only love: if other people don’t love, if they slander and defame so easily, would you like to be like them? Other people speak ill about these apparitions, but here your sister has never spoken ill about other apparitions, it doesn’t matter if they are true or not: she has never said anything. Those people, as they are strong and great and they have the crowds following them, they dare to tell everybody through the radio that in this place there is the devil, that everything is untrue and Our Lady isn’t appearing here.
But I am appearing here, in this thaumaturgical place chosen by God. Yes, you are only few people but this is of no importance in the eyes of God because it’s not the crowd which makes holiness. There are people who say they have my apparitions and speak ill about this place: believe Me, my beloved sons, I really don’t appear, I can’t appear in a place in which ill is spoken about another place. Try to understand. How could I appear in a place where my sons, those who have been chosen by God, speak ill about another apparition? No, this is impossible! So, if they speak ill about this place, I don’t appear, there is no apparition.
Well, on last 13th September, Jesus said: "I am thirsty, I am thirsty for you". Did you give Jesus to drink? Did you do anything for Jesus, to quench his thirst? Did you maybe give Him water and vinegar with a sponge, to quench his thirst? Give Jesus to drink!
Everything will change, everything will turn over! Here close to Me, there is Padre Pio who, with his docile but very strong glance, says: "I never disobeyed the ecclesiastical authority because, in my days, there was that situation. But today, at the beginning of the third Millennium, people should obey the ecclesiastical authority with love".
Those people shouldn’t do this only because they have power and can blackmail: as you say, those people have the upper hand, so they can pierce your priest because he is a simple, humble priest who hasn’t power, who has nothing, but who has much love to give you. Today things must change! In the third Millennium things must change and those people who are superiors, they should ask for obedience with love and simplicity and not with blackmail: either you do this or I shall suspend you. No! Do you behave like this to your sons? No, you don’t. Since they have been little, until they are grown up, if they keep on staying at home, you keep on loving and advising them. You don’t blackmail your sons because blackmail is a very nasty thing and approaches to sin. Blackmail, slander, defamation..... shall I be obliged to tell you these things until everything change?
My heart is sad because I would like to tell you about God and about Jesus the Eucharist. On the contrary, each time I have to remind you that, during thirty five years of priesthood, your priest never, never, never disobeyed. Also those people said this. Cardinal Ruini said: "The priest obeyed". Don Claudio bent his head and said: "I don’t agree, but I obey" and then there was blackmail and those people said: "If you deny what you have seen, we won’t suspend you". What would you have done, in his place? All the priests who don’t come here, all those who are against him, what would they have done in his place? Would they have denied Jesus the Eucharist or.....? Obedience is a great virtue, just like charity and chastity, but charity is the greatest virtue and without charity, it’s useless to say it, they are just words spread to the wind. Those people neither used charity nor obedience. They can do what they want, in any field..... and anyone with ears in his head can hear.
Public apparitions began on 24th October 1993 and after one year those people have taken away the permission of celebrating the Holy Mass and have you ever wondered why? Because some parish-priests nearby complained, saying that Father Claudio was taking away from their parishes the young people and the grown-ups. But where are the young people and the grown-ups of a parish which has more than thirty five thousand souls? Where are they? The young people who come here don’t belong to this parish: they all come here from afar with sacrifice, because they also have either work or study.
Could you call it obedience or charity? It’s up to you to answer, inside your hearts. I told you that the decrees of the Vicariate are wrong, they are null and void, they aren’t true and are unlawful. But those people are stronger, they have power and none can defeat them, except God. Therefore what would you do, in the place of God? Those people are too many to be destroyed and taken away and I can’t bear this. So, I ask you to say the Rosary in a state of grace and don’t pass over the Holy Mass, Holy Confession and Holy Communion.
Those who love, they love to the end also through difficulties and there are so many difficulties. These my two children are giving up, also in their own physique: they are tired, tried and grieved. You, little flock, who have followed your priest for years, follow him: even if somebody stabbed him in the back you shouldn’t do this. Then, if your priest reaches martyrdom, you would kneel down and pray. Always pray. As I already told you, prayer is a powerful weapon: it can save. Perhaps you didn’t realize that, through your prayers, my two children are still alive. Your prayers, made with all your heart in a state of grace and with much love saved them.
Charity, obedience and chastity, but the greatest virtue is charity and charity very easily fails. Those people cling to obedience because they know that you, the laymen, the grown ups, you don’t understand thoroughly. They clung to obedience because both priests or sisters must obey the authority, but does the authority love this priest? No, it doesn’t. They just told him that he had to deny Jesus Christ, the Holy Host which poured blood: "Deny and we shall give you again the Holy Mass and perhaps we shall give you the Episcopate".
But your priest likes better to die than to deny Jesus Christ. This is a very great example that you all should imitate. Oh, how many people denied Jesus Christ! How many people saw the Eucharistic miracle, not once but many times, nevertheless they denied! You, I pray you, never deny Jesus Christ, my Son, your Father, your Brother: love Jesus the Eucharist, love the Mother of the Eucharist, love your priest. There is so much bitterness inside his heart, but the problem is that many, many and many people don’t want to save themselves.
Thank you, if you answer all what the Mother told you. Those of you who have recorded this message, let them listen to it again and meditate upon it. Remember also that people will have to learn to ask obedience with love and not through blackmail. While there is blackmail, the Church will not change and the men of the Church will be always the same.
Now attend the Holy Mass and consider that, when your priest celebrates the Holy Mass, inside his heart there is much bitterness and much joy. Bitterness because those people keep on saying things which aren’t true. Joy because he will never, never stop celebrating the Holy Mass. Your priest is just a priest, because he has to administer all the Sacraments. Even if he had disobeyed the authority, he shouldn’t have been suspended. Think upon it: after thirty five years of priesthood, a priest can’t be suspended!
Thank you and I am sorry for my speech, but I am your Mother and I must tell you these things, I have to open your hearts so that you can understand, if somebody says something against this place: you have to answer with charity and justice, without arrogance. Thank you, my beloved sons, if you go on like this.
With your priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. Attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, in silence".
3rd October 1998, h.5:40 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. There are few
of you who come to this thaumaturgical place, where the great Eucharistic miracle
happened: it happened not once, but twice, three times and many times. By yourselves
you see how much my son Jesus loves you. He comes even if you are few, even if
you are two or three, because Jesus said that where two or three are praying,
I am among them. God the Father often sends Me among you, to pray with you, to
enjoy and suffer with you because in this moment there is much suffering, but
if you accept it with love, suffering makes you strong. All that you do, you should
do it with love. If you do it forcibly, just to say: "I have to do it", this doesn’t
make you strong: suffering makes you strong and free.
You also should be able to speak and answer those people who speak ill. Jesus told Me: "Mary, my Mother, my Spouse and Sister, tell my sons to defend Jesus the Eucharist, to defend the men of the Eucharist, without fearing to let truth have weight and triumph. How many times I told you that the true Christian shouldn’t fear, he should act with charity and strength. Otherwise, how can you say that you are Christians? Why are the sons of darkness much quicker and slyer than the sons of light? But aren’t you together with Jesus the Eucharist? Why do you always let other people overcome you? Why don’t you show, held high, that you are true Christians, practicing Christians, but with all the love that has to be given to Jesus, to the Crucified Jesus and to Jesus the Eucharist?
How many times I said: "Love the cross, the cross isn’t death, it is resurrection and joy. So, each of you should embrace his own cross, hold it tight and kiss it with love even if for somebody here present the cross is very heavy. But God knew where to lean the cross and He leaned it well, very well. I invite you to pray for those who bring such a heavy and difficult cross.
There are some priests who phone your priest for solidarity and who say: "We don’t come because we fear.... or, I am with you, father, but I don’t come because my Superior has forbidden me to speak to you". But who is your priest? He is God’s creature, isn’t he? Do God’s creatures have to be crushed like this? When those people made the new Catechism they wrote that slander and defamation are mortal sins, but then they are the first to slander and defame. You should never do this, defend your priest if you can, always with charity. Those people who slander and defame will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s impossible to bring into the Kingdom of Heaven those who voluntarily slandered and defamed. It is very serious when they say: "I fear! I fear that those people take me away from my parish.... I fear that the Cardinal does.... I fear because my Superior doesn’t want....", but Jesus didn’t fear to give all of Himself to open Paradise, did He? And what do you do for Him? You fear! No, my beloved sons, come on, finally victory will be yours, finally you will open the doors of Paradise for yourselves.
God the Father also told Me to tell you that when somebody speaks ill about the Eucharist, when somebody says that your priest disobeyed you should answer: "If somebody told you to kill your own son for obedience, would you kill him?". Those people told your priest to deny, to deny Jesus the Eucharist: in your opinion, should your priest have denied? No, he shouldn’t! Also many priests said no and many said that your priest did right, but nobody has the nerve to stand by and to help him because they fear. So, you should answer: "Obedience yes, blackmail no". It’s impossible to say: "If you do this I will do that!".
Bye bye, my beloved sons! With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Attend the Holy Mass because it is more important than the apparition. Praise be Jesus Christ".
4th October 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, there is a very critical situation here: those people tried to isolate this place, but God will reward you for your coming here and for what you are doing with much love. In addition, you should remember my promise: you all will see Me, but only in this thaumaturgical place and not elsewhere. First your priest will see me and then it will be your turn, you who have always been present and who have also faced ugly situations with the non-believers, God will give you this gift.
Anyway, the Mother always insists with you upon love for everybody, true and great love above all for sick people and for people who are far from my son Jesus: don’t censure them, but help them. If you love each other, it’s very simple. I, together with my beloved spouse Joseph and the Holy Child, We loved each other to distraction, but it wasn’t difficult. To love other people, to love those people who give rise to your suffering, that’s difficult. But you can do it, because you are united with my son Jesus and every day you receive the Eucharist: after all, Jesus is much too good, sweet and paternal to not love you, He also loves those people who voluntarily cause his suffering.
Finally when everything is changed, there will be God’s judgement and it will be a sad moment. You should keep on doing good, putting into practice God’s messages, but above all, the commentary given by your priest who is really inspired by the Holy Spirit when he provides a commentary for the messages: so what he says, is through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit can also speak through you, my beloved sons, if you keep on living in a state of grace. Love each other and you, the young people, come on, make an apostolate and work with love: the new Church relies much on you. On next Wednesday Fr. Claudio begins the biblical catechesis again and, as I have many times told you, it is more important than the apparition itself. Your priest explains very well the Holy Gospel and I have never heard anyone explaining it so well. You should take advantage of this.
Now attend well the Holy Mass which has been wanted by God and nobody can prevent God from doing what He wants.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
7th October 1998, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, the holy Rosary can change many things on this planet Earth. The great politicians keep on fighting, earthquakes and floods keep on happening, yet despite all these things, what does man do? He is troubled about nothing unless he is personally touched. Take the crown in your hand and every day say the Rosary, but with calm, without rushing and without cuttng short your words. I add also the sentence that you first heard by my son Jesus and that you have heard many times later: first learn how to love, then pray.
Times are hard and difficult for everybody and above all women, children, poor and weak people suffer most. Those who are well, those who are strong, they fear nothing, but they should fear God. I have come here bringing the Rosary in my hand and I said the Rosary with you. In the meantime I was together with your sister to help her to accept all that God gives her every day and more and more every day. Today your sister is suffering much with sweating and wounds that are very painful. But I am here with you, bringing a very simple message from God for you, to invite you to love, to understand those people who don’t love and to help the suffering people.
I am here with the Holy Rosary, but I am the Mother of the Eucharist. As I already told you, men gave me many titles which are all beautiful, but the title "Mother of the Eucharist" embraces all of them. I am the Mother of the Eucharist, many times I have brought Jesus in my arms, I have brought the Eucharist and you enjoyed the Eucharistic miracle, finally God intervened and told your priest: "That’s enough now, you must celebrate the Holy Mass, you must do it!". God didn’t say "If you want", but "You must do it!". So you have the Eucharist, you have the Holy Mass and so I don’t bring the Eucharist anymore. I bring It only to your sister when she is in difficulties. Oh, you can’t imagine how many times she receives Communion in order to carry on, day and night, because my son Jesus gives strength and courage to her. Her life is difficult, believe Me. Many times I hear people saying: "Lucky you, who see Our Lady!", but poor fellow, she feels ill and doesn’t answer. Yes, the apparition is a great gift given to her by God, nevertheless He has spared her nothing, especially the afflictions.
I tell you all these things so that you pray with more strength and say with more love the Holy Rosary, not saying: "Oh, I haven’t yet said the Rosary, now I have to say it in a hurry". No, you shouldn’t do this. If you have no time, but you can always find some time, it’s enough to say ten Hail Mary, with calm and meditating what you say. God wants just this from you. My beloved sons, you have begun a walk, so you should keep on walking and you should never turn back.
Now attend the Holy Mass and receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace. Have you noticed that all God’s messages brought by Me, repeat all the same things? It’s because God wants to lead you to Him and to holiness. God doesn’t want half-measures, He wants you completely just as you are.
My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
11th October 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and many thanks to those who have come here from afar to pray in this thaumaturgical place. As you can see, times get closer: the Heads of State don’t get on well together and everybody run towards the first places.
You shouldn’t behave like this, don’t run to take the first place, run to receive Jesus the Eucharist, otherwise all the Eucharistic miracles which happened here would be just the joy of that moment and of that day. And then for you does everything come to an end? No, it’s impossible. Now you are experiencing the hardest testings, but you should be stronger because victory is approaching. Victory is for all those who believed and loved! AND REMEMBER MY PROMISE: ALL OF YOU WILL SEE ME IN THIS THAUMATURGICAL PLACE AND WHEN GOD THE FATHER TELLS ME IT, I WILL COME AMONG YOU AND YOU WILL SEE ME WITH THE ANGELS AROUND ME. But this moment hasn’t yet arrived because We need yet the conversion of many and many creatures.
As I already told you, there is no conversion unless people are touched by God, through suffering, prayer and love because God is love. Look at your sister, how she is reduced, now she is always obliged to stay in bed. Have you ever wondered why God is allowing all this? It’s to help those souls who are far from Him. But believe Me, this situation isn’t easy because your priest is attacked from every side and this strengthens him to help souls, but you too should help your priest!
How many times I told you to help your priest! Don’t leave him alone! The hardest days for him are Sunday and Thursday, when the apparitions take place and many people come here. You should help him. Don’t you realize that he is alone, that there is no priest close to him? Priests are far away, they look at him out of the window and say: "We are with you, but we fear!". So, your priest is alone. In his place, you would expect someone who comes to help you and to keep you company. But your priest has no other priest: there is only one well-disposed priest, but he lives very far from here and for this reason he can come here very few times and your priest needs someone to help him for confessing and for all those things concerning priesthood. You, my little flock, you the young people and especially those who have been called, you should help him.
The chapel is very little, it holds only few people and my two dear children can’t do more than they have done up to now. They said "Yes" to God and they make this voluntary service, without any salary but in this place it’s always necessary to cover the cost for many things. Divine Providence never was absent for my two dear children, nevertheless there is need for economic help. How many sanctuaries receive so much money, perhaps too much, because then those people come to be like stars: have you ever seen a visionary in your sister’s conditions? No, you haven’t. In spite of her illness your sister today preferred to stay among you: for her, charity and love mean to be among you, because she doesn’t need to see Me now, since she sees Me every day. She loves all of you with an immense love, the young people and the grown ups. Oh, I also would like to tell you about your priest: you see that he is tired because he is attacked from everyside and it’s useless to say: "He is a priest so he has to understand". Before being a priest he is a man, made of flesh and blood, just like you, so he needs help and you shouldn’t draw back. I end telling you the sentence: "First learn how to love, then pray". Love also those who cause your sufferings, I know that it’s difficult, but you should do it. You will feel holy, because you will be holy if you love those who cause your suffering voluntarily.
On next 24th October here there will be a great prayer vigil, because it’s the fifth anniversary of the opening of the apparitions to everybody. Not only Me but also God the Father wants very much that you make a very good and holy vigil, without looking at the time or the weather. Best wishes to the group of pilgrims who have come here today from afar and I hope that I have given something also to them as a mother, as Mother of the Eucharist, as Mary, Mother of the Church. Thank you for your presence here and if you will put into practice what the Mother told you. I ask you also a prayer for your sister because this is a particular moment for her health.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
18th October 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, look at your sister’s condition. Yes, she received a great gift by God, she can see Me, Jesus, the Angels and the Saints, but how much is she paying for all this? She just can stand up when Jesus and I tell her to stand up, otherwise she can’t.
Pray for the Holy Father, so that, just like some time ago I said in a message, he can do God’s will thoroughly. This sentence, this same sentence that I said, was repeated by the Pope a few days ago, so thanks to God and pray so that he can do God’s will.
Now I would like to give you a little explanation of the Holy Gospel. I explain to you or rather I ask you: "When Jesus returns, will He find anybody with faith, holy and pure?".
- Marisa: "May I answer You? Yes, He will find all of us!".
- Our Lady: "I am speaking about Jesus’ return at the end of times, I am speaking about Jesus when He judges all the men. Jesus has always been among you, since you have received Jesus the Eucharist and for this reason I always invite you to love the Eucharist. You began little by little: you loved just a little and then more, more and more. As I told you, you just should wake up and be more agile in the spiritual life: how many times should I repeat that you have to be more open? Spiritual life shouldn’t be a weight, a boulder. Spiritual life is love, it is God: do you love God? Does God frighten you? No, He doesn’t and if you are in a state of grace, you must fear nothing, neither what happens or what will happen on this planet Earth.
You should blossom like flowers: look at that bunch of flowers, they were little and closed buds then, little by little, they opened, they opened in the eyes of God and when they open, they are beautiful and give glory to God. All that is around you gives glory to God. This is only a nice, little garden, it’s not a great park, a great valley or a great garden, it’s only a little garden, but here there is everything: here there is the whole of God’s love and the whole love of those people who were called by God.
Those who were called, they should give more: the more they received, the more they should give. Some of you found fault with Me because sometimes I joke with your sister, but she is a creature of mine, who I brought up and it’s natural that she jokes with the Mother, beacuse I am her Mother. I have always spoken to her and joked with her together with the Angels and I suffered with her. Why should she change her attitude? Because there is somebody who examines and criticizes? No, she shouldn’t. Think of praying for you, for your dear ones and your relatives, your friends and benefactors. I don’t tell you to love your enemies because you are afraid of this, I just tell you to pray for your enemies: always prayer and love, love and prayer....
Enjoy these apparitions which are unique and don’t listen to those people who speak ill about these apparitions: really don’t expect them to say that they are true. So, don’t listen to them because he who listens, he also becomes accessory to a gossip. Today many people are celebrating the Pope but here, in this thaumaturgical place, you have to pray for Father Claudio Gatti, for each of you and for my young people who should be more wide-awake, not being like the Apostles who were sleeping when Jesus was suffering, they have to exercise their eyes, to examine, to prevent. If I had not been like this, I wouldn’t have noticed that my beloved spouse Joseph was sick. He was seriously ill but I examined, I checked, I saw and prevented so I helped him: this way I looked after him for ten years.
My beloved sons, pray for all the brothers who are afar, for all the Nations, so that they get on well together, so that wars come to an end and the great politicians really say what they want to do because, from the human point of view, We also don’t understand them. My beloved sons, you don’t see Me but remember that, perhaps as soon as possible...... Now stand up, take your hands drawing close to each other, raise your eyes to Heaven and say: "Our Father...".
I bless all your sacred articles, I especially bless my young people because finally they are doing what I have wished so much for a long time, that is a little newsletter. My beloved sons, you should celebrate to a high degree the fifth anniversary of these public apparitions. So, on next 24th October, you should have the prayer vigil with beautiful and solemn songs.
I bless you and your dear ones, your relatives, those who have come here but then have gone away, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace and in the joy of what you know (Note: that Our Lady said that as soon as possible She will appear to everybody during a public apparition) and of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
24th October 1998, h.10:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, today is the fifth year since I have been appearing for everybody in this thaumaturgical place. This year should have been a year of joy and exultation, a year of many spiritual graces and many conversions, but once again Satan tried to tempt you and let you fall down: he understood where your weaknesses are, he has come into you and if God had not sent His Angels to help you, all of you would have fallen. This should have been a day of joy, but I realize that you are not yet taking part in this joy and that there are much fear and dread. Therefore I ask you: where is your trust in God going? Where is the trust in your dear Mother ending?
God has given you these my two dear children and a true priest, a priest who is ready to give his own life for each one of you! This fifth year of my apparition in this thaumaturgical place, should have been a year full of joy for all those people who have come here for the past five years. On the contrary, my presence hasn’t been accepted, but above all Jesus the Eucharist hasn’t been accepted. How often I told you: don’t come here for Me, come here for Jesus the Eucharist! Love Jesus the Eucharist!
Have you realized how is Satan ready and how is he waiting for one of your little weaknesses to enter? So, you should ask God for help. When Satan worms his way into you, take the Holy Rosary in your hand, I don’t tell you to say the Rosary just in that moment but I tell you to take it and clasp it strongly in your hands, asking for Jesus’ and for your Guardian Angel’s help.
The more times approach and I am speaking of beautiful times, the more Satan becomes hateful, bad and tries to destroy you. The more you grow in your spiritual life, the more Satan tries to worm his way into you to let you fall down.
I also invite you to accept yourselves just like you are. He who doesn’t accept himself, he who doesn’t accept God’s gift, it’s only out of pride. You don’t realize this, but pride is ready close to you and the smallest thing is enough.... God gave you some gifts, but if you don’t let them multiply, God can also take his gift back, because when He gives a gift it’s so that you can give it to other people: the gift is not for yourselves, it’s for other people. So, it’s only out of pride if you don’t accept yourselves and God’s gifts, but you don’t want to be proud, do you?
The Mother taught you to be humble and simple, She didn’t teach pride because just when you are proud, the Devil worms his way into you. The Devil is artful, but he mustn’t be more artful than you, the Christians. You know that the Devil was an Angel, who rebelled against God. He was the greatest Angel, therefore he is also artful: he hates God, he hates Me, so he also hates those people who love God, who love Mary, but above all, those people who love the Eucharist.
I invite you to celebrate this great day tomorrow and to thank God for the gift He gave you: every day you should thank God because He could have spoken elsewhere, but He wanted to choose you. He chose this place and you know why He loves so much this place, this little place that He made thaumaturgical and holy. Don’t look at what kind of people come here and try to reach holiness, because this place is thaumaturgical. All of you should reach holiness and it’s up to you to help people who come here. I want all of you around Me in Paradise. Close to you there are yet many souls who should convert their hearts: they are many and many who show themselves at the window and who look out of it, but they don’t commit themselves because they fear, but what do they do in the meantime? They criticize. But why do they criticize? If they don’t believe, it’s all right! Now hold hands and with Me shout: Our Father....
My beloved sons, thank you for the prayers, the vigil and the sacrifices you have made for Jesus the Eucharist. You are praying here, but where are the other people? When Jesus said: I am thirsty, give Me to drink.... Don’t be like those souls who attend Mass as if it were a triumph and who only think of pushing, looking and also criticizing. Live the Holy Mass and enter Jesus’ heart!
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
25th October 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. God has given you so many messages, so many words of love, peace, forgiveness and finally of justice. The great men speak, speak and speak, but they never reach a true conclusion for the people and I mean the people of all the world. You listen to God’s words and messages, but why don’t you put them into practice and why do you forget so easily God’s words, the holy words of God, also after the explanation made by your priest? These words come from the great love of God for each one of you, for all the world, because God loves everybody and above all He loves the weak and poor people and the victims of persecutions, to give them strength and courage.
Therefore, my beloved sons, you should pay attention. Don’t be like in the parable of Pharisee and Publican: the Pharisee stands up and feels to be absolutely right, but the poor Publican asks for God’s forgiveness. Not those who say: "My God, my God!" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who do God’s will. At the end the sky will darken and God’s judgement will take place.
