Letter sent by Fr. Claudio Gatti on 1st May 1998 to all the Cardinals, to many Bishops and to the heads of Religious Orders and of the Episcopal Conferences of the Roman Catholic Church all over the world
Dearest Father and Brother in Christ, I address you with respect and love, to invite you to read this letter carefully: its content is so important that history will speak about it, as the Lord has said so. The Blessed Virgin Mary for many years has been appearing as "Mother of the Eucharist" to the visionary Marisa Rossi in Rome. In the book entitled "Monumenta Eucharistica" written by Gerardo Di Nola and published by Ed. Dehoniane, Rome, a book that I suggest you read, it is written: "Mary, Mother of Christ’s Body is also Mother of the Eucharist. Mary, just like the Church, gives the Christians the Eucharistic Christ for their spiritual nourishment.
Letter addressed by Fr. Claudio Gatti on 24th October 1998 to all the priests of Rome through the heads of all the prefectures of the Diocese.
Dear brothers in Christ and brothers in priesthood, Jesus said that my well-known letter, addressed to the catholic clergy of all the Church, was rejected and destroyed only by a few priests who accused me of being a proud instigator. On the contrary, many priests, though they are behaving like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea for fear of committing themselves, are keeping the letter "just like a relic...". Many times the Lord revealed also that many of you believe in the supernatural origin of the Marian apparitions and of the Eucharistic miracles, but since you fear that if you show you accept them, you may lose your chairmanship and power, you behave just as if you don't believe them.
Letter sent by Fr. Claudio Gatti on 29th June 1999 to all the Cardinals, to many Bishops and to the heads of Religious Orders and of the Episcopal Conferences of the Roman Catholic Church all over the world.
My dearest brother in Christ and in priesthood, on the eve of the third Millennium, which will be deeply Eucharistic, I want you to know the great Eucharistic miracles performed by God in Rome, in the place declared by God Himself " holy and thaumaturgical". The heart of the next holy year certainly will be the International Eucharistic Congress, that will be celebrated in Rome: this great event will be one of manifestations of the triumph of the Euhcarist, that has begun in the thaumaturgical place and will spread all over the Church. In Rome, Via delle Benedettine, happened and keep on happening the most important Marian apparitions and the greatest Eucharistic miracles of all the history of the Church: Jesus, sweet Master and Mary, the Mother of the Eucharist, repeated this many times.
Letter sent by the Bishop Claudio Gatti on 7th October 1999 to Cardinals, Bishops and priests
Carissimo fratello in Cristo, Dearest brother in Christ,at this point has arrived the moment in which we all, who received the sacrament of orders in its three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate and deaconship, must decide on which side to place ourselves. The statement of Christ: "He who is not with me is against me" (Mt.12,30) asks us for a free, clear and final choice. The great Pope Paul VI stated: "Satan's smoke entered God's temple". In 1917 Our Lady announced in Fatima: "Satan will march in the first lines of the Church". Nowadays the Church is governed by many people who are affiliated with powerful and secret associations, are supported by strong centres of power and are provided with a huge quantity of money. These hirelings, who "care nothing for the sheep" (Jn.10,13) get together in secret meetings, open only to the initiates, to fulfil plans whose unique purpose is: destroying the Church.
Letter sent by the Bishop Claudio Gatti on 15th June 2000 to Cardinals, Bishops and priests.
Dear brother in Christ and brother in priesthood, on the 11th of June 2000, feast of Pentecost, while I was celebrating the Holy Mass in the church "Mother of the Eucharist", a great Eucharistic miracle happened. As soon as I finished to say the wording of the consecration of the bread, blood began to come out from my host. Time stopped for me. I was bending over the host that I was holding tightly in my hands and I was gazing at the divine blood that was spreading on a great part of its surface. I haven't moved for a time that seemed endless to the present people, because they thought I was feeling sick, since on my face a shocking paleness and a strong blush alternated. As soon as I collected myself a little, I lifted up the host.
Letter sent, obeying Our Lady, on 8th april 2001 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to the Cardinals and Bishops of Italy and of the Vatican, in order to defend the Eucharist and to serve the truth
Most reverend and dearest brother Bishop, I write in order to prevent you from drawing wrong conclusions after reading the official statement of the Italian Episcopal Conference "about the Movimento Impegno e Testiomonianza - Madre dell’Eucaristia" signed by Card. Ruini and dated 12th January 2001. Our Lady announced to the visionary Marisa Rossi: "The Eucharist, sacrament of union, will become cause of division" and previously she had said to the three young shepherds of Fatima: "The Church will split into two parts: on both sides there will be priests, bishops and cardinals who will fight with much fury".
Letter sent by the Bishop Claudio Gatti on 31st march 2002 to all the foreign Cardinals
His Eminence Most Reverend, I am compelled to write to all the non Italian cardinals to solicit your influential intervention in defense of the Eucharist and of the most important eucharistic miracles of the History of Church. Of this important argument I have written various times to John Paul II, but my letters have never been given to the Holy Father. At this point the cooperators of the Roman Curia not only have taken the place of the Pope in governing the Church, but have gone as far as censuring the acts of the pontifical magister, as I myself have documented. After this I addressed myself to the cardinals resident in Rome and in Italy, to all the Italian bishops, to all the roman priests and to many superior generals of religious congregations, but none either for fear, for premeditation or for interest has taken position to defend the Eucharist and the eucharistic miracles.
