Letter sent by Fr. Claudio Gatti on 1st May 1998 to all the Cardinals, to many Bishops and to the heads of Religious Orders and of the Episcopal Conferences of the Roman Catholic Church all over the world
To the Cardinals, to the Bishops and to the priests of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman.
Dearest Father and Brother in Christ,
I address you with respect and love, to invite you to read this letter carefully: its content is so important that history will speak about it, as the Lord has said so. The Blessed Virgin Mary for many years has been appearing as "Mother of the Eucharist" to the visionary Marisa Rossi in Rome.
In the book entitled "Monumenta Eucharistica" written by Gerardo Di Nola and published by Ed. Dehoniane, Rome, a book that I suggest you read, it is written: "Mary, Mother of Christ's Body is also Mother of the Eucharist. Mary, just like the Church, gives the Christians the Eucharistic Christ for their spiritual nourishment. It's enough to think about that extraordinary bard of the Virgin Mary, St. Efrem Siro who, understanding the intimate relationship between Mary - Eve - Eucharist - Church, shouts in his Hymns: The Church gave us the living bread, instead of the unleavened bread which the Egypt had given. Mary gave us the bread of life, instead of the bread of exhaustion which Eve gave us".
The title "Mother of the Eucharist", even if it hasn't that complete and deep theological meaning which Our Lady Herself has revealed in her messages, has been present in the Church, at least since the 14th Century, when Gersone, a famous theologian and french mystic, dedicates a whole section of his "Tractatus super Magnificat" to the relation between the sacrament of Corpus Christi and the Virgin, defined as "Mother of the Eucharist".
Pope Pius XII instituted the liturgical feast of "The Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament", which is celebrated on 13th May.
The 12th International Congress of Mary, (18th-24th August 1996) and the 19th Marian International Congress (24th-26th August, 1996) celebretated in Czestochova, set this subject: Mary and the Eucharist. Pope John Paul II, speaking to believers, on 5th June 1983, taught that: "At the root of the Eucharist is the virginal and maternal life of Mary. The Body that we eat and the Blood that we drink still has in itself, as fragrant Bread, the taste and aroma of the Virgin Mother".
Well, why are many priests offering strong opposition towards the title "Mother of the Eucharist", which then they fiercely discharge upon me and Marisa?
Jesus said: "The Immaculate Conception opens history and the Mother of the Eucharist closes history". If it is true, as Pope John Paul II teaches, that: "In that one Sacrifice, Mary had an active part. She stood near the Crucified, with a motherly heart she associated herself with his Sacrifice and offered him to the Father" (5th June 1983), it is also true that the Heavenly Bread is given to us through the "YES" of Mary. Jesus together with the Mother of the Eucharist, gives the Eucharist to man, therefore our gratitude must be expressed to the Son and to his Mother.
Even though the conciliar decree "Presbiterium ordinis" teaches: "In the Holy Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, that is Christ Himself, our Easter and Living Bread Who, through his flesh which is vivified and vivifying in the Holy Spirit, gives life to man. The Eucharist appears as spring and culmination of the whole evangelization. The Eucharistic Synapsis therefore is the center of the Community of the Chistians, presided over by a priest". Our Community, just as Our Lady said on 6th December 1994, "has been deprived of the Eucharist, for no reason". On this occasion I bent my head and I said to Cardinal Ruini: "I obey, even if with death in my heart".
The Mother of the Eucharist explained: "They hit the shepherd to scatter the sheep. Your shepherd was always obedient to the Church. They hit him because these are the most important apparitions, the most fought against, suffered and most difficult apparitions in the whole history of the Church".
She also announced as a prophet: "Battles will continue and they will be fought with strength by great and little men, against these two my children".
This prophecy was punctually fullfilled when the great Eucharistic miracles, which had been announced much ahead of their times, began to take place and to repeat themselves.
Inside our chapel, which is deprived of the Eucharist, Jesus, Our Lady, the Angels and the Saints, bring the Eucharist Which is put directly in the tabernacle or on the altar. On the previous evening there is nothing, but on the following morning those who come into the chapel realize that the Eucharist is present in the tabernacle or on the altar. It should be noted that only I have the keys of the chapel and of the tabernacle and I keep them with a loving care.
Who can prevent Jesus, First, Highest, and Eternal Priest from taking the Eucharist away from tabernacles of those churches where He is not loved and bringing It into the thaumaturgical place?
