Eucharist Miracle Eucharist Miracles

Social year 1995-1996

History of the apparitions

A detailed summary of all that happened in the social year 1995-1996

Even during the year 1995-'96, we of the Movement "Impegno e Testimonianza" raise to the Lord our song of praise, alternating happy notes and sad notes.

Around us, in fact, there is drawing close, as in a vice, a ferocious campaign of denigration, of malice, of slander and of defamation; priests, nuns and even several bishops continue to give in regard to us judgments which are contrary to the truth and not founded on charity; moreover they discourage lay persons in participating in our Biblical and prayer meetings and to attend the Marian and Eucharistic apparitions in Via delle Benedettine, 91, in Rome. We respect those who affirm not believing in the supernatural origin of the phenomena which many times we have witnessed, but we cannot permit anyone to put doubt on our honesty, good faith and mental equilibrium.

With regard to the last item, we must say that the clinical examinations to which Marisa was subjected at the day hospital of the Clinical Institute for nervous and mental diseases of the University of studies of Rome "La Sapienza" (1), demonstrate the inconsistency of the accusation of psychic disorders in the visionary. Don Claudio asked the Cardinal Vicar in writing and by voice Monsignor Nosiglia for an intervention to defend our good reputation; but without result. Some priests and nuns, then, without having ever participated at the apparitions, without having read the messages or gathered any documentation, begin affirming that "the apparition of the Hosts are the work of the devil!". For the purpose of breaking down this false accusation we ask the Vicariate a good five times to send authorized exorcists to perform the rites of exorcism on the Hosts; but each time "no" is replied to us, without any reason. All the month of November we prepare to celebrate "The great day", 26th November 1995, the liturgical feast day of Christ the King, when "Jesus will come in the midst of you in body, blood, spirit and divinity!" (2). Our Lady expresses the desire "that my dear priests, my favorites be all around Jesus in the Eucharist" (3), even if in the meantime She reveals "that my priests do not want to accept this great day" (4). She communicates to us also in advance that we will meet with opposition and difficulties and that for this we will suffer a lot.

"The announcement of the great day is given much ahead of time, because of the fact that everyone asks themselves 'Why does Our Lady not warn first?' I speak and men get excited, because My priests do not want to accept this great day" (5). "If priests succeeded in understanding the importance of this great event that instead they try destroying" (6). "There are men who oppose themselves to the Divine will. To important people the interventions of God are a nuisance" (7).

Our Lady, furthermore, puts us on guard of the devil. "Pay attention: the devil can infiltrate himself with great ease. Satan is ready, he is strong; but if you are with My Jesus he can't do anything to you" (8). We are experiencing in our own skins that "the persons chosen by God suffer, they are tormented by all, especially by men of the Church" (9). To Don Claudio and to Marisa, in fact, come pressing summons, - often accompanied by not very veiled menaces of suspension "a divinis"- to close the gates and to interrupt the Biblical and prayer meetings. But Our Lady gives us precise instructions: "My two children must not close the gates and the doors to Jesus in the Holy Sacrament. Your priest can even die of love for Jesus in the Holy Sacrament, but he cannot close the door to souls!" (10).

On 15th November '95 don Claudio meets the new member of the commission constituted by Cardinal Ruini for studying the Marian and Eucharistic apparitions; he deals with Father Roberto Zavalloni, of the Order of Friars Minor. He, in the encounter with don Claudio adopts the tactic of using both the... carrot and the big stick. Our priest at the beginning of the discussion keeps intentionally silent, to see up to what point the Father dares to arrive.... The Franciscan, thus, begins trying to win him over: "Don Claudio, you have great talents. You succeed very well as an educator of young people! Continue working solely in this field... Just think about it, they wanted to convoke you in front of an entire commission to subject you to a severe examination, but I opposed it, because I know that you are in good faith, even if you had a Host worshipped that was consecrated by who knows who!". Then he passed to letting it sink in: "To film the apparition of a Host is a... funny comedy! Anyhow, Our Lord doesn't enter in the matter of the apparitions of the Hosts, because they are the consequence of a diabolic action or of a human action, that is to say of a fraud". Finally his paternal advice: "Go and have a rest, disappear for a bit of time, withdraw in a convent!". When Father Zavalloni ends speaking, don Claudio with calm replies: "I beg you not to make judgements on noted facts that you do not know about without having spoken first with me or with Marisa, without having questioned the witnesses present and without having screened the relative documentation. Even you must respect the Holy Gospel and the Code of Canon Law, otherwise our judgements are contrary to charity and to truth. We have always obeyed ecclesiastical authority, but we will not permit anyone to offend our good reputation". On the following 17th of the month, in preparation for the great day which was spoken of a little before, we begin the novena asked for by Our Lady: "Prepare yourselves for the great day with a novena as I and the Apostles did when, closed in the room of the Last Supper, we prayed for nine days, waiting for the Holy Spirit" (11). On another occasion She asks for "fasting, interior silence and confession" (12).

Very much...honestly, Our Lady does not hide from us that we must suffer, however: "Suffering must not stop you, you must get your strength together for going ahead". Turning, then, to our young people, She announces: "My dear young people, you will see and enjoy so many beautiful things during your life!" (13). All this, we are sure, will be in relation to the triumph of the Eucharist. On the twenty-first of the month, feast day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, Marisa, while being subjected to mental and physical examinations at the Clinic of Nervous and Mental Diseases of the University "La Sapienza" of Rome, goes in ecstasy and has an apparition of Our Lady; the physicians execute a "video registered encephalogram during the referred to mystic contact, without it giving evidence of any pathological data. To the contrary, during such period, the disappearance of the alfa heart rate is noted, as normally comes about during a reaction to attention!" (from the: 'Medical Relation of Dr. Gian Pio Paolucci, specialist in Neurology and Legal Medicine, dated 3rd December 1995, conserved in the archives of the Movement 'Impegno e Testimonianza').

Finally November 26, the great day arrives. The chronicle of it is contained in the presentation of Volume III. The suffering and the opposition announced in advance by Our Lady verifies itself punctually. In fact several parish priests speaking from the altar discourage the faithful from coming to pray on that day at via delle Benedettine, while other priests and nuns intensify a campaign which is defamatory against don Claudio and Marisa. After a revelation by Our Lady, then, we come to know that, for the occasion, mixed in the midst of the numerous crowd, there are priests present dressed in plain clothes, and lay people, intending to provoke disorder and uproar and to seminate mistrust and malice. There is even ready a plan to make Marisa fall to the ground and to take possession of the Host which she holds, for the purpose of demonstrating is brought by the devil. But all these projects go up in smoke because a brief and providential rainfall forces the provokers, who are afraid of wetting themselves and falling ill, to leave the prayer meeting. Around Jesus remain only those who seek him sincerely; twelve priests meanwhile, hear confessions without interruption of hundred of persons. Our Lady says also on that day very many conversions came about, above all of young people: "History will speak of this day" (14). The mass media, the press and television, unfortunately do not in all cases express themselves in a respectful way; several journalist, later, behave like Herod who "was extremely pleased to see Jesus. From the reports about Him he had wanted for a long time to see Him, and he was hoping to see Him work some miracle" (Luke 23,8). Some of them, in fact, confess frankly of having come because they hope "to see Jesus or to see something that may strike and interest the curiosity of our readers!". The men evidently forget that Jesus is born in silence, lives for thirty years in silence, rises from the dead in silence; and that only the humble and the simple are admitted to participate in these extraordinary events.

On 28th November '95, informed in advance by Monsignor Nosiglia, actual vice-regent of Rome and president of the commission of which we have already given notice to, come to Marisa, to question her, Father Jesus Castellano, Carmelite, the above-named Father Roberto Zavalloni, and Monsignor Benedetto Tuzia of the diocese clergy of Rome. We refer to this talk in the presentation of Volume III, keeping silent, however, on the offences made to Marisa: here to the contrary, for love of the truth and for completeness, we say that the three 'commissioners' accuse her of being "heretical, demoniacal, sacrilegious, she who has split the Church in two, who has divided the ecclesiastical authority into two" (sic!). The books of messages, then, they define them "rubbish to throw away".

They try, as well, to make Marisa fall into contradiction and to force her to say that which they want, with the purpose of convincing her to send away the persons who come for the apparitions. They would succeed in their intent if Our Lady, by Her own admission, were not close to the visionary... The members of the commission having gone, Our Lady appears to Marisa and says to her: "You must not tell people to go away: I come here for everyone. So many souls suffer because of the men of the Church!", adding other news that in this moment it is not prudent to reveal.

At the same time several parish priests let circulate the voice that "the Vicariate will intervene very soon to order don Claudio to close the Biblical encounters and prayer meetings and to prohibit persons from participating at the presumed Marian and Eucharistic apparitions"; up to today, however, it does not result any intervention in such a sense.

On the first of December don Claudio asked Monsignor Nosiglia, from whom he was summoned to the Vicariate, to confirm having received the proofs of the first volume and of having consigned to the Cardinal the proofs of the second, before these are published. To the affirmative reply of the Bishop, don Claudio asks again: "What is your opinion about these messages? Have you found in them something contrary to the Word of God or the teaching of the Church?". Monsignor Nosiglia replies: "We have not found anything that may be contrary to what the Church teaches".

We want to refer now to a circumstance of which we have never spoken. On the same November 28, don Marco Fibbi, responsible for the office of the press and social communications of the Vicariate, writes to Fred Chavez, responsible for the Apparition List of Internet, "this Vicariate advises against (...) inserting the revelations of Marisa Rossi in 'Apar -L', because it is opposed to the diffusion of such presumed messages" (view document here). We ask ourselves: how can the Vicariate write a letter of opposition to the diffusion of the messages on the same day in which the commission questions Marisa, and with a period of time between the two events so brief as to make one doubt seriously that there has been given sufficient reflection to such a delicate subject?

On the 8th of December, feast of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady gives Marisa a Host (that all present see and adore with faith and great attention, praying and singing, and with which the priests present take Holy Communion) and asks for union with the Holy Father: "Love the Pope and be united with Him. Obey the bishops and priests who are united with the Pope. Today the Pope is called John Paul II: neither I nor III". For who knows the actual situation in the Church these words are extremely eloquent.

Today more than ever one talks of the intermediate coming of Jesus; many look for and think of finding in the Holy Scripture the grounds for sustaining the "physical and visible coming of Jesus to the world". We have never given credit to these voices, but maintain always to recognize only two comings: the first in the humility of birth, the second in the glory of the end of times, when He will come to judge us. In this regard, Our Lady says clearly: "the coming of Jesus is the Eucharistic miracle" (15).

On the day 22nd October '95 some members of the community go to Monsignor Nosiglia to ask him to sign this declaration: "1) There exists a commission established by the Cardinal Vicar for investigating as to the supernatural origin of the presumed apparitions to Marisa Rossi, at the seat of the Movement 'Impegno e Testimonianza' at Via delle Benedettine, 91, in Rome; 2) no measure of censure or of condemnation has been adopted with regard to don Claudio Gatti, spiritual director of the visionary Marisa Rossi; 3) the withdrawal of the faculty to celebrate the Holy Mass and to consume the Eucharist in the chapel of the seat of the Movement 'Impegno e Testimonianza', is not motivated by disciplinary reasons, but by the ordinary practice dictated by prudence; 4) the faithful who are reunited there in prayer exercise a faculty recognized by the Code of the Canon Law (C.D.C.)". Monsignor Nosiglia, even recognizing the legitimacy of such requests, refuses to sign it, saying that the Cardinal Vicar will give instructions, but he concludes in an unequivocal way: "We cannot send away persons who come freely!".

In the meantime even for this Christmas we are deprived of the joy of being able to celebrate the Holy Mass in our chapel; Our Lady therefore says to us: "Enjoy today this feast day as much as you can; later there will be great joy, the great triumph" (16); turning, then, directly to don Claudio and to Marisa, She recognizes that: "Life is hard for both, but...have I ever abandoned you? " (17); St. Joseph at His side adds: "We know very well how heavy your cross is; grumbling and discouragement do not offend us" (18). Thus Our Lord and Our Lady continue to encourage don Claudio to go ahead, even if at times the temptation to abandon everything can be felt very strongly: "It is not sufficient to say thank you for all you do for the Church, for priests and for souls!" (19) and admits: "Today many persons do not understand you, because they are still thinking of themselves, and because jealousy and envy prevail" (20); then Our Lady turned to Marisa says: "My dear child, your sufferings will not diminish; rather they will increase more every day, because you must help My Son Jesus to carry the cross" (21).