Your sister can also make a wrong translation of my words, but I don’t reprove her because finally your priest intervenes and everything must pass through him. God chose this priest, He didn’t choose another priest, so each of you should trust in God’s will and in what your priest tells you.
You don’t understand that through all these warnings I lead you towards holiness, you don’t realize the great God’s love and the great love of your priest. He received the gift of the Holy Spirit, he received by God the gift of self-abnegation, intelligence and the gift of helping you. If you don’t understand this, if you try to be like the Pharisee you have yet much to amend and learn. But this doesn’t stop God loving you, He loves you all the same: it’s right that He tells Me: "Mary, go and tell these words to my children". Don’t you feel being a favourite in the eyes of God?
God rebukes you because it’s the greatest love to rebuke the brother: everyone who sees something and who doesn’t rebuke, he doesn’t love. He who rebukes, he loves, just like God loves. Jesus died on the cross because He loves, He loved and He keeps on loving you. I love you and I stay here with you: call Me and I will come to help you and to lead you towards my son Jesus and to Jesus the Eucharist: to Jesus through Mary and Jesus says: "First go to my Mother, then come to Me", but I say: "First go to Jesus". Look, also between Me and Jesus... but this is love, this why Jesus wants his Mother to triumph, and I, as a Mother, want my son Jesus to triumph. So, you should do like this: reach Jesus through your priest.
Understand these my words and put them into practice and if someone makes a mistake, you should correct him by means of warnings of love, without raising your voice. Thank you for your presence here and thanks if you put into practice what God told Me to say and excuse Me, if I often rebuke you. Now take your hands and with Me say: Our Father....
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
29th October 1998, h.7:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I have been together with you to say the Holy Rosary and now the Mother has something to tell you. Go back and remember one of the latest messages, when I told you that the fight hasn’t yet come to an end and that the great men of the Church keep on preparing something against your priest. They don’t stop. When some of you speak the truth, immediately pride and arrogance spring up, but now something more serious has appeared: REVENGE. Last Sunday, when I appeared only for my young people, I told them that those people are taking their own revenge, trying to destroy the man, the priest and everything.
You see these my two dear children who are tranquil because they have accepted this new suffering when they said "Yes" because they want to go on, clenching their teeth and fists, clinging to the altar and to Jesus the Eucharist and holding strongly the crown of the Holy Rosary, when they said "Yes" today too, in that very moment, several priests converted their hearts and they began again to celebrate Holy Mass after a Holy Confession. I don’t reveal anything, because you don’t know them or if you know them, you don’t know who they are, but the great men of the Church, they destroyed your priest in many ways and of course also your sister. But my two children accepted this with joy, saying: "Another proof to show how intrigue is working to destroy everything".
But when truth triumphs, will those people convert their heart? No, it will be too late. Anyway, today and you should REMEMBER THIS DATE: 29th OCTOBER, SEVERAL PRIESTS HAVE CONVERTED THEIR HEARTS THROUGH THE SUFFERINGS OF THESE MY TWO CHILDREN AND ALSO THROUGH YOUR PRAYERS. You really prayed very much for Father Claudio and Marisa, so you co-operated together with them for the conversion of my beloved priests. BUT DON’T EXPECT THE CONVERSION OF THE GREAT MEN OF THE CHURCH. You should keep on praying. Your prayers never get lost: you prayed for Father Claudio and Marisa and your prayers went to other priests. Do you understand this? Some of my beloved priests have returned to my son Jesus and these my two dear children are happy today. They said: "Dying is better than offending Jesus" and I heard these beautiful words. I really feel much tenderness for them because they never answered "No" to God, never.
But those people today too said something awful, they said that if your priest denies that here Jesus the Eucharist appeared with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, if he denies the Marian apparitions, if he denies the messages and everything else, they will take away the suspension from the exercize of sacred functions, but they won’t allow back the celebration of the Holy Mass. Those people don’t want to give back, in this place, the celebration of the Holy Mass: should your priest deny all this? No, he shouldn’t. So God said: the choice is up to you, but you don’t have to come back, otherwise all the sufferings and the sacrifices you made, would be lost and you don’t know how many souls you have saved.
My beloved sons, you should put these messages into practice, they should remain inside your hearts because I told you that the fight hasn’t come to an end and those people are fighting because someone said: "I WILL REVENGE AND I WILL CRUSH HIM". THESE WORDS WERE SAID BY A PRIEST, A GREAT PRIEST, A CARDINAL, TO A LITTLE PRIEST WHO CAN’T DEFEND HIMSELF, WHO HAS NO ONE CLOSE TO HIM. When your priest asked Me for help from one priest I answered: no, my beloved son, no, until the Church is renewed, you won’t have any priest because THE LETTER SENT BY THE ECCLESIASTICAL AUTHORITY TO ALL THE PARISH-PRIESTS AND PUBLISHED ON LOCAL BULLETINS AND NEWSLETTERS, FORBADE EVERY PRIEST TO SUPPORT FATHER CLAUDIO, TO SPEAK TO FATHER CLAUDIO, TO PHONE FATHER CLAUDIO. But what did Father Claudio teach you? He just taught you upright things. What has he taught you during all these years? You see how history repeats itself: the more you love, the more you suffer.
Those people fear that priests may come back to support Father Claudio, therefore they have taken measures. No one will support Father Claudio and perhaps not even that well disposed priest, who lives far from Rome, because those people will forbid him to come here. The holy Pope Paul VI, ruled in 1966 and you can read it also in the preface of the books of messages, that everybody has the right to publish the messages, but those people don’t want this, they want first the messages to pass through the Vicariate. And these are my priests, they are my priests too, but they don’t love Jesus, they don’t love my son Jesus, they love themselves.
Pray, my beloved sons and support your priest: you wrote that you will never betray my son Jesus and you will never betray your priest. You said "Yes", so don’t betray that "Yes" written with so much love. Thanks, if you do what the Mother has said, then your priest will give you more explanations and together with this holy priest I bless you and your dear ones, I bless all the sick people, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
1st November 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I am here to pray with you and today some of you
have seen Me, of course not with my body, because they were looking at the sky
(Note: Some people referred to have seen a string of clouds moving in the sky).
You say that it’s "The stylized Our Lady" and some of you have seen Me like that,
for the moment. Today God has told Me something, but don’t ask Me why, He said:
"On Christmas Eve You will descend on the Earth together with the Holy Child"
and I didn’t understand or I didn’t want to understand and I didn’t like to ask
God the Father, my All, what this order means, because I always descend and speak
to you, even if you don’t see Me. Why did He say: "On Christmas Eve"? I don’t
know and I can’t tell you anything else. Pray, pray, pray.
My beloved sons, today I have come among you with the Saints and the Angels who are around Me: as you see, Marisa, in the front line there is Padre Pio and there are the Holy Popes Paul VI, John Paul I, John XXIII and Pius XII. During this century there have been some holy Popes, who haven’t yet been canonized by the Church, but God canonized them. Around Me there are many, many and many Saints who I don’t want to list because your priest has so many things to tell you and to explain you about his situation. I invite you to pray. Today here there are some people sent to spy: yes, but your priest must obey God and the men of the Church didn’t help him, they immediately censured him. I don’t want to speak about this anymore because my heart suffers and bleeds.
When you recently wrote a letter to Me, you wrote "Yes" with so much kindness. So, if you say "Yes", you shouldn’t break that promise: when somebody says "Yes" to God, he must go on even if he is placed in difficult circumstances, even if you hear people continually speaking ill about this place. Have you ever wondered: "Why so much fury against these apparitions? Why other apparitions, though they are not yet recognized, go on peacefully? Because you are in Rome and I told you some time ago that Rome is dechristianized and my favourite priest has many chiefs over him and they are all against him: those who aren’t against him, they fear and hide themselves.
The Mother invites you to meditate the Holy Gospel of today: the Beatitudes. It says: "Blessed the victims of persecutions!". You will ask: "Should we all be persecuted to achieve Paradise?". No, but sometimes human wickedness is strong because those people are powerful, because they have... everything and I can’t tell you anything else. But you have to enjoy this feast. Oh, when God allows that you see Me and not only Me, but also the Angels and the Saints, above all the Saints, those who suffered and today enjoy Paradise with so much joy, love and with many hymns of glory to God the Father, to God the Son and to God the Holy Spirit..... I give to you also my wishes, my beloved sons, today it’s the feast of All Saints and why shouldn’t you be saints also on Earth? Anyway your priest is already a saint: yesterday God said that he has the palm of martyrdom. I think that you already know that his martyrdom and his sufferings are great, but as a Mother I am close to my two children, just as I am close to you. Of course I am close to those who suffer most, to sick and poor people and to the abandoned children, I am close to those who love my son Jesus, who said: "Dying is better than denying!". This leads to total immolation".
- Marisa (to Padre Pio): "My dear brother, because you call me sister, would you ever have imagined that we would have suffered so much?".
- Padre Pio: "Yes, because the more you love, the more you suffer. My dear children, you are suffering more than me, much more than me, because you have to change and to help the Church, while I just lived in my little corner. Your mission is great and beautiful".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I invite you to talk to Jesus with simplicity, with humility, not being afraid to say things and likewise you should rebuke your brother if he makes a mistake, always with much love. Pay attention to pride and arrogance because, they don’t lead you to holiness: be humble and simple, I want you to be saints, I will never stop saying that I want you to be saints. Remember your "Yes" and today repeat "Yes" to Jesus and promise that you will never betray Jesus the Eucharist, that you will never betray the one Who you saw here with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. You mustn’t betray Christ because a great man of the Church is the master: he too must obey God and he mustn’t rely on his power. So you should pray for those priests who know where truth is, but who fear, they fear to lose their power or their parish. Unfortunately also these things happen, so pray for them, pray for each of you, pray for these my two children who are attacked by all those
people who have the skull-cap overhead. He who hasn’t the skull-cap, just like your priest, he must yield, but he will never betray my son Jesus. Think of this: if it hadn’t been true, nobody would have brought the bleeding Holy Host into the Vicariate to show It and let It be examined. Those people nearly desecrated It, almost with scorn they said: "What is that piece of bread?" No, my beloved sons, it isn’t right. Should your priest have said that he deceived you, when you too saw? Should he have denied Christ? Today he is in this situation and you could say: "Couldn’t God intervene?". Yes, He could, but God is patient, God is yet merciful because He is waiting for some conversions, conversions of some simple souls.
Thank you for your presence here, thanks if you stay close to your priest. Each of you can witness that he just gave, that he just taught you the words of God, that he always said words of love, of courage, of encouragement. The choice is up to you, but those who just come here for the apparition and don’t attend the Holy Mass, they shouldn’t come: either with Christ or without Christ. This is my teaching because God gave Me this message: he who makes a choice, he can’t serve two masters. The choice is up to you, if you want to repeat your "Yes", don’t turn your back to Jesus the Eucharist Who all of you saw and don’t leave your priest alone. I am here and I am waiting for your "Yes" during the Holy Mass, because I am present during it.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and especially the sick people, I bless your sacred articles and the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
7th November 1998, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. I have listened to all that your priest has said. He has told you the truth. I, the Mother of the Eucharist, cuddled you too much because in no other place of the Earth I am appearing as often as I am appearing here: on all feast days, on Jesus’ feasts, every first Saturday of the month, every Thursday and Sunday I am here with you and for you. And you have got accustomed to this. I have also come here because some of you were suffering very much and also for your priest. No one can understand all the sufferings of the priest who is leading this Movement. How is it possible that my two dear children have to suffer so much also because of your weaknesses, of your desire of being pre-eminent and in the first places? You should rather run towards Jesus, towards holiness: don’t run only for little things, but if you do something useful you should do it secretly. Don’t you rememeber in the Gospel, when the poor widow put her penny, but secretly, without making a noise, while other people let their money tinkle? She really gave more, that poor widow gave more than other people. I told you to help your priest, but I didn’t tell you first to ring the bells and then to help your priest. No, I didn’t. We were not like this: when together with my beloved spouse Joseph, with the Holy Child and with the grown-up Jesus, We were on Earth, We lived in simplicity, secretly, in humility and God was with Us. I want this from you. If you get accustomed to my so frequent comings, I will not come here so frequently anymore, I will just come every now and then, just like in all other places where I keep on appearing and they are really few! I cuddled you just as a mother with her child, because I love you, my beloved sons, but I love also other places, everybody is a son of mine: I love those priests who are far from my son Jesus, I love sinners and everybody! But God gave you something more: my presence here. You wrote "Yes" to Me, but was it coming from your heart?
Remember once again that obedience is to be given to everybody: obedience yes, but it must not be asked with blackmail. Now we are going to enter the third millennium, and it’s enough with this "Obey, obey, obey...", when they ask obedience with blackmail: obedience to everybody, but without blackmail and also obedience to the little men. They also can intervene and the great men have to listen to them. My son Jesus doesn’t want you to obey when you are asked with blackmail, this isn’t beautiful, this isn’t charitable. If God created you in his own image and likedness, it’s because He is waiting for something more from you. Obedience to God, yes, but has God ever asked obedience with blackmail? He sometimes demands obedience to some souls, chosen by Him and directed by Him, so that the Church triumphs or truth triumphs: He never directs people with blackmail. As St. Peter and St. Paul told you, obedience to God, but not with blackmail, with love!
My beloved sons, from now on you should start again and above all, without being protagonists, without wanting to be pre-eminent, without always running towards something which doesn’t exists. If you do something beautiful, keep it for yourselves and if it is necessary, I Myself will speak about it. Give up fanaticism, oh no, here there was never fanaticism. My children are always very cautious: when I said that you will see Me, I also said: "Pray, pray, pray....", but you didn’t refer this. You should take everything from the messages, not only some parts.
My beloved sons, I am sorry if the Mother told you these things but I had to tell you them: I have come here because Marisa beseeched Me so much for you, but above all for your priest. Do you really want Me to come here to pray with you and among you? In other places there are some people who cry and say: "Why doesn’t Our Lady come also to this place?". The answer is up to you: do you want Me? I obey, because it is obedience without blackmail: do you want Me not to come here anymore?... Don’t you answer Me?
(Note: People answered: "Yes, come!"). I come here to bring you joy and peace, I come to give you that spiritual help which not everybody has. But those who haven’t any spiritual help, they will want God too, because it won’t be their fault if they won’t have received any spiritual help.
My beloved sons, love your priest: don’t you hear how many slanders and defamations against him? Those people almost amuse themselves, speaking ill, they gather and have dinner together to speak ill of Father Claudio Gatti. Do you realize this, my beloved sons? And what did you do? You just thought of being pre-eminent and you didn’t think of this my beloved son, who is attacked by everybody.
On the other hand, priests are also jealous of Father Claudio Gatti: they are jealous of his intelligence, of his capacity of having control of the situation, of being strong and of fighting to let the truth triumph. Come on, my beloved sons, take each other by the hand, ask Jesus’ forgiveness and with Me shout with all your heart: "Our Father...". Now attend the Holy Mass and ask Jesus’ forgiveness: these aren’t serious sins, but your priest is already suffering very much. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
15th November 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Today I have come here among you to tell you to be ready, ready for anything, be always ready because in any moment God may call you to face either bad or good situations. And now stop speaking about those things which give rise to sufferings: God told you all that He had to tell you. He sent Me to help you to walk towards holiness, so love each other not through words, but giving example and witness. Prepare yourselves because God won’t inform you when He arrives, so you should be always ready. The Gospel says that if you know that a thief is coming into your home, you prepare youselves because you know it. But since you don’t know when the thief can arrive, what will you do? You should be always ready and cautious. All the more reason this is necessary towards God, because God is love, God loves you and you should love God. Once again I repeat to you: don’t put God in the second place and then start asking for graces, but put God in the first place, don’t give my son Jesus only the crumbs because He doesn’t need them, He needs your love. I invite you to pray for this and to pray for the peace in the Church and all over the world, pray so that wars come to an end: man is killing very easily, he kills children and women as if they were unimportant creatures.
So, you who already have gone some way, don’t stop and don’t look at your brother’s eye, look at your own eye, look at what you really are and at what you have inside yourselves: if you have beautiful things, give them to other people, help your brother and when someone is helped, let him accept it with humility, humility is so beautiful! My beloved spouse Joseph was a very humble and simple man, He was my beloved spouse. You should also understand that a relationship can advance if you are humble, simple and above all sincere: sincerity and truth advance relationships until death, only death can separate you.
It’s so beautiful always to be ready, waiting for little sufferings or for joys, waiting for Jesus the Eucharist, receiving Him inside your heart and talking to Him. Once I said: cradle Him in your heart, it’s so beautiful and I experienced it, you also should do it. Receive Jesus in a state of grace and then talk to Him, hold Him tightly to your heart and love Him, above all love Him. Even if those people keep on forbidding the celebration of Holy Mass here, you should love more Jesus the Eucharist, let Him be more known and love each other more, more and more.
Thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
19th November 1998, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady. "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. You know that THE HARDEST MOMENT FOR THESE MY TWO CHILDREN IS YET TO COME: only on that day will I know who, among you, really loved my son Jesus, who really was solid with the priest, who really came here to love Me, the Mother of the Eucharist and who is really united with the Pope, with my Pope. You can’t understand which is the mission of these my two children, of my Pope, of my priest and of this creature chosen by God. But that very moment I will understand thoroughly which was your walk and your great love, above all towards Jesus the Eucharist.
In this place God gave some graces, but those people who received them, they distanced themselves, slandering and defaming: they didn’t go away in silence, on the contrary they distanced themselves and spoke very ill, though they had received graces and some also a miracle! And you, my beloved sons here present, who are waiting for Me, above all who are listening to the biblical catechesis, that is, the Word of God, certainly you will be rewarded by God.Those people who received graces went back, but those people who didn’t receive graces, because God knows who to give or not to give graces, they are present here to fight. All of you saw the great Eucharistic miracles, all of you saw many, many and many miracles because God performed many of them, just to let everybody understand that God can do everything, anyhow He wants, whenever He wants, wherever He wants.
So you should show love to my son Jesus, even if sometimes you waver, even if there are some little clouds or storms inside of you, you should love my son Jesus and today too I repeat to you: "NEVER BETRAY JESUS!". You know that great man of the Church, when he decides to do something, above all something wrong, he doesn’t look anybody in the face and the less these my two dear children, so I repeat to you: that very moment I will understand who really is together with my priest, my favourite priest who was chosen by God, it’s not his fault if he was chosen by God, but you also said: "Yes".
You understand how the man, for every little thing, nourishes feelings of scorn and hatred: why are there wars? Because there is hatred. You should love and pray for the peace in the world, for the peace in the Church, for the men of the Church and for the Holy Father. Oh, if you could understand how difficult is to be a Pope, to be a priest when he is called for a very great mission: everything becomes difficult! I am always waiting for you, just like you are waiting for Me, here to pray: during this triduum of prayers for the great feast of Christ the King, I will be here with you, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, when the Church remembers my presentation in the Temple.
What else could I tell you, my beloved sons? Pray, love and forgive: perhaps forgiveness is the most difficult word, I know it, but you should forgive and pray. My beloved sons, the Mother is looking at you and She put his mantle upon your head. Be strong, strong and generous, solid with who is in the truth, loving my son Jesus, Who gave his life for each one of you. Thank you if you put into practice my message, dictated by God, because God gives Me the messages: how many times did I tell you that I am just the mail-carrier, the messenger of God and that I am your Mother, I am the Mother of everybody, also of those people who don’t love Jesus and of those who don’t believe Jesus the Eucharist, I am the Mother of all the men of the Earth.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
22nd November 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, I am your Jesus. Today it’s the feast of Christ the King, but you shouldn’t look at Me with the crown: I am Jesus, without a crown, but I am your king. One day I will reward you for all the sufferings you are experiencing because of Me and for my sake. I am Jesus and I am the son of the Mother of the Eucharist. WHO IS AT THE ROOT OF THE EUCHARIST? MY MOTHER. Pray very much to the Mother of the Eucharist and don’t get discouraged. Don’t worry when your priest tells you to do the triduum or the novena, because they are very important prayers for the Church.
You know that you have to cooperate in the mission with these two my dear children: so help them not to collapse to carry on this mission. In this moment it seems that everything is falling on them. But I have come here among you, without looking at the place or the persons, above all without expecting fanaticism from you, because you are here to pray and to grow in the spiritual life, you are here to reach holiness. Listen to what your priest tells you, he says everything, he comments the messages, messages given by God, and don’t worry if he gives you some sweet warnings, as my Mother says and accept them with love.
Today here there are two couples of young people who present themselves to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and to the Mother of the Eucharist. Their promise is great and important: it is an example and a witnessing for all the young people. As your priest says, there will be other couples of young people. Then We will do this again: together with my Mother I will be with you, together with my daddy St. Joseph and all the Angels and the Saints who are around Me. They rejoice for all this and above all for you, my four dear young people: your promise is important, it’s not a simple thing, no it isn’t!
Now you should remember the three Presentations: the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Temple, the Presentation of the Holy Child at the Temple and your own presentation! Your presentation opens history and there will be more and more presentations, finally the little Jacopo (Note: the three year old Marisa’s nephew) will arrive, but he has another way to go. When Jacopo is a grown-up, he will understand better which his mission is. God makes a plan over you, God can do everything, He can say everything and He spoke about these plans some time ago, when Jacopo was a very little child. Yes, Jacopo will be what he has to be! Jacopo has already understood inside his heart: he will have to go a great way, he will be as great as your priest.
My beloved sons, during the Holy Mass I will be present and I will stay between your priest and the two couples of young people and I will look after them.
My beloved sons, I know that you are feeling cold, but when Jesus is here with you, don’t you feel in your heart a great warmth which wholly warms you? Attend Holy Mass as if it were your last Mass and let your priest celebrate Holy Mass as if it were his last Mass, with all the sufferings which are lying heavily on him and are crushing him: the Mass is the Mass, I am inside him and he is inside Me and we will make together only one thing. Now with Me Jesus, with my Mother and my daddy, with the Angels and the Saints, take your hands, raise your eyes to Heaven and with Me shout the Our Father... My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here, and with your priest, with my and your Mother I give you my blessing".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Best wishes to the young people who will make the promise: Fabrizio and Daniela, Angelo and Selenia".
- Jesus: "I, Jesus, thank you all: you are only few people, but I thank you all. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and of Me, God the Son. Praise be Jesus Christ".
26th November 1998, h.6:00 p.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, I am your Jesus. First of all I have come here to thank the four young people who made the promise: it was a wonderful thing, it deeply moved my Mother and Me, Jesus. It was the first time that some young people have presented themselves to Jesus the Eucharist, with their full promise. Oh, if the great men understood what happened here last Sunday! My beloved mothers, pray for your own children, so that they also can understand the importance of the chastity and purity of these young people. You should not believe that they are not suffering: they suffer and sometimes they are also attacked because they pray too much, because they attend Mass every day, because they receive Me, Jesus, every day. I have come here to thank you for all this and especially you, Father Claudio, my favourite priest, best-loved by God, but not by men. I have come to tell you also that on next 29th November the New Year 1999 begins: the New Year opens! So pray, pray to Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, so that you can reach Me with joy and simplicity: there are still some who limp and lack charity. Don’t be like this. There is also another thing, much wanted by my heart: on the 29th November, the New Year 1999 should begin with a novena to the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception opens history and the Mother of the Eucharist closes it. You will have a great feast, but there will be also a great suffering. So you will wonder why there are always sufferings: it is for the conversion of all the people and today especially for the conversion of your sons, for all the young people. My beloved sons, pray for the young people: you can’t see how many young people get lost!
I am also very worried for the situation all over the world. I invite you to make this novena with all your heart: pray! The Saints say: to Jesus through Mary, but I say: to Mary through Jesus. Anyway We are always the Mother and the Son, you also are the sons, you are my brothers.
Today I want to repeat what, some years ago, I said to St. Marguerite Alacocque: I want people to make the first Friday of the month. People should make the first Friday of the month in a state of grace: Confession and Holy Communion. I want people to keep again also the first Saturday of the month. I want you to be saints, I Jesus, Jesus from Nazareth, Jesus the Eucharist, I, Man and God, want you to be saints. All of you should be saints and if some of you limp, you should not rail against your brother: you should acknowledge that you are limping, ask God’s forgiveness and go on.