Who can prevent the Mother of the Eucharist from taking the Eucharist away from profanation and black masses and bringing It into the thaumaturgical place?
Who can prevent the Angels and the Saints from putting the Eucharist in the thaumaturgical place, obeying God's orders?
The Eucharistic miracles also happened in some particular ways:
(1) Six times some Hosts were brought and blood came out of them. The last blood-stained Host, was put by Our Lady in a ciborium, on 22nd March 1998. We keep carefully this Host and we can state that neither the blood nor the Host are showing any sign of decomposition, on the contrary the Host issues a particular scent.
(2) Several times some Hosts were brought and from them serum came out. St. John saw blood and water gush from the wounded chest of the Crucified (St. John 19, 34).
(3) On 29th June 1997, many people saw a Host coming out of the chest of Jesus on a Crucifix: first It flew inside a box of glass which protected this Crucifix, then It passed through the glass without breaking it.
This miracle repeated itself several times.
The Fathers of the Church and the Councils taught that from Christ's chest on the Cross, the Eucharist, the other Sacraments and the Church came out.
(4) Seven times I myself, since the Eucharist, which had been brought, wasn't enough to be given in communion to all the people present, saw the fragments of the Hosts multiply in my hands. Can we give Communion to more than 160 people, with 10 Hosts only? Many people can bear witness to the "multiplication of the Eucharist".
(5) The Hosts brought by Jesus and Our Lady issue a particular scent which is clearly perceived by people who receive them in communion and which sometimes also persists after the consumption of the Host. (6) According to God's order, we are keeping a large Host which was given to Marisa on 18th February 1996. This Host underwent no structural modification and kept its shape and size unchanged. Therefore from the chemical point of view, it is not explainable how this Host, after so much time, remains integral and unchanged and how It didn't lose any of its own chemical-physical properties.
(7) On 1st January 1998, in the presence of several witnesses, one Host, put by Our Lady on a painting of the Mother of the Eucharist, came off and flew onto the hands of Marisa Rossi. From this Host two other Hosts came out: the theological meaning of this extraordinary event is clear and those present can bear witness of this event.
Up to now more than one hundred Eucharistic miracles occurred and the number of Hosts which were brought changed every time. The Ecclesiastical Authority of Rome and the members of the commission instituted to examine the Eucharistic miracles, without having asked Marisa, the witnesses and myself, without having viewed the photographic and TV material, which is at our disposal, dismissed the miracles which have been defined by Jesus: "The greatest Eucharistic miracles in the history of the Church" and they defined them with these offending words: "Cases of religious pathology, cases of fairground tricks, jokes of mountebanks, effects of manipulation and tricks, effects of satanic intervention".
Several times, uselessly, we asked for the presence of exorcists, of experts and of members of the commission, so that they could exclude the human and satanic intervention, and could check the divine intervention, but we always met with a flat refusal.
Finally, Cardinal Ruini, General Vicar of the Pope, confronted me with this dilemma: either refuse adoration of the Eucharist brought by Jesus and by Our Lady, or be suspended from the exercise of sacred functions (a divinis).
I repeated together with St. John: "I saw and I believed" (St. John 20, 8) therefore, since I couldn't rape my conscience and put myself against God, I accepted suspension.
Cardinal Ruini said that the suspension will be removed, only if I acknowledge that I led the believers into error and if I guarantee that I will adore no more and I will let no more adore the Eucharist brought miraculously by God and the Mother of the Eucharist.
If I committed so great sin because I adored the Eucharist brought by Jesus and Our Lady, so that I was suspended, then Pope John Paul II committed the same sin, because on 7th December 1997, he adored the Eucharist, which Our Lady had put on a painting of the Mother of the Eucharist, brought into St. Peter's square by me and by Marisa together with two hundred people.
Our Lady, appearing to Marisa in St. Peter's square after the Pope's Angelus, said: "I, as Mother of the Eucharist, today made my entry here and it will continue. I indicated to the Pope where the Eucharist was and he adored It".
I don't know if Cardinal Ruini told the Pope about the Eucharistic miracles that are happening in his diocese and about the severe measure taken against me, having suspended me from the exercise of sacred functions.
Certainly the Pope knows, through human ways and "per aliam viam (through other ways)" what is happening in the thaumaturgical place: for myself and Marisa it was really a surprise and a joy when the Pope, during a public audience in the Paul VI hall, on 3rd November 1993, greeted us this way: "You are those of Our Lady".