The year closes with a new Eucharistic miracle: all the persons present see the Host that Our Lady gives to Marisa. Unfortunately, however, the new year opens with a great suffering. In fact, after the first few minutes of 1996 that has just begun, Our Lady brings three Hosts profaned by priests during a black Mass: with these Hosts don Claudio and Marisa take Communion and then pray in reparation. The defamatory campaign against don Claudio and Marisa not only does not show signs of diminishing, but becomes always heavier. From this they suffer and especially our young people who, notwithstanding the tiredness, the delusion and discouragement, are called by Our Lady to sustain great responsibility: "Help your priests to carry on the great mission; it seems that men want to destroy it" (22). Marisa, therefore, beseeches Our Lady: "I beg You not to make our young people suffer. Give them the possibility to love You in joy. Why must our young people who love your Son Jesus suffer? Take everything from me, but spare suffering to our young people". But Jesus in person encourages them: "Don't get frightened, my dear young people, don't be afraid of anything, but go ahead, because your Mother is next to you and helps you. Our Lady has called you "little apostles". I, Jesus the Eucharist, am always in the midst of you" (23).

The month of January closes with a sorrowful revelation: "This is a very hard moment for the Church and the Pope" (24).

The Eucharist is not only the presence of Jesus with Blood, Soul and Divinity, but it is also the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, as Our Lady reminds us various times. In fact, during the apparition of 1st January '96, Our Lady gives a Host to Marisa and immediately afterwards She kneels down to adore the Most Holy Trinity. Marisa is visited by the Trinitarian apparition as already described in the second volume; in front of this she exclaims with enthusiasm: "It is marvelous that which I see: the coming out of the Son from You, God the Father, and from the Holy Spirit. You are all three beautiful, all three equal!".

On the days of the 7th, the 14th and the 28th of January the Eucharistic miracles are renewed: everybody see the Hosts given to Marisa. It is necessary to say at this point that for this and other Eucharistic apparitions we are not informed in advance, because -as already said- when the Eucharistic miracle of 26th November '95 was announced in advance, to satisfy the requests of as many as pretend to know in time the date of the miracle, there is the one who does everything to impede (!?) the event and we suffer because of it... Even during the month of February the Eucharistic apparitions repeat themselves on the days 3rd, 4th, 5th, 11th, 13th, 18th and 24th. Our Lady reveals to us that these Hosts are taken from tabernacles and transported by Jesus, by the Mother of the Eucharist or by Angels. Others, instead, because unfortunately they carry clearly the signs of profanation (they appear, in fact, crushed, trampled on, burned, pierced, and some show without the shadow of a doubt of having been used for "foul things") are taken from places of the profanation itself.

Unfortunately often the lament of the Mother of the Eucharist renews itself in finding the absence of priests and nuns in the thaumaturgical place in which "the Eucharist has triumphed and there have been numerous Eucharistic apparitions. Where are the priests and the nuns that My Son Jesus has loved so much?" (25).

Also during this month false accusation pour forth further with the force of the sea in a storm against don Claudio and Marisa: "My Son Jesus comes in the midst of you to make Himself loved even more, not to be examined, controlled and also slandered, because the one who slanders you, slanders My Son Jesus, slanders Me" (26).

The Mother turns Herself with immense love towards Her younger children and encourages them: "Oh, my very dear young people, if you could understand how great my love for you is. I know that you love Jesus so much and that you know how many there are who, instead, do not love Him. What do you want to do? Do you want to come back and be like the others? No! You must be an example and witnessing, you must talk and help the young people of your same age to know Jesus; you must help them and give your testimony even with silence" (27).

On 18th February '96 Our Lady asks Marisa to eat grass in our garden to demonstrate that it is thaumaturgical, and also as a sign of penance.

At the beginning of the month of March, Our Lady shows great concern for the Pope: "This is a very difficult moment for my Pope, even if the men of the Church say it is not so. My Pope and yours is alone!". Then turned to don Claudio and to Marisa adds: "You, my dear favourite priest, must say the Holy Mass every day for the Holy Father John Paul II and you, my dear child, offer your life for the Pope, that today is called John Paul II" (28). We think that the priest and the visionary know with precision, by supernatural revelation, the actual critical situation of the Church: we, in fact, notice often on their face a touch of suffering that we attribute to that; even their health appears compromised; moreover Our Lord asks them to sacrifice themselves for the Church, for the Pope, for priests. We know that they love souls: for them and for the Church they are ready to give their lives. On 9th March '96 we celebrate the 33rd anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of don Claudio and Our Lady appears before the Holy Mass, She says: "How much joy you give to My Heart in letting me see you here reunited in prayer around my and your priest. Give a hearty welcome and love my dearest priests. You must be little apostles around your priest. It is easier, in fact, that small ones love Jesus, because grown-up people love power, they love to have the best, they love having everything". That day to our great joy the Trinitarian apparition is repeated: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God in three Persons, descend in the midst of us. In front of the most Holy Trinity Our Lady and we kneel down, with our heads bowed towards the ground, in attitude of adoration. On such an occasion don Claudio, while not being able to celebrate the Holy Mass in our chapel, because the prohibition of it by the Vicariate still persists, has the joy of co-celebrating it with various priests who manifest their solidarity, respect and friendship to him. We know that the faculty to celebrate the Holy Mass in our chapel will be restored, but when that will occur, according to what Our Lady says " will be a very difficult moment for the Church!". Don Claudio repeatedly asks Cardinal Ruini and Monsignor Nosiglia to permit the celebration of the Holy Mass at least for the people ever more numerous who come from Rome and from outside Rome to be present at the apparitions, but receives always negative replies. How strange: the dignitaries of the Vicariate consent to celebrating the Holy Mass in private homes, under circus tents, in the open in the mountains or at the seaside, in a garage, in a pullman, etc., but they prohibit it where the Mother of the Eucharist appears, where Eucharistic miracles occur, where numerous persons reunite for praying and listening to the Word of God...

This year, not of our initiative but by will of God, we begin to celebrate the feast of the Mother of the Eucharist on a precise day: "On March 25th you will celebrate the feast day of the Mother of the Eucharist. Prepare yourselves by prayers, and also by working, studying, doing anything: offer everything to My Son Jesus" (29). St. Joseph, in His turn, communicates in the name of God: "For us this feast day of the Mother of the Eucharist is very great. You too must celebrate it with songs and prayers, with sweetness and harmony. Each year celebrate the feast of the Mother of the Eucharist on March 25th and it will be so until the Church approves this great feast day" (30).

Our Lady in the meantime lets us know that "many persons have received the grace to see, to hear, to walk, or have received spiritual graces" and asks this question: "Why don't they return to thank my Son Jesus?". Many of those who have received graces behave themselves like the nine lepers who were healed, of whom the Gospel speaks; some, indeed, -it is painful admitting it- are discouraged in returning indeed by the priests, to whom they turn to ask advice!

A prayer vigil precedes the feast day of the Mother of the Eucharist. Many persons participate in it, among whom many young people who pray with faith, sing with enthusiasm and listen to don Claudio who addresses the people present with a strongly felt discourse. After the suggested procession "aux flambeaux" Our Lady appears and says: "The Eucharist will triumph and no man on earth can destroy It" (31). During the apparition Marisa sees all the priests who do not love the Eucharist, who fight against It or do not believe in It. We succeed in wringing from her only this admission: "They are so many!". We find ourselves participating at the Holy Mass in the convent of some nuns friends of ours, even if some priests try to discourage them from offering us hospitality. Everything works out in the best way and with the participation of numerous persons. In this circumstance the Trinitarian apparition repeats itself.

Our Lady shows great worry over the situation in Italy, for which She asks us to pray a lot and to make it known that "even the Church is breaking up, because the men of the Church do not love My Son Jesus" (32). We come now to the most painful moment in the history of this year.

On March 23rd, Monsignor Nosiglia telephones don Claudio to convoke him at the Vicariate. Don Claudio decides not to speak to the community about this convocation so that it will not upset the serenity, the joy, the commitment to the preparation for the imminent feast day of the Mother of the Eucharist, proposes and God disposes. In fact St. Joseph during the apparition of the morning of 24th March says: "Your priest will have a very difficult encounter with the ecclesiastical authority, but We will be close to him, because he is with God. Pray for this meeting". During the prayer vigil of the same day, Our Lady recommends: "Stay united with your priest who is united with the Pope and the Church. Stay united with the priest who loves the Eucharist, who loves each one of you. Together with him you will gradually reach holiness.

On March 26th, then don Claudio goes to the Vicariate. The Bishop Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia, Filippo Tucci, Chancellor of the Vicariate, and Monsignor Agostino De Angelis, the person responsible of the legal office and member of the commission await him; there are also another two priests. Don Claudio feels that something big is brewing... He says consequently to the Bishop: "The moment has arrived when everyone must assume their exact responsibility". The Bishop without wasting words gives him the decree of Cardinal Ruini; don Claudio reads it carefully. This is not the seat for affronting the matter if the decree is valid or if the Code of the Canon Law has been respected in the formulation of the same: the experts will reply in the future; we limit ourselves to relating how things went. Don Claudio, then, having read the decree, says: "I am not in agreement with what the decree says, but to demonstrate to you that I want to obey I will sign it immediately. I entrust to God our defense. Where must I sign?". When don Claudio gives us a brief relation of this encounter with the Bishop he concludes: "My dear ones, let us bow our heads and -as Our Lady teaches us- let us say: "My God, your will be done!". We have always put our trust in the Lord and we have never been disappointed!". Our Lady appearing some days later, says: "They continue to crush your priest. Jesus and I, the Mother of the Eucharist, are with him and we are with you. They impede you to pray before Jesus the Eucharist... Who can do this? Those who do not love the Eucharist! Choose: either follow the footprints of your priest who follows those of my Son Jesus or change road; half measures don't serve God: or with God or against God...(The men of the Church) don't come to see, they don't come to study, they don't come for understanding what is happening in this thaumaturgical place, and yet they issue decrees that are neither valid nor just. I invite you to pray for those persons who do not believe in Jesus the Eucharist, who do not believe in this thaumaturgical place and have violated the liberty, the sensibility and the love of your priest. Do not listen to the men who speak badly of the Eucharist which is always present here, who speak badly of the priest who has always obeyed ecclesiastical authority. Who does not love my Son Jesus is ready for everything but no man on the earth can take away the priesthood" (33).

In the month of March the Eucharistic miracle happens on the following days: 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st. St. Joseph announces that "Here God the Father has wanted the Eucharistic miracle to repeat itself again until the Holy Mass returns" (34).

The incredulity, the opposition and the resistance of the men of the Church in recognizing the supernatural origin of the Eucharistic and Marian apparitions oblige God to multiply His signs: the Eucharistic miracles. Holy Week introduces us to the month of April.

The Lord, by means of the Mother of the Eucharist, asks Marisa for the entire duration of holy week to fast on bread and water. Her conditions of health wouldn't permit a so long and hard fast, but the Lord when He asks a soul something concedes also the necessary help for carrying it out. Marisa interrupts the fast by order of Our Lord only on Holy Thursday, because on this day we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and of the priesthood, and then "How can wedding guests go in mourning so long as the groom is with them?" (Matthew 9,15). Don Claudio and Marisa who still suffer very much because of the recently consigned decree, confide to us that they do not feel to be up to fulfilling the great mission that God has entrusted to them. Providentially, in the apparition of Holy Thursday Jesus turns to them to encourage them: "If God has chosen you two, He knows very well what He is doing, He knows very well what He is leaning on. Don't worry if discouragement, delusion and disheartenment trouble you every once in a while; this does not offend Me, my children. It is human that there may be weeping, that you may wish to quit, it is human. I, Jesus, am in you, don Claudio, and you are in Me. I give you my strength, my courage, my love for everyone" (35). And He invites everyone, principally the young people, to draw close around don Claudio letting him feel the warmth of their love: "Don't leave your priest alone. This is a special moment for him and he needs especially you young people. Take him as an example: obedience yes, blackmail no. Then, when God decides, there will be your victory, but it will be a painful moment for the Church" (36). Our Lady, for Her part, puts into the chalice of the statue of the Mother of the Eucharist a Host visible to everyone, while Jesus says to don Claudio: "This miracle is for you, don Claudio. Take the Host from the chalice and without being afraid give It to your daughter"; adding then: "If man wants to wound, he can wound even if you...". This phrase is cut short: the end of it is known only by don Claudio and by Marisa. Because she fears that the Vicariate may interfere heavily against don Claudio who has given her Communion with the Host that has appeared, she is maternally reassured by the Mother of the Eucharist: "My dear child, Jesus is the great priest, the eternal priest, the first priest. Who can prevent my Son from doing what He wants?" (37).

On Easter Day, to us who do not understand the reasons for so much opposition on the side of the men of the Church against the Eucharist, Jesus gives us this sad message: "It is difficult for you to understand why men take away the Holy Mass, take away the Eucharist and do not want Me, Jesus the Eucharist, to be adored. These people don't believe in Me, and if they don't believe in Me, they don't believe your priest, they don't believe your sister". Later He tells us in confidence:

"When I began to perform miracles, few people believed in Me, many instead took Me for a demoniac. Who truly loves Me, who truly loves my Mother, who has special gifts, is considered demoniacal, my children, and history repeats itself" (38).