Thank you, if you put into practice what I told you: you should remember all the contents of the message, which is very important, isn’t it, Father Claudio?".
- Our Lady: "I have just come to tell you that with my favourite priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
29th November 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, God invites you to make many acts of mortification, to say many ejaculatory prayers, first of all for the feast of the Immaculate Conception and also for the coming of the Holy Child. I don’t ask you for many things, many prayers, let each of you do all that he can do: it’s not a great sacrifice doing little acts of mortification or saying many and many ejaculatory prayers. God is satisfied with little, very little, God asks you to do little things well and with love. He doesn’t ask for great things: through little things you do great things, through little things you become saints. God is waiting for your holiness.
Today I would like you to celebrate the 21st November, that is the Presentation of the Blessed Child Mary at the Temple, the 26th November, that is the great Eucharistic miracle which was so much attacked and criticized and finally the 29th November, today, that is the beginning of the liturgical Year 1999. And you will say: "At last!", but also in Paradise We say: "At last it’s the Year 1999!". Only God knows all that will happen and you have to prepare yourselves with courage and strength, but above all through what I already told you: acts of mortification and ejaculatory prayers, God isn’t asking for much and also the Mother, Who is here to give you the message, is asking from you only acts of mortification and ejaculatory prayers.
There are here some children, and among them there is Alessia, who have seen Jesus. For children it’s easier to see Jesus or Our Lady, because they are little, innocent souls, but if you keep on praying, this will be given also to you, the grown ups. For the third time I repeat to you: perform many acts of mortification, it’s not difficult to say many ejaculatory prayers. For instance... Holy Child come into my heart... Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, pray with us..., but there are many and many other ejaculatory prayers, which all of you know. Maybe the children or the young people don’t know many ejaculatory prayers but you, the grown ups, you know them so you have to say many of them: in any moment, they are so short, you can say: "My Jesus, I love You, so I want to love also those who give rise to my suffering". Pray, celebrate this day, make a good novena, here there will be Jesus the Eucharist exposed in the chapel, so adore Him without fear, without listening to those people who try to lead you off the beaten track. I want you to be strong, fighting, I want you to defend Jesus Who poured his Blood in this thaumaturgical place. Thank you.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. Remember that the greatest prayer is the Holy Mass: receive Communion in a state of grace and if someone sins against charity, let him confess and let him not receive my son Jesus, because he is not in a state of grace. Thanks, if you put into practice what I told you".
6th December 1998, h.12:15 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
Don Claudio, Marisa and the community members, who also arrived from afar, gathered
in St. Peter Square for the Pope’s Angelus. After the Angelus Our Lady appeared
and the gave the following message.
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the love you have shown to my and your Pope. Together with your sister We have shouted: "Come on, come on!", because the Pope was feeling very sick and he was going to collapse during his speech. I INVITE YOU TO PRAY FOR THE HOLY FATHER, BUT NOT FOR HIS LIFE: YOU SHOULD PRAY SO THAT HE DOES GOD’S WILL! You, who have come here with much enthusiasm and love, pray also for the Church. On last 7th December 1997 I made my entry here in St. Peter Square as Mother of the Eucharist and today I am again among you. What do Jesus and the Mother want? They want your prayers for the Church and for the triumph of the Eucharist all over the world.
I wish you to attend with much participation the Holy Mass, which will be celebrated by your priest, because God gives him some particular graces during his sermons, so that you can walk towards holiness. Goodbye to you all! I am your Mother and I am here with you because I love you, my beloved sons.
With my and your priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. I was between you and the Holy Father: thank you for your presence here".
8th December 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
- Marisa: "Oh, I am seeing two Madonnas, the Immaculate Conception and the Mother of the Eucharist!".
- Jesus: "But I speak to you, my beloved sons: I, Jesus. Although you, my child are seeing two Madonnas, it’s always Her, my Mother and I want people to call Her "Mother of the Eucharist" because She closes history. I, Jesus, have come here to accompany the Mother and you, my child, are seeing Her like that, so that you can understand that the Immaculate Conception opens history and the Mother of the Eucharist closes it. Here are also present God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, adore Them!
I, Jesus, invite you to love with all your heart my and your Mother, but above all I invite you to pray for those who don’t love Her and who don’t accept this title "Mother of the Eucharist", Who since my birth has become a mother, the Mother of God, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. When I was inside her maternal womb, I talked to Her and We spoke about my life, but above all about my death and resurrection. You should not dwell on death, but you should think of resurrection and glory.
I bring God’s message because I am God and the Mother is here next to Me: She is looking at you, with her eyes of a mother, with her heart full of love for you. I, Jesus asked your priest to celebrate the Holy Mass, because it’s not correct, it’s not fair to suspend from the exercise of sacred functions a creature, just because he loves Me, because he loves the Mother of the Eucharist and souls. Spite and revenge aren’t beautiful, love is beautiful, love for everybody. I, JESUS, WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS THAUMATURGICAL PLACE FOR EVER. Today you have adorned it, the little chapel became my Mother’s little jewel, you made many beautiful things altogether and all of this is welcome to God the Father, to God the Holy Spirit and to Me, God the Son.
You see, my child, that I am dressed all in white: this immaculate white is purity, virginity and chastity. Today also the Mother is dressed in her Sunday best because it’s her feast.
You should just concern yourselves about receiving Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace. When your sister asked the Mother about which way to receive the Eucharist, because there have been some questionings, since not all the people listened to the Holy Father’s words, She only answered these beautiful words: "Receive Jesus as I taught you, that is, in a state of grace, with a pure and clear heart, without any stain, receive Him in a state of grace: the Mother taught this to you". So why, those who listen to these messages, don’t they put them into practice? The Mother didn’t say "On the hand, on the tongue, seated, standing or down on your knees", She said nothing of all this, She said: "Receive my son Jesus in a state of grace". That’s all! We don’t speak great words, just as I said "First learn how to love, then pray", that’s all! There is nothing to take away and nothing to add: first love, then pray. If you can’t love how can you pray? This is very important: what are We teaching? Living in a state of grace, loving the Eucharist, the Mother of the Eucharist, loving the Pope whose name today is John Paul II, loving the bishops and the priests who are united with the Pope, praying for conversions. It seems to Me that all of this is not contrary to the Gospel: all of this is easy and beautiful. Those who dwell on little things, which are insignificant for Us of the Heaven, they understand nothing! No, my beloved sons, that’s wrong. Your priest this morning spoke very well, so you should store up what he said. The way to holiness isn’t difficult, if you are humble, simple and if you listen to God’s Word. I didn’t tell you to scramble up to a ten thousand meter high mountain and then throw yourselves down, I told you to love, to convert your heart, to receive Jesus in a state of grace, first learn how to love and then pray, what’s there so difficult?
Believe Me, my beloved sons, I, Jesus, tell you that this is the greatest love that a creature can give to the other creatures. I expect this from you, also from those of you who live far from here, also from you who can’t take part in these meetings, which are so timeless, so solemn, so beautiful because God set his eyes on this thaumaturgical place.
Believe Me, this is not a bed of roses: my two children suffer very much, but not because of Us, they suffer because of the men of the Earth. Through your prayers you can help many and many people, you can stop wars as I said some time ago: some wars stopped, some others go on. As I also told you, the purification began many years ago: there were famines, earthquakes, wrecks and there is yet much purification, but as I already told you, man doesn’t convert his heart until he is personally touched. This is not beautiful. I said in a message that I didn’t give only a finger or a hand, I gave all Myself, all Myself for all of you, because I love all the men of the Earth, all the people, also those who don’t know Me because it’s not their fault if they don’t know Me. I also love those people who say they love Me, but who really don’t love Me, yes, I love also them. I can’t ask you to love also those people who are giving rise to your suffering, anyway you should pray for them.
The Mother is here triumphing, She is satisfied with your presence here, but above all She is satisfied with the works you made here in a short time. The Mother also appreciates very much the little newsletter and I like it too, but I am sure that you will be able to do it better. You are walking, someone yet limps, but I am sure that you will reach perfection, little by little. I know that you are waiting for a great visitation, but up to now We aren’t allowed.
Father Claudio, look at Me and don’t be afraid of looking at Me: my dear child, I bless you, be strong and brave! I also bless all of you here present, your sacred articles, but I bless everybody with your priest, with the Mother of the Eucharist, with all the Angels and the Saints and with all the saved souls related to you, here present. My beloved sons, love each other and fly altogether in contact with wings, without being jealous of your brother. If you notice that your brother has something beautiful, you should speak about it: why should you suffer from jealousy? As I already told you, jealousy may be something simple, but then it brings you to envy and finally malice, slander and defamation arrive, but you don’t want this, you want to come into Paradise, don’t you? And I want to bring you into Paradise".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I am your Mother. I have listened to all that my son Jesus said. I thank you for all the work you carried out, whether material or spiritual, it needs so little to satisfy Jesus and Me, to satisfy your priest, the community, this flock which is waiting, which is waiting for becoming holy. Anyway be sure, I shall come, because God said it, maybe today or tomorrow, He didn’t tell Me the day, He hasn’t yet decided. As usual, now I invite you to attend Mass just as if it were the last of your life. Pray for your dear ones and for people who couldn’t come here. My favourite priest, the Mother thanks you for all that you do, because from the human point of view, you could break off everything and enjoy yourselves like other people, but you love too much for doing this and We rely much on you. Thank you, my beloved young people for all that you have done, thanks to the grown-ups, thanks to everybody, thanks to those who have come here from afar, thank you my beloved sons. Attend the Holy Mass in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I cover you with my maternal mantle".
10th December 1998, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, the Mother thanks you again for the feast you have made for the Immaculate Conception and for the Mother of the Eucharist: I thank each of you, the grown-ups and the young people, but above all the priest, who puts so much into everything.
Especially today I would like to tell you to pray with all your heart for the men of the Church. There is more and more need of prayers every day. God asks some souls for something more than prayer, much more, but He just asks prayers of you: it’s difficult to understand thoroughly God’s plans, but if you assume an attitude of listening, silence and humility, you will hear God’s voice which speaks to your hearts. You will understand where good and evil are and you will not stop at little trifles which distance yourselves and prevent you doing your duty. Jesus doesn’t like all of this, you can give more because you received much. All the people who come here from afar, continually repeat: "Lucky you, who are here in this thaumaturgical place, who have this priest who loves and leads you". Then, why shouldn’t you pray for all the priests, so that they do their duty thoroughly?
It’s easy to play and laugh with people, to talk about this and that, but when you speak about Jesus you should have a deep attitude of love. You could say: "Here Jesus gave much and He asks much" and do you wonder at this? If Jesus gave you something, it’s right if He asks something more of you than of other people. You can’t receive only: Jesus helps everybody, it’s up to you to give, pray and love, to respect, to respect also those who don’t believe, the atheists, the Moslems, the Jews, everybody! A reciprocal respect is necessary, because Jesus always respected everybody, also the one who betrayed: how many Judases are there on the Earth! Jesus is there, waiting for them, He looks at them, He penetrates inside their hearts and then He retires because He is not listened to.
Your sister has a great gift, that is, going into hospitals to comfort sick people, but without noticing it, because God wants this and why should she say "No" to God? This is a great mission which doesn’t come to light and which is fulfilled secretly: she neither understands nor knows all these things, because God takes her and sends her wherever He wants, to help those who suffer because she suffers much too. You see her, with her simple manner: she smiles but she gives, she gives and keeps on giving! You should thank God because she is like this, she is not proud, she is like this with everybody, grown-ups and young people. Some time ago, a grandmother said her: "Marisa, let’s be on familiar terms" and she immediately answered: "It’s not a great wrench for me to be on familiar terms, on the contrary it’s easier!". Really all the people need each other, so you shouldn’t use words which stretch out, delete words like "mother in law" or "father in law", delete them! In like manner some words of the Canon Law will be deleted. So, when you speak to a creature you should call him with his name. My beloved sons, I invite you to constant prayer, always being in a state of grace. Try to become like children, like your sister. Father Claudio, would you like to ask Me something? I shall answer you".
- Fr. Claudio: "I just would like to know the situation of the priests of Rome. Even if they are crushed by fear, how many of them believe these apparitions and the Eucharistic miracles? How many of them have read the latest letter I sent them and keep it?".
- Our Lady: "You can be satisfied, they are many".
- Marisa: "Why don’t they come here?".
- Our Lady: "Because they would lose their seat, their daily bread".
- Marisa: "How is it possible that we all are suffering because of a single man?".
- Our Lady: "Yes, my child, it’s like this but it is necessary that all the other priests reach a true conversion: they are good, but weak and fearful, so you have to pray very much for them. Father Claudio’s letter came into their hearts, the majority of them, but they also have to live and you, Father Claudio, know very well how these affairs go: it isn’t easy. Would you like to ask Me something else?".
- Fr. Claudio: "IT IS MY WISH THAT ABOVE ALL THE PRIESTS OF ROME CONVERT THEIR HEARTS, BUT WITH A REAL EUCHARISTIC SPIRIT. You know that my first love was the Seminary and that some of these priests were my pupils: so I ask You to ferment inside their hearts a great Eucharistic love and a great love of You, the Mother of the Eucharist. I just ask of You the conversion of my brothers in Rome, to be one thing, united by the love of Jesus the Eucharist and souls".
- Our Lady: "My child, you asked everything of Me! THIS WILL HAPPEN, BUT THERE IS GREAT NEED OF PRAYERS. This will happen when everything bursts out, but the priests of Rome are the most troubled, the most fearful and many of them don’t live of the Eucharist: they will change, my dear Father Claudio, they will change too... BUT MASONRY IS VERY STRONG, IT IS VERY POWERFUL! So God’s intervention could destroy what you are building, little by little, drop by drop. For this reason you should be yet docile and patient: I am with you. Thank you for your great concern for your brothers, it is beautiful and God smiles at it.
Do you remember, my beloved sons, when I told you to adopt a priest? If you did it, keep on praying for him, but you should also pray for Father Claudio, so that he always has the strength to speak the truth, to let truth triumph with everybody. Thank you if you put this message into practice.
With the priest I bless you and your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
13th December 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Deeply put inside your heart the Gospel and, in particular, the 23rd chapter of St. Matthew, where it is written: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!". Yet today there are people who elevate themselves, who feel to be thoroughly mature and they sow discord. Why don’t you listen to God’s message? Why don’t you put God’s message into practice? Why? You can come here once out of curiosity and also twice, but then you should come here to get something: this message is for all those who read the messages, for those who come here and for those who fight against this thaumaturgical place. I repeat again and I hope this is the last time, that there are people who take advantage of the image of Mother of the Eucharist to do what they want with it. I HAVE NEVER SAID TO ANY VISIONARY HOW TO RECEIVE THE HOLY COMMUNION, I JUST SAID: "RECEIVE MY SON JESUS IN A STATE OF GRACE" and if you receive Him kneeling, sitting, standing, on the tongue or on the hand, it is not important. But receiving Jesus in a state of grace is the greatest, most beautiful and most important thing! But people keep on speaking much nonsense. I ask you to obey the Holy Father: while the Pope says that it is allowed to receive the Communion on the hand, all of you must obey the Holy Father and you must be with him, but there are some visionaries who keep on saying THAT I HAVE PROHIBITED the reception of Holy Communion on the hand. If I had told them this, I would have repeated it here too, but I have always said that you aren’t obliged to receive Jesus either on the tongue or on hand, either standing or kneeling, but you should receive Him in a state of grace, with a limpid, clean and holy heart; this is important. Sometimes man stops at little words, they write and write just for the sake of writing and to earn money.
I have never said to any visionary that Communion must be received either on the tongue or on hand, either kneeling or standing, or seated, but I have said: "RECEIVE MY SON JESUS IN A STATE OF GRACE".
Those who want to understand it, all right, those who don’t want to understand it, let them be silent, let them not speak, because this way they keep on sowing discord. I REPEAT: when the Holy Father states again how to receive Communion, you will obey the Holy Father, whose name today is John Paul II. Tomorrow another Pope will lead the Church and you will do what he will say and want, this is not blackmail, this is obedience.
If the Pope tells you to receive Communion on the tongue, receive It on the tongue, if he tells you to receive It on the hand, receive It on the hand, but if he obliges nobody how to receive it, you are free, just as you are free to love or not to love, just as you are free to live in a state of grace or not to live in a state of grace. GOD LEFT YOU FREE. God forces nobody. Why do you, men, waste so much time for some things which are not important? There have always been black masses and the Holy Hosts have always been profaned, but only nowadays people hear this being spoken about, because man is much more hostile to God. Also priests attend the black masses because they only can provide the big Hosts, because they are only for them; I invite you to pray for these people. How many Hosts have been brought to this thaumaturgical place, by Jesus, by Me, by the Angels and the Saints? They were stabbed, burned, swollen and many of you saw them. Where were they taken? Who brought them for the black masses? Were they provided by receiving Communion on the hand? Oh no, my beloved sons, there have always been profanations for many and many years. But what’s happening? You, the Christians, charge with profanations those who receive Communion on the hand. No, deeply look at your heart and ask yourselves: "AM I ALL RIGHT? CAN I RECEIVE JESUS IN A STATE OF GRACE?". THIS IS THE MOST DIVINE, BEAUTIFUL AND IMPORTANT GIFT. REMEMBER: Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees who sermonize and feel to be all right! On thursday before Easter Jesus didn’t say: "Now I give you Communion on the tongue, on the hand, kneeling, or standing", He just said: "TAKE AND EAT, THIS IS MY BODY. TAKE AND DRINK, THIS IS MY BLOOD". It seems to Me that it’s not so difficult to understand the meaning of what my son Jesus said, but to avoid everybody drinking from the chalice and putting their hand inside the ciborium, Communion is distributed just like the eccelsiastical authority prescribes and It is received on the tongue, or on the hand, it depends on how you feel to do it. You don’t contract AIDS if you receive Communion on the hand; also TV spoke about this many times. Illnesses are not contracted by receiving Communion either on the tongue or on the hand, either standing, or kneeling, or sitting. Those who studied Medicine, they can explain it to you thoroughly.
You are free to receive Jesus as you want, but in a state of grace. The Mother has cuddled you and loves you much. Many times I told you: "When you enter a Church, go close to Jesus the Eucharist, don’t stay afar from Him". I said also: "If you see something, don’t speak about it between yourselves, because it could be an optical vision, just as happened at the vigil of the feast of the Immaculate Conception, when the wind moved a curtain and somebody said he had seen Me. Pay attention: I won’t say anymore about whether what you see is true or not, it is up to you to evaluate and reflect.
My beloved sons, bend your head and invoke Jesus the Eucharist and be as free and simple as doves. I invite you to fly, but with your heart in a state of grace, limpid, pure, beautiful and clean. This is one of the most important teachings of the Church: receiving Jesus in a state of grace.
Unfortunately some men of the Church want to take away Jesus the Eucharist and they say that after the Mass there isn’t the Real Presence anymore. They want to take away tabernacles from the center of the churches and put them on one side. You should wonder about all of this. Because receiving Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace is difficult for many and many people, either of the Church or not.
You, my little flock, who walked this way, always keep your heart clean and beautiful, just like a beautiful avenue, full of flowers and try to take away the fallen leaves and the sick petals. MAKE A BEAUTIFUL AVENUE OF FLOWERS FOR JESUS: SACRIFICES, PRAYERS, ACTS OF MORTIFICATION AND GO TOWARDS MY SON JESUS IN A STATE OF GRACE.
Don’t just listen to the message, live it and if you haven’t understood it, ask explanations of your priest. Thank you if you put into practice what I have told you.
Today too I repeat: "Attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, just like it were the last of your life, receive Holy Communion just like it were the last of your life and you, the priests, celebrate the Holy Mass just like it were the last of your life".
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
17th December 1998, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. There is war again! Last February I sent a message from God for peace to all the Presidents and to all the Heads of State of the world. I asked for prayers to stop wars, but there is war again: again poor people, sick and little people die. You can’t understand: many people charge the one or the other with responsibility for the war, but both work for themselves and in the meantime people die!
When I ask you to pray, to make sacrifices, to come to this thaumaturgical place to pray, it’s not to make Me clever before your eyes, it’s because all the world isn’t going right. Today I must tell you that also communities aren’t going right, because people do everything in relation to other people, people never have the courage to say: "Let’s try to be good", because so many things happen in the world and each time simple and humble people fall down.
I don’t ask useless things of you. When God sends Me among you to ask help, it’s always for the people. An act of pride, arrogance presumption are enough to ruin a brother, whoever he is. You always notice that the great men ruin everything and they aren’t humble and simple; they aren’t poor people, children and elderly people, but the great men ruin everything, both of the Church and of the State, because they feel themselves strong and powerful. So history repeats itself, accidents occur, people die and weak people pay!
Though the biblical cathechesis is very important, today the Mother asks you to adore my son Jesus the Eucharist Who bled. If this doesn’t worry you much, if your priest agrees, today you should have some catechesis and have some adoration, because this is a very difficult moment.
There is no need that the Mother gives many explanations to you: TV speaks, but it never tells you everything. Everyone speaks, everyone knows something, everyone feels to be strong: everyone thinks of himself!
I invite you to attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, with all the love you can give: offer it for the war, so that it stops and if you want, make some adoration before Jesus the Eucharist Who bled. Anyway, my beloved sons, you always should remember that you are free: I am your Mother, so I give you some advice and I again repeat to you that you are free to do or not to do. Nevertheless, all that you do, do it with love for your brothers.
You shouldn’t feel satisfied because you aren’t touched by war: war is near for everybody! You could think it strange that God keeps on asking prayers of you, so that war stops, so that the men of the Church convert their heart, so that... and so that... God always asks you. God set his eyes upon you, so He asks and asks you and you give, even if soemone grumbles you give: this is very beautiful, God likes this very much. Even if you grumble, even if you say you are tired, but then you do it, God is satisfied. For this reason I invite you to pray, so that war stops and peace triumphs all over the world. Continue the novena: this year I didn’t tell you anything, but I am waiting for the baby’s outfit for the Holy Child. It should be beautiful, more precious and more beautiful every year, more loaded with your prayers, sacrifices and acts of mortification. Remember the message of 13th December, read it again and meditate upon it. You can do this by yourselves: it’s very simple, because the Mother doesn’t speak in a difficult way, She speaks in an easy way to her sons because the Mother loves all of you, because you are her creatures.
Thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
20th December 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Today it’s the sixth day of the novena and I asked you to prepare the baby’s outfit for the Holy Child: where have you got to? I would like that my message of the 13th December which has been explaned today very well by your priest, to be put into practice by everybody. Take the Eucharist as you like, you are free, but receive my son Jesus in a state of grace! How many times have I told you this? Nevertheless people are wasting time, but also I am wasting time and your priest and you too who listen, because I am always repeating Myself: this message is addressed to everybody, to all the people who waste time speaking about things which no one said, because God never told Me to say to any visionary how to receive the Holy Communion. I just said to receive my son Jesus in a state of grace. Why is it so difficult to understand it? Abandon yourselves to God and don’t use my image to say what I never said.
My beloved sons, I am also preparing together with you, the baby’s outfit to help you. The coming of the Holy Child should give strength and courage to go on. So wait for this so great and beautiful day, because the Holy Child will come to the Earth among all men. I love all of you and I repeat Myself because it’s right that the Mother repeats Herself, I love all of you: so I ask you to love my son Jesus just like I love you, but above all just like Jesus loves you. Sometimes you fall asleep, sometimes you give weight to something of no importance, sometimes you wake up and go on. You should wake up and always be awake, always ready, always in a state of grace.
