Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Prayer formulated by H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti on 14th June 2009

This is the prayer that H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti, Bishop ordained by God, formulated spontaneously before the Eucharist that bled on the occasion of the Feast of Corpus Domini.

Oh Jesus, Your name is a symphony of sounds that settle and rest in the musical staff, expressing these notes: sadness and hope. I still don't say joy because, even with the best of intentions, I still can't see a note where the Alleluia or Glory to God can burst. Actually, they are notes that do nothing but shout with different tones: "Maranathà, come Lord!”

Dear Jesus, it seems almost a contradiction to invite the Founder and Head to re-enter his Church; unfortunately, the men of the Church have blocked your way, they have replaced your throne with theirs. To advance in the world they walk on royal carpets, on which you must pass, because you are God. The flowers that adorn the altar, as a sign of homage to your presence, have been placed for the vain glory of these ministers, whose only interest is to surpass the others in the number of participants in their ministry and in their Eucharistic celebration.

O Jesus, your name is sweet and powerful; Your name is dear to us and how many times, in the long nights and endless days, Marisa and I have done nothing but invoke it. In my heart resounds that song taken from the words inspired by Paul: "If Christ is with us, who will be against us?" Jesus, with the confidence that you have always given me, I answer to Paul that everybody is against us: he who is dressed in white and sits, you know how, on Peter’s throne, helped by his powerful and rich allies; against us there are relatives, friends and people who once belonged to this community and received graces from you far greater than those we have received; whole congregations of nuns are fighting us. Yesterday, Jesus, referring to one in particular, called it a nest of vipers. Here is what the picture is: a wolf den in the Vatican, in the Vicariate and in other episcopal centers. Religious houses are nest of vipers that bite each other. And this has been going on for a long time. They feel to be the winners, they condemn us with satisfaction, they point at us, who want to be faithful to you, as the number one danger for the Church. Instead, Marisa, I and the community, in a proportionate and different way, have given everything for the Church, you know it. And what we gave you yesterday, Jesus, you know how much it cost us; we did it, we promised it because we love the Church.

Now I ask you one thing: make sure that all those enemies I have listed may fall in the shortest possible time, swept away from the places they occupy. "They will collapse and fall", as the Mother of the Eucharist said three times, "like skittles". This constant postponement is upsetting us, it makes us feel bad, very bad: it destroys us and I always talk in a particular way for the Bishop and the Seer. I say this with shame, we find it hard to walk, sit down, talk, eat and go to bed: every human gesture or action costs us an enormous effort.

Today is June 14, 2009, I'm nobody to pry into your affairs, but I really would like to and you know what I'm thinking. Then, since I give up prying into your affairs, do it yourself! You don't need a calculator and it will be faster, safer and fairer.

The "Yes" uttered yesterday cost us a lot! This "Yes" destroyed us, but we won because, after a tremendous struggle, never sustained until then, we managed to say, and we repeat it today, turning to Daddy God: "Fiat Voluntas Tua". Even without understanding, without sharing or realizing, we said "Yes". Once you said that this "Yes" is bigger than the sun, and I take the liberty of adding that, today, it has become as big as the whole universe. You know it: it is a "Yes" touching the Heaven, it is a "Yes" that goes through the Earth and reaches up to Purgatory. And you said it's greater than another "Yes"; you know what I mean, but I will not add anything else because otherwise someone could be scandalized!

Now, Jesus, the notes coming out from the musical staff lead to tears, sadness and melancholy, but you are the best composer, more than Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Verdi, Puccini or Bellini. All composers of the past, present and future are nothing compared to you. Then do prepare that song that will welcome Marisa in Heaven; indeed I know that it is ready already. We wish to know it too, little men of the Earth, so that our union between Heaven and Earth may be solid, solemn and sung.

You see Jesus, my brothers say I talk too much, but they say it kindly, because they like to hear me. I talk a lot because it is a vent for me, a need that I feel nudging within me, to manifest what I have in my heart. I would die, I would break, I would suffocate if you, dear Jesus, did not listen to me patiently, as the Mother of the Eucharist did last night with just as much patience and a certain irony, perhaps to overcome the most dramatic moment of our existence.

Marisa and I renewed our "Yes" to you with the hope that, soon, we can hear on our heads, like the shepherds in Bethlehem, the song of Glory: and that this song can spread from church to church, from house to house, from city to city, so that people finally understand that God is here.

Daddy God, I didn't want to forget you, I've always talked with you these days. From the day before yesterday I started talking to Jesus and, a little seriously and a little jokingly, we formed a new family, that of Rome. Do you remember? Since God the Father and God the Holy Spirit do not have humanity, then to the Holy Family, that is Jesus, true God and true man, Mary, the Mother of the Eucharist and Saint Joseph, the Guardian of the Eucharist, I added grandmother Iolanda, the perfect adorer of the Eucharist, then Marisa, the Victim of the Eucharist and finally the Bishop of the Eucharist. For twenty centuries it was just the three of you, then we knocked and you opened the door and welcomed us.

Now all together, let us raise our eyes to Heaven and slowly recite the Our Father.

(The Our Father is recited)

And now Jesus do bless this new family that in order to differentiate from that of Nazareth, we have called the family of Rome. Bless all the people who, spiritually, intend to be a part of it. We don't want to leave anyone out; we can be a beautiful, joyful worldly family.