On 14th April '96 Marisa supplicates Jesus to give her the Host in a way that it may not be visible to the people present: "I beg You, Jesus, do as I've asked You. You know that the Cardinal doesn't want it!". Jesus answers to her: "I am Jesus, I have full authority to do or not to do; men abuse their power. I am Jesus! But unfortunately it is exactly the men of the Church who don't believe in Jesus the Eucharist. My child, don't be afraid, because your mission consists also of unmasking the people who do not love Jesus the Eucharist" (39). Jesus reveals that there are also persons "who come here for spying, for controlling" and He repeats to us that it is necessary "to obey authority if it is united with the Pope" (40).

Because we are almost on the eve of the meeting of don Claudio with Cardinal Ruini, the Lord gives these instructions which must always be kept in mind: "Who hasn't seen, who hasn't come to examine, who hasn't asked, cannot make a judgement!".

Marisa, however, continues to be afraid of the Eucharistic apparition; therefore, Jesus says to her: "Why are you afraid? Are you afraid of Me Who am already present here?". And in that instant in the hands of Marisa the Holy Host appears. Among the people present embarrassment and uncertainty is created on how to behave, because everyone remembers the decree of Cardinal Ruini that threatens don Claudio with suspension 'a divinis' in the case that worship is made to the Hosts that appear in the hands of Marisa. Immediately some people who are kneeling stand up! Jesus opportunely announces: "Doesn't it seem strange to you that you kneel down before Our Lady who you don't see and you stand up before Me whom you see? You are free, my dear children, to stay standing, as the ecclesiastical authority says or to stay kneeling in front of me the Eucharist. Priests may do that which they feel like doing, but you, my daughter, kneel down: come on!". Marisa replies in a small voice: "Jesus, You know about the decree. I am very embittered because of those persons who make us suffer. I am afraid of them, I want to adore You Jesus. I can not adore You, but make don Claudio stand up, I beg You, let him stand up". Marisa, torn between obedience to the decree, on one side, and, on the other, love and faithfulness to Jesus the Eucharist there present, love and faith that however cannot be manifested, suffers so much from it that she faints... Jesus takes up again: "My dear children, your sister has felt bad for fear of receiving Me.

I am Jesus the Eucharist in Body, Soul, and Divinity. Who can prevent you from adoring the Eucharist? Before judging one must see, observe, analyze..." and turning to Marisa paternally says to her: "Now sit down, my daughter, because you are tired!".

On April 17, 1996 don Claudio is received by Cardinal Ruini. He himself has asked for such personal encounter to open up in confidence his heart to his own ecclesiastical superior, but he finds facing him also Monsignor De Angelis. Don Claudio comprehends very well not being able to have a confidential conversation, as should take place between bishop and priest, between father and son; he limits himself therefore to addressing with serenity this question to the Cardinal Vicar: "Eminence, what is your opinion about the presumed Marian apparitions and Eucharistic miracles?". The Cardinal replies of not believing in the authenticity of the Marian apparitions and even less so in the so named Eucharistic miracles! The following day Our Lady says: "I want you to love and help the men of the Church. Do not loose your trust in God, never doubt in God, even if in this moment it seems that everything is collapsing for your priest, who effectively finds himself in a critical situation, because he has loved and loves. You, my dearest priest, you are in the truth and these great men understand it. When God decides to intervene, it could be hard, very hard for those who feel strong only because they have power in their hands" (41). The Mother of the Eucharist teaches us to love and to forgive those who voluntarily make us suffer, therefore let us unite ourselves with Her "in praying especially for the conversion of the great men of the Church".

Probably someone will be scandalized reading such strong and hard expressions on the part of Jesus and of Our Lady towards those "great men of the Church", and will think to find in those grieved about scandal, the pretext for discouraging the supernatural origin of these apparitions. We wish to make it known that the reply to this observation is found in the Gospel. When Jesus says: "What profit would a man show if he were to gain the whole world and destroy himself in the process? "(Matthew 16,26) He doesn't intend to refer Himself only to lay persons, but to everyone, therefore, even to priests. The words of Our Lady, for that reason, must not be interpreted as a denouncement, but as a great act of love in the regards of Her dear children, men of the Eucharist, who are in grave danger of losing their souls. Mary, thus, urges the collaboration of persons who accept sacrificing themselves for these dear sons who risk of not enjoying God in Eternity. Our Lady is tireless in asking for prayers also for don Claudio: "You must pray much for your priest. You know very well from where he is fought against. I do not hide from you that the moment is difficult and will continue to be so" (42).

The following Sunday at the meeting of don Claudio with the ecclesiastical authority, Jesus gives Marisa a Holy Host visible to everyone. But this new apparition of the Eucharist, instead of bringing joy and peace, generates suffering and tension. Cardinal Ruini, in fact, reaffirms to don Claudio the order not to have worship "of the Hosts that appear in the hands of Miss Marisa Rossi" with penalty of suspension 'a divinis'. We were and are lacerated internally, because we want to obey the ecclesiastical authority, but the prohibition from adoring Jesus the Eucharist, truly present in the midst of us wounds us... Marisa manifests to Our Lady this spiritual discomfort when she prays: "Don't bring me Jesus the Eucharist, because I don't know what I must do, I do not feel like taking Communion without praying, without adoring Jesus" (43). In such a situation, as in others similar, we behave in this way: while Marisa prays in silence we, guided by don Claudio, recite the Holy Rosary, pausing in a particular way on the Our Father, that we consider the greatest and most beautiful Eucharistic prayer; in fact we say: "Give us today our necessary daily bread" (Matthew 6,11). It is to be noted here that Marisa sees various times the Angels and the Saints who, with in hand the Rosary, recite with Our Lady this prayer so pleasing to God.

On 27th April '96 don Claudio reunites the young people of the community for a spiritual retreat at Torvaianica. This spiritual retreat can be made like all the others in our area where, beyond the chapel, we have a pleasant hall, a silent and attractive garden, various services, and as much as is possible for rendering confortable the hospitality for many people. Instead, in obedience to the order of Monsignor Nosiglia, given by voice to don Claudio in the presence of Cardinal Ruini, we are obliged to ask for hospitality, or in private homes or in the houses of nuns, according to the number of participants; it is sad to say that some Institutions of nuns often have pretended also to be remunerated... That day, now then, the sun shines brightly in the sky, caressing with its rays the sea lightly rippled by a weak breeze, but our young people are not in condition to enjoy this marvelous display of nature, because they have in their hearts sadness, delusion, the bitterness of the disciples of Emmaus. They too whisper "Sperabamus (we were hoping!)" that the immolation of don Claudio and Marisa would not be so long and suffered... We believe that just to infusing strength in our young people, during the retreat, the Mother of the Eucharist makes an extraordinary apparition:

"Thank you for listening to your priest, even if you are tired and above all disappointed. You feel at times betrayed: it is human. This does not offend My Son Jesus. The Mother says to you: "Trust in God, trust your priest. This moment is very grave, very painful; then there will be the victory. My dearest priests who do not answer my call, they talk, dominate, delight in all that they do and then if they meet a humble, simple, good, pious priest, who truly loves God and the Church they trample on him. My dear children, I have come in the midst of you, because it was wanted by God the Father who said to Me: "Go, Mary, go to your dear children, encourage them to go ahead! Think of the great mission of my two dear children! Even you are a part of the great mission. Don't let yourselves go away with those long faces that Jesus doesn't like. Rejoice, sing: your priest wants to see you this way. I thank you because, in spite of everything, you succeed in praying a lot. Always look upward!" (44). In the same apparition the Mother of Eucharist shows to Marisa Her own Immaculate Heart, surrounded by so many small hearts and says to her: "These are the hearts of my young people: they love My Son Jesus so much".

The last Sunday of April Our Lady announces: "God has said that the decree is not valid" (45). And She continues: "Your priest has always lived in the greatest obedience, and exactly for this is tried. Yes, you must obey authority, but obedience must be asked for with seriousness and with love. A father must always help a son, a father can even die for a son, but in this case it is the son who dies for the father. Go ahead with courage. Yes, there will be hard times, difficult times, but if you live in the state of grace, if you live with Jesus you have nothing to fear" (46).

At the end of April, some members of our Movement go to the Vicariate to talk to Monsignor Nosiglia. We transcribe literally what refers to us. During the meeting, requested by us, some aspects related to our Movement are considered and in particular:

a) the incorrect behavior of several parish priests of our area against our Movement;

b) the Eucharistic miracle of 14th September 1995.

As regards the first point we inform you that parish priests are neither allowed to speak badly of the Movement and of our spiritual guide, don Claudio Gatti, accusing us of being exalted, nor to write and distribute leaflets in such a sense. To the specific question if we can be defined 'exalted' the Bishop responds: "Quite the reverse!" As far as, then, to the visibility of the Hosts and in particular to the great Eucharistic miracle of 14th Sept. '95 that we saw, the reply of the Bishop is: "Miracle...Hosts... Circus freak!". These affirmations are made by the Bishop while he stands up, he turns himself around, letting it be clearly known that he no longer wants to listen to what we could still say about the "Eucharistic miracle".

We begin the month of May with great suffering. Various persons, including priests and nuns, using the decree of Cardinal Ruini, voluntarily distort its sense, affirming that don Claudio "is suspended a divinis". Many brothers and sisters who frequent our prayer and biblical meetings confirm that this is a very much diffused voice: when one wants to hurt an innocent person one doesn't find another weapon if not that of false accusation. Don Claudio is obliged to write to the Vicariate to obtain an official denial of the false accusation.

St. Joseph, in the meanwhile, introduces us to the month of May with an important message; this His intervention is becoming by now a tradition... "Many persons speak evil continually. Men can succeed in defeating men, but they cannot defeat God. I recommend solidarity with your priest: defend him. The battle is hard, difficult. Men want to trample on and destroy everything. Even if your sister remains alone with her spiritual director, I will always be here, the Mother will always be here, Jesus will always be here. Here the Eucharist has triumphed many times; in various ways It has made Itself visible. It has never been seen in history that Jesus the Eucharist has appeared so many times and before so many people with simplicity: not in a sensational way, but almost as in hiding, and still continues to do so" (47). Our Lord, by means of the Mother of the Eucharist, asks for all the month of May that one comes to pray in the thaumaturgical place "for dechristianized Rome!". Those who respond to this appeal are only the simple, the humble, the young; so much is this true that Our Lady moans: "But where are the priests of Rome, the nuns of Rome? At times they reunite only for speaking ill! You instead reunite yourselves in this thaumaturgical place, chosen by God, where there is nothing that may trouble, or bring to fanaticism, and where there has been the triumph of the Eucharist, that the great men do not want to accept. They do not offend you, they offend my Son Jesus; for this reason Our Lady invites you to make the sacrifice of coming here for all the month" (48).

Because again it is put in circulation, attributing to us, the affirmation that Our Lady is a priest and in as much such a person has consecrated the Host consigned to Marisa, Our Lady again intervenes: "Who consecrates the Host that I bring? Certainly not Me; I, the Mother of Jesus the Eucharist, do not consecrate, I simply transport the Holy Host. In tabernacles there are consecrated Hosts, who has consecrated those Hosts? Who has consecrated the Host that the priest exposes for adoration by the faithful? Nobody asks himself who has consecrated them; but for the Hosts that I, Jesus and the Angels transport, some ask themselves: who has consecrated?" (49). On the same day the Trinitarian apparition repeats itself again: "The Most Holy Trinity has come in the midst of you. Every minute thank God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! You cannot understand this great miracle of God" (50).

On day 9, during the apparition Marisa receives the 'blow of the lance': Jesus asks her to suffer particular pains for three days for the purpose of the conversion of the great men of the Church. Someday later, Our Lady says to Marisa: "For love of souls I ask you to accept a martyrdom of love", and to don Claudio: "My dear two children: your cross, your tribulations are great, heavy. But also your priesthood is great, it is immense. What does a title serve, a chair and not to love Jesus? You my dearest priest, you my dear daughter, love Jesus" (51).

Our Lady on more occasions reminds us that "hell exists", and today for the second time She lets Marisa see it, who faints over it. This sad vision ended, Marisa admits to having also seen in hell priests and nuns, specifying that when she says priests she means also bishops and cardinals. To avoid other clergy falling there, Our Lady asks continually for praying for their conversion.

On 12th May '96, the vigil of her own consecration with vows, Marisa is brought to Paradise by the Mother of the Eucharist. Many times Marisa lives this particular experience and yet in each one she manifests astonishment and wonder, as if it were the first time: "Here in Paradise one can speak of everything, there is no jealousy, there is no envy. One can sing, one can give glory to God.

Now, I have no pains, I feel well. Don't send me back immediately to the earth because I start again to suffer. Can you keep me up here still a little more? Here there are Popes, Saints. I recognize St. John Bosco, Padre Pio, St. Dominic Savio and many others" (52).