The Holy Child will come here for the children, to give them a hearty welcome, He is very little and some of you will cradle Him and will hold Him tight to his heart. So you should cradle my son Jesus and pray to Him: "My Jesus, help all the men of the Earth and especially the great men, because little men are simple and humble, so help all of us here present...". My beloved sons, I am doing the prayer for you! Tell Jesus to help your priest, who works very well in the Church and with simplicity talk to the Holy Child, don’t look at the grown-up Jesus, look at the little child Jesus, how would you behave with a child? The mothers know it very well, even if children require much, they are always Jesus’ little brothers.
Oh, when God wants this, you will see this very beautiful scene: children who are around Me, caress my womb because they talk to the Holy Child. So you should speak to the Holy Child, Who loves all of you. Continue this novena, I am with you.
See you on next 23rd and the night of the 24th. Those of you who can, let them come here that night, they will stay together with the Family of Nazareth, with the Holy Child.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
25th December 1998, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and also for all that you have done to adorn the chapel, my jewel, this so beautiful masterpiece. Everything is candid and pure, just like the Holy Child Who opens his arms. I would like to invite you too, to live in purity and candour, though this is difficult on the planet Earth, but I thank you, who were called and you who are walking this so beautiful and so important way in the eyes of my son Jesus. Many people are busy preparing a good lunch, but you are here to pray with Me, with my beloved spouse Joseph and the Holy Child, Who is blessing you all with his little hand. You are dressed in your Sunday best, just like Me and the Holy Child.
My beloved sons, it’s not difficult to love Jesus the Eucharist, to love Jesus Who poured out his blood in this thaumaturgical place. He is present here, He is smiling and He is so beautiful, because He is God: He looks at you all and reads worry and anxiety inside your hearts. But today I invite you to be anxious for the Church, for the great men of the Church: I would like very much that they also became as simple and humble as the Holy Child, but it’s difficult for a great man to become simple and humble, it’s difficult for him to accept, it’s difficult for him to beg somebody’s pardon and say he is wrong.
God is listening to you, who are here to pray and ask for all those graces you need and then, at the right moment, God will intervene: He gives to somebody or He takes away what He gave. God can give joy for one moment, for one night, for one day and then He can take away everything: just like it happened last night, when God gave someone the strength and the courage to walk (Note: to Marisa) and then with the greatest delicacy, He took away the gift which that person offered to God. So, suffering and sorrow arrived and you could say: "Does God also let people suffer?" No, God calls some souls, He takes them wholly for Himself and He becomes everything for them, just like for Me, Mary, Who call God "My All". You should also learn how to abandon yourselves to God, saying: "I am here, I am all for you". Then God knows what to take away or leave, but he doesn’t ask from you much.
In the message that I gave at the end of the novena, I asked you to accept all that is going wrong with your families, to put up with it, because there are poor people, poor people of God and they are poor because they don’t know my son Jesus. Sometimes there are people who just live to talk, to criticize, to sow discord and for this reason I asked you to endure and clench your teeth as much as possible, even if it is difficult. Where people lived in harmony, I gave grace, but if there is no harmony how can the Mother speak to her sons, if they don’t listen to Her?
My beloved sons, thank you for this masterpiece you performed for Jesus, for the Holy Child, thank you because you are praying here, thank you if you are able to clench your teeth and to put up with those creatures who live just to live and who don’t know how to love: helping them is up to you. Just like every mother helps her child, so I help you, so you should help your neighbour. Sing allelujah, enjoy this day, be happy. My beloved sons, sing and give glory to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Child is blessing you, one by one, He blesses all the children, especially those who are in the hospitals, the sick people, the prisoners, the drug addicts, the missionaries. Thank you for everything.
Keep on celebrating, but with much love and joy. I don’t like to see long faces, I like to see you smiling and cheerful, because last night God asked this of your sister. She suffered the Passion, she experienced natural and moral sufferings for you all, especially for the priests and for the great priest, the Pope John Paul II.
With my favourite priest I bless you, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. As usual, I bless your dear ones who are afar and your sacred articles. I kiss all the children. Thank you for your presence here. Praise be Jesus Christ".
1st January 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I want to wish you a happy New Year 1999. THIS YEAR
the triumph of the Eucharist has yet begun some time ago. THERE WILL BE HARD TIMES
Last night, before appearing in the bedroom of your sister, I have seen drunkenness, smoke, disobedience to the sixth commandment all over the world, no prayer, nothing. I was looking at all those poor creatures, who were just thinking of amusement and who were sinning, but what embittered Me very much, just at midnight, was the celebration of the black masses. I wept and I tightened strongly the little Jesus to my heart: embraced by my beloved Spouse, We plucked out courage and said each other: "We must pray for those people and ask for prayers. They don’t know what prayer means, they don’t know what love means". I always wished amusement, but the right amusement.
When I saw my young people leaving the table before midnight and kneeling in deep prayer also after midnight, this helped to rejoyce the Holy Child, Who was laying his head on my heart. Very few people pray during the night, few people thank God for the past year, which brought sufferings, joys, love and all that a so long year involves. I blessed all those people who were praying in that moment.
I also asked prayers, because if the great men don’t convert their heart there will be wars again, the planet Earth will be upset by storms, by hurricanes and by all that this planet can bring. It would be so easy to say: "My God, I gamble a blank bill, I want to believe You", but nobody dares to gamble his blank bill with God.
When I saw those people celebrating black masses in the night, at midnight, they were smartly-dressed and lights were bewitching, but God could do everything, He could also destroy everything and all those people. Pay attention, I don’t mean those who don’t know my son Jesus, I mean those who know Him. However, just in that moment, there has been a great joy because five priests of Rome converted their heart. You see, it seems that your prayers aren’t heard by God, but God takes them, one by one, He knows what to do with them.
In this year 1999 the Mother invites you, more than ever, to intensify prayer, prayer, prayer. I also invite you not to think of yourselves and your worries. Try to kill that "I", think of all the creatures who live on this planet Earth, consider that you can stop wars, there isn’t only one war, there are many wars. There are also wars inside political parties, wars among the great men of the Church, wars among little men, envy, jealousy: people try to crush each other. For this reason God chose you, God called you, even if it could seem strange to you, but God needs your help, your cooperation, your love. Year 1999, how many times the Mother repeated 1999? At the beginning it will be hard yet, especially for these my two children, but if you are close to them and through your prayers, they will be able to bear also this last stroke of Satan, because you will pray, won’t you? You won’t leave them alone, will you?
Do you remember when I told you: "If you are with the priest, you are with Jesus and Mary, say yes, write a little letter"? Well, at the first fight with the Vicariate, someone who had arrived here since a few days, a creature, already betryed; he doesn’t come here out of fear, but I said: "Either with Jesus or against Jesus": all of you were ready to be close to your priest. Your priest is going through very hard and difficult times, but he doesn’t speak about it, so that you can begin in peace this year, but the enemy, he who said: "I shall revenge and I shall crush him", he wished to Father Claudio an year of wickedness and revenge.
Today too I ask you: it’s up to you to go on together with your priest or to betray him, like that creature did. But finally God will render an account of this, people can’t bluff God, people can’t say first "Yes" to God and then deny everything. Remember that you didn’t come by chance to this thaumaturgical place, but yet today, 1st January 1999, those who don’t want to remain, they can go away, but without slandering and defaming.
Best wishes to all of you, to your families and to your dear ones.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I bless my young people who are afar but who are here close to Me. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
10th January 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
Note: at the beginning of this apparition, Marisa saw Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan.
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the love you show for Jesus the Eucharist. Once again I repeat that people don’t come here to do, from the human point of view, high-sounding things, people just come here to pray. This place was made thaumaturgical by God and people come to pray for those people who don’t love and for all those intentions known by each of you.
The new year has begun: there will be yet some hard fights for these my two dear children, but finally there will be triumph, the final triumph of truth. I, as a Mother, will know who stayed together with my son Jesus and who, out of fear, stayed far from my son Jesus: my beloved sons, people go away from Jesus the Eucharist out of fear. No, this means that you didn’t go the spiritual walk that I taught you: I taught you how to love everybody and above all Jesus the Eucharist. You know that Jesus the Eucharist was mocked by the men of the Church, He was called "piece of bread" and the Eucharistic miracles were called "tricks of the fair booths". My beloved sons, do you realize to what a degree those people have arrived? WHEN IN FATIMA I SAID THAT SATAN WOULD HAVE ENTERED THE RANKS OF THE CHURCH AND THAT THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN PRIESTS AGAINST PRIESTS, BISHOPS AGAINST BISHOPS, CARDINALS AGAINST CARDINALS, MAYBE DO PEOPLE THINK THAT WAS A SENTENCE SAID BY OUR LADY JUST TO SAY IT?
No, that has happened since that time, but then step by step, things become discovered and THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA WILL COME TRUE, everybody will understand to what a degree the Church is, to what a degree are those people who don’t love Jesus. Does it cost you so much to love Jesus the Eucharist? When you hear people who speak ill, don’t listen to them, I told you many times that you should greet and go away. So, if you can do something good, do it, but if you realize that you can’t do it because those people don’t listen to you, go away and pray, pray for them. How many times I told you that prayer is a powerful weapon, that the Holy Rosary is a powerful weapon against wars on this planet Earth which is going to rack and ruin.
There will be yet the last great stroke of the Devil, but finally you will rise just like Jesus rose from the dead: I taught you to see Jesus triumphing on the cross, Jesus didn’t die in vain, Jesus died for each of you, He didn’t die in vain, He is the King of Heaven and Earth, He is the King of all men, of all races and religions. Don’t fear saying: "I love Jesus the Eucharist, I go to that thaumaturgical place chosen by God". No man of the Earth can forbid you to go and pray wherever you want, no man of the Earth, not even the greatest men. Nevertheless, those people did it, they forbade the creatures to come to this thaumaturgical place and some creatures listened to them, but some others didn’t. You should pray for those people who didn’t answer to God’s call.
My beloved sons, it’s your Mother Who is speaking you, it’s your Mother who is beseeching you to love Jesus the Eucharist, not through words, but through actions: when you receive Jesus inside your heart, you should cradle Him just like He was a little creature who is inside you, cradle Him, pray with Him and love Him. Thank you if you put into practice all that I told you: you should rather fear of sining, not of loving. Loving Jesus the Eucharist is the greatest gift you can give Me. My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bless the sisters here present, finally Jesus sees some spouses of his, I bless the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
17th January 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. You have listened to the catechesis of your priest and said the Rosary; now I am here with you to bring God’s message. God wants on next feast of Lourdes apparitions you to bring here the sick people who want to come. This invitation is especially for those who work in the hospitals and for those who know some sick people alone at home. If God asked for this, it’s because He knows why. Every year I want you to celebrate, just like in Lourdes, the day of the sick people, because not all of them can go as far as Lourdes: for this reason God wanted also in this thaumaturgical place to take place the celebration of the day of the sick people. But I also mean those people who are sick in their spirit, above all those people: if the body is sick you can’t pray well, but if your spirit is sick everything becomes more difficult. So those who feel good, let them welcome the sick people with much love: my child, I know that it will be a harder day for you, but you must do it.
Now I would like to tell you, for the last time as I hope, not to listen to those who speak ill about this place: you should just answer: "I saw and I believe, I go to pray and there is no harm in praying God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, I saw many things, I saw many Eucharistic miracles, nobody forces me to go or not to go, I go there because I believe" and that’s enough! How many times I said that the great men and also the little men say many and many words, but who speaks of love, just like my son Jesus? Who gives his life, just as my son Jesus gave his life? My beloved sons, love each other and don’t listen to those who speak out of mere spite and just to offend, out of envy and jealousy: that’s enough! Let’s speak about God’s things and about this planet Earth, which goes to rack and ruin just because of the great men.
Finally God asks you only to pray, love and bear your own little crosses. I am with you, how a lot of times should I tell you this?
There is one thing that saddens Me: you don’t read the messages; if you don’t read them, you can’t put them into practice. Your priest explanes every message, but you don’t read them or if you read them, you do it only in a hurry, very quickly. In like manner, before attending the biblical cathechesis you don’t read the text of the Gospel, but you should prepare yourselves because God’s things shouldn’t be done in a hurry, on the contrary they must be done with calm. When you buy your clothes, you try them on many times and you make corrections, because they have to be as perfect as you like, so why shouldn’t you do God’s things likewise? Read the Holy Gospel, read God’s messages, meditate upon everything so you will arrive prepared into the school of your priest, whose name today is Father Claudio Gatti and you will be able to ask for explanations: this is wanted by God. Stop talking and fighting, now it’s time to have taken your choice, the true choice, in spiritual life there are no half-measures, or with God or against God!
This is the reason why I often repeat: wake up from this long sleep, it’s time for everybody to convert your hearts. He who doesn’t want to convert his heart, he will have to reckon with God. Once again I repeat: Jesus is merciful, but finally He will also be just, don’t stop at merciful God, go on because at the end God will be just, He will judge all men. He doesn’t ask you for great things, He asks to do well usual and simple things, which then become great in the eyes of God. This is the Paradise!
Become like apostles for the sick people. Thank you for your presence here.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
24th January 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "I bless all these images of Jesus sweet Master and thanks to all those of you who cooperated to help these my two children. You know that they receive no help, neither from the Vatican nor from the Vicariate, nor from the State, but they always do God’s will with much sacrifice (Note: in this moment Jesus also appeared and Marisa joked with Him and Our Lady about the great difference of beauty between the images and Jesus Himself).
My beloved sons, Jesus has come to let your sister see Him and to encourage all of you to go on and to embrace the Cross as a triumphing Cross: also the Mother likes to joke with you! Perhaps the great theologians, the great Mariologists, the great in everything will never understand this my way of being, this my joking with you: why only suffering? The Mother wants to give you also joy, every mother jokes with her children and I take the liberty of joking with you.
My beloved sons, how much We all are loving you! It’s not because you are suffering that you can suppose that We aren’t loving you: oh yes, We love you very much because We would like you also to love those who are close to you. Pray again for those people who give rise to your sufferings, the Mother repeats it frequently, because God gives you these repetitive messages to help you and every now and then you need a push. What does a mother on the Earth do? She also induces her children to convert their heart and to go on. Believe Me, my beloved sons, just in this moment conversion is very important, so don’t waste your time, it could be too late.
You shouldn’t forget that he who hasn’t received, he isn’t damned, he who hasn’t known Jesus, Mary, Jesus’ life, he isn’t damned: you should pray for these people, pray very much. In the name of God I gave a grace because your sister offered herself and suffered, but I don’t ask everybody to do the same, I just ask you to pray, to pray. Don’t get tired asking for graces: days, weeks, months and years will pass, but if it is according God’s will, graces will arrive just as conversion will arrive. Don’t clash with your sons, but speak to them with an open heart, don’t speak too much, but only few words and then pray for them. If you have some relatives who don’t believe and I don’t mean believing the apparitions, but God and above all Jesus the Eucharist, you should pray for them because they can’t believe if the men of the Church have never taught them Who Jesus the Eucharist is. You who know Him, pray not only for your dear ones, but also for your friends and acquaintances, pray for all those who need, who are hungry and thirsty of Jesus the Eucharist.
Yesterday I appeared to my young people and I have given some warnings, but it was important to stay among them, to pray with them and ask for help: I didn’t have preference for my young people because there were also some grown-ups, but as a Mother I needed, I needed to let them pray at Jesus the Eucharist. You can’t imagine how much the Eucharist is outraged, not only in Rome, but all over the world; here in Rome It has been outraged because of revenge and spite, but all over the world many, many and many people don’t believe Jesus the Eucharist. So I ask you, for these people who don’t believe, to say with Me: "Glory...". This is a little and simple prayer which embraces everything: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, always ask for help.
I want my priests to convert their heart, my favourite sons who were called by God to convert their heart, these spites, revenges and hates to come to an end, as well as envy and jealousy, because Jesus didn’t teach this, Jesus taught love. In the Paradise you will find only love.
Thank you for your presence here, thank you for your solidarity, pray according to my intentions, which also are your intentions. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
28th January 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother’s heart is rejoycing, just like every time I come among you, even if when She looks around She sees much, much inhumanity on this planet Earth. Man yet keeps on running and it is unknown where he wants to go, where he wants to arrive. How can you be astonished when the Mother repeats Herself every time She brings you God’s messages? Look around, perhaps can you see anything changed? No, my beloved sons, man hasn’t yet understood that he should convert his heart, that he should believe those values given by God, that he should believe the Commandments, that he should believe my son Jesus, Jesus the Eucharist, this Jesus the Eucharist Who frightens almost everybody, but what did Jesus do?
He did a great and marvellous thing: He died for each one of you, He went up the cross and left us his Body, his Blood, his Soul and his Divinity. He didn’t go up the cross just to go a walk, He went up the cross for you, for all the men of the Earth. And what is the answer? Answering is difficult for you: when Jesus went up the cross and died on the cross, He thought yet of you, my beloved sons, of resurrection, of reopening the doors of Paradise. But Jesus didn’t die and went away just to go away, Jesus left Himself.
When you attend the Holy Mass, don’t you feel the living presence of Jesus? Don’t you feel, I would almost say, the desire of loving and speaking to Him, of asking Him for help, of cradling Him? Don’t you feel that He is with you? But remember and I will repeat this for ever: Jesus is with those who are in a state of grace. It’s up to you to decide, it’s up to you to attend the Holy Mass in a state of grace. The Mother also told you: attend the Holy Mass every time as it was the last one of your life, let the priests celebrate the Holy Mass as it was the last of their life and even if the priest is alone he should celebrate the Holy Mass, because prayers don’t get lost, prayers are for the Church, for the men of the Church. For this reason I invite you to pray for the Holy Father.
Someone is scandalized because Our Lady said that finally the Holy Father should do God’s will, but not for this reason he isn’t saint, also the Holy Father should do God’s will.
Why wasn’t the secret of Fatima yet revealed? Many Popes went by, but why didn’t anyone reveal the secret of Fatima? REVEALING THE SECRET OF FATIMA MEANS TO DO GOD’S WILL.
Certainly a simple priest or a visionary or any other creature can’t reveal the secret of Fatima, only the Holy Father should do this and at that time he had a name and now he has another name. All of this shouldn’t scandalize anybody, the Mother also helps and speaks to the Holy Father, but sometimes the Holy Father doesn’t want to worry the creatures and this isn’t right.
In a message I told you that this message is the continuation of Fatima’s message: the Church will be divided into two parts and there will be cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, priests against priests. I don’t say things just to say them and just to speak; when I bring God’s message I know very well what I say. In your little you always should learn to do God’s will, always to abandon yourselves to God. It would seem to be something almost impossible, but abandoning yourselves to God gives you the strength for fighting, for walking, for always looking forward. My beloved sons, abandon yourselves to God, do God’s will.
Thank you, don’t just listen to the message and then you forget it, put it into practice.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
31st January 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Cold weather has arrived, but I was present here while you were praying and I tried to warm you, so that you didn’t feel so much cold. Anyway if some of you will catch an influenza, because it is widespread now, it’s not because of Me, because Our Lady has appeared here: just in this moment the Angels are warming you and also your Guardian Angel.
Come on, my beloved sons, times are nearest and you know that the last Satan’s strokes are always the hardest. Finally Satan will fully collapse because he wasn’t intelligent, fighting against God. You, who went this so beautiful walk, love God and also try to love your neighbour. Yes, these are the last Satan’s strokes and they are very strong: Satan is taking advantage of your weakednesses. I said: don’t leave any open breath of air, so that Satan can’t come in. Satan didn’t love God, he became proud, he did a very serious act of pride and he falled: you, who love God, be as simple as doves and as sly as snakes. When you listen to the Word of God, put it into practice: you shouldn’t just listen and then you forget some things. Jesus said: as simple as doves, but as sly as snakes: so you should be also sly, not to let Satan come into you. All of you know that the last moments are always the hardest: so you should intensify prayer, just like when you did in the latest prayer vigil. Oh, you delighted the heart of my son Jesus! It was very beautiful: it’s also beautiful when somebody is heavy with sleep and he lets himself go into Jesus’ arms, he leans his head upon Jesus’ heart and falls asleep. Jesus accepts also this. Even if there are some practical difficulties, finally you come out from the vigil joyful and satisfied because you have kept company to Jesus and you have helped many priests to convert their heart, without damning them, but helping them: pray for those priests. Pray for the Holy Father, who I love very much, but not for this reason I shouldn’t say that he didn’t do God’s will thoroughly: this is not a censure, this is a maternal warning of love.
Come on my beloved sons, this message is coming to an end, so now you have to return into my little jewel, the chapel of the Mother of the Eucharist: attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, live it with all your heart. Thank you for your presence here, thank you for the sacrifices you do and forgive the Mother if She often dares to rebuke you. I greet the children and the sick people and I remember you the feast day of the sick people on next 11th february.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
4th February 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. I have just
given to your sister some great secrets and for the moment she has to keep them
for herself. If the great priest (Note: the Pope) does God’s will, then your
sister will speak first to him and then to you. Maybe for you it seems to be
strange that the Mother is speaking to a little group of people, but it’s up
to you bringing God’s messages elsewhere.
Many people don’t know Jesus the Eucharist, but remember what I say: in those
places where I speak about Jesus the Eucharist, only in those places happen
the true apparitions of Jesus and Our Lady. I speak about Jesus the Eucharist,
I can’t be silent about Jesus the Eucharist, because I am his Mother and a mother
speaks about her son: she praises him, she exalts him she bears him in triumph,
just like I ask you to bear in triumph Jesus the Eucharist. I taught you that
when you receive Jesus inside your hearts, you should talk to Him, you should
cradle Him and I say all of this in all those places where I am appearing. But
I don’t find this written anywhere, because speaking about Jesus the Eucharist
becomes hard for those who were called by God. But God’s messages are good for
everybody, the style can change according to the people who receive them, so
I can speak in a simple manner, just like in this place, in fact it’s very easy
to say: "The Mother spoke about Jesus the Eucharist, let us spread the love
to Jesus the Eucharist". But you have realized by yourselves that you are pelt
when you speak about the Eucharist! However the priests begin to understand
little by little, though now they are very few because God called many, many
and many priests, God called many consecrated souls.
In fact speaking about the Eucharist, about Jesus the Eucharist, isn’t convenient
for those people who listen. When I appear to other souls I always speak about
the Eucharist, but then I don’t hear them speaking about the Eucharist! They
just speak about mercy, earthquakes, wrecks and bad things, but they don’t speak
about Jesus the Eucharist. It’s easier to understand an earthquake or a wreck
than Jesus the Eucharist, instead it’s very easy, it’s enough to have faith
and you get faith through humility and simplicity, listening to those people
who were called by God, because apparitions are a God’s gift. So it’s necessary
to speak about Jesus the Eucharist, you should be strong soldiers, you should
fear nobody, no man of the Earth can forbid you to speak about Jesus the Eucharist:
you should even shout: "Hurra for Jesus the Eucharist!". You should fear nothing.
Someone, here present, is ready to die for defending Jesus the Eucharist, I
don’t ask you for this, I just ask you to love the Eucharist and to let It to
be loved. Thank you if you put into practice what the Mother told you and remember:
WRITTEN ABOUT IT. So not only you are derided, abandoned, mocked, but also Jesus
and I and We suffer for this.
Many people are wondering: "Who is that person, whoever does he believes to
be, since he speaks about the Eucharist?". But he is really a humble and simple
creature, just like God wants: love Jesus the Eucharist, always receive Him,
everywhere shout "Love Jesus, love the Eucharist, love the Mother of the Eucharist!".
Jesus gave Me this title, because I am the Mother of the Eucharist.
I would have so many things to tell you and perhaps it would seem strange to
you that the Mother speaks only to a few people, but as I already told you,
here there are not great valleys, mountains or lowlands, there is only a little
corner of Paradise. Those people who don’t believe, it’s because they fear!
My child, now give Me your hands: today I want to give my kiss to all of you
present here, if you are in a state of grace and with the priest I bless you,
your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and
I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, of Jesus
the Eucharist and of God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
7th February 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Thanks for this beautiful initiative, which is new and welcome to God (Note: Don Claudio’s initiative was that all the people had a lighted candle in their hand to symbolize their presentation to Jesus the Eucharist). "My God, purify me and I will be whiter than snow". This candour of your candle dissolves and is consumed, but you, who were purified by Christ’s love and Jesus the Eucharist’s love, will be always limpid, clear and you will shine longer than the candour of this very simple candle, longer than the candour of snow. Jesus approved this so beautiful and new initiative, which only he who loves Jesus and Me, the Mother of Eucharist, could take.
