This is the truth about he last blow of satan
Being condemned by the Pope, even if without his knowledge, by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, by the Congregation of Clergy, by the Vicariate of Rome and by some Italian bishops is the most sorrowful trial asked by God to the Bishop who He Himself ordained.
As emerges from the Holy Scripture, God often asks to those entrusted by Him with important missions, sorrowful trials, superable only with his grace.
Don Claudio, following Christ's example in the Gethsemane, often repeats in tears, addressing the Father: "Fiat Voluntas tua" (Your will be done), and he is sure that after his death (the condemnation by the ecclesiastical authority), there will be his resurrection (rehabilitation and acceptation of his episcopate by the Church).
The story of the last blow of satan
The appeals of God the Father defending the Bishops
The "reserved" letter sent by the Vicariate to the priests who exercise their fuctions in Rome