On May 13, two Marian feast days are celebrated: Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, both very important for us. To emphasize the importance of these Marian feast days Our Lord performs a new Eucharistic miracle: Jesus Himself gives a Host to Marisa and everyone can see it. Man has always shown insufficient gratefulness to God. Even Jesus experiences the disappointment for the lack of gratitude by men whom He has miraculously healed too. Today history repeats itself again: "How many persons pass through this place. How many graces God gives!...But few people, very few thank God for the graces received" (53). Our Lady recommends to us to confession often: "When you know you have offended my Son Jesus, confess immediately. Don't omit going to Confession: it is a great and beautiful Sacrament, that puts you immediately in peace with God" (54). Today the sense of sin is very diminished in the consciences of believers; in fact many people receive Communion without even confessing their mortal sins. To avoid making sacrilegious communions repeatedly, Our Lady recommends: "Learn how to make an examination of your conscience every evening, before going to sleep speak with my Son Jesus, tell Him about all your life's story and make a little examination of your conscience. Say to Him:

"Forgive me, Jesus, for my little love for You, for my brothers!", and then go to sleep in the peace of God the Father, of God the Son, and of God the Holy Spirit. Another night passes, another day breaks and you are stronger, more sturdy, because you are united to Jesus; even at night Jesus and Our Lady watch over you" (55).

The Mother of the Eucharist shows a special maternal concern for the spiritual plight of Rome, a dechristianized city: "Take a piece of your beautiful city and pray for that corner of Rome" (56). In the same apparition She communicates that "God the Father wants the Magnificat to become a hymn of love, a song of love. Also you, young people, recite together the Magnificat slowly and you will notice how great and beautiful it is. A hymn of love is pleasing to God" (57).

Many, too many persons go anxiously in search of natural wonders or for sensational signs attaching to them an excessive importance. When then God decides to satisfy them they feel satisfied; however often what is satisfied is only their pride. For this reason we believe it is important this recommendation of Our Lady: "Don't look for seeing if the sun spins, if the stars glitter, if it is raining or not... Look for Jesus the Eucharist. I make your sister eat grass more than once in order to make you understand that this place is thaumaturgical; God has wanted this place to become thaumaturgical. Look at it, go around about it: it has nothing that attracts; but here there is Jesus the Eucharist, there is the Mother of the Eucharist" (58). On Sunday May 19 the Eucharistic miracle repeats itself. Marisa, because of the decree of Cardinal Ruini, instead of feeling joy feels upset: "Jesus, You should not have brought the Eucharist! Now what must I do? Don Claudio cannot give me Communion! I must take It by myself..." (59). For we who are present it is very sad to see our sister suffer because of not being able to show her own love for Jesus the Eucharist, we too suffer for it, particularly when Jesus says: "Pray for all those who do not accept the Eucharist, who continue to celebrate black masses; don't try to know who celebrates black masses, concern yourselves, rather, praying for them" (60). The Mother of the Eucharist says more than once that black masses and the profanations against the Eucharist are increasing and that they are participated in also by priests and nuns, but above all by many young people. In Rome very many black masses are celebrated... Many times Our Lady takes away "in an instant" blessed Hosts ready to be profaned and brings them to our holy and thaumaturgical place, called by Jesus, "My tabernacle". The withdrawal of the Eucharist from hands of profaners and, we repeat, also from hands of priests, is not only a demonstration of the power of God Who disappears from those who dare to strike Him, but also a sign of His mercy that wants to help those who, seeing the blessed Hosts disappearing from under their own eyes, are induced to take on themselves the responsibility to be converted.

The Mother of the Eucharist addresses Herself often to the few priests, who with courage and love, are present at the apparitions: "My dearest priests, love the Mother of the Eucharist, make the Mother of the Eucharist be known; this is the Will of God the Father, Who is Everything to Me. Love and try to be in agreement with your priest. Your brother priest is alone because he loves the Eucharist, because he defends the Eucharist; be united with him. You must not be afraid! Who is afraid to defend his own brother is not a true Christian. It doesn't call for much sacrifice to become a priest, but to live the priesthood requires immolation. Love your priesthood and every day say the Holy Mass as if it were the last one of your life" (61). If all priests put into practice these "maternal appeals" they would become authentic announcers of the Word and fervid ministers of the Eucharist.

Frequently likewise the Mother of the Eucharist speaks of the solitude of the Pope and of the solitude of don Claudio: "Pray for the Pope whose name today is John Paul II: pray for him! It seems that he has so many people around him, but in reality he is alone. Pray also for your priest! He too seems to have so many people around him, but he is practically alone in carrying on the great mission that God has entrusted to him. You say: "Why does God entrust a great mission to a simple priest?", "And why not?! Who are you to ask this? God picks who He wants, as He wants, where He wants. You accept, love, help". Don Claudio confides to us, in truth, that one of his greatest sufferings is just this to be isolated from his brothers priests. In the years in which the apparitions were secret, he and Marisa had to carry out by Will of God some missions whose delicacy and importance impose reservedness; he was, then, obliged to live in a situation of isolation and detachment; but now, since the apparitions have been public, the continuing of this solitude no longer depends of him, because it is the priests of Rome in almost totality, who accentuate their detachment in his regard: if they meet him, they pretend not to know him and they do not greet him or, straight away, make gestures of aversion. Why do they behave in this way? We advance some hypotheses: fear? envy? incomprehension? Fortunately don Claudio can count on the friendship and solidarity of some (even if few!) courageous brothers and on the respect and affection of so many persons like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea who reservedly let words of encouragement reach him. Some of them who confess to him that they read the messages of the Mother of the Eucharist however, for fear of reaction of other brothers are obliged to keep it secret. We, however, want to love and respect all priests, independently of their spiritual condition and of the opinion they have in our regards; we pray for them and are ready to collaborate with them when they desire it. We hope that the "Ut omnes unum sint" (May all men be united!) be realized as soon as possible, in a way that no priest feels a stranger with regard to his own brothers. The words of Christ "No prophet is without honor except in his native place, indeed in his own house" (Matthew 13,57), drives us to make another consideration. While the priests of Rome show themselves to be cold, detached, hostile, those from outside Rome and above all those from outside Italy show an ever increasing attention towards the Eucharistic apparitions and towards the messages that Our Lady, "as the mail lady of God", -as She self-defines Herself- continues to bring.

The Virgin Mary generated Christ by work of the Holy Spirit, Who filled Her soul with grace and adorned it with every virtue. The Holy Spirit is the craftsman of Christian sanctity. For all this the Mother of the Eucharist speaks various times of the third Person of the Most Holy Trinity. "Invoke the Holy Spirit now, during the novena, and every day: come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Love, illuminate our minds, inflame our heart, fortify our will" (62). "Today the Holy Spirit wants to infuse in you, don Claudio, and in you whom God has chosen to carry about this great mission, so much courage, so much strength, so much love and capacity to forgive. Don Claudio, cheer up, let the Holy Spirit speak in your heart" (63). "Celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit, concentrate yourselves in deep prayer and the Holy Spirit will descend on each one of you, if you want it, if you live in a state of grace" (64). The Mother of the Eucharist puts on guard all of us, including the seers - for whom she outlines the tasks - of the danger of pride: "Carry on your apostolate with simplicity and love. Attention with regard to pride, with regard to trying to excel. You must be humble, simple as your sister. She receives the messages, then she must stay aside, because it is the priest who must go ahead. Remember: the priesthood is a great sacrament. The priest is called by God: Jesus enters in the priest and the priest is in Jesus. The task of the seers, instead, is to listen, to give the message and then return in hiding, because the figure of the priest, who is called by God, must emerge" (65).

If all the seers behaved themselves as requested by Our Lady, they would be more credible and effective instruments; instead, unfortunately, some of them behave as 'stars' and abrogate to themselves rights and functions that they do not have.

The month of May ends with a promise from Our Lady. While don Claudio celebrates the Holy Mass, Marisa sees some great phenomena inherent to the Eucharist; during the apparition of the same day the Mother of the Eucharist announces: "The time will arrive when all the others will see what you have seen today during the celebration of the Holy Mass; God has decided that you must see it" (66). We do not know what we must see, because Marisa speaks of it only to don Claudio and, even if we do not hide our curiosity, we know how to keep it at arm's length, because Our Lady has taught us to do so.

Our Lady knows very well that the month of June is particularly busy and tiring, above all for young people who must take university exams; for this reason She explains a request with delicacy: "I would like that you welcome my Son Jesus in the month of June. I have tried to meet with all your needs and I will come to welcome my Jesus and yours, every Saturday, and only on Saturdays, at 7 p.m. I ask you too to make this small act of sacrifice "so that Rome becomes Christian and man converts!" (68); and She stresses: "It is not an obligation, you are free to come or not, may you know however that you will give great joy to my Son Jesus, if you come to pray in this thaumaturgical place. You have all seen the Eucharist. Jesus the Eucharist has let Himself be visible by all of you, even by non-believers, also by those who were not in state of grace and then who ran immediately to put themselves in a state of grace. Does it cost you to do this for Jesus? I have come so many times among you. Do I ask you perhaps so much?" (69). The delicacy with which Our Lady asks "to make this small sacrifice for Jesus", is moving, but what follows enraptures. The Mother, in fact turns to Her children the younger ones who, stressed by the fatigue of their studies and by exams, would like to take a moment of rest and of escape on Saturday evening. "Maybe the young people will grumble a little bit, but they are free to come or not to come; not for this the Mother will love them any less. However, if they have understood the importance of the coming of Jesus and of Myself among you, then they will notice that everything will be easier, and in the evening they can go somewhere to enjoy themselves; your priest would say 'in the beer-house'. Come here to pray and then fly away, make merry together, and ... give good example, I recommend it" (70). With respect to the last maternal recommendation: "Don't let yourselves go and don't drink too much". Marisa intervenes, almost as to defend our young people: "No, they drink a little only when we are together to have a good time. I know however that they love your Son Jesus, You and also us!".

On June 2 with a day of prayer, we begin the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart. In this month, because of the heat, for exams, and for tiredness even the religiously devoted persons unfortunately tend to lessen their spiritual commitment, and then the devil profits from it to unleash his attacks and make them fall into sin. The Mother puts Her children on guard of this danger:

"Live every day in a state of grace even if you meet with difficulties and incomprehension. If at times the devil infiltrates with great ease, don't lose courage, go ahead and don't leave any empty space where he may enter" (71). It is the same recommendation that Jesus makes to the Apostles: "Why are you sleeping? Wake up, and pray that you may not be subjected to the trial" (Luke 22,46).

Our Lady tries to kindle in us enthusiasm and dedication towards Jesus: "Long Live Jesus! Long Live the Eucharist! Live on Jesus the Eucharist who in a few moments will enter silently in your hearts".

The ecclesiastical authority and some priests say they do not believe in the Eucharistic miracles that happen in Via delle Benedettine, at number 91, in Rome. They say that the Hosts are not of supernatural origin because they are worried that in the faithful will be created the conviction that for approaching the Eucharist one can do without the ministry of the priesthood! We respond that Christ Himself instituted the Sacraments and He will not do anything to diminish their importance! But why be scandalized if Jesus Himself intervenes to defend a priest who is unjustly accused? "Men have ordered him to take away the Holy Mass without a really serious reason in the face of the Church; in reality there have never been valid reasons, even less so grave ones, to take it away" (72). Our Lady affirms: "They have wounded your priest. Your shepherd has been aimed at by the great ones and by the little ones and you, his little sheep, are lost. They have struck the shepherd to scatter the sheep. They have struck him because these are the most important, the most fought against, the most suffered, the hardest apparitions. Don't work to fight against those persons, let them say, let them talk and surrender yourselves to God the Father, to God the Son and to God the Holy Spirit" (73). We force ourselves to behave as She has taught us and the Lord rewards our obedience and docility towards the ecclesiastical authority. God, in fact, intervenes with love and power and returns to us what men take away from us: the Eucharist. Indeed, He goes beyond our every hope: not only does He make the "Eucharist triumph in our holy and thaumaturgical place, but will carry out, starting from here, the great Eucharistic triumph in all the world" (74). All this will happen because "God the Father has conceded this great miracle to this small place, hidden, simple, humble and devoid of fanaticism. God has set his eyes on this place of false accusations, slandered, and fought against" (75). God, furthermore, wants Our Lady to be invoked and loved as Mother of the Eucharist. Our Lady about this says: "You must not be afraid or be ashamed speaking about the Mother of the Eucharist. God the Father, the Holy Father, your priest have spoken of the Mother of the Eucharist" (76).

The ardent desire of Christ that "That all may be one" (John 17,21), is made her own by Our Lady in regards to the visionaries. Many times the Mother of the Eucharist asks Marisa to pray so that there may be a strong spiritual union among the visionaries. It is her desire that the visionaries meet together, pray together, exchange experiences and reciprocally put into practice, if there may be need, the brotherly correction. Instead experience tells us that some work only for their own little garden, they ignore or pretend not to know us and, worse yet, take the liberty of giving or refusing a license of authenticity to other apparitions, on which instead they are not called on to give judgements. The importance of the apparitions one does not measure with human criteria, and the grandness of the role of the visionaries and of charismatics one does not judge by the fame that they reach or by the interest they arouse in public opinion, because God to fulfill great missions chooses humble persons, who work in silence and in hiding. The accomplishment in the Church of important designs of God depends often on the hidden immolation of these persons.