The Mother thanks you very much for your presence here: oh, my two dear children know very well why many people don’t come here. You know what a powerful person can do against simple and humble creatures, but I want you to be simple and humble, because only through simplicity and humility you will reach the Paradise.
The massages, that God gives Me for you, are great and deep, but they are also very simple, good for each one of you. Jesus speaks with simplicity and humility, but He says great things. There is no need of great learned men to understand Jesus or to understand Me, who God sends among you as a humble servant to bring the message. The simplicity of the messages is unique and all of you can understand them and you have also the comment made by your priest and you should dwell a little upon it and meditate.
Jesus’ love is immense, Jesus died for everybody, Jesus rose from the dead for everybody, Jesus loves everybody: He also loves those who don’t believe and the men of any race and religion because He is God; all the creatures are loved by Jesus and by Me, Mary. A few days ago the little baby Jacopo said right that I am not "Our Lady", I am "Mary, the Mother of Jesus", yes, I am your Mother, the Mother of each one of you.
My beloved sons, you see that, little by little, your candle is consuming, but you should be always purified through the Holy Confession to receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace. Love Jesus the Eucharist, never betray Him: oh, how many people betrayed Jesus the Eucharist, how many people don’t know Him and how many priests don’t let Him be known! Every creature when he enters a church to pray, to attend the Holy Mass with all his heart, he should come out joyful and satisfied, because Jesus the Eucharist has entered his heart, because the words of the Holy Gospel have entered him. Everything should enter him, but it can’t happen if the priests are in a hurry and this gives raise to my suffering. In particular THE CONSECRATION, WHICH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT OF THE HOLY MASS, SHOULD BE DONE SLOWLY, it should be lived. If those who consecrate don’t do like this, how is it possible for those who attend Mass to come out of the church changed, because the great, the Supreme Priest, He Who loved everybody, has entered their hearts?
Before the apparition Jesus also thanked you for this beautiful initiative, so you should often repeat: "My God, purify me and I will be whiter than snow". It is a very beautiful psalm, which We also say before God: oh, how many psalms We say before God and We sing, we sing, because his love is immense, his love is endless, his love is great.
You are the light of the world, but when you switch on your light, you should put it as high as possible, so that everybody can see it: don’t conceal yourselves, but put on high your light, the light of the world, come on! For this reason Jesus said: "You are my little apostles", but always remember that you will get nothing without sincerity, humility and simplicity and likewise you will not walk if you are always retired into yourselves. Go on, go on with strength and courage, with much love, humility, simplicity and sincerity. Pardon Me, if the Mother yet dared to give you some little warnings, but if I didn’t give them, I wouldn’t be your Mother, would I? So I will keep on giving you them, always!
Thank you for your presence here, thanks to those who have come here from afar, thank you, my favourite priest for your love, for the initiatives taken for love, always for doing better everything.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. See you on next 11th February, I will be with you and with the sick people, if they come here. Thank you, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit".
11th February 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here and for the sacrifice you have done to come to this place, made thaumaturgical by God (Note: Our Lady requested the celebration of the feast day of the sick people). I am with you, I pray with you, I love you all and it’s up to you to open your heart to Jesus the Eucharist: open your heart and ask for those graces you need, but THE MOST IMPORTANT MOMENT FOR ASKING GRACES IS WHEN YOU RECEIVE JESUS THE EUCHARIST. Receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace, those who have confessed, they can receive in a state of grace Jesus the Eucharist and those who are right, who love Jesus, they can receive Jesus with all their heart, then be silent in your heart, talk to Jesus and ask of Him all the graces you need, but learn how to abandon yourselves to Him.
Always ask, God chose this place for helping his creatures. I don’t want to tell you how much the world, the planet Earth needs conversions, total change, love and peace: love towards everybody, but above all towards the suffering people. Many people suffer because of their own relatives, many people suffer because friends and relatives don’t love them, so I, your Mother, ask you to pray also for these people. Everybody needs conversion, everybody needs prayers, all of you should convert your heart and through your prayers you should change again this planet Earth which isn’t beautiful.
You see by yourselves how many things happen either in your beautiful Italy or all over the world, how many people kill their children through abortion and yet nowadays how many people are Cain, because they kill their relatives, because they only think of money, of being in the first place, of being someone and they don’t love God, they don’t love their neighbour, they don’t love their relatives and themselves.
My beloved sons, I am here with you to ask together with you those graces you need. I love also the sick people who are afar, who are in the hospitals or at home and I love children. Many people are sick, but above all many people are sick in their spirit, for this reason the Mother always asks you: convert your heart, believe what Jesus taught, believe the Holy Gospel.
Now the Mother asks of you a bit of silence: I also will collect my thoughts in deep prayer, so just now let each one of you ask those graces he needs, but I repeat that you should ask them above all when you receive Jesus the Eucharist in your heart: talk to Him, cradle Him. Now speak, ask in your hearts the graces you need and learn how to pray the one for the other, for your dear ones, for your friends, for your relatives.
My beloved sons, have you talked to Jesus? Now the Mother asks you to attend the Holy Mass just like it was the last of your life. Pray, receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace. And thank you again for your presence here. Of course I kiss all the sick people, I give you my kiss and my embrace of a Mother, I am your Mother, I am the Mother of Jesus the Eucharist. Close to Me there are many Angels, many Saints, of course there is St. Bernadette, there are also the saved souls of your dead relatives. Oh, all of them are praying for you and now pray with Me the Our Father...
I read inside your hearts worry and anxiety: abandon yourselves to God, never get tired asking for God’s help. There is much storm, much tempest, many and many things aren’t going right, but you, my beloved sons, you should cling to my mantle, so I will bring you with Me: just in this moment my mantle is covering each one of you and I am blessing you. The Holy Child is also blessing you all, especially the sick children. You shouldn’t just pray for the sick people, but also for those people who are sick in their spirit, for those who don’t believe. How many mothers are weeping for their children! Pray for them.
Now attend the Holy Mass and receive Jesus in a state of grace. For the third time I repeat: when you have Jesus inside your heart, talk to Him, cradle Him, ask, knock.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. I bless all the photos you have with you and all the sick people who are afar. I bring you all inside my heart and I am covering you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ.
At the end of the Holy Mass the priest will bless the sick people one by one with Jesus the Eucharist Who poured his blood for all of you".
14th February 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother invites you to respect God’s law and to observe the Commandments: THOSE WHO DON’T OBSERVE GOD’S COMMANDMENTS, THEY SERIOUSLY OFFEND JESUS. It is a serious sin not to observe God’s law. The fact that two thousand years have passed by, it doesn’t mean that God’s law can be forgotten, God’s law always should be respected, but man only respects what is convenient for him. When any Commandment isn’t convenient, he doesn’t respect it, but it isn’t the Church, it isn’t man, it was God Who gave us the Commandments, so they should be respected.
Many times I praised you and I said: "Ok, you took a step forward!", but it’s enough one my caress or my congratulations to let you collapse and come back: why does this happen on the planet Earth? Sure, life is difficult, but my son Jesus did nothing against you, He never offended you, He gave all Himself for you: so, why do you become proud when you take a step forward or you think you have arrived? No, I never heard your priest or your sister saying that they have arrived, I only heard them asking for prayers for their conversion. Nobody has arrived, only God is perfect, all of you need to walk forward and to help each other: if you don’t help each other, you who went this walk, how could you say that you have arrived or that you are right and you did all what Our Lady said?
God’s messages can seem simple and it is easy to understand them, but they are deep. During another apparition I said that you don’t help your neighbour only giving some money. Helping your neighbour also means helping him in any other way, that is, with charity, through spirituals gifts, through a good word and meeting the sick people who are alone inside a room and who have none. I never met poor or sick people with money because I had not it, as a woman of the Earth, but I met them to speak and give them consolation and help, together with my beloved spouse Joseph. You too can do this, so try to understand what the Mother says: if you have some sick people at home you can’t do this, but those who are as free as birds flying in the sky, they can do a good action towards everybody, without distinctions, without considering if someone is younger or older, rich or poor, or above all if he has a beautiful home or an unsightly one. I didn’t teach you this, I taught you to love with all your heart and to prevent: this is also a part of God’s law.
How many, how many creatures observe God’s law according what is convenient for them, but when God’s law begins to become heavy, like the Sixth Commandment, nobody accepts it because it isn’t convenient to respect it. And the Third Commandment remembers you to celebrate feast-days, just like the messages that I brought to you: how many things God told you through Me, how many times I have come here among you! Have people answered? Have people come to this place? The answer is up to you and it doesn’t seem to Me that I am speaking in some difficult way. My speech is very simple because I conform it to the people and to you: the Mother doesn’t speak with great words, with difficult words, like sometimes great theologians and great doctors do, I speak in a simple way and all of you can understand Me.
Respect God’s law, above all love God’s law, don’t retire into yourselves just like a hedgehog and when somebody gives you a little warning, a maternal warning, you should thank him, because he shows to love you. Thank you for your presence here and thanks to those who have come here from afar and thank you, Father Claudio, from the deepest of my heart.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
18th February 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, you have sung the Magnificat and you have given joy to my heart. I have come here because I want to spend this Holy Lent together with you. I bring the Cross and you bring your cross: mine is big, yours is little, but my Cross is all my love for all men. I told you that you shouldn’t fear the Cross; no, the Cross is a triumphing cross. When you enter the churches, after having adored Me, Jesus the Eucharist, stop before the Cross, bent your head and say: "Jesus, I would like to bring the Cross with You. I want to help you along this long path". MANY PEOPLE ARE WAITING FOR MY COMING, BUT THEY DON’T KNOW THAT MY COMING IS THE TRIUMPH OF THE EUCHARIST. The Eucharist is not much loved, but it is not loved especially by my priests (Note: Marisa begun suffering the Passion)... This great suffering is for my priests, so we have arrived to one hundred and seven priests who have converted their heart.
My beloved sons, I don’t let your sister suffer the Passion for amusement, but my heart is bleeding and I want to have all my priests next to Me. Oh, how many of them don’t love the Eucharist and they don’t believe that Jesus is present with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist! God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are there! I have loved everybody, but I have loved especially my beloved priests and for this reason I have asked you to offer all the thursdays for the priests and I repeat to you: love the priests! And if you notice something wrong, say it with charity, or be quiet and pray for them.
Live this Holy Lent with love, love your neighbour, even if sometimes he doesn’t behave well, pray for him, I will help you to bring the cross. My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. With the priests I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Best wishes to all of you. Live this Holy Lent! Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
21st February 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Thank you for your continuous prayers for peace, for the triumph of truth, for all the intentions you have inside your heart. Peace be also with all those who are not able to love: before that short article was published, I knew everything (Note: Our Lady was speaking about a short article published on the italian newspaper "La Repubblica", where it was written that people must distrust the couples "visionary and priest"). Poor them! The world is going to rack and ruin and they enjoy themselves doing those things and they don’t know that they are fighting against God: the man of God can be destroyed, but it is impossible to destroy God.
I have taught you how to love everybody and also those who cause your sufferings. I love you, my beloved sons, Jesus loves you. When you were yet in God’s mind, He was loving you, his love is immense for everybody, for all the races and religions, for the believers and the non-believers. I repeat Myself again: those who leave most to be desired are especially those who say they believe and love, but they are not able to love and they don’t want to love. It was said "Measure for measure", instead Jesus said that if someone slaps you, turn the other cheek, but this doesn’t mean that the true christian always must bent his head, he must say yes, when it is yes and no, when it is no.
My beloved sons, have you noted how difficult is speaking to people who say they are practising catholics? They say it, but then they don’t truly love, as God taught you by sending his son to death. Remember, before the resurrection there is death, before the triumph there is death and there are yet the last Satan’s strokes. It is not difficult for a powerful man to call someone and say: "Write all of this against that little priest", because he has power in his hands. Those people are not with God, they are against God; the humble, the simple, the poor people are those who will enjoy God for ever.
I have taught you the true love, but you are still wavering: yet God’s message is listened, but then it is forgotten. I often hear people saying that Our Lady repeats Herself and yet today I repeat: have you maybe changed yourselves? I repeat Myself, the priest repeats himself, but we do it for God’s glory for saving the souls. There are also those who repeat themselves, but they don’t love God and the souls and this is truly serious. Don’t say small lies, because you can arrive to slander and unfortunately people has been behaving like this for centuries. Live in the peace, with semplicity, sincerity, in the harmony with yourselves, with Jesus, with Jesus the Eucharist that you will receive in your heart, receive Him in a state of grace. In a message Jesus said: "I am thirsty of you, give Me to drink". Well, I am thirsty too, I am thirsty of your semplicity, of you sincerity, of your love; give Me all yourselves and I will make you great before God’s eyes.
Pray with all your heart for the triumph of the Eucharist, for the end of the triumph of the Eucharist, because the triumph has begun and it has begun with much persecution, with much slander and defamation; just like the purification has begun: storms, earthquakes, avalanches, fires continue and man is looking at all of this, but he doesn’t convert his heart, because he doesn’t think that the purification arrives for everybody, in different ways according to the people.
Thank you, my beloved sons, if you try to put into practice all that the Mother has told you; don’t just listen to the message, but put into practice and meditate upon it. Thank you all here present and thanks to those who do some sacrifices to come: problems with the family, problems due to distance, problems with the car and with the petrol too, someone said, but do you believe in the Providence? My two children believe in the Providence because they have been living on it for twenty-eight years. Don’t lose heart, but live on God’s Providence, because it exists.
With the priests I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bless the saved souls who are here next to Me, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle, which always lengthens on each one of you. Go and attend the Holy Mass, just like if it were the last of your life and let the priest celebrate just like if it were the last Mass of his life, that is, with all your love and in a state of grace. Praise be Jesus Christ".
28th February 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother brings a short but very important message: what is the Eucharist? Many times you have heard people speaking about transfiguration and transubstantiation and probably not everybody know these words: they mean searching for God and God is in the Eucharist: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. For this reason I often say: go to Jesus the Eucharist, don’t search for great words in your speech, you can’t find Jesus this way, but you find Jesus in the Eucharist. You have understood all of this because those who frequently come here, they come to pray before Jesus the Eucharist: here there is Jesus the Eucharist Who poured his blood, but inside every tabernacle in the world Jesus the Eucharist always should be present. This is the message: don’t search for God inside the clouds or in this or that place, don’t expect to find Jesus inside the clouds or in this or that place, don’t expect to find the Holy Spirit there, because in Jesus the Eucharist you find everything and you find the most important virtue: love.
Maybe people didn’t understand what love means: it also means enjoying the happiness of other people, enjoying if it is possible to help other people, enjoying everything. Sometimes you could also feel the beautiful jealousy, as your sister calls it, that is, enjoying also with jealousy but in a good sense, because you know and I want to repeat that jealousy leads to envy and people can also arrive to slander and defamation. It is really impossible that Jesus, my Jesus, died to no purpose.
Also the visionaries don’t behave well: they only work for their own little garden and they don’t accept the brotherly correction. Therefore this is a very difficult moment, more than usual and it’s not because people rage against you, but it’s just because all the world isn’t going right. It could seem strange to you that the Mother bends over you and asks for help: your prayers and your sacrifices yet achieved some results, so don’t get tired praying, being in a state of grace and receiving Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace. Just like you feed your body many times a day, much more you should feed your soul, but this isn’t understood, not even by my beloved priests.
Also the visionaries don’t understand this: they meet people and speak about many things, but they don’t speak about the Eucharist. No, my beloved sons, love the Eucharist, never get tired speaking about the Eucharist and loving the Eucharist.
I would have liked to give you just a short message, but when the Mother starts speaking, She is like someone who doesn’t realize to be behind time, but you wait here with simplicity and humility. Remember: transfiguration and transubstantiation, what are they? Finding Jesus inside the Eucharist. That’s all, there is no need of other words. Best wishes to all of you and to the sick people, thanks to those who help my two dear children, these thanks come from my maternal heart, from the Mother of Heaven and Earth... (Note: Suddenly Jesus appeared to Marisa. He was all white dressed and wrapped by a very strong light). My beloved sons, Jesus is here, so raise your arms to Heaven and say the Our Father...
My beloved sons, yet today I tell you to attend the Holy Mass as it was the last of your life. With the priest I bless you and your dear ones, I bless all the sick people, the young and elderly people. I bless your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
14th March 1999, h.11:00 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother hasn’t
arrived just now, but day after day I have lived among you to help you and to
check all the works every time the devil came to destroy them (Note: during the
previous week all the young people of the Movimento were engaged to build a big
cover in the garden for prayer). You my dear sons, my dear little apostles, with
much strength and courage, above all with much love, tried to finish this work
that the devil wanted to destroy. I followed you, step by step and you realized
this, I was together with you every day. It was more than a novena of sacrifice,
suffering and work, but above all a novena of love. I hope that you understand
that when there is love there is everything and everything is successful just
like this masterpiece that my eyes, day after day, saw growing. Congratulations!
It’s a true masterpiece and your priest is right when he says: "St. Peter’s basilica
and the little Mother of the Eucharist’s basilica". Yes, it is a masterpiece in
all its details, but above all the greatest masterpiece is my son Jesus, Jesus
the Eucharist Who you adored yesterday, Jesus Who poured his blood and Who reigns
over you.
My beloved sons, with much joy I wanted to tell you that all you did for Jesus, you did for your priest: he merits much because he loves the souls much. He is ready for everything, he is ready to run from one sick person to another one, to run for checking works, to run for helping the neighbour: not all the people can understand how great his priestood is (Note: on March 7th the Movimento celebrated the 36th anniversary of Father Claudio’s priesthood) and how he lives it, with love and sacrifice. He has a victim close to him, because he couldn’t be successful all alone and he receives love and generosity especially from you, my dear young people.
Now the Mother wants you to attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, especially those who have come here from afar to show their love to the priest and who on last summer saw him working for sick people, the young people and the grown-ups. He always gave, he gave and gave and never asked for anything.
My beloved sons, God asked somebody for total immolation and this person didn’t answer "No", he answered a full "Yes": do you think that this is useless? Do you think that God didn’t intervene? He converted some other priests, up to now they are 199 priests, 7 sisters, 7 monks and 7 laymen. This is the greatest joy for your priest, for you all and for Me, Who love you immensely. Some people say that it is difficult to grow in the spiritual life, to go the way of the Mother of the Eucharist: it is true, but when there is love everything becomes easy.
I would like to stay with you all this day, to help your sister and all of you. I see that for those who travelled now it’s difficult to be awake, but I tell them: "Be awake and attend the Holy Mass". My beloved sons, thanks from the depth of my heart and thanks from Jesus to you all".
- Jesus: "I am Jesus, I have come to congratulate with you all for the spiritual and material works you did. I wonder if you understood that this morning and also yesterday your priest didn’t feel well, so he couldn’t give all what he wanted to give you. You, who are all brothers, try to understand and love. Remember, even today, 14th March, the great feast of Father Claudio’s priesthood, Jesus repeats: first learn how to love, then pray! Thank you, my beloved sons, you have given joy to my heart that often bleeds because of man.
Thank you all for all the works. I Jesus, bless your priest and as I already said, I am inside him, he is inside Me and the victim is with Us. Goodbye everybody to the great moment of the consecration: live it well!".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you all, I kiss the children and your sacred articles, but now, my child, show Me a copy of the little newsletter (Note: the newsletter "Pearls of the Mother of the Eucharist" made by the young people of the community). It’s a masterpiece and you my dear little apostles worked with sufferings, with many difficulties, but you really made a masterpiece even if you were very tired. Anyway remember and you know it, that your priest should always emerge, this priest who truly lives his priesthood, he merits everything. I like this newsletter very much and I thank you, my dear little apostles: I remember the difficulties and the runs of the latest days, your tiredness and your staying up late in the evening, while some parents were grumbling, but you were inflexible and led your mission to the end. This newsletter is very important, it’s a masterpiece and I thank you very much. Also my life is very important (Note: finally could be published the book of the first part of Our Lady’s life that She dictated to Marisa), because you will be able to know Me better, but you should not criticize Me. At the same time you should keep on reading the messages, don’t neglect them and live them.
My beloved sons, I bring you all inside my heart, together with my beloved spouse Joseph, the Holy Child, the Angels and the Saints and this time I don’t say to go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but I say to live the Holy Mass, attend the Holy Mass as it was the last of your life, in this Mother of the Eucharist’s basilica. Thank you, my beloved sons, I am very, very moved. Best wishes to you all, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus".
19th March 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of St. Joseph)
- St. Joseph: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Thank you even if you are not many, but I, Joseph, in the name of God, have come among you. What could Joseph do, a mere carpenter, more than listening to God and putting into practice all that God asked him and that God tells you? With all my heart I bring you God’s love. Mary’s and Joseph’s work goes on: there are so many couples called by God: one priest and one layman, one engaged couple, one married couple, the little child Jacopo, we all are called for this beautiful God’s work.
When Jesus says: "Come to Me, all of you who are tired and laboured and I shall restore you", He doesn’t say just to say it, but He says it so that you come to Jesus asking for those things you need. Storm is great, suffering is great, but God’s love is immense for everybody.
Love God, love the men of God, love those who suffer. I loved, in silence, in humility and secretely, so you all should love, you all are called for something great in the eyes of God. Don’t retire into yourselves, don’t weep upon yourselves, rather weep upon your own children who don’t know God and don’t love God.
I, Joseph, have come among you almost bashfully because my beloved Spouse is here, She is looking at you and She is supporting you, the Holy Child is here, He is looking at you and He is blessing you, the Holy Spirit, the Angels and the Saints are here, while I, the humble Joseph, am here to speak with you and to give you God’s message and yet today I tell you: convert your hearts, believe the Gospel, believe God’s Word, believe the Commandments and the Sacraments. Everything is life, everything is love, everything is joy.
Cheer up, my beloved sons, Jesus seems to be a failure, but He won the world, you could seem to be a failure, but you won the world. You shouldn’t lose God’s confidence, because when God promises something, He keeps it. God’s times aren’t your times, so you shouldn’t get discouraged.
(Note: St. Joseph invited Marisa to sing with him and they sang together for a while) My beloved sons, you should take delight in everything and enjoy everything. I didn’t let your sister sing just to do it, but to let you understand that here in the Paradise there are no dark moments, but there are only moments of love and of great joy, of immense joy. Cradle Jesus, when you receive Him in the Holy Communion.
Best wishes to all the people whose name is Joseph, best wishes to all the daddies and to the future daddies. Best wishes to Jacopo. Jacopo, come and see the Mother Who is looking at you, don’t you see Her?
My beloved sons thank you for your presence here, love your priest and help him because he is in the truth and because he lets you love Jesus and Mary".
- Our Lady: "I, your Mother, together with my beloved Spouse, the Holy Child and your priest, bless you and your sacred articles. I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Thank you, my beloved sons, attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, pray for each other, pray for your priest, pray for Marisa so that God gives her the strength to accept and to bear everything. Goodbye you all, attend well the Holy Mass, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
24th March 1999, h.10:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I am sad because I must repeat Myself. There is war, war is so hard, full of hate, of revenge and spite: it’s full of discussions among parties, regions and states, it’s full of hate against him who gives orders, of hate against children, elderly people and women, who are tortured. I expected that men would have run into the churches, before Jesus, shuffling their kneels as far as the altar to ask for peace, but only little flocks did it: not even the catholic TV "Telepace" (Note: the Vatican TV) said one prayer for peace, there was nothing, only usual things, human things. Nobody gathered the shout of the Holy Father: "Stop war!". Nothing else happened. So revenge and hate go on, division of parties, fights among them, fratricides, suicides, homicides go on: nothing else, these men are worse than rubbish. And God created these men.
