Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma

Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma
Miracoli Eucaristici Miracolo Eucaristico Italia Roma

Christmas Season - 2022

The Son of God is born in the cave in Bethlehem, as it was prophesied by Micheas. The angels sing hymns of praise to the Child-God. The shepherds go to the cave to meet the Messiah and they go back home glorifying and praising the Lord for what they had seen and heard. Eight days later the Child is circumcised and was given the name of Jesus, as it was announced by the angel. Jesus, in the day of his circumcision, addressing his Mommy, says to her: "You are the Mother of the Eucharist".

Dear Baby Jesus, we dare enter the cave and place ourselves silently, reverently, in adoration before the manger, as when we are before the tabernacle. We are not here to protect You, but it is You taking care of us. Jesus, on my behalf, Marisa's and the entire community, we manifest again our test situation that never ends, the fatigue that increases more and more and sadness that floods our soul. (Prayer dated 25th December 2008)

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Today is the feast of the Holy Family. My wishes to my beloved bridegroom Joseph, wishes to me, but above all wishes to little Jesus. I widen my wishes to all the families. There are many families whose members love each other and are united, but there are other families whose members are divided and run from one person to the other.

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You are God: we praise you; You are God: we acclaim you; You are the eternal Father: All creation worships you. To you all angels, all the powers of heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise: Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

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Let us imagine we have a picture in front of us with three different scenes, like those triptychs that Middle Ages painters used to fresco. At the center we place the Virgin Mary offering her Son in the gift of the Eucharist. On either side we place two other scenes: in the first we see Mary holding Baby Jesus, a recurrent representation of Christmas and in the other, Mary carrying in her arms Jesus when He was just pulled down from the cross (image which Michelangelo sculptured in his three popular Pietas).

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In today's liturgy the concept occurring most frequently is the manifestation of the glory of God. The recounted events, however, from a human point of view, do not radiate light or glory.

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Jesus, Lamb without stain, stood in the queue with repentant sinners to be baptized by John. The Redeemer did a great act of love and humility to teach men that the only path to God is that of conversion. Jesus came, stayed and walked away from the Jordan always praying, because prayer fosters communion between the Creator and his creatures. Every person living in a state of grace is a child of God and to this child can be addressed the same words that the Father said about the Divine Son: "Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased" (Mark 1:11).

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