On 9th June '96 Our Lady puts three consecrated Hosts in the chalice of the statue of the Mother of the Eucharist and during the apparition invites the people present: "Kneel down who can, because Jesus is present in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity: you must adore and pray. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are present in the Eucharist!". Marisa manifests again her perplexity: "Our dear Lady, I don't understand when it is adoration and when it is not. What must I do? Neither to me, nor to the priest have You given the Eucharist, but it is there"; and She indicates the chalice of the statue. Our Lady tranquilizes Marisa, She invites her to take a purifier on which to deposit the three Hosts, then, crying, continues: "I took these Hosts from a tabernacle near your house; they were consecrated by a priest not in a state of grace!". Marisa wants to make a sacrifice and renounce taking the Hosts brought by Our Lady in Communion, leaving them to the priests present so that they may make amends with Communion for the sacrilege committed by their brother.

In the following apparition the Mother of the Eucharist takes up again the discourse on sacrileges committed by priests and nuns: "How many times Jesus is inside of you priests and you nuns, but you are not inside Him, you do not love Him as much as He loves you. Jesus is in you, but you do not love Him" (77). Many persons who were present at the apparitions, at the Biblical and prayer meetings, refer to don Claudio and to Marisa - with the intention of putting them on guard with regard to slanderers and those who make false accusations - the malice and the malignity that they hear against both of them. They are certainly in good faith, those persons...attentive to refer, but maybe they don't take into account that these "revelations" make the two interested persons suffer very much. The Mother of the Eucharist, who is the most tender of mothers concerns Herself that Her two children may suffer in hearing so many false accusations against them and therefore intervenes: "Again I invite you not to speak and not to report news that causes suffering; keep them for yourselves, don't talk about it to others. How many times I have told you: "Don't speak, don't listen to what they say, keep silent, pray for them" (78).

On 15th June '96, feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Our Lady affirms: "I am not happy about your beautiful city of Rome, the eternal city. The Mother suffers when She sees her Son mistreated and mocked, when men say black Masses and persons, not in a state of grace, receive Jesus. How many times I must take Hosts from a tabernacle to save them from profanation by those who do not say the Holy Mass in a state of grace!". What the Mother of the Eucharist says cannot but make us who love the Eucharist suffer too. Knowing that some priests, men of the Eucharist, profane this great Sacrament of love drives us to continuous and fervid reparation. We do not condemn anyone, but we cannot be quiet in the face of sins that so gravely offend the Most Holy Trinity present in the Eucharist, and in front of men who dare to raise their hands against Christ, present in body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist.

The Eucharist must occupy the central place in the churches. When we enter in a church we must immediately and easily go with our eyes towards the tabernacle that we should put in a dominant place. Instead, it happens that, following who knows what liturgical criteria and what debatable mentality, today it is practiced the choice to marginalise the Eucharist more and more, putting it on stands for...winged creatures, or in side chapels. In this regard, Jesus says with suffering: "It is true: I pass many days in silence and in hiding. Now they take Me away even from churches, they put Me aside; then they write: 'Chapel' and with an arrow indicate where there is Jesus" (79).

The classical criteria for recognizing the supernatural origin of the messages are: 1) the agreement of the private revelation with the Word of God; 2) obedience to the Church; 3) spiritual results; Our Lady indicates other two: 1) "To all seers I speak of the Eucharist, because the Eucharist makes the Church"; 2) "To all of them I say to pray, to offer sacrifices for the great men of the Church" (80).

According to an order of Our Lady don Claudio must bless the sick, and Marisa must lay her hands on them, praying for their healing.

On Sunday June 16, two great miracles occur: the Eucharistic apparition and its multiplication. At about eight o'clock in the morning don Claudio, entering the chapel notices a particular scent. Immediately he understands that it is a scent that accompanies the presence of Jesus or of Our Lady. Turning his glance around to localize the point from which such a heavenly scent arrives, he notices that on the chalice of the statue of the Mother of the Eucharist there is something white. He approaches it and sees some Hosts well disposed and placed one on the other. He takes them in hand one at a time and notices that each one issues a particular scent. He counts ten of them, he puts them again on the chalice and waits in prayer for some collaborators of his to arrive. He relates to the two people what has happened and asks them to find a place near the statue to prevent other people unexpectedly touching the Hosts. Marisa doesn't know yet what has happened. In the meantime other people enter the chapel and are informed. The people present begin praying. Later on the procession forms and winds along the garden, where a temporary altar was prepared. Songs, prayers and invocations are alternated and the statue that holds the Hosts is enthroned on the altar adorned with flowers. We do not know what to do, but the Mother of the Eucharist takes away any embarrassment from us saying: "Priests are begged to say now the prayers of exorcism of the Hosts and of your sister". For some time, since the accusation had been made that the apparitions were "fruit of a religious pathology", the enemies of the Eucharistic apparitions, including priests and nuns, had put into circulation the false accusation that "it is the devil who brings the Hosts to Marisa". We live then another page of the Gospel (Matthew 12,22-32) and share the suffering of Christ who is accused of expelling demons only with the help of Beelzebub. Don Claudio tells us later that because of this order of Our Lady he suffers and feels a great interior resistance. He doesn't feel like saying the prayer of exorcism over Marisa and so much less so over the Eucharist; he would prefer to disobey Our Lady to exorcising the Eucharist because before God man must kneel down and worship, not exorcise... But he understands the purpose of the order received, which is that of making fall the false accusation that it may be the devil who brings the Hosts, and so to give the possibility to men to mend their ways... He remains, in any case, disconcerted in the face of the attitude of God who continues to humiliate Himself for love of His creatures. On that account, he invites the priests present to approach the Eucharist without making a genuflection, (to be in full obedience to the decree, even if he is convinced that in that moment he is out of it, because the Hosts are not given to Marisa), and practice together with them the exorcism of the Sacred Hosts. The priests after the prayer of exorcism recited by don Claudio sprinkle with holy water the Holy Hosts and Marisa. We believe that only Our Lord knows what suffering invests the heart of don Claudio in the moment in which he exorcises the Eucharist and Marisa, who during the whole of the prayer of liberation lives the passion of Our Lord. At the end of this 'passion' of Marisa, by order of Our Lady, don Claudio breaks the ten Hosts and, helped by a brother, gives, with these fragments, Communion to the persons present. To receive Holy Communion over one hundred and seventy persons draw close... Neither don Claudio nor the other priest believe that ten Hosts, even if reduced in fragments, alone can be enough for one hundred and seventy persons. But it is God who intervenes again working the multiplication of the Eucharistic Bread as said by Our Lady: "You have not noticed the miracle happened. Ten Holy Hosts are not enough to give everyone Holy Communion, but God can do everything. He who wants to always give joy to everyone, also today has performed a new miracle: He has multiplied the consecrated Hosts to satisfy all of you here present". It is appropriate at this point to make a comparison with the multiplication of bread to which the apostles are witnesses (cr. John chapter VI) and the multiplication of the Eucharist, of which we are witnesses. The disciples of Jesus are witnesses of the multiplication of physical bread, we of the multiplication of the Bread of God; we are the most fortunate ones! We are grateful to God for it. On June 20 there is an extraordinary apparition, to which only our young people participate. Our Lady remembers: "Also three years ago I came into this room to bring the message of God the Almighty; God had decided that the apparitions had to be opened to everyone. So began great suffering, great joy, great love. Remember this day and recall to yourselves that suffering serves for growing, for maturing, for becoming true men of the Church of God. Suffering must not frighten you, because it matures and makes one grow". Don Claudio and Marisa remember also very well that June 20 of three years ago. They are praying, when suddenly Our Lady appears to Marisa to communicate that after twenty-two years of silence and of hiding God the Father decides that it is "time to make groups of persons come to you". To Marisa, who listens in tears, Our Lady says: "Why do you want to draw back dear little Marisa? Don't become discouraged, rather encourage my and your priest, encourage don Claudio" (81). In fact this announcement 'upsets' don Claudio and Marisa, who nevertheless immediately remember what Our Lady had said to them at Lourdes in the far away 1973, when they decided to respond 'Yes!' to the Lord who calls them to carry out a great mission: "Suffering will consume you. You will not be understood, you will meet with difficulties and opposition!". When on June 20, 1993 don Claudio and Marisa know that the time established by God for the apparitions to become public has arrived, they ask the Lord for four months of time to prepare themselves spiritually, morally and psychologically to start "the great suffering, the great joy". Our Lord concedes to them as much as they requested and they in turn prepare the members of the community 'for the great mission'.

On June 20, 1996 Jesus also appears and admits: "I know that you suffer. Pray for your priest who has a very great task. Love the Eucharist, the Eucharist will make you strong, it will help you in accepting and supporting suffering; also for you it will be great. But I, your Jesus, will always be close to you" (82).

A few days later Our Lady returns to speak of the multiplication of the Eucharist: "I hope that you have understood the great miracle that God made: the multiplication of the Bread of Heaven, the multiplication of the Holy Hosts. Never on Earth has such a great and beautiful miracle verified itself as in this so small and humble place. Jesus the Eucharist came in the midst of you in body, blood, soul and divinity and wanted Holy Communion to be given to all the people present. God sent his Son in the midst of you with the Holy Host: this is the greatest miracle in the history of the Church" (83).

On June 29, feast day of Saints Peter and Paul, Our Lady appears to Marisa in the presence of many people. The Mother of the Eucharist, accompanied by the Angels, the Saints and the saved souls, limits Herself to greeting and to blessing the people present because, She says "Today the Mother is here only as a presence, because God has chosen the great Peter to give you the message". St. Peter, first Pope and Patron Saint of Rome, begins describing the sad spiritual situation of Rome, of which Jesus and Our Lady have already spoken about to us: "My dear children of Rome, you know that your city of Rome does not love Jesus, the Eternal Priest. You know that Rome is dechristianized, that people who participate in the Holy Mass are very few, and they go to church as a habit" (84). While St. Peter speaks, under our eyes flow the images of thousands of priests, religious persons, nuns who are in Rome and who form an army that could count very many officials: cardinals and bishops. We ask ourselves: what do they do all of them since the spiritual situation in Rome is so critical and worrying? And yet Pope John Paul II speaks and spurs, has concluded the diocese synod, has established the great citizen mission... The Mother of the Eucharist gives the explanation: "The Pope is alone: those who seem to be close to him, in front of him are pious, but behind his back they betray him!". St. Peter takes up again: "I know, thanks to God, from Heaven I see everything, I observe the inhabitants of your beautiful city running for worldly things, filling up the stadiums and the places where one sings, while the churches, where there is Jesus, become empty. Pray for the conversion of Rome. Who prays and suffers with love for Rome, will succeed in saving the Eternal City, the city of Christianity, the city where the Pope resides" (85).

The month of June ends with a new Eucharistic miracle. Some persons present in our chapel suddenly notice that on the small statue of Infant Jesus there are three well visible Hosts. And yet the same people affirm that, kissing the Infant Jesus, they had not seen anything over it... But why to marvel of this new Eucharistic miracle since the day before St. Peter had informed in advance: "Tomorrow Our Lord has decided to perform another miracle. I do not know what it may be, let's leave everything to Him, who decides everything, who loves everyone, even those who do not understand and of whom He wants the conversion". When don Claudio and Marisa are informed of the apparition of the Hosts on the Infant Jesus they go down to the chapel to adore the Eucharist. A procession is formed through the garden; Marisa, to whom the Lord concedes, even if momentarily, to walk in a quick way, brings the Infant Jesus on whom, well visible to everybody, the Hosts are laid. The small statue of the Infant Jesus with the Hosts is placed on a temporary altar. The Mother of the Eucharist who accompanies Jesus the Eucharist says: "The greatest place, the most important and strongest that God had chosen, is this corner of Rome, dechristianized city. Enlarge this small place, where there isn't room for receiving so many people. It is up to you to make it great, first of all with the grace of God and with prayer". Then the great prophetic announcement arrives: "Help, I have never asked for it, help to make it possible to built a great church, as God wants it, dedicated to the Mother of the Eucharist. Come on: as so many small drops form the sea, thus so many small offerings can cause a church to be built; probably your sister will not see it, but you will. I pray with you so that you may have the courage, the strength, the generosity, the charity, the love for carrying out the Will of God" (86). We do not know where it will rise, with what money it will be built and when we will see it finished... But it doesn't matter knowing in advance, it matters having the certainty that what God wants will be realized and no man, no difficulty, no problem can impede it. Our Lady tells Marisa to take in her arms the little Jacopo, son of two young people of our community and adds: "If you do not become as little as the little Jesus, like this little child, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You must be little, humble, simple". Jacopo is nine months old and yet is chosen by Our Lord to distribute Holy Communion to the priests present. Before our eyes a wonderful scene appears: the little Jacopo in the arms of his aunt, takes the Host between his thumb and index finger, he places it in the mouth of the priests present, opens his fingers and withdraws his little hand: just like a perfect extraordinary minister of the Eucharist!