Oh, if not even this bad war will be able to convert man, to let him pray and bring him to Jesus the Eucharist, what will happen tomorrow? What will happen on the days after tomorrow? How many people answered this call? Sure, you are doing the prayer vigil for the feast of the Mother of the Eucharist (Note: the provisonal feast is on the 25th of March), but there is war, a bad war has broken out and I repeat that it is a war of hate, revenge and spite, for having power and being the first.
What did the Son of God do? What did the creature of God do? I heard almost nobody speaking and praying for the peace in the world, for peace! You are feeling this war because it is close to you, but there are so many nations at war. Many of you didn’t come to this prayer vigil because they were afraid of cold, of tiredness and work, but I can state that every time you did some sacrifices, God always helped you.
Wake up from this long sleep, it’s time of waking up, it’s time of true conversion, it’s time of peace, the true peace! I see those children, those elderly people, those women, frightened, terrified and lashed, they all are men and brothers. I also see much indifference all over the world. People say: "This yet doesn’t hit us, so we can be tranquil", no, my beloved sons, pray, pray, pray for the peace in the world.
Tomorrow if you want to celebrate the Mother of the Eucharist, you should celebrate Her with prayers, converting your hearts and loving everybody, also those people who are ugly, revengeful and hateful. This is the gift wanted by the Mother of the Eucharist. Come to this thaumaturgical place to pray for the peace in the world. Goodnight everybody, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit".
28th March 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
(Note: due to her bad health Marisa could’t speak, so Father Claudio read the message written by Marisa during the apparition)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Your sister is out of voice, but even if she had a small voice, she wouldn’t speak because she received this order by the doctors. God took her wholly for Himself: "tota tua". If God wanted it, He would let her speak, but it’s better that she respects those orders to bear example and witness. The true visionary loves, suffers and offers: your sister will be happy only in the Paradise.
My beloved sons, your sister saw people cutting the throat of men, women and children, she also saw the war bombings: for this reason she often lives the Passion of Jesus and today she keeps on living it. My beloved sons, how many times Jesus and I repeated the new Jesus’ Commandment: "Love each other as I loved you". Jesus gave this new Commandment to the Church and to all his creatures. Nowadays love towards the brother almost doesn’t exist: where is love? There is war, fratricide war, homicide, revenge and pride. Everything excites revenge, hate, blackmail: man is intoxicated by power and each powerful man feels to be God. Everyone speaks and feels to be wise, but who speaks about love?
My beloved sons, peace, peace and peace: fasten, pray and love. Let peace be with you, love each other as I loved you. In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
1st April 1999, h.10:30 p.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. Jesus, who is talking
to you, is yet living among you and is ready to establish the sacraments of the
Eucharist and of Confession, the sacraments of love. Where charity and love are,
I am there. It seems to you that love is so difficult to be put into practice,
you took some little steps, but Jesus is expecting more from you. Love is important
both for earthly life and tomorrow for the Paradise, because love and charity
last for ever.
My beloved sons, do you think that God forgets what He promises? No, He doesn’t. But God can delay his plans. Much time ago my Mother spoke about this war: "PRAY, DON’T LET THE WORLD WAR III BREAK OUT". As usual, people forget things that have been said, until they happen. War exists and it is bad, believe Me, my beloved sons. You can’t see what is happening in that place, where there is war, hate and revenge. Man is considered nothing, worse than nothing, people fight and die. I INVITE YOU TO PRAY SO THAT PEOPLE WHO ARE KILLED CONSECRATE THEIR LAST BREATH TO GOD.
Today I would have liked to tell you other things, but I have spoken to you about love, about war because there is war and it is close to you. If that man, that awful man doesn’t change, it will be a total war for everybody. I am not saying this to terrify you, but just to let you pray much and accept all of this.
Sometimes people let other people suffer because of very stupid things, of very simple things. The great and powerful men let other people suffer and sometimes they are also your friends, those who are close to you, unintentionally, they let you suffer, because they feel to be somebody or because they want to take the first place, but you should leave the first place to my beloved priest. Your priest should have the first place, because he is censured, mocked, abandoned by everybody and sometimes just those who are very close to him, they let him suffer: this hurts my heart, this also hurts my and your Mother’s heart. When one loves, he should love wholly, not by bits and pieces.
I am yet with you, but in a few moments I am retiring into the Gethsemane and I am praying God to come and help Me. You too sometimes should retire into the Gethsemane to pray and invoke God with all your heart. Sometimes I hear these sentences: "If God grants this grace to me, I will believe; if God does this, I will believe". Oh no, you can’t barter with God, either you believe, or you don’t believe.
My beloved sons, my heart is sad, today it should be a beautiful day for Me, for your priest, for you all, but MY HEART IS SAD BECAUSE THERE IS WAR, A BAD WAR, A VERY BAD WAR. That powerful man doesn’t want to yield. People think of power and profit. This is a big war, but wars are also in your midst, when envy and jealousy spring. Oh, if you could be a little humble and simple, brave and pugnacious, things would go much better for everybody, for great and little men!
How many times you say: "My Jesus, help me; my Jesus, be merciful", how many times you invoke my name, but you don’t know Me when I am present.
Come on, Father Claudio, you know that I am inside you and you are inside Me and we two form one thing. My beloved sons, with the priest I bless you all".
3rd April 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "This apparition of the first Saturday of the month leaves a little to be desired, notwithstanding my first apparitions in this place took place on the first Saturdays and people answered, came and prayed. I know that for many people this is a feast day, for relaxing and leaving, but it should be also a day of prayer. Never abandon prayer, remember my intentions and above all the intention for peace in the world.
When Jesus raises from the dead He will enter everybody’s heart, but will He be welcome by everybody? No, He won’t. Oh, how many, how many people leave to be desired: just on feast days people pray less, people keep on running from one side to another, because here people yet have a good time, here there is no war and especially in the great cities, there is much welfare. PEOPLE DON’T THINK OF THOSE WHO SUFFER, OF THOSE WHO DIE, AS MARTYRS AND VICTIMS OF WAR.
My beloved sons, I would like very much and I wish very much that Jesus revives inside every heart, that He enters every heart, purified by Confession. What else could the Mother tell you? I told you many, many words, I always spoke you about peace and love, so even today I ask you for the same things: peace and love for everybody, especially peace and love for those who suffer, for those who are alone, for those elderly people who are abandoned at home, because their sons have to leave, for the sick people, especially for the sick people in hospitals. Pray for all these intentions, but above all pray for peace, so that war comes to an end, this war of hate and revenge. Pray!
My greatest wish and you have to help Me through prayer, is that tomorrow Jesus can enter many hearts all over the world and that He can rest together with them. Thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. Best wishes to you all for a Holy Easter, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit".
4th April 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My child, don’t you see close to Me Jesus rosen from the dead, Jesus glorified, Jesus Who is here among you? Jesus is here among you to bless you all: here there is no crowd, there are no great men, they are where there is war, they are where there is the crowd, that follows them. People say: "We go there because there is much crowd, we go there because there are many priests", therefore people look no more at poverty and they spend money to go outside Italy, though in Italy, in Rome, I am appearing and Jesus is appearing.
The triumph of the Eucharist begun and many and many Eucharistic miracles happened, but people go where there is much crowd. If you have money to spend, give it to poor people, give it to the refugees and don’t go around the world, running from one apparition to another one, even where I am no more appearing. People run towards those places where there is much crowd, therefore my beloved sons, they have understood nothing.
Of course this message is for everybody, it’s not for you here present, the Mother has to give God’s message: do you want to do one heroic deed? Give up the pleasure of doing a journey and give that money to the refugees.
I appear in Rome, for Rome and for Italy, but here came more groups of foreigners than groups of italians. Why do people keep on spending money to go to those places where there is much crowd, just to swell the crowd, just to say: "Oh yes, there was really much crowd"? This way people are humiliating this place, they are humiliating this creature called by God for this so important and heavy mission, so full of sufferings. People are easily disrespectful to her, people judge her easily, how she dresses and even her hair! No, my beloved sons, God chose this thaumaturgical place to pray, so before looking at his brother everyone should look at himself.
Jesus is here, He doesn’t speak because He has to go to the Father. We never judged anyone: first I looked at Myself, Jesus first looked at Himself, when He was a child, a boy, a grown-up, Jesus gave and gave, He gave much, but He received spits, slaps, scourging and death to save you all. I invite you to shout allelujah and to thank Jesus for his death on the cross for you all. Jesus rose from the dead, but I would like that He revives inside the heart of all men, that He enters your heart, so that you can cradle Him and pray with Him.
My beloved sons, the situation is sad: it’s very painful, but what gives rise to the greatest suffering is the indifference of man and also the indifference in this thaumaturgical place. I gave a message prepared by God, and I hope that you, my very little flock, understand what the Mother says. How many times in the messages I said: don’t run from one place to another, choose a place, stop there and in that place walk in the spiritual life. Don’t wish to be the first, don’t choose the first place, don’t run towards crowds because you could become someone: no, We all are useless servants, but if you like to love Jesus, Jesus the Eucharist, you should become useful servants for everybody, for yourselves, for your dear ones, for your neighbour. Only this way you can say: "My God, I love You, I love You with all my heart, because I didn’t choose the crowd, I didn’t choose to run from one place to another one, but I chose You, Jesus, Jesus the Eucharist".
Look at this picture: it’s one of Marisa’s dreams, because God wanted her to dream it. In its center there is the Eucharist, there is the great Pope Paul VI, there is Me and two other persons, that your priest wanted not to be drawn and We left him free. This is a prophetic dream: first of all, the Eucharist! I hope you have understood the importance of receiving Jesus the Eucharist every day, because He gives you strength and courage to go on, because sometimes days are very hard and difficult, aren’t they Father Claudio? You, Marisa, know it very well.
My beloved sons your sister also last night suffered the Passion but I, at once brought her the Eucharist, also in the morning I gave her the Eucharist, so that she could be here with you: she could rest at home, but she likes to be among you and only when she absolutely can’t, she retires in her room, but today, having received Jesus the Eucharist, she has more strength to stay with you.
My beloved sons, God didn’t call you to great sufferings, He called you to the great prayer, He called you to live of the Eucharist, always! Lucky those who know Jesus the Eucharist, who love Him and who receive Him always in their heart. Come on my two dear children, believe Me, We never abandoned you, even if sometimes you feel to be abandoned, but also Jesus said: "My Father, why did You abandon Me?", but God didn’t abadon Him!
Best wishes to you all and attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, as it was the last of your life. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. Today I don’t bless you because Jesus is here and He blesses you all, He also blesses your dear ones".
8th April 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, as I already told you, if the war doesn’t come to an end, all that God promised, it will be delayed and when I told you it, a great suffering rose among you, but I also said: God keeps what He promises. But there are too many wars, war is close to your beautiful Italy and IF THE STORM DOESN’T STOP, THE WORLD WAR III WILL BREAK OUT! Therefore how could We only think of the good for a few people while all the world is going to rack and ruin?
The powerful men bluff, they lie, they assure and swear, but they never keep what they promise. Pay attention, you could involuntarily have compared God to these men. How many times I said: "Pray for peace" and yet two years ago I said: "Pray for peace, because the World War III could break out". When the Mother tells you something it’s not to frighten you, but She says it to encourage you to pray, pray and pray. Do prayer vigils, fast and pray the Holy Rosary.
You saw on TV how hipocryte are the heads of state, you saw how many dead persons, how many missing, how many refugees: people don’t know where they are, but God knows it. God is waiting for peace, He can’t kill the leaders to give glory to the good men, who always have to suffer and accept. From the Paradise We are waiting for conversion, not of the great men, because it’s difficult to convert them, but We are waiting for conversion of the little men. So I invite you to pray, to pray first of all for peace and then for the triumph of truth.
If man makes war, it’s not because of God. Nobody, here in Paradise, wants the war, but man is so inhuman, because if man kills the brother he is inhuman, just like Cain who killed Abel, because Abel was good. How many people, great and little, were killed because they were good, helpless and innocent? You are wondering if Our Lady is telling only you such things. Oh, no, my beloved sons, in all those few places where I appear, I speak just like here. Perhaps, here I dwell more, I explain more, I speak just like a mother speaks to her child, I try to let you understand things thoroughly. But I also tell the other visionaries to pray for peace, to pray for the triumph of truth: ALL OVER THE WORLD, THOSE FEW AND RARE TIMES I APPEAR, I ALWAYS SAY THE SAME THINGS, my beloved sons. So, just like many mothers do, where do I lean Myself? I lean upon those children who are good and who listen to the voice of the Mother, I lean on you.
For this reason yet today I invite you to pray, pray and pray for peace. This is a very, very, very dangerous war. Come on! Perhaps you weren’t able to understand my latest messages, because when one is in low spirits it’s difficult to understand many things. I would like you all to resuscitate together with Jesus and especially you, my beloved young people, resuscitate with Jesus and don’t let Jesus be dead to any purpose, at least for you. Thank you if you put into practice what I told you.
With your priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. My beloved sons, rejoyce and exult, Jesus rose from the dead, so you should resuscitate together with Him: allelujah, allelujah, allelujah!".
11th April 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, I am your Jesus, Jesus Sweet Master. Today it’s the feast of Merciful Jesus, but it’s always Me. I have come here among you to tell you about a saint, even if it could seem strange to you that I want to speak about a saint, St. Thomas. He had to put his hand in my chest to believe; you believed the apparition of my and your Mother and then the great miracle made by God arrived, that is my presence among you with my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, my Blood poured out of this big Host. How many miracles you received! (Note: Marisa begun suffering the Passion) Yet today God wanted this for those women and children who are suffering, who are raped and violated and whose throat is cut without pity.
My beloved sons, you weren’t like St. Thomas, you believed without seeing the Mother of Heaven and then you saw Jesus the Eucharist, but also some of those who saw bleeding Jesus the Eucharist betrayed. So you shouldn’t be worried when you meet some people who betray very easily: they saw and he who sees can’t deny. God blesses you who first believed without seeing and then you saw, how many times you have seen the Eucharistic miracle, how many times I have been among you, placed on the chalice of the Mother of the Eucharist’s statue, on the Crucifix, on flowers, inside the tabernacle, when my sons weren’t present: the Eucharist also came out the chest of a crucifix and it passed through the glass cover; how many miracles you have seen, but how many people retired and only to please their parish-priests, their bishops, their cardinals, they denyed! This is a serious sin against God. You should pray very much also for these people because it’s serious for those who first saw and then denyed only to please a man. People haven’t yet understood what Eucharist means, they yet waver, they run from one side to another where there is nothing, but they don’t come where I appear, where I appeared with the bleeding Eucharist: this Eucharist was brought to the great men of the Church but It was rejected. You are privileged persons if you have understood the importance of loving first of all the Eucharist: if you love the Eucharist, you also have the strength to accept and to bear everything.
You are wondering why your sister had to suffer the Passion: God doesn’t need this, but He asked for this to help the souls who deny Christ, the souls who are dying continually. Finally, the Eucharist gives strength to go on, after the passion there is the resurrection, even if this doesn’t happen for your sister because her suffering will bring her to the tomb and she will be happy only in the Paradise. Well, those people who denyed will they come back? Oh, how many souls were helped! How many miracles God did to the people who then even came here to thank Him! People say: "I was converted there or there", but the Eucharist appeared only here, It didn’t appear in any other place. Pay attention, my beloved sons, apparitions are few, my Mother seldom, very seldom appears. You should only stop in this place, in this place because here the Eucharist appeared, here the triumph of the Eucharist has begun.
One year ago God decided that here the Holy Mass was always celebrated, He gave an order, He didn’t say: "If you want". Usually when God asks people for something He always says: "If you want", but here He said: "I order you to celebrate the Holy Mass". But men, especially the men of the Church and the sisters, don’t accept this. Oh, I don’t know if you understood how much suffering is in your priest’s heart: he was divided into two parts, obeying God or the Ecclesiastical Authority! First God, God before everything! When an order is given, the order must be always executed, on the contrary when people are left free, then deciding is up to them. Remember about St. Thomas: don’t try to put your hand to the end to understand, above all you who saw, you should believe. How many times my and your Mother said: "Don’t betray, don’t come back". Oh, how many people came back, how many priests, sisters and laymen. But I love you my beloved sons, I love you all and I thank you for your presence here.
I am Merciful Jesus, I am Jesus Sweet Master, I am the Good Shepherd, I am God. With the priest I bless everybody, I kiss the children here present and the sick people".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
15th April 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My child, you see close to Me many Saints, but here there is your brother Padre Pio: all the celebrations made for him, all the received graces are not very important because the great miracle is that he is in the Paradise. So all of you should aspire to the Paradise and it doesn’t matter if finally there are celebrations, functions and some other things made out of curiosity: you should be only interested in becoming saints and entering the Paradise to enjoy God for ever.
Now it’s important that war comes to an end, because man keeps on dying very easily: people keep on dying by mistake, by revenge or by hate. This is not a beautiful thing in the eyes of God, in the eyes of all the world. For this reason the Mother thanks all those who did adoration for peace and who keep on praying for peace. How many people are suffering! They can’t clothe themselves, they can’t eat, they have nothing: you, who have all this, do this sacrifice and pray before Jesus the Eucharist Who poured his blood. My beloved sons, war must come to an end, it can’t go on and God can’t do what many of you are thinking: don’t think of somebody’s death to save other people, God doesn’t like this.
You celebrated the Merciful Jesus, but also learn how to celebrate God the Just and to wait for God’s judgement. Also celebrate this day, my beloved sons, you should think of God’s judgement, you shouldn’t think only of the Merciful Jesus. Oh, yes, Jesus is very merciful, Jesus is always ready to forgive through the Holy Confession, but at the end there will be God’s judgement. I don’t say this by Myself, Jesus, my son Jesus said this. Though He rose from the dead, every day He keeps on dying on the cross for everybody and together with Him, the souls chosen by God keep on dying. Life on the Earth becomes more and more difficult and bitter.
Sometimes I wonder: what else should I tell my sons? Many times they have heard Me speaking, I brought them many and many God’s messages. I said many words, nevertheless people have not yet understood the importance of putting God in the first place and of loving the Eucharist. How many souls run from one part to another just to see, because there are the name, the crowd, the people. But who is where Jesus the Eucharist poured his blood? There is my little flock which Jesus loves so much and which I love so much. You should always answer "Yes" to Jesus, to Jesus the Eucharist: always say your "Yes", also through suffering which is a lot.
My beloved sons, how important love is! Every now and then someone is scandalized because the Mother is repeated: how many times Jesus and I said: "First learn how to love, then pray", but people yet don’t observe this. First prayer and then, if there is time, the brother who is suffering? No, first love, first help the brother who is suffering, then pray! Prayer and love, love and prayer: it’s the same as sacrifice, it’s the same as holiness, because I want you to be saints.
Thanks to those who adore my son Jesus for peace in the world!
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. I remember you: how should you attend the Holy Mass? As it was the last of your life!".
18th April 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Padre Pio)
- Padre Pio: "My beloved sons, it’s not me who performs miracles, miracles are performed by God, I intercede with God just like every Saint intercedes here with God. It’s beautiful to say: "God performed the miracle, God listened to my prayers", but I just intercede with God and it’s not Me who performs miracles, none of us performs miracles, it’s only God, only God can perform miracles. Now the great miracle you are waiting for is peace in the world, this peace which is very far!
I see, my little flock, that you haven’t yet understood the importance of praying for peace. How many times the Mother of the Eucharist said that praying doesn’t mean to be with clasped hands and your head lowered and say the Paternoster, the Glory and the Hail Mary, but praying means to give alms, to love the brother, without being always ready with your finger pointed at somebody to judge him, without feeling all you to be wise and to know everything; praying means to do acts of mortification and sacrifices, it also means to be sick in bed and praying for peace.
There are so many souls who suffer for peace in the world: you, who weren’t touched, haven’t yet understood how dangerous this war is: it is very dangerous! I don’t say this to frighten you, I experienced war and I know what it means: it’s terrible, people are disrespectful of the others. How many Cain, how many Cain there are!
You should also remember that it is Cain also him who lets people suffer for a nothing or because he is proud and arrogant or is ready to judge. When the Mother of the Eucharist brings God’s message, She sometimes rebukes people: if it is intended for everybody, let it be intended for everybody, but if it was intended for one person She never said his name! How can you say the name, when it is not true? My beloved brothers, you have been privileged by Jesus and Our Lady so you should not take advantage of it: the more you receive, the more you should give, but somebody receives much and he gives nothing! Like the Mother of the Eucharist told you, it’s not through money that people can buy someone, but through love, through unselfishness and true love. God allowed Me to bring you the message, but here I am nobody! Well, now the Mother of the Eucharist is coming".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I just tell you: "Peace, peace, peace!" You have received the message and you should put it into practice, but this leaves much to be desired! When I was living close to my beloved spouse Joseph, I felt to be humble and little: on the contrary you always feel to be somebody, to be the finest, the most clever, the strongest, there is always that "Most". No, become as humble and simple as doves and as cautious as snakes: acclaim God, give glory to God. Let peace reign over you, peace to everybody, peace in little and great things: holiness doesn’t mean to do great things, but doing little things well, it means living well the day, there are no great things to do. Peace, peace, peace to all the world!
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I kiss the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Best wishes for the Holy Mass!".
1st May 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, the month consecrated to Me with much love has begun:
all the churches should be full of people who pray for peace. Here there is my
beloved spouse Joseph, Who is looking at you, smiling: He would like you to be
present here during this month of May, which is so troubled by war, earthquakes,
storms and by man, by all the men because everybody wants to be the first. But,
as I already told you some time ago, God is the first: put God in the first place!
I keep on coming here, telling you many words of strength and encouragement and sometimes maternal warnings, but not all the people are putting into practice what the Mother says and not all the people are repeating what I am telling you. How many times I said: "You should write the messages as I told you them, nothing should be taken away, even if this could cause someone’s sufferings, but God gives strength for bearing and accepting.
Oh, if all the people prayed for peace during this month consecrated to Me, if all the people learned how to put God in the first place! As I already told you, amusement is beautiful, it’s beautiful that families spend a week-end together, but when there is need of prayers, when there is a great problem in the world, people should pray. Pray when you are travelling, pray at home, don’t quarrel when you are at home and when you would like to quarrel, even if you are a community, you shoud rather say the Our Father; always invoke Him, even when you are alone or anywhere and when you listen to words that you don’t like, when you listen to people who blaspheme the name of God, you should say: "God be blessed". Likewise when you listen to people who blaspheme my name, you should say: "Be blessed the name of Mary, be blessed the name of St. Joseph, be blessed the Angels and the Saints". This way you will redress what other people said.
I want you to be in a deep prayer before Jesus the Eucharist, I want my young people to be ready to fight and love everybody: to be ready to love even those people who cause you suffering, praying for them.
My beloved sons, I ask you to convert your hearts: if there is no true conversion how could you celebrate the triumph of the Eucharist? It’s enough one moment to convert your hearts, because God can call in every moment, in every hour, in every minute, in whatever age: to convert your hearts ther is no age. Don’t retire into yourselves, think of the brother who is close to you: how many times have I said this? Why don’t people put into practice God’s messages? They are so simple, so easy to understand, and finally there is your priest who explanes and comments them: put them into practice and love each other. You, the spouses, love each other and respect each other and you, the childen, love and respect and if somebody allows himself to give a warning, let him give it, there is no age to give a warning with love and charity. Sometimes Jesus told Me and my beloved spouse: "Now it’s time to pray", He also gave Us some sweet warnings, but We didn’t offend and accepted what He told Us, thanking our Jesus. You should do the same: when some little person gives you a sweet warning, you should thank him because there is no age for spiritual life: how many times have I told you this? There is no age for conversion, there is no age for change of spiritual life, for sweet warnings: sometimes you could also be strong to correct the brother, just like St. Padre Pio always did and your priest does. When your priest gives warnings with strength, he suffers: somebody understands him, some other offends and somebody is touchy. No, you should accept warnings by everybody.