Jesus said that the fight against the Eucharist has begun and that God's children should defend It, at any cost. I and Marisa, we aren't fighting our own battle, we don't look for revenge, we don't pursue personal ambitions and we can say peacefully: "We are merely servants. We have done no more than our duty" (St. Luke 17, 10).
For us it's a virtue to suffer for Jesus the Eucharist and we can repeat together with St. Paul: "We are in difficulties on all sides, but never cornered; we see no answer to our problems, but never despair; we have been persecuted, but never deserted; knocked down, but never killed" (2 Cor. 4,8).
The Mother of the Eucharist promised: "Together with the triumph of the Eucharist and of truth, there will be your triumph too". She also indicated the year when this will happen: 1999.
With firm faith we are waiting for God's intervention and, waiting for it, we have patience and serenity.
The Mother of the Eucharist also announced in her messages, that:
(1) The Church will experience a splitting and the Eucharist, sacrament of union, will become cause of division. On the one hand will side the men of the Church who believe in the Eucharist, who love Our Lady and are united and obedient to the Pope, who today is called John Paul II, on the other will side the men of the Church who don't believe in the Eucharist, who don't love Our Lady and aren't united and obedient to the Pope.
(2) When hard and difficult times arrive and they are very close, it will be too late for those people who fought against the Eucharist, to convert their heart. Now it's a time of mercy, then it will be the time of justice.
(3) Together with the triumph of the Eucharist, will come the triumph of truth and the enemies of the Eucharist "will be removed from their thrones".
(4) The triumph of the Eucharist, which has begun in the thaumaturgical place (Via delle Benedettine) in Rome, will spread all over the world and the face of the Church will shine again without any stain or shadow.
(5) The Eucharistic miracles which happened in Rome in the thaumaturgical place, will reunite all races and with all religions they will make only one religion, holy, catholic, apostolic, roman.
(6) The permission for celebrating the Holy Mass and of keeping the Eucharist inside our chapel will certainly be restored by the competent ecclesiastical authority, united with the Pope.
(7) The Blessed Virgin will be invoked in the whole Church, with the title "Mother of the Eucharist" and a liturgical feast in her honour will be instituted.
(8) The apparitions of the Mother of the Eucharist, the Eucharistic miracles and the theophanies of the Trinity, which have taken place in the thaumaturgical place, will be acknowledged by the Church. The messages of the Mother of the Eucharist will be read by the whole Church and will be translated into all languages.
(9) In Rome, a great church, consecrated to the Mother of the Eucharist, will rise. Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, sisters and laymen will come to pray in this church and in the thaumaturgical place.
(10) History will speak about what happened in Rome, in the thaumaturgical place.
Dear Father and Brother in Christ, I write to you greatly ahead of the time when all will come true that Jesus and the Mother of the Eucharist have announced and I invite you to keep this letter to check if what it says is absolutely true.
According to God's will, Pope John Paul II has a great mission. Jesus said: "Pray, so that the Pope has the strength and courage to do God's will and to perform the great mission which was entrusted to him".
John Paul II concluded his apostolic exhortation "Tertio Millennio Adveniente" announcing that year 2000 will be "an intensely Eucharistic year and in Rome the International Eucharistic Congress will take place". I must observe with great bitterness, that people speak little about this great announcement of the Pope, but I must add that Our Lady said: "The whole third Millennium will be intensely Eucharistic".
The triumph of the Eucharist, prepared by the Mother of the Eucharist, according to God's will, will begin from Rome and exactly from the thaumaturgical place (Via delle Benedettine, 91-93) where the great Eucharistic miracles happened and it will spread through the whole Church and all over the world.
I just ask your prayers for myself and Marisa, to continue to have the strength to abandon ourselves to God.
If you can, at least send us a greeting, a wish, an encouragement as a sign of solidarity with us.
I invoke upon you, beloved Father and Brother in Christ, God's blessing and the protection of the Mother of the Eucharist.
A great devotee of the Lord
Fr. Claudio Gatti
Rome, 1st May 1998, feast day of St. Joseph the worker.
P.S. If you want to have more detailed information about these marian apparitions, the theophanies of the Trinity and the messages of the Mother of the Eucharist, you can visit our Internet web site at the following address: https://www.madredelleucaristia.it
You will be able to read all its contents in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portugeuse.