The prayer meeting ends as Our Lady states: "Now the visionary must put her hands on the sick people and the priest must bless them. Receive the blessing and the imposition of hands in the grace of God, then go and attend the Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion in a state of grace".

The Mother of the Eucharist continues to repeat that it is necessary to participate in the Holy Mass somewhere else, because in our chapel it is prohibited to celebrate it. Yet some priests continue to accuse us of taking away people from their churches and that we teach that the obligation to hear Mass on holy days is fulfilled equally if one takes Holy Communion in the seat of our Movement...

During the months of July and August don Claudio takes Marisa outside Rome to try to alleviate her serious problems of health. Problems that, moreover, do not prevent them from taking advantage of the long permanence in Liguria (Note: region of Northern Italy) in order to have prayer meetings with the "Mother of the Eucharist" groups, receiving their members, and for meeting some bishops, priests and nuns. They are also invited by other groups to attend meetings of prayer and of catechism, which they always do with joy.

During their forced absence from Rome, however, many persons, overcoming the torrid heat, keep on coming to pray in the holy and thaumaturgical place, because they follow Our Lady's call: "Even if the visionary isn't present, come and pray and ask for the graces you need" (87).

Right on the first day of her stay at Chiavari, the devil appears to Marisa under the appearances of Our Lady. It is not the first time that the "antique serpent" tries to deceive Marisa, presenting himself under the features of the Mother of the Eucharist, but he is always discovered before he begins speaking because the hardness of his face and the wickedness of his eyes show who he really is.

Because don Claudio has heard about Father Raschi, of his suffering owing to his brothers and priests, he expresses the desire of knowing more the figure of this priest and the work he has done; therefore, accompanied by Marisa and by some members of the group "Mother of the Eucharist" he goes to Montefasce at the "citadel of the Immaculate Virgin". With bitterness they realize that in the sanctuary built by Father Raschi there is no trace either of his person nor of his mission. In this sanctuary, in the presence only of the ones who have accompanied them, Marisa has an extraordinary apparition of Jesus and of Our Lady and sees also Father Raschi who is introduced to her by the Mother: "This is Father Raschi". Jesus says: "Your priest can tell you that all the people who follow my way suffer; it is not God but man who makes them suffer, the same man who amuses himself speaking evil and slandering. Pray for your Italy and for your Liguria. Speak of Jesus and of the Mother of the Eucharist to everyone, even if you know that on the other side they do not respond" (88).

The stay in the diocese of Chiavari and in Liguria is neither quiet nor serene. Straight away since the first week the word spreads that don Claudio does not have from the bishop the faculty to celebrate the Holy Mass. We do not know who circulates this false accusation that penetrates right into the confessionals; we can only affirm that don Claudio meets personally Monsignor Alberto Maria Careggio, Bishop of Chiavari, who renewed to him the authorization to celebrate the Mass and to hear confession, in confirmation of how much has already been conceded to him by the previous Bishop, Monsignor Daniele Ferrari. On July 7, '96, for the first time outside Rome and in the presence of many witnesses, occurs the Eucharistic Miracle. Don Claudio and Marisa are invited to attend a prayer meeting in Rapallo. The Church where the prayer meeting takes place remains closed during the summer months, owing to the absence of the priest in charge, and as a consequence the Eucharist is not kept in it. At the beginning of the meeting, the Mother of the Eucharist appears to Marisa and gives her a Host visible to everybody, inviting her to put it in the ciborium on the altar: "Adore, pray, make room in your heart so that Jesus the Eucharist may enter. This is my great joy as a Mother to bring you Jesus the Eucharist" (89). On 14th July '96 in the same church of Rapallo the Eucharistic miracle repeats itself, but this time a profaned Host is brought: "I have brought you a profaned Host, so that you may love It, repair, pray and suffer for It". Our Lady informs us that the health of Marisa "leaves much to be desired and this morning she would not have been able to survive if I, her Mother, and the Angels from Heaven hadn't help her". She adds, later, with suffering: "So many people fight to take away the Eucharist!". This announcement overwhelms us! But a Christian is called to live the universal love: "The true Christian must love with all his heart even the people who are not of his own race, nation, color; he must love everyone, especially those who live far from God" (90). Our Lady asks don Claudio and Marisa to recite the Holy Rosary every time they go to the sea, to repair for the sins man commits in it and on the beaches where the sea laps. During the recitation of this prayer Our Lady unites with them and several times comments Herself on the mysteries of the Rosary, referring them to the situation in which the two live. She asks also for singing between one decade and another, because man, creature of God, must praise his Creator when he contemplates "the work of His hands". It would be beautiful if what Our Lady asks, that is to pray when one is immersed in the sea, be accepted by all those who say they are his children: She doesn't ask for the entire recitation of the Holy Rosary, but at least the recitation of an Our Father, of a Glory and of a Hail Mary, between one swim and another, alone or in company. On 15th July '96 recurs the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first encounter between don Claudio and Marisa: we will try to talk about it.

On 15th July 1971 Our Lady says to Marisa: "Today you will meet your spiritual director". Marisa relates: "The news fill me with joy and emotion, because it has been for years that I have been waiting to meet the priest who must guide me. I see a priest who walks along the road that leads to the house where I am a guest and thinking that it be don Claudio, I approach him, but after a few steps Our Lady, giving me some gentle little taps on my left shoulder, says to me: "Wait, it is not him". A little later I see a second priest appearing; another spring on my part and another brusque stop on the part of Our Lady: "It is not him". It comes spontaneously to me to ask myself: "But who will it be?". Finally Our Lady, smiling, and indicating with Her hand, says to me: "Look, it's him". I see a young man, surrounded by many boys, who approaches my house with a quick step. One particular strikes me: he has very much black hair. I reach him and overcoming my shyness say to him: "I am Marisa!". The reply chills me: "And with this?", but the smile that follows lets me understand that I can put my trust in him! From that 15th July '71 twenty-five years have passed. Our Lady wants to celebrate this occasion. She appears the first time in the morning and a second time in the afternoon, to say: "All the best, my dear children, from all Paradise. It is twenty-five years that both of you together have given your life to my son Jesus and for souls. I told you this morning that I would have made a big and beautiful surprise. You probably don't succeed in imagining not even for a moment what you have been able to achieve in these twenty-five years of suffering, of sacrifices, of love for souls and for the persons who cause your suffering. Now I am telling you with great joy what you have done in these your twenty-five years. With a wonderful smile Our Lady invites Marisa to take paper and pen and asks her to do a series of multiplications and additions to arrive to the number of days contained in the years from 1971 to 1996, considering also leap years. "My daughter, then write: 9132. These are the souls, one a day, that each of you saved in twenty-five years. I have counted a soul a day, my little children, but some days you saved also twenty or thirty souls. This is a great gift you gave to God the Father, to God the Son, to God the Holy Spirit. If only every soul would succeed in saving 9132 souls in twenty-five years!". Our Lady turns to don Claudio: "Isn't it more beautiful to know this than seeing Me, my son?" And then She continues: "I desire that what I have said be reported in the presentation of the next volume of messages!".

Only to obey Our Lady, don Claudio and Marisa consent to make known part of the message that She addressed to them; the rest, strictly personal, is not made known.

To indicate the importance of the Marian and Eucharistic apparitions, Our Lady repeats that "history will speak about the ones and the others!". She communicates also the announcement of the triumph of the Eucharist, notwithstanding the opposition of many ecclesiastics, will reach every corner of the Earth and, thanks to this Eucharistic triumph, the world will be converted.

On the day in which don Claudio and Marisa go to the cathedral of Chiavari to pray, the wheelchair on which Marisa sits, sinks its wheels in a stretch of the road where road works are being executed. The passers-by see and go by; only two workmen consider that don Claudio by himself cannot succeed in getting the wheels going again and rush thoughtfully to help him in putting the chair on the roadway. Our Lady appearing in the evening, says: "God forgives many sins for a work of mercy. Those two workmen have been touched by grace and came after you in the cathedral to confess". Don Claudio and Marisa are eye witnesses of two spectacular events that happened in the sky of Liguria, above a blue sea caressed by the wind, but they decide not speaking of it for the moment. On the last Sunday of July, the Mother of the Eucharist reminds adults of their responsibility with regard to the young. It is common knowledge that the young people during their vacations have negative experiences, they throw themselves loose in a race for having a good time, run after prohibited pleasures, disregarding human and social values, think that everything is permissible and forget about Jesus. Our Lady says: "How many young people in this period are thinking only of having a good time... For them there is no God! You can make them understand that even on vacation it is necessary to live with God. Pray for your young people. Love your young people, try to understand them and to help them. If you notice that they do not behave well, talk to them. Oh, how many mothers and fathers are afraid to say to their own children that they are making a mistake. No, in that way things do not go well. You must help your young people to correct themselves" (91). Adults often look at young people with detached eyes, indifferent and distracted. "You adults, bear good example and witness to children and young people. What do young people and children learn from adults? Wake up, my dear children, from this long sleep and show to everyone the love you have towards Jesus. You must also have this love towards your brothers and sisters, grown-ups and young persons. You are called to help your brother, otherwise why would you stay here? There is the sea, the mountains, fun waiting also for you" (92).

The Mother of the Eucharist is also Mother of all men: "I am the Mother, I know your secrets, I read your hearts. I follow you one by one. I look at you, I read your thoughts, your anxieties, your worries, I wouldn't be a Mother, if I didn't worry over each one of you, from young children, to grown-ups, to grandparents" (93). It is a moving sight seeing a grandparent and a young grandchild pray and to hear that when they address Our Lady, both call Her 'Mother'. Everybody must know that when we turn to the "Mother of Heaven and of Earth", She already knows what we need and "the request anticipates", as Dante Alighieri says.

While Her children rest, the Mother of the Heaven and of the Earth continues tirelessly in meeting with them to urge them to holiness: "Live the Holy Gospel: only there will you find all you need to reach holiness". But She meets them also to invite them to live calmly: "Rejoice, sing, play, do sports as I have already told you once. Healthy fun is good for soul and body". Unfortunately some priests of Liguria, and in a special way those of the diocese of Chiavari, show indifference and distrust not only with regard to don Claudio and Marisa, but also in regards to the young people of the community who go to the Riviera for a bit of vacation. The Mother of the Eucharist intervenes for giving serenity and peace: "There are people who do not succeed in accepting the apparition and love for the Eucharist. Don't worry about all this. Go on with serenity, trust, courage" (94).

Our Lady in this period speaks often of the critical situation of the Church and of what will take place inside it, but don Claudio and Marisa do not say anything explicit on this subject; they only invite us to pray a lot for the Church and above all for John Paul II, who is living the most difficult and suffered moment of his own pontificate.

Don Claudio and Marisa meet and compare also with other visionaries, realizing that they too know about the grave situation of the Church. The heart-broken appeal that the Mother of the Eucharist turns to her children can be summarized in this way: "Obey the Pope who today is called John Paul II and stay united with the Bishops and priests who are obedient to the Pope". Who loves the Eucharist and the Mother of the Eucharist cannot but love the Pope, man of the Eucharist.

Unfortunately man continues running where there is someone or something that satisfies his curiosity or that he may bring to his own material benefit, while he deserts the meetings where it is necessary to manifest his own commitment. Our Lady says clearly: "It is easy to associate with groups that do not demand commitment. The movement "Mother of the Eucharist" instead, requires much and then one seeks to escape and to find other activities where one doesn't work hard. Is it so difficult to love Jesus the Eucharist and to love the Mother of the Eucharist?" (95).

The people of Liguria reply sparely to the eve of prayer asked for by God. "Today I am not in Rome, in the eternal city that needs so many, many prayers; I am among you, here in Liguria, near to Genova. The Mother today suffers for the lack of a response by people. God called for this prayer vigil not for Himself, but for you and for all men. There has not been the response that God wanted. Where are the people invited by God to make the vigil? Where are the people who know about the vigil in preparation for the feast day, that is not only mine, but also yours? Why does one continue putting God in last place? Priests, nuns, laymen, called people, visionaries put Him in the last place" (96). Our Lady, when the Archangel Gabriel announces to Her: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; hence, the Holy Offspring to be born will be called Son of God" (Luke 1,35), She defines Herself "the servant of the Lord" (Luke 1,38). When She appears on August 14 and 15, during the prayer meetings She affirms: "I have called in the name of God. He has told Me to say these things to you and I have said them because I am His servant and yours. For this reason I ask you, as your servant, to feel yourselves too as servants and to pray for all men who still are not able to love the Eucharist. I do not say to love Me, I do not say to love the Angels and the Saints; I ask you to love the Eucharist that has triumphed so many times in the midst of you... But still there are no responses on the part of mankind!". Our young people also go to Liguria for a period of rest and vacation: they truly need it; beyond being tired because of studying or because of work, in fact, they are exhausted also because they share the suffering, the bitterness, the disappointment of don Claudio and Marisa. When one loves a person one cannot stay indifferent in seeing her tried and embittered. Marisa implores Our Lady many times to spare suffering to our young people: she hears the reply: "It is not God who sends suffering, it is man who provokes suffering. Anyway God has entrusted this great mission to the young people: they love you and therefore suffer for you!". At the end of the period spent in Liguria, the Mother of the Eucharist weighs for the young people the pros and cons of their vacation: "You have taken your vacation, you have had ups and downs, there have been little clouds and big clouds, but you have also stored and gone ahead spiritually, even if this does not seem so to you" (97). Our Lady, Who our young people love so much, is for them a wonderful school teacher; She follows them and She protects them always, even if She does not spare them suffering. Like a tender mother, She puts them on guard also of the dangers and She calls them again to a greater responsibility: "Plunge again into the water but don't exaggerate. I saw you yesterday one by one; you must not exaggerate. I was there, I was observing you and I helped you. Someone needed my help! You must not take advantage of this. Attention, fear can do ugly tricks. Don't do anything if you are afraid. God has sent Me in the midst of you for helping you" (98).