I would have liked to do a catechesis in Father Claudio’s own way, but I like better that you attend Mass with all your heart and love: during this month every evening I will be here with you. I will be here with my beloved spouse Joseph, with Jesus, with my holy Padre Pio and all the Angels and the Saints.
My beloved sons, best wishes to you all and have a good month of May.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
2nd May 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of St. Padre Pio)
- St. Padre Pio: "Marisa, you know that I like humble and simple things. God told Me: "Go to my sons, go there with humility and simplicity", so I have come here to bring my wishes of holiness. Be humble and simple, live in simplicity, do little things, but always with love. I am here with you and there is no need that I teach you humility because those who are leading this little but very important mission, they are humble and simple persons: I never liked the cult of personality, I also was surly and sometimes I sent away people who had come to bother Me, because it was to be like that, because I was a servant like each of you, as every Christian who loves God is a servant of man. You all are servants like Me, moreover Jesus was the first servant. Jesus, after his death and resurrection kept on staying among us, with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, He kept on loving also those people who had killed Him and those priests who had damned Him.
You are wondering: the feast is there (Note: in St. Peter’s square), so why am I here? Because God sent Me here and I obeyed: also in the Heaven, in the Paradise, if God orders to go anywhere, I go. I am sorry and I feel humbling because you were waiting for the Mother of Heaven: She is here with Me, but I have to speak to you, because God asked for this and the Mother of Heaven with much humility and simplicity has taken a step backward. She said: "Padre Pio, go and speak to my beloved sons". So I have come here to teach humility, simplicity and sincerity, as you often heard from the Mother of the Eucharist: there are no other things in your life if you are not sincere, humble and simple. If you don’t live for serving the neighbour, you won’t reach holiness: holiness is a great word in the eyes of God, but it is a very simple word. Everyone who loves Jesus, who loves the Mother of the Eucharist should live like this: I am your servant, you, Marisella are the servant of everybody, you, Father Claudio, my beloved brother, are the servant of everybody and every Christian is the servant of everybody, but this should always be done with much love. The warning often given by the Mother is a maternal warning: every servant can give to his master a maternal warning. Charity: in the Heaven We keep on having charity, glorifying God.
My beloved sons, I didn’t want all this: if men did this I can’t say anything, because also God’s things should be respected but I am in this corner of Paradise, in this thaumaturgical place. Now, as a father, as a brother, I bless you and if it is God’s will, if God accepts my intercession, I ask for graces to you, to all those who need them, but as the Mother taught, bent your head and always say: "God’s will be done". Marisella, you are on the cross more than Me, much more than Me, you are heroic because you accept, offer and suffer unceasingly: pay attention to the devil, he is always ready close to you, he goes around you waiting for the moment to hurt you, as he did to Me. You have the invisible stigmata which hurt moe than mine because they don’t discharge, you have many things which are like you brother, because I am your brother, my dear sister. Now I leave the place to my and your Mother, to the Mother of the Eucharist. You, the Angels and the Saints, look at the Mother, as She keeps on flying along with bird’s chirruping .... ".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I am your Mother. God the Holy Spirit descended tongue-shaped or dove-shaped; I come among you along with bird’s chirruping. Somebody loves much the animals, but I invite you to love man, who was created by God and who has to save his soul: then, if you like it, you can love animals, but without making problems because it’s always a question of animals.
This bird’s chirruping is to let you feel that I am here (Note: some sparrows and other birds in the garden were chirruping very stong) present together with the Angels and the Saints: also during the Holy Mass I am here with you and together with the Angels and the Saints. Attend the Holy Mass and bent your head during the consecration, kneel down if you can and adore, adore Jesus the Eucharist.
My beloved sons, the Mother loves you: today God liked to send along with Me this bird’s chirruping. It’s a song of praise given by birds to God the Father, to God the Son and to God the Holy Spirit, but I tell you to love first each other: I loved also a little sparrow, it was dying so Jesus and I helped it to recover and fly up. Also you should love each other as I love Jesus, as Jesus loves Me and as we altogether love you, my beloved sons.
My little flock, it’s also a God’s gift to have St. Padre Pio here, so beautiful and radiant as you, my child, see Him. But you all can become saints, in humility, in simplicity, in sincerity and love each other: it depends on you, it does not depend on God, Who has given you everything. Now the Mother opens her arms and with all the Angels, the Saints and with you She says the Our Father.
Marisa, my child, you are saint, you are saint, you are saint!...
Cheer up, be strong and don’t think of the crowd (Note: in St. Peter’s square for St. Padre Pio): oh, how many words, how many figths, how many curses!
I bless these sacred articles, I bless the children above all those of Kosovo, those of Yugoslavia, do you remember my child how much work We did together, yesterday? Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
3rd May 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Marisa: "Please, help us because people keep on pelting us. What does God want? What shall we do?".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, God wants prayer and silence from you. Let people speak, so much the worse for them! People who speak ill and who lack charity, they will never enjoy God.
I would like that this month of May, which is consecrated to my name, to be especially consecrated to the Mother of Eucharist: it should help you to accept and to bear in silence, through prayer. You understood by yourselves how man, when he is powerful, very easily destroys the little, humble and simple man.
I am coming here among you, during this month, which is consecrated to Me and during this month there are no other places where I appear every day, I am here with you. My beloved sons, let people speak! How many times Jesus and I said: "Those who lack charity, they will never enjoy God, because it is the greatest virtue and in the Paradise love and charity triumph and reign. Let people speak, let people do! I quote a Dante’s line: "Don’t mind them, but look and go away".
Once I told you : "Write, do eveything you should do, but don’t expect anything". Now I tell you: "Never mind, let people speak, turn to God asking for help to bear and to accept". Finally also the most important broadcasts are a big business: everybody makes much money, everybody receives much money, millions and millions. But not here, because Jesus chose this little thaumaturgical place not for money, but for love, for love to the souls. When I told you to love your priest and to pray for him, it was for this reason: he hasn’t anything, he hasn’t power, he hasn’t money, he hasn’t neither silver nor gold, but he has much love. Likewise I would like you to be: you have no power, no silver, no money, but give love, I want love, I want your heart, I want to bring you into the Paradise with Me, there only reignes love to God the Father, to God the Son and to God the Holy Spirit. I know that you are men and that human nature rebels, but you should look at my son Jesus on the Cross, look at Him and say: "My Jesus, You are on the Cross also for me". Finally, how long will all this take? Then, what will those people receive? Let people say words, words and words: sometimes people are in competition, they say many and many words and lack charity, but the Mother doesn’t want this from you. Help Me praying for priests, for good priests, today I ask you to pray for good priests.
I am come here to pray with you, but also to bring very beautiful God’s messages, because God set his eyes on this thaumatugical place. Come on, my beloved sons, Jesus the Eucharist is with you, I am with you, St. Padre Pio is with you, the Angels, the Saints and the saved souls are with you: what else do you want? You have your priest who loves you, who is ready to die, to save your soul: what else do you want? Your priest is living as in those times when nobody knew him, when apparitions were not public: he lives like that, loving creatures, therefore loving above all you, my beloved sons.
What a pity that this message can’t be read by other people, by those people who lack charity! You shouldn’t listen to many other words, listen to Jesus Who enters you heart and speaks about love.
Thank you for your presence here. Your sister can’t be among you because of her sickness, but you have to come here for Jesus, for Jesus the Eucharist, so pray for her so that she has strenght to accept the great cross given to her by God. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
7th May 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, in this moment I am also in Kosovo and Albania. My heart is sad, seeing so much slaughter, so many homicides, so many young people who steal and kill children and other young people to live. In the latest days things have gone better, there was some gleam for peace but today eveything has collapsed again. Look at TV broadcasts, how many sad things, but they are nothing compared with what my eyes and you sister’s eyes saw. The situation is very critical and very hard, but do you see any creatures who run to pray, to beseech God so that this slaughter goes to an end? Those people are cannibals, they eat creatures.
When I ask to pray and to do the prayer vigil, it’s because I know how things are, I know how the world is going. How many people, who say to be Christians, speak at radio broadcasts and while the world is going to wrack and ruin, they criticize, slander and defame very easily! Wars go on, children are killed and eaten, mothers are killed and eaten: it’s a massacre. People have nothing, children even don’t know their name, fear and shock will remain inside them for all their life.
What can you do? Pray, my little flock, but those people who speak at radio broadcasts, at catholic radios, they speak ill about graces given by God to a soul, instead of saying: "Pray for peace, cling to prayer and pray for peace". No, this is not said, instead they gossips easily, because the human creatures enjoy themselves, gossiping about the brother.
Do you think that God’s mercy lasts for ever? There will also be God’s justice. You, my very little flock, very little flock compared to all the people of the world, come here to pray: someone won’t be at the vigil, but if this war was here in Italy, everyone would come to wear out kneels before Jesus, before my heart, to beseech God to stop this war which is so hateful and ugly.
Are you charging the President of Jugoslavia? The fault is of all those men who don’t know how to lead. The same thing is happening in the Church: they don’t know how to train the young people, they allow the young people to do all that they like. When any young people behave like Jesus wants, they are criticized, when a priest behaves like Jesus wants he is slandered and defamed. In the meantime in other nations there is war, a bad and terrible war.
My beloved sons, I would like to come here and to enjoy with you, but how can I do this, when I see children, women, young and elderly people who are killed? How can I do it? Nevertheless I ask you to pray and to enjoy with Jesus the Eucharist, here is your salvation: with the Eucharist you are strong, you have the light to do all that is necessary for the good of other people, of yourselves, of everybody . My beloved sons, do a good vigil and pray: the Mother says: "If you fall into sleep don’t worry, sleep in the arms of my son Jesus or in my arms, it is only important to give your own heart and to live in a state of grace". Thank you for you presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and you sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Marisa, tonight we are going to Albania together again".
9th May 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I would like to tell you many things but war goes on: anyway, through the explanation of your priest and all the messages given to you by God during the last week, you have received everything. You undestood how bad man is when he isn’t in a state of grace, when man doesn’t live of God, when man doesn’t live of Jesus the Eucharist. God told Me: " Urge creatures to do well the month of May, the month which is consecrated to you, Mary". In this place there are few people, but in other parishes people are fewer, people pray less and less, you do prayer vigils, but people don’t answer: I don’t mean those who have answered with so much love and sacrifice. This vigil arrived to God and God will have to intervene: if man isn’t able to stop war and he isn’t able, because everyone thinks of himself, God will intervene. It won’t be a beautiful thing, if God intervenes!
For this reason the Mother invites you to pray: I don’t overdo..." Our Lady always invites to pray... Our Lady tells many and many words...". You can understand by yourselves what happens in the world or what is beautiful or not: everyone amuses himself, eveyone loves music which is stronger than the auricle of the ear. So everybody runs from one part to another one and people get nervous, if they aren’t able to do all that, from the human point of view, they would like to do; the fact is that they don’t run towards Jesus the Eucharist, they don’t run towards Him. I will keep on repeating it to you: my son Jesus always remains in the second place! I told you to amuse yourselves, my beloved sons, either young or elderly people, but you should never put God in the second place. When my Apostles, who I held after Jesus’ death, came out to speak to people, to speak about God, people converted their hearts, but those who didn’t convert their hearts became worse, more rebel, more revengeful. Therefore he who doesn’t convert his heart is revengeful, he takes his revenge on the brother who converted his heart and who loves Jesus the Eucharist and the Mother of the Eucharist.
I want to lead you towards holiness but you, in your little, should give everything to Jesus the Eucharist. You, my beloved young people, attend the month consecrated to Me, because God wants this: I know that it involves sacrifice for you, but it is a greatest witness for the men, for those people who don’t believe. I already told you that, through your way of living, through your example and witnessing, you can lead people to understand and say: "Yes, these are really good and clean young people, they are in the right place". My beloved young people, my beloved little sons, just this is to be said of you by the people, they should see that you are sons of God. In every place you are, you have to give example and bear witnessing: if other people don’t pay attention, it doesn’t matter, you have to do your duty. Sow the seeds, which finally will be reaped, don’t worry, they will be reaped: people won’t give you satisfaction, but seeds will be reaped also by those people who were rebuked in your community. The grown ups don’t like to be rebuked, but then they accept and inside them they say: "Yes, you are right". It doesn’t matter if they don’t give you satisfaction, this is not necessary for you, it’s only necessary for you to love, to give example and bear witnessing.
Pray for peace, pray for those poor creatures who are killed, I don’t like to say anything else, you heard the messages of this week, which have been explained by your priest. Attend this Holy Mass for those people who live in this very bad way, because those who died, they are already saved, beacuse death is life, but for those who live and still have to die, it’s hard, it’s a tremendous sacrifice. Pray for them.
Now I would like to give my whishes to all the mothers and also to the grand-mothers: you too, Marisa, are a mother, you are a spiritual mother and it is very important, but it isn’t understood by everybody. Let’s say altogether the Our Father...". With the priest I bless you, you dear ones, you sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
13th May 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I am the Mother of the Eucharist: today it’s the feast of all Madonnas Who appear but I am the Mother of the Eucharist. Together with all the people here present and with my beloved spouse Joseph, the Angels and the Saints, We want to celebrate you, my child". (Note: it’s the anniversary of Marisa’s vows).
- Jesus: "And I, Jesus, your Spouse, I say to you: "Come, come my elected and sing, sing with Me. Here We all thank you, who always said: "Yes", notwithstanding your sufferings and fights of life. Your: "Yes" has always been full of love, but with a great cross. Oh, my spouse, my elected, Jesus, your Spouse, tells you: "Thank you, thank you!". Today, Jesus, your Spouse tells you that priests who converted their heart are 266 and also 25 sisters and 56 consecrated laymen. I owe it to you and to the people who prayed and always keep on praying for conversion of my favourite sons. Oh, I see that you heart rejoyces and this is a very great thing: 266! My dear favourite priest: 266! Don’t you think that it is a great miracle? And you, my beloved sons, who have come here to celebrate your sister, look at what a great grace God has given! He has given you this gift also through your prayers because I am Jesus, that Jesus Who was crucified, that Jesus Who loved so much man, that merciful Jesus Who finally will be just.
You see, my child, that close to Me there are many saved souls and many Saints, look at my Popes, look... how many, how many they are: not all these Saints are famous, they are saints in silence and secretely, nobody thought of them, but God thought of them, so they are here with Me. Once you saw St. Padre Pio when he wasn’t yet beatified, but you always saw him together with Us, and today he is blessed for man and saint for Us. Padre Pio, your dear brother, is waiting for you, here close to Us, when God decides it.
I kiss you, my child and today my kiss is a kiss of love and not of suffering. Last night you lived the Passion, today you have just natural sufferings which are always with you. Not all the people understand your suffering and your relatives understand much less, my child. I see you are moved, Marisa...
You also saw how many atrocities happen in those places where you went, but today I don’t want to speak about it: oh, my elected, my child, my spouse, my sister, thank you for what you do for the Church, for the men of the Church, for sick people, thank you!
My beloved sons, would you mind saying with Jesus the Our Father, taking the hands, for the conversion of the great men, of powerful men and I mean both those of the Church and those of the State and for everybody. I bless you all and in particular the children; now I go back to the Father".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, the Mother thanks you for your sacrifices, for all your prayers and for all that you do for peace in the world: go on, don’t get tired, Once again I repeat that it’s a sacrifice, especially in a great city to go by car o by bus for coming here, finally there are also expenses, but the Lord, my dear son Jesus doesn’t abandon you, He helpes you anyway. My dear young people, thank you for the love you show to the priest, to your sister and to eveybody. Don’t worry, you also may grumble and I also accept that because I am your Mother.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones, your sacred articles, I bless the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
16th May 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus and Our Lady)
- Jesus: "My child, I am ascending to Heaven, but I will come back to stay for ever among you in the Eucharist. I am Jesus and you are loving Jesus the Eucharist: as your Spouse, my elected spouse, I whish you all the best. It’s joyous to see you gathered here to pray for the same intention: today it’s the day devoted to sick people and who is sicker than you, my dear spouse?
I enjoyed together with my Mother, seeing you here ready to prepare the feast and to give your best: this is beautiful in the eyes of God, in my eyes and in the eyes of the Holy Spirit, Who in a few days will descend on you. My beloved sons, it’s a great feast, the feast of Jesus ascending to Heaven: keep on celebrating the Mother of the Eucharist, the Madonna of Fatima and also your sister. Don’t be worried if today your sister isn’t makng a good translation because she took sedatives and you know very well that because of sedatives people worsen a little the way of speaking, therefore if there is some little fault in translating what I am telling her, don’t trouble, it’s only important that you understand the meaning, it’s only important that you love each other, my beloved sons. You shouldn’t love only on the feast-days, but every day you should love, just like you shouldn’t love only on Christmas, but every day should be Christmas.
Emmanuel, God with you, arrived and ascends to Heaven, but Jesus always remains among you with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, like in this moment... (Note: Marisa said that she was seeing "The three Jesus" that is the Trinity)... God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and Me, God the Son: there is the Mother of the Eucharist, the Angels and the Saints, your brother Padre Pio and the saved souls of you here present here.
I also thank you, my beloved priest who have come here from afar to help Father Claudio, who loves the Church, who loves Mary, who loves the Eucharist: he is alone, everybody turned his back to him, because if he had thrown Me away, those people would have taken away the suspension from the exercise of sacred functions and he would have become also a bishop: obedience yes, blackmail no! He should have thrown away the Eucharist Who poured his Blood, he should have thrown Me, as yet today do those who throw children away into the dustbins, who kill the children: on the contrary, Father Claudio didn’t throw Me away, he should have told you that he had deceived you, but he didn’t deceive you. For this reason everybody, especially the priests, turned their back to him: so, my dear Father Vladimiro, it’s a great joy for Me, seeing you helping my favourite priest, it’s a great joy for all of Us in the Paradise. You see, it’s enough to follow Jesus’ tracks to be happy and you listened to Jesus inside your heart, so you are here: thank you!
Now I come back to the Father, accompained by the Angels and the Saints, but the Mother of the Eucharist still remains with you for a little".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. The Mother thanks you for all that you did, the Mother thanks you if you will be able to love each other like Jesus and I are loving you. Be apostles! Also the Apostles, at the beginning, were astonished and confused, but then the Holy Spirit descended over them and they listened to Him, they put into practice the paternal and maternal warnings, because also my son Jesus, when He had to give a warning, He gave it sweetly and resolutely. Remember that giving a warning to the brother, either to a grown up or to a young man, is only love. Best wishes, Marisa, from all Us of the Paradise.
My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. With the priests I bless you, your dear ones, I kiss the children, I bless your sacred articles, as a Mother I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
23rd May 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of God the Holy Spirit and Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "In this your masterpiece I am waiting for God the Holy Spirit: what you did is very beautiful and it gives glory to God the Holy Spirit. I also prayed with you and for you, so that the Holy Spirit descended over each of you, according to your necessities. I know them my beloved Father Claudio, Marisa, my young people and grown-ups: pray, invoke the Holy Spirit, but above all invoke Him, so that He descends over the great men.
This missing Mass let suffer very much my son Jesus (Note: The Vicariate, on Saturday 22nd didn’t allow the celebration of the evening Mass in the diocese of Rome, because all the parish-priests had to assemble in St. Peter Square for the closing of the "city mission"): how many, how many souls missed the Holy Mass because not all the people understood the importance of the great prayer, that is the Holy Mass and Communion. My beloved sons, you are trying anyway to put God in the first place and this is something which my son Jesus, Jesus the Eucharist likes. For this reason, in this place is descending the Holy Spirit, that is the third Jesus you are seeing, my child: look at the Holy Spirit, He seems like Jesus, but He just has a dove and some little flames of fire. Bent your head and with Me say: "Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of love, enlighten my mind, inflame my heart, strengthen my will".
- God the Holy Spirit: "How many times I, God the Holy Spirit, would like to enter your hearts so that you understand what is important for earthly life. Not all the people know Me, not all the people listen to Me: until you make silence in your hearts, you won’t be able to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I am here, bringing a very simple message of God: all the messages given by God the Father are very simple, but someone doesn’t understand them. When they don’t understand, they relate wrong and are greatly mistaken, so they make a muddle. But the Mother of Heaven said: "I speak with simplicity, so that you, my child, can understand", so if you understand, also other people can do it.
My child, today you received the grace of being well: pay attention, don’t make any effort, because today We want you to be together with Us to enjoy the Paradise: now the Angels are bringing you... My child, receive the Holy Spirit, so that you have strength and courage of accepting and bearing everything, because there is much, much work to do on this planet Earth. Did you see, in a few time, how many souls converted their hearts, didn’t you? God the Father, God the Son and I, God the Holy Spirit, rejoyce very much of this: glory to God on the highest of Heaven and peace on the Earth to the men of good will.
Me beloved sons, enjoy, rejoyce and be glad: I know that the Mother told you that, until you are on this planet Earth, there will be also sufferings and sacrifices, but you have to do acts of mortification and pray much for those souls who can’t pray. Finally you should be docile, calm, respect each other, without considering your age or any other thing: respect to the grown ups or to the young people is the same, don’t be jealous or envious, this leads you to sin. You should be like good children, who are growing up with the Mother of the Eucharist Who brings you so many and beautiful messages and also with Me, God the Holy Spirit.
It’s so beautiful speaking to you, enjoying with you and telling you also something smiling, because We aren’t only in the Paradise but We are here on the Earth, among you, therefore when there is something that you don’t like, you should pray and invoke the Holy Spirit. As the Mother already told you, there aren’t great words to say, it’s enough to say: "My God, forgive me, I love You, I love You much with all my heart". It doesn’t need time, it makes you stronger and more courageous, so you can go around bearing witnessing like the Apostles. My beloved Father Claudio, I know that the Apostles received the gift of speaking various languages but probably, when God decides it, you will receive everything.
My beloved sons, I thank very much those of you who prepared this so beautiful corner of Paradise: I also know that you did it with much sacrifice, as the Mother told Me. She was with you seeing your work and supervising it: She also suggested in your hearts how to do it. Now I come back to the Father and I leave you the Mother".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I don’t know if you understood thoroughly the message of God the Holy Spirit: it’s a very humble and simple message, right for each of you, so put it into practice.
I am your Mother: I am worried for everybody, I look after everyone, I give the message to those who need it, therefore I am not the Mother Who only stays in the Paradise or Who is a statue in a church, I am here among you, I help you and I love you very much. Thank you for your presence here and thanks especially for the feast you organized on last 16th May: the best thanksgiving is for Jesus the Euhcarist Who poured his blood and Who finally closed us inside his shell (Note: the latest Eucharist covered with Jesus’ blood and kept for one year into a crystal ampulla, took shape of a shell): somebody accepts it, some other doesn’t accept it, but you all are with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
With the priests I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
25th May 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here. All the humble and simple people are expecting something which will arrive from God, but all the great and powerful men are expecting nothing from God, they go on unmoved to achieve power, without being worried if God is satisfied, if God agrees, if God’s will has been done. You are praying for peace in the world and God is satisfied of this, but how few you are, my beloved sons, who pray for peace in the world! If all the people on this planet Earth prayed for each other, if they prayed for peace, without running towards power, without crushing the little man because they feel to be strong, how many things would change and there wouldn’t be wars any more! The humble and simple people aren’t responsible, the great men are responsible, but not only the president of..., all the people who cooperate, they compete to win and to achieve more money.
You are wondering: "Why is Jesus inviting us to pray? Why is Our Lady inviting us to pray for peace in the world?". You are so few, but even one of you can get peace in the world if everything is done with love, with unselfishness, thinking of other people. I am living a passion together with my son Jesus, so I brought with Me your sister and your priest suffers with Me. Those people don’t come to your priest because they don’t like to do God’s will, because here there is no fanaticism, here they wouldn’t be the first, they wouldn’t get money, here there is nothing so those great personages don’t like it. If they came here they would have nothing, therefore it’s easier to go to other places where they can be the first, where they can get money, where they can get everything they like from the human point of view. This lets the heart of my son Jesus and my heart suffer very much.
