12th january 1997
Our Lady, after having quoted Don Claudio's phrase: "It is very beautiful flying in contact with wings" and given an important message, ordered Marisa: "My little child, now stand up and come with me".
Marisa:"To the paradise? Listen, bring me to the paradise, but don't let me come up and then come down again. Yes. Should everybody follow me? Ok, I obey, you know it. Please, tell Jesus not to embrace me much, because I feel pains in all my body. Do you make me walk? Otherwise how can I do?".
Our Lady:"Don't worry, my little child, I walk next to you and I sustain you".
Marisa:"Can I say it to Don Claudio? I have to go with her!".
Don Claudio:"Where?".
Marisa:"I don't know".
Don Claudio:"Well, stand up".
Marisa:"She said that she sustains me".
Don Claudio:"Come on, go and we follow you".
Marisa:"Yes, but they have to sing to Jesus! There are all the angels. If you don't tell me what I have to do, I don't know it! But I never did it... Remember that tomorrow Don Claudio has to go to the Vicariate".
(Our Lady takes Marisa by the hand and invites her to walk. Don Claudio and Marisa open the procession and go on with some uncertainty, because they don't know where they have to go and what they have to do. The people present sing: "You are God". When they arrive as far as the big cross they stop, Marisa kisses it then everybody go towards the chapel and enter. The priest and Marisa stop in front of the altar. Marisa tells Don Claudio: "I have to open the tabernacle")
Don Claudio: "What do you have to do?".
Marisa:"I must open the tabernacle, I fear... Ask the people to be silent".
Don Claudio:"Open the tabernacle. Be deeply silent. Who still has to enter, let him enter. Keep on standing, because for kneeling down we need more room. Our Lady ordered Marisa to open the tabernacle. I noted some embarassment and uncertainty in Marisa, but I have to encourage her to do what the Lord wants. Our Lady told you to open the tabernacle, so go and open the tabernacle.
(Marisa starts saying the Our Father and the Glory)
We have prayed, now do what you have to do".
(Marisa with embarassment turns the key backwards, she trembles, she is very moved! Finally she opens the tabernacle)
Don Claudio:"There is Jesus the Eucharist in the tabernacle".
(In fact the people nearby can see a big host at the bottom)
Don Claudio:"Blessed be God... blessed be his holy name. Blessed be Mary, Mother of the Eucharist".
(Everybody answer to the prayers with much love)
Don Claudio:"On 9th december 1994, obeying Card. Ruini who forbade to keep the Eucharist in our chapel, with the suffering that only God can witness and that was only partly noted by the brothers, I brought the Most Blessed Sacrament out of the chapel. If Our Lady, as she herself said in a message published on the third volume, had not helped me, an infarct would have killed me due to the greatest suffering in that moment. Today, at the eve of a meeting that has been defined difficult, this intervention of God fills me with joy. I was compelled to bring the Eucharist out of this chapel, but God brought it back. In this moment I am speaking with difficulty about what I am feeling, but I want to say one thing: still we don't understand this event, this presence of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, of God One and Three who is in front of us on his own initiative. Christ the Eucharist is present in the hostensory, Christ the Eucharist is present in the tabernacle, Christ the Eucharist is present in his Church! Now I think the only thing we can do is to accompany Jesus the Eucharist: we can do this. Let's accompany Jesus the Eucharist in procession, praying, singing, thanksgiving, but especially loving and adoring. According to God's will, as Our Lady said, let a priest read the message of 5th january 1997".
(Then the procession starts again and winds in the garden, around the house and comes back into the church, where it stops and finally the Eucharistic blessing is given)
A few days alter, on 16th january, Our Lady said: "My beloved children, who of you saw the great miracle of last sunday? After two years, since the Holy Mass and the Eucharist have been taken off, Jesus made himself be found in his tabernacle again. On 7th december 1996 I brought the consecrated host, I took the hostensory and I put the Eucharist inside! We of heaven can do everything, but the men don't accept, don't understand and they mock our behaviour. They mocked God's behaviour. If God created man in his own image and likeness, couldn't he make for himself a little tabernacle on the statues, on leaves, on flowers? Why not? Who are you, man, to say that God can't do whatever he wants? Who are you? When you have Jesus in your heart, ask him: "Jesus, who am I to be loved by you and to be able to receive you inside my heart? Who am I, since you have humbled at me, God the great, good, just, holy? My beloved children, ask frequently to yourselves: "Who am I?". Oh, if also the "great" men asked this question to themselves, everything would be easier. If you can, live in the sweet armony, in the charity, in the simplicity, in the humbleness. Oh, it would be so beautiful for everybody! Living and dieing in the harmony, in a state of grace, to reach God that today you enjoy in the sacrament of the Eucharist".