The last week of August was particularly intense because of meetings with priests, nuns and young people. The Mother of the Eucharist in the last apparition of August puts priests on guard of a great sin: "Woe betide that priest if he were to tell something about a soul. He commits a serious sin and can be excommunicated. The priest must die for a soul, but he must never talk. Confession and direction regard only the priest and the soul. If the person wants to talk he can do it, but the priest must never speak" (99).

Our Lady turns Her maternal calls to priests, to the nuns and to the laymen who instead of understanding the title "Mother of the Eucharist" and welcoming the messages of God that She brings, speak badly of the priest and of the visionary. "The priest is Christ, but he is also man and is to be respected as a man and as a priest. Why don't you succeed in loving also who speaks in the name of God? How many graces your Riviera has received, how many graces have passed through here and have not been accepted. You have not answered the call and the grace that God made in letting the priest and the visionary come. They will return soon to their city, but not for this will they abandon you: it is not their habit. They will continue loving, even if they have suffered so much for everyone" (100).

The month of August closes with a great event: the XIX International Conference carried out at Czestochowa from 24th to 26th August. The subject of the congress is: "Mary and the Eucharist"; several cardinals speak about it but the press, even the Catholic press, gives to the Congress very little importance. Up to the present the reports of the Congress are available only in Latin or in Polish: translations in other national languages do not exist. We wonder why this silence. We venture a hypothesis: maybe because of a false irenics and an incomprehensible ecumenism they want to keep silent on themes that are considered "burning", as Mary co-redeemer and mediator of all graces!". The month of September opens with an urgent invitation on the part of the Mother of the Eucharist: "Celebrate the best you can the anniversary of the first apparition, when my Jesus came out from the chest of the crucifix" (101). For this reason don Claudio and Marisa, just as soon as they re-enter Rome, begin the preparations. The young people of the community respond with enthusiasm to the invitation to collaborate in the organization, and many willing adults join them.

On 5th September '96 we begin a novena to prepare ourselves spiritually for the great day. Since some priests of Rome, in their opposition to these Marian and Eucharistic apparitions go too far up to forbidding persons to come to pray by us and with us, Our Lady intervenes maternally: "When my dearest priests forbid you to go to a place to pray, they go against Canon Law. No priest, bishop or cardinal and not even the same Pope can forbid you to go to pray where you want to. When some favorite son of mine says this to you, then take no account of it, but do what your heart says to you. If going to pray in a place gives you joy, strength, courage, why not go?" (102).

The wind of slander, which diminishes during the absence of don Claudio and Marisa from Rome, picks up again to blow violently as soon as they return there. In fact it happens that we know that requests are sent for impeding our prayer meetings, our Biblical meetings and the diffusion of the messages of the Mother of the Eucharist. There is an active crusade organized by important men of the Church (whose names we know), to stop the Marian apparitions and above all the Eucharistic apparitions. It is development of that situation which will see the Church subjected to a splitting and in which there will be cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, priests against priests", because "the Eucharist, sacrament of union, will become cause of division". This split in the Church will see on one side those who love the Eucharist and on the other side those who refuse It. Those who love the Eucharist, love also Our Lady, the Church and the Pope. We love the Eucharist and for this reason we are fought against. Don Claudio speaks about the Eucharist and for this reason they are trying in all ways to reduce him to silence; Marisa has sacrificed herself for the Eucharist and for this reason she suffers so much. For us the Eucharist is everything; without the Eucharist there is nothing. We are not afraid to suffer for the Eucharist; indeed: we are proud to suffer for It. The Mother of the Eucharist affirms: "They continue thinking of how to destroy this place made thaumaturgical by God" (103). In all ways She shows that She loves us and wants to be close to us.

On September 12, feast day of the Name of Mary, during the apparition it begins to rain; then Our Lady opens Her mantle to impede us from getting wet. This has happened other times, but not every time that it rains, because the Mother has also educated us "to accept harsh weather which is part of the laws of nature" (104). In fact, during the prayer vigil in preparation for the celebration of the first anniversary of the first great Eucharistic miracle it rains abundantly, and to us who wonder: "Why has God given us the sun for working and then during the procession allows to rain and that we get wet?". Our Lady answers: "How many 'whys' in your hearts. Last night God let Me open my mantle over you not to make you get wet, today He hasn't done it. My dear children, believe Me, the rain was necessary for helping men, especially those who want to divide your beautiful Italy, to be converted and for understanding the big error that they are making" (105). After all Our Lord asks very little of us: the small sacrifice of getting wet to avoid the division of our beautiful Italy, division that could have as a consequence also a civil war.

As we have already said the two weeks preceding the feast day of the Exaltation of the Cross, anniversary of the first great Eucharistic miracle, are entirely occupied in feverish work for preparing everything well. The young people and the adults of the community give the best of themselves, working tirelessly and generously. They prepare the songs, they carry out works of masonry, the base is raised on which has to be enthroned a cross to remember the exact place where the first Eucharistic miracle happened, an altar is built on which is put a protection box made of transparent glass for keeping the thaumaturgical Crucifix from whose chest came out the Holy Host many times. The Mother of the Eucharist manifests Her thanks: "The Mother thanks all those who have collaborated in preparing all this with so much joy, affection and also with some small sacrifice. The Mother thanks all the people who have worked for making everything more beautiful" (106).

We celebrate with joy and suffering, because we are still impeded from celebrating Holy Mass in our chapel. This suffering is shared also by Our Lady: "I suffer because here they have taken Jesus the Eucharist away. The prohibition regards all priests, because in my chapel no priest can celebrate the Holy Mass" (107).

In any case, while men take away the Eucharist, God gives It back: "My Son Jesus who is love, joy, suffering has promised you that He is equally always invisibly present in this thaumaturgical place, with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity" (108). The Mother invites us to not get discouraged in the face "of so many ugly things that are on this planet Earth" (109), and to demonstrate to us that She is always near, She reveals to us that "that perfume which often you too smell, is because I am with you, because above all Jesus the Eucharist is with you. Come on, the Mother is here to pray with you before the thaumaturgical Cross, the Holy Cross. Hurrah to the Cross. From the Crucifix have sprung the Eucharistic miracle, the Sacraments, the Church, because the Eucharist makes the Church" (110).

On the morning of September 15, some people entering the chapel, notice immediately some Hosts between the head of Christ Crucified and the Cross. Later, during the apparition, the Mother of the Eucharist says: "Today God the Father has let Me bring the Holy Hosts with the Angels, we have put them behind the head of Jesus who in that moment was bleeding, as were bleeding his chest and all his wounds, even if you did not see it" (111). The Mother of the Eucharist Herself then gave some precious teachings for making the members of 'prayer groups' grow spiritually. If these teachings were respected, they would cause souls to fly extremely quickly towards the heights of holiness. Our Lady asks them "to be always beautiful internally with grace and also outwardly in clothing, when you are before God, before Jesus the Eucharist, The King of kings, before the Mother of the Eucharist" (112). After the people indicated by Our Lady received Holy Communion with the Holy Hosts brought by Her behind the head of the Crucifix, the Trinitarian apparition comes about. Marisa exclaims: "I see three Jesus. Jesus is entering inside the Father. Also the Holy Spirit has re-entered".

At the beginning of every apparition the Mother of the Eucharist recites the Our Father, the Glory Be, the Hail Mary, several short prayers and, in the event it has not already been sung, the Magnificat. Some people are scandalized that Our Lady recites the Hail Mary because they say that: "Our Lady cannot pray to Herself". The Mother of the Eucharist for the umpteenth time intervenes explaining why She recites the Hail Mary: "You stop also on little things, as:

'Why say the Hail Mary with Our Lady?' What is strange about it? Cannot God command what He wants? God the Father asks Me to recite the Hail Mary and I obey always God the Father. None of you can impede God the Father from letting the Hail Mary be recited. Our Lady does not pray to Herself: She prays for us. If you meditate the Hail Mary, you will discover the great truths said by the Angel, messenger of God. I recite the Hail Mary, because I obey God" (113).

Our Lady in the same message faces another delicate problem. It has by now become a bad habit for a number of people to compare one apparition with another or to affirm that an apparition isn't true, for the fact that it occurs in a different way in respect to another, that, perhaps, is better known, but not for this more important: "My dear children, I do not want you to make comparisons with other apparitions, this is not nice. I come here because God the Father has chosen this place to perform great things. Those who do not feel like making this journey, may go in peace; nobody takes by force or reproaches anyone. Comparisons are not nice either, nor controversies; here one comes to pray, here God has done the greatest miracle in the world. If you haven't understood this, then, my dear children, you must still make a long journey!" (114).

The month of September closes with a warm recommendation on the part of Our Lady: "Come to pray for Italy and above all for Rome before the Cross made thaumaturgical and Holy by God" (115).

The opposition against the Marian apparitions and above all against the Eucharistic apparitions increases notably; among the opposers stand out ecclesiastics and consecrated persons.

"This place is thaumaturgical, it is holy, but unfortunately is harried, mocked, made fun of with great ease by men who understand and know what an apparition is. They are the men who try to destroy this place, where there has been the greatest miracle in the history of the Church. Here my son Jesus under the appearance of bread has visibly appeared to everyone in his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity; here to your sister has appeared the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit" (116).

In the same apparition Our Lady makes an affirmation on which day we do not pay enough attention, but instead consider it to be a prophetic announcement: "God can do what He wants, He can appear wherever He wants to appear: on the thaumaturgical statues of the Mother of the Eucharist and on the small Baby Jesus or on the Holy Crucifix. God does not need anything; He can also make use of a very beautiful leaf where He can lie down and say: I am here, laid down on this very little and -my and your Mother would say- embroidered leaf, because I am God and to Me nothing is impossible". Our Lady by will of God carries out on 20th October 1996 what has been announced in advance. Let us leave the word to don Claudio. "A little before beginning the catechism, Marisa and I are praying, when we perceive a special perfume penetrating the room. Instinctively we turn our glance towards the white statue of the Mother of the Eucharist, thinking to see, as other times, the Holy Host laying on it. Instead, to our surprise we notice that on the statue there is nothing; and yet the perfume continues. Suddenly Marisa says: "Look there!" and with wonder we see what has been announced prophetically by Our Lady: a large Host is upon a green leaf, in a vertical position, supported by a flower that acts as an umbrella".

In the following days, exactly the 21st, the 24th, the 25th and the 26th, other Hosts are put by Our Lady on the leaves or inside of the flowers of hibiscus. These repeated great Eucharistic miracles, by means of which Jesus the Eucharist wants to show us that He is with us, fill our souls with peace, joy and serenity! Yet they are received with irony, with derision and with contempt not only by many priests, religious persons and nuns but also by who has the duty of examining them closely with seriousness and respect. They resound again inside us the words of the prologue of John: "To His Own He came, yet His Own did not accept him" (John 1,11). Don Claudio often repeats that we must be little and humble because God turns "His eyes to the lowness" of His servants for whom "He does great things". "When you prayed for the trip of the Holy Father in France, a trip which presented itself as very difficult and hard and took place in the midst of many struggles, my Pope went and returned triumphant. Well then, my little flock, it was your prayers that allowed everything to go well. Pray for my Pope, so that he may have the strength of accepting and doing God's will. Love the Pope who today is called John Paul II" (117).

When the Pope enters the 'Gemelli' general hospital to undergo surgery, Our Lady asks still not so much praying for the good outcome of the intervention, but -and She repeats it- that He may have the courage and the strength to do the will of God the Father. On October 7 She says very explicitly to Marisa: "To you, my daughter, I ask immolation for John Paul II, so that...". At this point there comes a black-out: we do not hear any longer what Marisa translates from the Aramaic of the Mother of the Eucharist... Moreover, it is not right to investigate into what God wants, at least for the moment, it remains secret. We do not know not even what it means that the Pope must accept the Father's will, but we have reason to think that don Claudio and Marisa may know it and may not speak about it; on the other hand we think that they may know other reserved or secret facts about the Church, on which for the moment they maintain the most absolute reserve. But we doubt in any case that the news published by the press and diffused by television, on the days in which the Pope is in the hospital, are in line with the Marian messages...