Come on, come on ,come on, the Mother is close to you. When you have some sufferings or when some your dear one is sick, put yourselves in deep prayer to help him, now the whole world is wounded, for this reason I ask you for prayers. Thank you.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
27th May 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I have just given a private message to your priest and to the visionary, but what is God yet asking from you? He is asking for prayers and sufferings.
Other wars break out, the great men work to make powerful weapons to kill, to overcome the whole world. But what does God ask from you? He asks you to pray, He doesn’t ask you for great sufferings, He asks you to pray. I went all around the world, but it’s difficult to find somebody who gives his life for other people: Jesus did this, some other people did and are doing this.
Maybe you are waiting for the great day, I am waiting for it too, but the great day will be solemn and not with death of a lot of people. Men keep on dying, torturing and killing each other, men keep on trampling down all that was created by God: this is not the great victory, the great day will be great for all those who believe God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
I have come among you every day, to pray with you and to give you strength and courage, even if some of you haven’t realized it: some sick people who were dying were brought back to life, some young people, who were going to suicide, didn’t do it any more, many children, who were dying, were saved. If God asks somebody for something, He doesn’t ask it just to do it, but He asks it so that man converts his heart. You converted your heart, but when the great proof arrives, will you yet be like this? The great proof is the preparation of the great day.
Yes, you are right when you say: "God knew about the war"; yes, God knows everything, but He can’t stop everything allowing the end of the world and this doesn’t seem beautiful to Me. This is the reason why Jesus, if you remember it, asked Me: "Mother, did I fail?". Therefore, do you want Jesus to fail? Do you want the failure all that God created? No, you don’t: God can do whatever He likes, how He likes and when He likes, but He respects man created by Him. God created man in His own image and likeness, but what does man do, who was created by God in His own image and likeness? He kills for pleasure of killing, he makes powerful weapons, nuclear weapons, atomic bombs. You don’t know this, but in all the nations there are some powerful men who make weapons to raze some other nations: then, if some creatures die, it doesn’t matter, because only winning is important. You don’t want this, do you?
My beloved sons, try to understand what the Mother tells you, I know that it’s difficult, sometimes it’s very difficult. When I have given a private message to your sister, she said that sometimes it’s difficult to understand: yes, because now she is just like she was on last March, when she was going to die at the hospital. Therefore, it’s necessary to clench your teeth, to go on and pray, pray for everybody, above all pray for those who don’t believe: it’s easier that those who don’t believe convert their heart and it’s difficult that those, who say they believe, convert their heart to God. So I repeat: "First learn how to love, then pray".
Enjoy this message, don’t lose pride in yourselves, take hands each other, go on with joy and happiness and also with some sufferings, because I am with you, Jesus the Eucharist is with you, come on!
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Today it’s the first day of the triduum in preparation of the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you, my beloved sons. Praise be Jesus Christ".
30th May 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of the Most Holy Trinity)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, I am in deep adoration before God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit".
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, I speak in the name of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Last evening I have given you a very beautiful message, so you should put it into practice, reading it, meditating and assimilating it. Anyway, all that We say isn’t so difficult to understand, everyone can understand, if you are in a state of grace, if you don’t suffer from jealousy, envy and touchiness, you can assimilate well the message that God gives you, my beloved sons. You should assimilate the message. Yet there is someone who is a little touchy, presumptuous, envious and jealous. Think of this: We, here in the Paradise, if We suffered from envy and jealousy, considering all the souls here present, all the Angels, the Saints and the saved souls, We always would discuss.
These words would appear to you as little words, but they are great words because just envy, touchiness, jealousy and pride lead to say nasty words to the persons who help people, who give all themselves to help creatures. I, Jesus, can forgive and I forgave, but none should take advantage of Jesus, you are grown-ups and I taught you how to love. Yesterday I added: "Love and forgiveness: first learn how to love then pray". There are many souls who are worried for saying the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon to stop wars, but they aren’t worried at all if they cause the brother’s sufferings and they just try to stick the sword to the depth. Sometimes, those persons who say to be close to your priest, they cause his sufferings.
Finally, Jesus has something else to tell you: respect my young people, love them, they are your sons, they are imperfect like you, like all the men of the Earth. All the men of the Earth are imperfect, none is perfect, only God is perfect. Therefore, when something goes wrong, if it is important you have to speak about it, if it is a simple thing, come on, forgive! When I was twenty years old and I was among my young friends, I listened to their speeches and words, they seemed to know everything while I knew nothing: I heard them, I smiled and then with a little beat on their shoulder I said: "Come on, my brother, you have to walk much yet".
Now I tell you the same thing: come on, my beloved sons, take away those little imperfections, smooth away those corners, so that the pearl becomes beautiful and always shines in the light of the sun, that is, in the light of God".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, the Mother invites you to put into practice what my son Jesus told you. By youreselves you will realize that it isn’t difficult to do God’s will, that it isn’t difficult to love and forgive the brother: love my young people, come on! Think of the young people who only think of amusement. What do my young people do? Every Saturday they come here to prepare and every Sunday they are here to help, while they could go around, to the mountains or to the sea, like other young people, but they are here, with you, with Us, with your priest, above all with your priest. They do everything with love and sacrifice, even if someone grumbles, but it’s natural and you haven’t to be worried because you are imperfect.
Live in a state of grace, receive Jesus the Eucharist in a state of grace, adore and love Him, ask Him for those graces you need and when God wants, everything will be fulfilled for the glory of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and for the glory of Me, the Mother of the Eucharist.
With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bless the children and above all the sick people. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Chirst. This is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, God three persons in one".
3rd June 1999, h.5:30 p.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "This is the month consecrated to my Heart. Look at many Jesus, here
present before you: there is Me, there is the Eucharist Which poured Blood where
I am present with my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, there is your priest, the
minister of Jesus: he is inside Me and I am inside him, all priests are my ministers.
It’s the month consecrated to my Heart.
Today, 3rd June 1999, peace is near, but there are yet two powerful nations that keep on bombing and going on, just to win. Therefore you can’t charge only one creature, but all those powerful men. Yes, peace would arrive even today, if two great leaders were not so hard: they say to think of refugees, but none of those who are fighting, think of them. Children die, women and elderly people die: they say that refugees should come back home, but where are their houses if they have nothing?
You prayers have opened one way into my Heart: you are few, very few people who come here to pray every day for peace, as my and your Mother asked. You prayed and God heard your prayers, but the powerful men are hard, for them only winning and gaining is important.
All the leaders of the world received the God’s message (Note: on February 1998), but none gave credit to such a message or if some of them gave credit, he was put aside. Anyway history repeats itself: also your priest did his duty and for this reason and because of this sincerity and honesty, he was put in one side by all his brothers. You see, my beloved sons, how easy is to destroy someone who wants to do well, someone who loves souls: moreover, men did the same to Me and they crucified Me! You are crucified with Me, not like Me, but with Me: there is one who suffers the Passion like Me. Do you think that God won’t consider all this? God considers everything, He knows when intervening, so you should never lack your trust in God the Father, in God the Holy Spirit and Me, God the Son, here present with my Body; I am like one of you, I give you a hand, to help you, to strenghten and above all to love you.
My beloved sons, tomorrow it’s the first Friday of the month, but how many, how many priests don’t accept any more this first Friday of the month! The laymen are fighting to carry on the first Friday and the first Saturday of the month, they fight and God trusts in them. My beloved sons, it’s the month consecrated to my Heart: two years ago I have come here every day among you, but then creatures kept on decreasing always, so I said: "Maybe they are tired and they can’t come". Therefore, I didn’t come every day, like my Mother, anyway She is a Mother and I am a Son, the Mother always tries to help, to cover everything and to love: as a Son I was a little rascal "If they are tired I don’t come". Now I repeat that during this month of June, I will come every Thursday and Sunday and the first Friday and Saturday of the month.
My beloved sons, think of your Jesus here among you, this little flock who keeps on praying and beseeching: peace is near, but some powerful men keep on fighting and just the great men do this, those who are well off, while poor people always have to pay. My beloved sons, your Jesus thanks you very much for all your prayers, thank you; it could seem nothing to you, but your help is great, peace is nearest, thank you!".
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, thank you for your presence here, thank you for prayers, sacrifices and acts of mortification you are doing for peace. With my favourite priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
6th June 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus)
Note: In the morning at 7:30 a.m. the big Holy Host, brought by Jesus on 17th May 1998, covered with Jesus’ Blood and preserved intact up to now, was found covered with fresh Blood and a very nice smelling.
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, last night MY HEART EXPLODED, MY BLOOD GUSHED and came out, just like the Eucharist came out and went through the glass box (Note: in fact there was some blood also outside the glass box that contains the Eucharist; see the photos. In the message Jesus referred to a miracle happened two years ago, when a Host came out the chest of the Crucifix in the garden and passed through the glass box that covers it), so my heart bled: it gushed for love, joy, suffering. This should show to man that my heart explodes every time there are some souls who love, who suffer and when there are men who don’t believe. This gift, this great miracle, in the miracle of the miracle, this miracle is for you: you should bear witnessing, I would say that you should shout it, don’t be afraid of all that people could tell you or do to you, today you have felt, you have seen my heart exploding for love. You noticed this at 7:30 a.m., but my heart has bled since midnight: it bleeds especially for the priests, it rejoyces for you who are doing very well to achieve peace and to love your neighbour.
None must touch this Holy Host, only the very head of the Church could do it, but this will not happen. This is the fifth "miracle, in the miracle of the miracle", so enjoy it and don’t be afraid: some of you feared, but why? Because my heart loves, I already told you that my love is great, I love you all and none of you can love like Me, Jesus.
Perhaps not everybody will understand this "miracle, in the miracle of the miracle", perhaps yet people will keep on smiling or making fun of you, perhaps they will say that you are mad, but I would be the first mad, as already people said when I walked Jerusalem’s ways: they said: "That man is mad, that man is possessed", so my beloved sons, if I am possessed or mad, you are like Me, but thank God because you are as mad as your Jesus.
My heart exploded and blood and water came out of the Host Which had already bled on 17th May 1998 and I am yet with you: God the Father loves this thaumaturgical place, He loves you but now someone is also claiming, saying: "There is me too", it is that dove (Note: there was a dove that was going to be set free, as symbol of peace), there are little singing birds, there is God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and Me, there is the Mother of the Eucharist, the Angels and the Saints, the saved souls, now all the Paradise is present in this little thaumaturgical place, close to this little flock: my heart above all exploded for love to you and for suffering, for people who yet don’t know how to love. This so great miracle, my beloved sons, should let you change yourselves and I repeat once again: get away envy, jealousy, touchiness, thinking bad of the brother; no, this should not be anymore inside you, because my heart exploded for you, because I am your great love!
Here there is Jesus the Eucharist Who has bled since midnight, and someone kept Me company (Note: in the night Marisa had suffered the Passion), but now I want you to attend the Holy Mass with all your love, let your heart explode for love, but not to such a point that it explodes; no, Jesus doesn’t ask you for this! Your heart should be mine, only mine. Best wishes to you all for this great feast. Marisa, last night when I called you and you were bleeding, I dried your tears and your blood: you looked at Me, you were moved, you prayed, but you didn’t know what to do, so I told you: "Come on, my child, try to sleep a little".
My beloved sons, let your heart explode for love towards those people who don’t love Me, who don’t love Jesus the Eucharist, who don’t love the Mother of the Eucharist and who don’t love those who God called to bear witnessing. Thank you. With my favourite priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. I can’t speak any more because there is Jesus the Eucharist. Attend the Holy Mass with all your heart, in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
10th June 1999, h.5:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, God allowed Me to speak notwithstanding His presence here, with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: man hides himself, but above all the men of the Church, who always speak about obedience; while the most important and beautiful thing is the Eucharist.
My son Jesus’ heart exploded for the second time and if you observe it well, this shell-shaped Host has become heart-shaped, a great heart of love for everybody. Your prayers, your adorations, your vigils really helped to achieve peace, but pay attention my beloved sons, there is not true peace yet. There are many and many refugees, but I also mean peace in the world, peace in the Church. How many, how many priests keep on saying lies! How a lot of evil has been done over Jesus the Eucharist! People keep on doing it: catholic networks speak ill about this place, priests speak ill about it, also bishops and cardinals speak ill about it. Nevertheless I am here, Jesus’ heart exploded here, his great love was poured over everybody.
Look around yourselves, my beloved sons, in comparison with all mankind you are few, but the greatest graces were given here, the greatest miracles happened here. In all history of the Church it never happened that one Host, one year after It had bled, It bleeds again for love to everybody.
Masonry has worked well, the great men have worked and always tried to clasp this iron ring around the neck of my sons. From the human point of view, they succeeded. Look at them, look at your priest: he is alone, he has no more strength, it’s up to Us giving it to him, it’s up to you helping him. Everything depends on your good heart. They keep on sheding tears and I shed tears with them, as a Mother.
All of you have awaited for peace after this war, but what about peace in the Church and peace among the men of the Church? Oh, how many, how many retire, how many fear! What do they say to defend themselves? They say: "Obedience!". But your priest, my beloved sons, was always obedient and he didn’t accept blackmail: he should have denied that the Host appeared, he should have denied Jesus Who poured his Blood, to get what they wanted. This kind of blackmail never happened in the history of the Church. Many nasty things happened, but nobody was ever asked to deny Jesus the Eucharist Who appeared and Jesus the Eucharist Who bled!
Don’t fear speaking, but don’t expect great things, don’t discuss, tell people, speak about this great miracle, in the miracle of the miracle. And love each other.
This morning Jesus gave a message to your sister, but she didn’t understand it, she was suffering so much that she couldn’t understand it. She felt to be betrayed but not by you, my beloved sons, my simple and humble sons, who are here to pray every day. Peace didn’t depend on the fact that the Holy Father spoke, that politicians spoke, that the great men spoke, but it depended above all on you. Say, shout that you prayed for peace. But there is yet much, very much to do: think of how many families and how many children have not a home. How could a father forget his son who was throttled? How couldn’t a mother have before her eyes those so nasty scenes, that you, my child, saw many times? It’s impossible, my beloved sons.
Your sister would like to shut up and leave you, saying: "If you had understood the importance of the Eucharistic apparition, you would come here without needing other apparitions. For many years I have done all that I had to do, I accepted every suffering". Your sister just answered this to Jesus and Jesus listened to her, He let her speak because she was right.
My beloved sons, pray and pray so that also the Holy Father understands that there is a son who is dieing for the Church. It’s easy to speak, it’s easy to be among so many people, among a crowd, it’s easy to say: "Pray!" and leave one son in such a situation. Who saw their children die, they know what this means. Let the Holy Father understand that your priest is dieing for the Church, just because he is humble and simple and he has no support: he has truly none, he has only you and it’s beautiful to have you close, who are humble and simple and who try to help him anyway. For this reason the Mother thanks you and Jesus is satisfied. Tomorrow it’s the feast of his Most Holy Heart so He will come to speak with you, but on next Saturday I will come again because it’s the feast of my Immaculate Heart.
I am the Mother of the Eucharist, but those people don’t like to call Me with this title, they don’t like to accept Jesus the Eucharist because He appeared here, in this thaumaturgical place. I know, my beloved sons, that you gave everything to God, to the Church, to the men: many years of sacrifices and sufferings. Your sister right said: "Are joys forbidden to us? Should we always suffer and suffer?". Now I have to tell you this, my beloved sons: Padre Pio suffered much, but not so much because he had close to him many brothers and many people who loved him. St. Francis suffered much, but he had close to him many brothers, many brothers. Your priest has no friends, he only has some foreign friends who call him and who come here to meet him, when they are in Rome. Also some priests in Northern Italy are his friends, but where are all those who converted their heart? They fear one cardinal! How is all this possible?
My beloved sons, the Mother has to speak this way, so that you can understand how much they are suffering. The Mother is also sad, seeing so many my favourites priests who don’t love each other and who don’t love, they only love power and money which ruins many people. Keep on being solid with your priest. You know where truth is, you know everything, because you were told everything, but probably you don’t know this: a letter, written by your priest to the Holy Father to ask for help, was sent to the Vicariate without having read it. The Holy Father sent it to the Vicariate. This way you can understand how great your priest’s suffering is.
With my favourite priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
11th June 1999, h.6:30 p.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "Thank you, my beloved sons, for all the prayers you say according the intentions of your priest, because they are also my intentions, the intentions of Jesus the Eucharist. On last Sunday my Heart exploded again and my Blood began to flow. This is my great love for you, this is the Heart that loved so much man up to dieing on the Cross. You prayed much, you adored Jesus the Eucarist Who bled for peace, but true peace yet doesn’t arrive and you know that when I say "True peace" I mean peace in the Church. Pay attention, because since God wanted to make this great miracle in the miracle, how many people, above all the men of the Church, fought against these two my dear children.
Those people don’t come here, they don’t examine, they hurt and sometimes they kill. How many times I told you: "Your priest is obedient", but he couldn’t obey, because it would have led him to sin and to sin seriously. He should have thrown Me away, Jesus the Eucharist only to obey. People don’t obey doing a serious sin and this sin is truly serious. So your priest didn’t disobey either the Ecclesiastical Authority or any man of the Earth, he obeyed God and his heart. Those people told him: "Throw that piece of bread away and we will give you everything", so your priest should have thrown Me away, he should have said that he had deceived you all, he should have denied everything. No, this is not obedience, my beloved sons, obedience is love, it’s also sacrifice, but it doesn’t mean to throw away the Eucharist Which bled. Why all this fight against this thaumaturgical place? The Vicariate, the Vatican, catholic networks and everybody fight against: did you wonder why all this? Because Jesus the Eucharist frightens, because receiving Jesus the Eucharist means to be always in a state of grace, it means to love, it means to give oneself thoroughly.
Yes, it’s true that yesterday the Mother gave a very strong message and that you all suffered but this is the situation, my beloved sons. Those people try to kill who loves: it doesn’t matter if the Eucharist appeared, if the Eucharist bled and keep on bleeding. Yesterday too, as you saw, It poured some drops of Blood. In the meantime my and your Mother was crying, so I asked Her: "Mum, did I fail?" and my two dear children asked their Mother: "Did we fail? Where, when and why? We always obeyed God and the Ecclesiastical Authority". But they can’t obey the Ecclesiastical Authority throwing Me, Jesus, away; no, they can’t. For this reason your priest is censured, he is criticized, slandered and defamed by catholic networks, bishops and cardinals, by priests, sisters and laymen: these chains are strong and powerful because those people are powerful, but only for themselves and not for God. These chains keep on clenching around the neck of my two dear children. It isn’t their fault if God chose them, is it? Whose fault is it, if God chose a humble and poor creature?
I am your Jesus, I am He Who loved you up to death, this is my Heart that overflowed with joy for you all: my Blood exploded for you all, not for you here present, but I mean all the world. I really suffer because of my dear favourite priests: they don’t think anymore of God the Father, of God the Holy Spirit and of Me, God the Son, they don’t think anymore that my Mother is the Mother of the Eucharist and that the Trinity is present in the Eucharist. They only think of power and comforts.
I never spoke you like this, my beloved sons, my Mother and I have been speaking for some time like this and this is not accepted. Why do those people hide themselves behind networks, behind Authority or power? Why don’t those people come here to examine, to speak and see? When your priest brought the Eucharist to the Vicariate, he brought It to let It be examined. Those people said: "Throw that piece of bread away, it’s a case of booths of the fair!". These sentences yet enter my Heart and It bleeds, as yours.
Today it’s the feast of my Heart, but God wanted It to explode on the feast day of Corpus Domini. My beloved sons, first learn how to love then pray. I am with you, you have everybody against you, but I am with you. God can do everything, but yet He has pity and compassion for those people, He is yet waiting for conversions, He is yet waiting for peace from his favourite priests. Thank you, my beloved priest, who have immediately run to this place to adore Me! God is satisfied and is preparing a place for you in the Paradise. Thank you all who answered the call, who are solid and who pray for peace everywhere. Thanks to those who suffer with Me, with my and your Mother and with the priest. Thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ. Attend the Holy Mass as it was the last of your life".
12th June 1999, h.6:00 p.m. (message of Our Lady)
- Our Lady: "My beloved sons, you trust in God: with anxiety the Mother was waiting for your whole trust in God. Has God ever disappointed you? In the meantime there will be joys and incomprehensions, there will be people who won’t accept, but you are interested in achieving the target, you are interested in your priest, you are interested in God. Finally with God there is all the Paradise and with your priest there are all the souls who love Jesus, the Mother of the Eucharist and you all. This is the reason why Jesus’ Heart exploded and his Blood gushed.
Some priests begin to understand, some of them ask Father Claudio: "You didn’t throw the Host away, did you?". No, your priest didn’t throw Jesus away, how could he throw a consecrated Host away, a bleeding Host?". He answered: "We never will throw It away at the cost of death, we are ready to die for Jesus, for You, for souls and for everybody...".
As Jesus said, God yet wants to save men, He is waiting for their conversion, especially for conversion of the men of the Church: today my Heart was overflowing with joy because I saw five other priests who converted their heart, but they have a dread of their superiors, like sisters who have a dread of their superiors, who forbid to come here to pray through the vow of obedience. Obedience and blackmail... do you remember the message? How many, how many General Mothers and Superiors forbid sisters, who sometimes cry, to come here to adore my son Jesus! This is a great suffering. BUT THOSE PEOPLE WHO ASKED YOUR PRIEST TO THROW THE EUCHARIST AWAY, THEY ARE EXCOMMUNICATED!
Thanks you my favourite priest for all that you do for the Church. Now attend the Holy Mass as it was the last of your life and altogether, take hands, draw close to each other and let’s say the Our Father. Thank you for your presence here. With the priest I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles, I bless all the children, I bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".
13th June 1999, h.10:30 a.m. (message of Jesus)
- Jesus: "My beloved sons, in the latest days you received some important messages for the history of the Church: some secrets have been kept for years, but finally the Mother and I had to say exactly how things are. It’s up to you, my little apostles and to you my grown-ups here present, to announce them. You saw and you can’t be silent. If this Host had been a devil’s work, It couldn’t have given off a scent which is so sweet and so pleasant. If all this had been a devil’s work my two children would have fallen, because many times they were tempted by the devil. As it usually happens, God’s works are pelt but they have never been pelt like in this period of history of the Church.
What do We ask? We ask for prayers, We ask to intensify your prayers, to fast and to adore in this place my Body, my Blood, my Soul and my Divinity. What could I tell you more? By now you know everything: after having given you beautiful messages of sweetness, love and comprehension, We were obliged to give you some strong messages, so that you could understand thoroughly the suffering of my Mother, of Me, Jesus and of the sons who were chosen for this great mission. Remember the intention given you by your priest: "PRAY, SO THAT THE HOLY FATHER DOES GOD’S WILL THOROUGHLY".
Priests don’t come to this place because they fear and if they come here they hide themselves, last Friday only one bishop had the courage of compromising himself, only one bishop of the many and many priests in the world. But those who fear Me, those who fear to be recognized, at the end times I will fear them! God will be just: He will be merciful until the last day, but finally He will be just and then God will not recognize those priests. You feared to let people recognize you as priests, as sisters, you have come here hidden, almost disguised, like on 26th November 1995 when they came here disguised with red scarfs to hide their face. But I am Jesus, I am not Satan, I am your Jesus, that Jesus Who didn’t die for one priest but for all the priests and for all men. Who fears Me, I will fear him. There are some sisters who phone your priest because they would like to come here, but their superiors forbade them to come through the vow of obedience: "Don’t go there, you must obey!" and also this is a blackmail, my beloved sons.
It’s enough speaking about these things which cause your sufferings; now enjoy Jesus the Eucharist Who bled, here present among you, almost concealed, because I didn’t look for great crowds, I didn’t look for great churches, but I am here in this little place chosen by God, under an awning, with few but simple people who love Me, I am here with you. Thank you for your presence here. With the priests I bless you, your dear ones and your sacred articles".
- Our Lady: "And I, your Mother, bring you all inside my heart and I cover you with my maternal mantle. Go in the peace of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Praise be Jesus Christ".