Letter sent on 6th January 2003 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, to the Bishops of Italy, to the heads of the Roman Curia, to the Vicariate of Rome and to the priests of Rome
Dearest brother, the brotherly correction must be done to everybody, as Jesus taught. (Cf Mt. 18, 15-18) Nobody is exempt from the brotherly correction, because Jesus made no distinctions of people, but said: "If your brother sins against you, go and reprimand him". We must have the love, loyalty and courage to do it also to the superiors when they are wrong. The unwritten rule which is in force in the Vatican: "The superiors are always right" must be suppressed and replaced by the gospel teaching. The ecclesiastical authority was seriously wrong to me and inflicted on me "the last blow of satan"; Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, defined in this way my dismissal from the clerical state.
Letter sent on 24th October 2003 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to the Cardinals Ratzinger, Ruini and Bertone and copy to Cardinals Sodano, Arinze, Re, Sepe, Castrillon, Pompedda and to many italian bishops
Sirs Cardinals, I have the right to call you "brothers", because you and I share the episcopate, the fullness of priesthood that makes us more similar to Christ and, as a consequence, it should make us more united with Him and more in communion between us. Dearest brothers, one year has passed by now since you have informed me by a simple letter about my dismissal from the clerical state. You condemned me going manifestly against the rules established by the Code of Canon Law. As a matter of fact, my dismissal from the clerical state cannot be laid down by particular law (can. 1317) and, since it is a perpetual penalty, neither by decree (can. 1342 §2). It must be established only through judicial procedure by a tribunal of three or five judges (can. 1425).
Letter sent on 25th January 2004 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to Cardinals, Bishops and priests of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman
Dearest brothers in the priesthood, in the latest letter of mine, dated 24th October 2003, I showed you, without a shadow of doubt, that Card. Ratzinger, Ruini and Bertone, by dismissing me from the clerical state, did an act which is morally illicit and juridically invalid, because they respected neither the Gospel, nor the Code of Canon Law. The above-named cardinals always asserted that the Pope in person took the decision of reducing me to the lay state and he signed the decree sanctioning my condemnation. As in the Vatican and in the Vicariate has become a habit of administration ascribing to the Pope decisions taken by others and ignored by him, I asked to see the pontifical decree concerning me and to have an authenticated photocopy of it. I made this request to the three cardinals more than one year ago and I repeated it three months ago, but, as it was to be expected, I received neither a sign of reply. This prolonged silence gives me the certitude that the pontifical decree does not exist, but it is an invention of the three cardinals to get rid of a person who did not fear, even if paid personally, to defend the Eucharist and the truth. For this reason I still belong to the clerical state and I can keep on exercising legitimately and rightly functions and activities concerning the sacred office.
Letter sent on 29th February 2004 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to his Seminar ex-mates for their 41st anniversary of priestly ordination
Dearest brothers in the priesthood, I have appreciated very much your invitation to attend the annual meeting to celebrate together "the 41st anniversary of our priestly ordination". I hope the invitation is not an initiative of few, but a decision of everybody. I hope our relationships, broken for decades, will restart in the future. The Lord was so kind as to make me know my future that, for His will, "will be bright and great". If you want to belong to my future, you must belong to my present time, which is very fought against, full of trials and sorrowful.
Letter sent on 14th September 2005 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to Pope Benedict XVI
This letter was written by H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti to the Pope according to an order of Our Lord, but it was not given to the renowned addressee. On the contrary, it was read by priests, bishops and cardinals who work in the Vatican; many of them expressed positive judgements and said words of appreciation about the Bishop ordained by God. We hope that some of these clergymen who are not interested in career and power, will have the strength and courage to inform the H. Father about the existence of this letter, whose content is very important for the present, but especially for the future of the Church.
Letter written by H.E. Mons. Claudio Gatti, Bishop ordained by God, to 68 cardinals, chosen according to criteria indicated by Our Lady, to propose a solution that, if accepted by the Ecclesiastical Authority, could resolve the serious and delicate problem of the priests who want to get married and to continue to exercise the ministry and of the priests already married, after obtaining the reduction to the lay state, who wish to be restored to exercise the sacred order
Dearest brother in the priesthood, we cannot keep on seeing, silent and powerless, the serious hemorrhage that has been affecting the Church for decades: the desertion of priesthood by tens of thousands of priests. According to estimates, I don't know if reliable, the priests who asked the dismissal from the clerical state are about 150 thousand, a shocking amount if one thinks that those who exercise the priesthood are just a few more than 400 thousand. After praying and reflecting for a long time, I formulated a solution that can be proposed to those priests who, more and more numerous, and sometimes also encouraged by bishops, they ask for the abolition of celibacy, the possibility of getting married and of continuing to exercise the priesthood. The same solution can be extended also to those priests who already obtained the reduction to the lay state, they got married and would like to be restored to exercise the priesthood
Letter sent on 13th May 2008 by the Bishop Claudio Gatti to Pope Benedict XVI
Most Blessed Father, After three years I address again Y.H. to ask you humbly and trustfully to dedicate a bit of your precious time to examine again my case to readmit me into the Clergy, because this is God's will. About my dismissal from the clerical state just one message exists, which was given to me by card. Ruini by a registered letter, dated November 5, 2002, protocol #1466/02. This is the text of the letter sent to me by card. Ruini that has no juridical value: On October 18, 2002 the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II, in the audience granted to the Prefect Cardinal of the Congregation, disposed Your immediate dismissal from the clerical state "ex officio et in poenam, cum dispensatione ab omnibus oneribus e sacris Ordinibus manantibus". The pontifical decision must not be considered open to appeal".