In the moments in which don Claudio and Marisa have the sensation that around them everything is collapsing because of the fierce and preconceived opposition on the part of the priests (from pulpits or in the confessionals), of nuns, of ecclesiastical superiors, or owing to a campaign of false accusations and defamation, staged by some bodies of information, for impeding persons to come and attend our meetings, the Mother of the Eucharist tells them: "If from you, my dear small children, God asks much more than from other people present here, it is not because He doesn't love you or because He doesn't listen to you: it is only because He has chosen you to help the Church, to help Italy and Rome, the dechristianized and pagan Rome" (118).

Many times we ask: "When will God intervene so that the Eucharist triumphs definitely and so that the truth triumphs?". Jesus Himself gives the answer: "Soon, but according to the time of God".

Some people who come to the apparition are influenced by the false accusations that they hear circulating about the apparition of the Hosts: the appearance of these would be the result of manipulation, deceit and conjuring tricks. "When you come to this apparition, come with a pure soul, not for judging, for criticizing, for seeing how your sister may open her hands... Her movements are very difficult...!" (119).

How much lack of respect on the part of men in regard to Jesus the Eucharist! They pass in front of the tabernacle without genuflecting, they talk in Church, they don't take care of the items and flowers of the altar, etc. From Our Lady comes this example and this teaching: "Before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament the Mother retreats, She kneels down and prays with you" (120).

Our Lady does not approve that one behaves like "Nicodemus who went to Jesus by night or as Joseph of Arimathea, disciple of Jesus, but hidden for fear of the Jews. My messages go around everywhere. Everyone knows what God wants, but they do not respond, until they are not touched from nearby, if then they respond they do it secretly, for fear. One cannot love God in hiding or with fear. One loves Him completely: either with God or without God" (121).

Also the great politicians should listen to what Our Lady says of them: "Don't you notice by yourselves that men, especially the great ones, don't love each other and continue speaking... speaking? They use so many words and they never speak of love towards the poor, the sick, the needy. They throw words to the wind or speak for the sake of themselves" (122).

During an apparition Marisa suffers the pains of the passion; Our Lady says to her: "My dear child, you have saved a soul, you have saved who was about to profane the Eucharist" (123).

The Mother of the Eucharist talks again of the necessity of Confession and of the importance of spiritual direction. "Confession frees you from sin and unites you with God. Don't be afraid to confess, because in that moment the priest is Christ and you speak with Him. Forget human respect, it must not exist for him who wants to grow in holiness, and I want all of you to be saints. I beseech you, who received the Eucharist not in a state of grace, confess immediately" (124). About spiritual direction: "Spiritual direction still leaves much to be desired. Is it possible that you do not understand the importance of allowing yourselves to be lead by God and by your spiritual director? Don't leave always to him the task of speaking, of giving you a boost. Pray for your priest who gives you so much enthusiasm and so much strength, even if enthusiasm and strength at times seem to vanish for nothing. Why do you lay down? Why do you always wait for the priest to urge you? The priest continues to suffer and feel bitterness and thorns" (125).

Meanwhile we are dissuaded from receiving journalists, from granting interviews to the press and from appearing in television services, while our opponents are not impeded in doing in such a way that false accusations and defamation reach the mass-media which cause grave damage to don Claudio, to Marisa and to all of the members of the Movement. In the face of this new defamatory campaign, the Vicariate of Rome keeps silent, while no priest shows the least solidarity in the regards of don Claudio; it is certain, however, that to show solidarity in regards to any other person everyone would move and also for much less. But if men draw back from defending some innocent people accused unjustly, God intervenes. The true apparitions are fired upon; the Mother of the Eucharist says that these apparitions which we are witnessing, are the most important: it is owing to this that they are the most fought against. But the struggle continues: men, undaunted, strike this thaumaturgical place. "They continue to mock you, to do evil to you and they do not know that instead they offend my son Jesus and Me. Not able to say to Jesus and to Me that We are doing conjuring tricks or that We deal with fair-ground marvels, they say it to my children. To Us they would never dare to address these accusations and thus the men not in a state of grace, not present, smile mockingly, they grind their teeth, they attack my children, my dear two favorite children. The times are near, and yet these people don't notice that they are losing ground continuing to treat badly my children, and those who blaspheme the Mother of the Eucharist; this is grave. God the Father who loves Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, will not allow this situation for much longer. Look at your sister: she is full of pains that numb her so much that she isn't able even to eat, to wash herself, to comb her hair. Could one do a conjuring trick in these conditions?" (126).

For demonstrating that He is always with us who suffer "for his Name", Jesus solemnly affirms: "I, Jesus the Eucharist, am always with you, invisibly and visibly". This continual Eucharistic presence that, notwithstanding the prohibition of the ecclesiastical authority, is realized by Divine intervention, is for us the source of strength, of courage, of peace and joy.

Nevertheless, notwithstanding the suffering is felt heavily, Our Lord wants us to be serene: "I know that you suffer so much, but I want to see you smiling. Your priest gives you the example in speaking, in smiling, in creating an environment of love and of prayer. My dear young people, may you be more smiling: not this way, no, no; in this way you do not help your priest! And go ahead always" (127). In the Gospel there is frequently the exhortation "don't be afraid"; to us Jesus repeats many times this encouragement: "If you truly love my Mother and Me, Jesus, if you love this work, this mission which the Almighty God has wanted, you must not stop, but you must go ahead with courage. The struggle is hard, it is difficult; however you must not get discouraged. I, Jesus, have wanted to come to talk with you, to encourage you, and to help you in carrying on the mission, the work of God. Men can destroy the priest and your sister, but the work goes ahead. God, if He wants to, could destroy everything in one second, but He still has patience, He still tries to save mankind" (128).

Our Lady some time ago said to us:" My children, remember that a lily even if it is immersed in mud, remains always a lily and does not loose its beauty and its identity", and Jesus has affirmed: "You are flowers immersed in so many ugly things of the Earth and you have come out of it always clean, always limpid" (129).

St. Paul writes: "Yes, Jews demand 'signs' and Greeks look for 'wisdom', but we preach Christ crucified a stumbling block to Jews, and an absurdity to Gentiles; but to those who are called, Jews and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God" (1 Cor. 1,22 24). The choice of Paul: "Preach Christ Crucified", was made exactly by don Claudio, of whom Jesus says: "If your priest preached something not true, but that would be convenient to everyone, he would be carried in triumph. He speaks, he preaches the truth and loves Jesus the Eucharist" (130).

And now has come the moment to put the word "end" to this last chapter "of our history"; but before exchanging the greeting "goodbye until next year" we feel the need to lift our thanks to God for the great gifts that He has lavished on us: five Trinitarian apparitions, thirty-seven Eucharistic miracles, about thirty apparitions of Jesus and over one hundred and fifty apparitions of Our Lady (in the calculation of the apparitions are not included those that Marisa had alone or in the presence only of don Claudio, apparitions which continue daily). We mention only, without specifying them, the mystical phenomena and the supernatural experiences to which Marisa is the destined one, the protagonist or the beneficiary. To all this it is necessary to add one hundred and fifty-four messages that constitute precious material for catechism, for the Biblical and prayer meetings and for the preaching. We want to remind you too of the conversions, the spiritual graces and the physical healings, obtained by intercession of the Mother of the Eucharist. The title of this collection of messages "The Eucharist makes the Church" synthesizes the teachings of the Church, or at least a part of it, in regard to the greatest of the Sacraments. We renew our total adhesion to the magisterium of the Church, our most total obedience to the Pope, to Bishops and to priests who are united with the Pope, and we continue to offer to the Lord prayers, fasts, sacrifices, sufferings, commitment and testifying so that the triumph of the Eucharist may be accelerated in all the world.


Edited by the Cultural Committee of the Movement "Impegno e Testimonianza - Mother of the Eucharist".

Rome, 1st June 1997

Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus

Below are the dates of the messages from which the quotations are taken.

(1) Mess. of November 21, 1995

(2) Mess. of November 1, 1995

(3) Mess. of November 5, 1995

(4) Mess. of November 12, 1995

(5) Mess. of November 12, 1995

(6) Mess. of November 10, 1995

(7) Mess. of November 24, 1995

(8) Mess. of November 2, 1995

(9) Mess. of November 5, 1995

(10) Mess. of November 12, 1995

(11) Mess. of November 12, 1995

(12) Mess. of November 16, 1995

(13) Mess. of November 23, 1995

(14) Mess. of November 27, 1995

(15) Mess. of December 10, 1994

(16) Mess. of December 25, 1995

(17) Mess. of December 26, 1995

(18) Mess. of December 26, 1995

(19) Mess. of December 26, 1995

(20) Mess. of December 26, 1995

(21) Mess. of December 26, 1995

(22) Mess. of January 6, 1996

(23) Mess. of January 14, 1996

(24) Mess. of January 25, 1996

(25) Mess. of February 12, 1996

(26) Mess. of February 8, 1996

(27) Mess. of February 8, 1996

(28) Mess. of March 2, 1996

(29) Mess. of March 14, 1996

(30) Mess. of March 24, 1996

(31) Mess. of March 24, 1996

(32) Mess. of March 28, 1996

(33) Mess. of March 31, 1996

(34) Mess. of March 24, 1996

(35) Mess. of April 4, 1996

(36) Mess. of April 4, 1996

(37) Mess. of April 4, 1996

(38) Mess. of April 7, 1996

(39) Mess. of April 14, 1996

(40) Mess. of April 14, 1996

(41) Mess. of April 18, 1996

(42) Mess. of April 21, 1996

(43) Mess. of April 18, 1996

(44) Mess. of April 27, 1996

(45) Mess. of April 28, 1996

(46) Mess. of April 28, 1996

(47) Mess. of January 1, 1996

(48) Mess. of May 4, 1996

(49) Mess. of May 5, 1996

(50) Mess. of May 5, 1996

(51) Mess. of May 11, 1996

(52) Mess. of May 12, 1996

(53) Mess. of May 14, 1996

(54) Mess. of May 15, 1996

(55) Mess. of May 17, 1996

(56) Mess. of May 16, 1996

(57) Mess. of May 16, 1996

(58) Mess. of May 18, 1996

(59) Mess. of May 19, 1996

(60) Mess. of May 19, 1996

(61) Mess. of May 20, 1996

(62) Mess. of May 21, 1996

(63) Mess. of May 23, 1996

(64) Mess. of May 25, 1996

(65) Mess. of May 25, 1996

(66) Mess. of May 28, 1996

(67) Mess. of May 31, 1996

(68) Mess. of May 31, 1996

(69) Mess. of May 31, 1996

(70) Mess. of May 31, 1996

(71) Mess. of June 2, 1996

(72) Mess. of April 13, 1995

(73) Mess. of May 13, 1996

(74) Mess. of June 29, 1995

(75) Mess. of July 1, 1995

(76) Mess. of June 2, 1996

(77) Mess. of June 14, 1996

(78) Mess. of June 14, 1996

(79) Mess. of June 15, 1996

(80) Mess. of June 15, 1996

(81) Mess. of June 20, 1993

(82) Mess. of June 20, 1996

(83) Mess. of June 23, 1996

(84) Mess. of June 29, 1996

(85) Mess. of June 29, 1996

(86) Mess. of June 30, 1996

(87) Mess. of June 30, 1996

(88) Mess. of July 5, 1996

(89) Mess. of July 7, 1996

(90) Mess. of July 14, 1996

(91) Mess. of August 3, 1996

(92) Mess. of July 28, 1996

(93) Mess. of August 4, 1996

(94) Mess. of August 11, 1996

(95) Mess. of August 15, 1996

(96) Mess. of August 14, 1996

(97) Mess. of August 22, 1996

(98) Mess. of August 22, 1996

(99) Mess. of August 25, 1996

(100) Mess. of August 25, 1996

(101) Mess. of September 1, 1996

(102) Mess. of September 7, 1996

(103) Mess. of September 8, 1996

(104) Mess. of September 13, 1996

(105) Mess. of September 13, 1996

(106) Mess. of September 13, 1996

(107) Mess. of September 14, 1996

(108) Mess. of September 14, 1996

(109) Mess. of September 14, 1996

(110) Mess. of September 14, 1996

(111) Mess. of September 15, 1996

(112) Mess. of September 15, 1996

(113) Mess. of September 22, 1996

(114) Mess. of September 22, 1996

(115) Mess. of September 29, 1996

(116) Mess. of October 5, 1996

(117) Mess. of October 5, 1996

(118) Mess. of October 5, 1996

(119) Mess. of October 13, 1996

(120) Mess. of October 13, 1996

(121) Mess. of October 17, 1996

(122) Mess. of October 17, 1996

(123) Mess. of October 17, 1996

(124) Mess. of October 20, 1996

(125) Mess. of October 24, 1996

(126) Mess. of October 27, 1996

(127) Mess. of October 31, 1996

(128) Mess. of October 31, 1996

(129) Mess. of October 31, 1996

(130) Mess. of October 31, 1996